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The Acolyte: Destiny (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Condescending drivel
16 June 2024
This is some of the most condescending and self-congratulatory drivel I have ever seen on television.

Not only do many of the character decisions make little sense, there is an undertone of messaging to this episode that I think is wholly unwelcome.

It is particularly surprising to see this when Star Wars under Disney is already seen as prioritising quantity and "the message" over quality storytelling.

But it is especially revolting to see Lucas's work undercut in this way. I am seeing a trend in stories now that seek to morally undercut and revise history. The intent is to undermine the earlier stories on a moral basis, something I find repugnant.

The implied message from the show runners is: "No, character X, you weren't the original hero of this universe, here is a *true* hero, that *really* deserved attention, but history tragically ignored."

Again, the intent of this is to destroy faith in the earlier (and far more successful) stories, and to destroy any sense of learning and positive uplift that those stories provided to audiences.

Self-congratulation is not a basis for quality storytelling.
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Dune (2000)
The greatest school play ever filmed
11 March 2024
This is an improvement on the 1984 film, and there is much to like here. The characters are better cast than the first adaptation, and the performances are good too. It is still to this date our best visual rendition of the later books, too.

The mini series format allows for a broader sweep of the Dune narrative without having to resort to 1984's montage scenes.

The effects are typically 2000s. The costume design is... how can I describe it? Search for the guild navigators scene on YouTube. Flamboyant is maybe the best way to describe it. It is extremely jarring and takes you out of the story.
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Batwoman (2019–2022)
Dislikable characters all around
19 July 2023
I'm not at all surprised to hear that this show tanked and got cancelled. It is an almost perfect case study of how not to write sympathetic and likeable characters. I don't know where this trend of smug, arrogant, and morally judgemental characters has come from, but I hope this show's failure will convince writers and execs that it is a losing formula.

If this show is useful for anything, then I will repeat myself in saying it should be used as a case study in writing classes for how not to write characters. It is not a worthwhile show for entertainment, but for education. It is a cautionary tale of a bad story idea being rammed through to production - don't let them get away with this any more!
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Andor: Rix Road (2022)
Season 1, Episode 12
There was an opportunity here
23 November 2022
I loved "The Eye" episode but honestly this finale felt a little melodramatic. Huge potential in that mid-season episode that felt squandered.

The decisions the Imperials make feel like they were written by a student who had just read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" for the first time.

I'm not actually sure if anything interesting happened in the episode. Was this an attempt at a cliffhanger for the season? It did not feel satisfying.

Yes, there is an interesting post-credits scene at the end that people will excite people, but I don't think that alone rescues an entire 50 minute episode.
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Feels like a Family Guy parody of Thor
7 August 2022
A fun and enjoyable romp for Thor, Jane, and Valkyrie. Gorr had a decent arc, too. But it felt like the creative reins had been significantly loosened on Waititi since Thor: Ragnarok. This is a lot less serious than the other MCU movies we've had, and not quite as cohesive a story as before. Throwaway two-hour movie that doesn't make you think, and doesn't command your undivided attention.
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The Orville: Lasting Impressions (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
Beautiful episode
12 June 2022
A beautiful episode about love, in its simplest form. Some parts of it nearly made me cry, as silly as it sounds to write that. Parts where crew were sceptical were handled nicely.
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Stay Close: Episode #1.8 (2021)
Season 1, Episode 8
Show, don't tell
18 January 2022
This episode is a great example of why writing teachers caution their students against exposition dumps. I guess writers still do it because it salves their ego to bamboozle the audience with an incoherent mess of events and contradictory information.
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The Good Place: A Chip Driver Mystery (2019)
Season 4, Episode 6
20 minutes of finger-wagging
6 October 2021
An awful episode filled with stereotypes and barely-concealed finger-wagging. Am I supposed to agree with the characters bullying another character into thinking like them? Nope, but I'm sure that the thoroughly straw-manned behaviour of that character will make some agree with that. It didn't advance the plot and made the characters thoroughly dislikable. One to be forgotten in an otherwise great season.
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Grey's Anatomy: Tell Me Sweet Little Lies (2006)
Season 2, Episode 14
Am I supposed to like these characters?
2 October 2021
Lying, manipulative, and irresponsible behaviour is not the way to get an audience to bond with a story's characters! Forging signatures, yelling at bosses, and emotionally manipulating one's housemates-these are horrible people!
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My Name Is Earl: Get a Real Job (2007)
Season 2, Episode 22
The American dream
18 April 2021
Wonderful episode showing how hard work and positivity beats resentment and bitterness.
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Bones: The Soldier on the Grave (2006)
Season 1, Episode 21
Refreshing to see some balance
16 April 2021
After seeing how shows have started shoving political messages down our throats, it's nice to see a show from a different time, when there was some semblance of balance and respect for other people's views.
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Raising Hope (2010–2014)
The Burt and Virginia Show
1 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Very funny and easily watchable show.

Jimmy pursuing Sabrina is engaging and hooks you into the story. Once Jimmy marries Sabrina and they move out, they quickly fade out of the story and it becomes all about the Burt and Virginia.

They are both funny characters, but I feel there was a lot more to explore about Jimmy, Sabrina, and Hope. Given there's lots of throwaway episodes in Season 4, this feels like a bit of a shame.

Although there is a lot of good humour in Seasons 3 and 4, not an awful lot really happens across this time. Burt and Virginia go on a bunch of fun adventures the whole time, with a very last minute subplot that moves them all away in the final two episodes.

Could have gone on for a bit longer, allowing more space and time for developing Jimmy, Sabrina, and Hope. The ending as it stands feels quite and leaves a lot of plot questions unanswered, though it does let the series end while it was still entertaining.
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John Adams (2008)
One of my favourite historical series
25 February 2021
There is a lot of excess romanticism and foul slander about the Founding Fathers, but this series expertly does away with both of those. The story of John Adams is inspiring and rousing - especially in the second episode, my favourite - and puts you into the reality of the history we often hear about. Both Giamatti and Linney put in faithful and sympathetic performances that capture the relationship between the two Adamses.
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John Adams: Independence (2008)
Season 1, Episode 2
"A republic of laws, and not of men..."
25 February 2021
This is my favourite episode in the mini-series. It takes you right into the story of American independence as an observer, avoiding the romance and some of the foul things now said about the Founding Fathers in equal measure. Rousing, inspiring, and entertaining, all in one.
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New Girl (2011–2018)
10 December 2020
This show has some fun moments, and a few episodes that had us laughing out loud.

Every character progresses except Jess, the main character. This show felt like more of a platform for Deschanel to lecture the audience.

Her character Jess never sees that her attempts to help consistently make things worse, and then gaslights her friends into feel guilty about the messes she puts them in.

Nick, Schmidt, Cece, and Winston all deal with their issues and grow as characters.

It would have been nice if Jess also progressed, or even realised where she kept going wrong.

That being said, the ongoing jokes are funny and make you feel like you're watching real friends.
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