
8 Reviews
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Ox, Midge, Jerry and Saul...
15 November 2018
Peter Boyle,Micole Mercurio, Jason Bernard and Jack Warden. They have all left us. And while I'm sure they have done bigger things, I am so grateful that they leave this great movie behind so we can enjoy them together in such a heart warming movie. Every person in this movie is just so lovable and endearing. Granted, there's nothing here to be taken seriously, but that's okay. It's sappy, Hallmark-y, only slightly plausible, and highly unlikely that everything would align so comically in real life, but it's a quirky comfy, warm and fuzzy escape for just under two hours with a family you will fall in love with. And I wouldn't have replaced a single actor anywhere in it.
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Queer Eye (2018– )
Finding it hard to stay into it, amid embarrassing distractions...
16 February 2018
OK hear me out. I am COMPLETELY against shaming anyone for their overt mannerisms. What we label as "straight acting," "butch acting," or "fem acting," it's all good by me. There's no shame or embarrassment in a gay man who acts feminine. There is however, plenty to be embarrassed by in a gay man who acts like a 9 year old girl. I don't want to type out a name, because I hate that. Let's just call this a reference to the guy who has stepped in for Carson. Carson was fem, but Carson didn't ounce around on set like a teeny bopper on a sugar rush. As a gay man, I support that these guys are representing our culture. But we (in the show's target age group) are adults, and as such, I would prefer to be represented by a professional adult. Not an overgrown toddler. This guy alone knocked 5 stars off of my rating.
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Great 80's cheese
25 April 2003
Lily Tomlin has so many comedic talents. And they are all here in this film. Dry wit, dual roles (she's good at that), Ernestine the operator, Edith Ann, the little brat (in a deleted scene). Pure enjoyment. I remember seeing this as a kid. Now as an adult, I enjoy it again, being able to catch little pieces of the humor I never understood as a child. An adorable comedy is all this is. I read so many of these user comments and find too many people looking for some sort of message or spiritual enlightenment or an answer to the meaning of life. Get real. It's cute. Just enjoy it.
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Beautiful movie
21 April 2003
Based on the previous review, I would like to say that not having taken the time to TRY and find so many indiscrepancies and weak points that I found this to be one of the most beautiful movies ever made. The cinematography was amazing, the actors and actresses WERE the characters, not vice versa. This film showed me all I needed to know about each character to fall in love with them. To feel what they felt, laugh when they laughed and cry when they cried. If there was anything lost in the timeline, it was explained in the narrative. The true sign of a good movie is when you are so into it that you are there with the characters. I was not in the theater, I was in Kenya.
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21 April 2003
This is one of the greatest films I have seen yet. I can watch it over and over and catch a new thing I missed the hundred times I had seen it before. I can watch it over and over and still bawl like a baby at the ending. And I don't cry at movies. It is so sad that this movie did not win any awards. It was nominated for several awards but no winners. Any movie that can take you through as many emotions as this one does deserves the oscar. It's funny, sad, dramatic, suspenseful (Celie gonna shaaaave MISTAH!), thought provoking, angry and touching. Don't rent it. BUY it.
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More than just a slasher flick
8 April 2003
Come on, slice and dice flicks are just that. But this is more than just a slice-and-dice flick. Not only does the killer in this film use a number of creative ways to kill her victims (as well as a number of creative ways to throw suspicion), but this movie has an actual story line. Because this movie jumps around in its time frames, it leaves you wondering: what happened when, and is what is happening happening now or in the past? At different points in the movie, they find you suspecting each character of being the killer - until each of them is killed off. Sure, when we find who the killer really is, it's a little far-fetched, but the story that led to the ending was a creative one.
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Married to It (1991)
A great "circle of friends" movie
29 March 2003
I loved it. But then you have to love this KIND of movie to enjoy it. It's not an epic motion picture, it isn't CGI laden, it's just a movie about people and the relationships and camaraderie they can form in spite of their vast differences. This is one of those movies where at least one of the characters is so you, someone you can really relate to. Sure it's not for everyone, but I enjoyed it.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
15 March 2003
OK, I am a fan of horror films. I am even a fan of blood and gore, but the opening sequence was a little too much, even for me. While it was very well done, it was a little too well done for my tastes. Had I not been in the theater with a friend, I might have gotten up and left before the opening played itself out. But instead, I stood it out, only to discover that it just went from one extreme to another. Extremely BORING. The only one really cool scene that no one ever seems to talk about is the scene where the eroded ballroom actually restored itself to new condition. Fascinating cinematography.
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