
6 Reviews
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Lamest of the lame
15 December 2008
I expected much, much more from Steven Colbert and am shocked he would stoop to such a level.

Watching this was beyond painful - perhaps he meant to act over the top and ridiculous, but if that is the case it just came off as condescending and fake.

If I were a religious person I'd probably be offended.

This was just a stupid waste of time and it's amazing to me that anyone found it funny.

I'm sure a talent such as Colbert could have put together a funny Christmas/Hannukah special that wasn't so boring. Were the writers on strike again? That would explain a lot.
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I was quite disappointed
31 March 2007
After all of the hubabaloo about this movie I expected a lot more.

We couldn't see it at a theatre as it was only limited release here in Ontario Canada. We have no theatre in our town of 6,000. It didn't come to any of the towns a half hour drive north, east or south of us, nor did it come to the city an hour's drive north of us. We didn't want to drive on winter highways two or more hours to see it, but were quite disappointed not to see it on the big screen.

That is until we rented it days after it was released. We'd read such great reviews and heard from relatives who had seen it that it stuck with them long after they saw it. So we anxiously put it in the DVD player and then spent the entire time waiting for something awesome that never came.

It was an OK movie, don't get me wrong, but there was nothing special about it. What you saw in the previews was what you got. No deep meaning, no twists - just predictability. Maybe our hopes were too high, I don't know.

It's not a total waste of time, but not a fabulous movie either. Wait until it comes on the movie channel - I wish we had.
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Snapped (2005 Video)
No doubt tax dollars went into this utter failure of a movie
3 February 2007
The acting was worse than any porn movie out there. What could the people who made this have been thinking? It was as if they were trying to make a cult film and failed dismally. Characters were one dimensional, completely unbelievable and stilted. The main character's actions were utterly unfathomable - why she would do the things she does is never explained.

Simply put - dismally acted, pathetically directed, abysmally written. If I could possibly give this a zero I would have.

Why did I watch it to the end? I simply find it hard to believe that anything could be this bad and kept hoping for some redeeming quality. It was kind of like watching a 20 car pile up - you can't look away because it's so shockingly horrifying.

Don't waste any time or money on this disaster. All who had something to do with this should be banned from ever working again.
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The New World (2005)
One of the worst movies I've seen
22 January 2007
While the cinematography was wonderful, it just couldn't pull this tedious movie out of its slump. This was boring, boring and more boring and it dragged on and on. I kept waiting for something of interest but alas, no such luck.

It was as though the actors were half asleep the entire time they were shooting the movie. It was almost impossible to become invested in the characters and what was happening to them because the performances were completely one dimensional. No one was able to make me feel like I cared about what happened to them.

Glad I didn't go to the theatre to see it - would have wasted $20. Thinking of seeing it? Don't bother.
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Another case of too much hype not enough substance
17 May 2003
This movie was a huge disappointment, especially after all the fuss people made. The only slightly funny scenes were all in the trailer - you didn't need to watch anything else. It was predictable and, frankly, often boring.
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The Hunted (2003)
A total waste of time
18 March 2003
This movie has very little plot and what there is makes little sense. The villain of the movie has no motive for what he does, and the violence is for shock value only. It is graphic and does nothing to advance what plot there is. This is two hours of your life you will never get back. Avoid it at all costs.
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