
19 Reviews
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Very good adaptation
27 February 2023
I never played the game since I am a proud PCMASTERRACE gamer and not a console gamer, but the adaptation and the way they made this show is really spot on and really captures the universe.

They removed some features of gameplay which in the movies would be annoying and maybe a little illogical, like the gas masks to protect from spores (which then they would just instantly remove the second they left a "spore infected" area even tho you could still see particles of spores in the air) and overall I think it's very fun to watch and interesting. The main actor, I loved him since appearing in the Mentalist and always figured he might become a big actor. The female girl actor tho ... ouch. As much as she was amazing and showed character when younger and in GoT, she's obnoxious and annoying at every step in this show. Even her face expressions which is what's mainly wrong with her, are more cringe than "lovely fun teenager with an attitude". She's just NOT ELLIE. Which is very sad since she's talented and the show is really great, guess we're stuck with her unless we fast forward at one point and she's older.
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Planet Terror (2007)
Trolls rating this I guess
11 November 2022
There are actual good movies of this genre, which is zombies with tons of comedy and non-serious stupidity with 0 logic. And some of them I would rate as high as 9, like Shaun of the Dead or whatever it was called. But this? This is like Sharknado and a kid with a storyline that wants to include zombies.

It's iconic, just like a lot of other horrible movies, but it's a 3 at most if you are drunk or mentally challenged, so I assume someone made a meme about it, some big youtuber wrote a funny review and all his fans are just giving it 10s. Which compared to the few people that actually took the time to watch it for more than 5 minutes and then actually could endure coming online to rate it, I doubt it would be as many as there are recorded here.

It's so bad, I didn't even know the name, I just recognized the girl with the m4 as a leg.
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Horrible Poirot actor
23 July 2022
Like the over dramatization of the previous Poirot movie, they made this into more of a racial and lesbian "modern" issue, rather than the genius of how good the original is or the original TV show representation.

Watch the old TV show, that actor is 1000 times a better Poirot and also looked and acted smarter.

This is a horrible representation that makes Poirot look bad and also a horrible over-dramatization just like the Orient Express. Pure garbage as someone who read the books as a child and watched the entire TV show 5 times. The only extra star the movie gets is because it's a Poirot movie.
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The Batman (2022)
Not Batman
15 May 2022
Same as the Affleck movies, but this time without any reason to do so.

I get that in those movies, he was more upset and he fought Superman so he had to get stronger, in this movie, straight from the first fight, he walks in like he's a tank, rather than a stealth ninja with super strength. Which is NOT BATMAN. Even in the video games, where he's a huge buffed man, he still uses stealth. Here he just steps out WHILE MAKING NOISE ALL THE WAY OUTSIDE OF THE SHADOWS and then he fights them all, poorly and even manages to get shot at.

Also many people may have gated the Christian Bale voice, personally I thought and still think it's genius. Anyone that met Bruce Wayne in real life and then Batman (who again just walks around and doesn't fly or jump or hide or even scare cops at all) who is using his real voice, would know in 3 seconds that Batman is Bruce Wayne.

I will continue watching the entire movie, but this is clearly not a 8/10 either people are stupid or a lot of kids saw this movie and thought omg so kewl!

At most, I would give it a 5 if it has a good story and plot but besides that, it just uses the name of Batman to attract audience, it's not a Batman movie at all. It's an edgy teenager goth Batman without the league of assassin's training.
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Marple (2004–2013)
Just watch Poirot instead
18 January 2022
This series looks even older than the Poirot one, because of the deep Bri'ish language used and poor stories.

Even tho I am a huge fan of Agatha, I never really enjoyed the Marple character and her stories, when Poirot makes a discovery it's usually very interesting and well explained in a few words, Marple seems to take days to explain properly and it's never mind blowing or interesting. This remains true in the TV show apparently, I fell asleep mainly because it was boring and poorly illustrated, the language is also horrible and it's hard to pinpoint characters at first.

Marple is obnoxious and hard to understand even tho Poirot is the one with the French(actually Belgian) accent he speaks clearly and slow most of the time, meanwhile Marple goes full Bri'ish language mate.

The Poirot series, even tho it started earlier and is "older" has much higher quality and his character was always better and the actor playing him brought him to life perfectly.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Good Ones (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
Political bias and stupidity
20 August 2021
How many times do we need to tell Hollywood we don't care about their super liberal bias and political views?

I doubt they meant it as a parody but I feel like when Peralta says he's part of the problem after literally helping do the right thing (again) it's exactly what's wrong with the idiots that claim they are right. No matter what you do, you are a villain and the criminals or people who refuse to comply with a simple search or in Floyd's case a WARRANTED ARREST are the good guys.

I would love to see Hollywood live in the hood with thugs and bad guys with no cops. But instead they lock the gates to their world and keep those bad guys away, while hiring cops or bodyguards to make sure they never interact with those people.

Same way at award ceremonies they make sure nobody is there to touch them or harass them, since they are superior to normal people.

Pathetic. Just like this episode. I'm disappointed Terry chose to partake in something like this.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Better than expected
18 July 2021
While I usually dislike these movies and always find something to really hate about them, this one did a very good job.

It's not so happy and fun and "fantasy" like most of his movies. The only complaint is that he started to miss bullets once he used an automatic gun, regardless that it's a very bad automatic gun, he failed to think or aim.

Maybe it was on purpose.
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Chernobyl (2019)
Cheeki breeki iv damke
18 July 2021
This is why we have Stalker games.

Good show. Review is too short, as if you need to say more about something historical that happened so recent.
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Friends: The Reunion (2021 TV Special)
But, why?
18 July 2021
When you run out of money and ideas, so instead of making a season or 2 hours long episode about Friends in the future and how they turned out, you make this and overhype it 100 times in order to make money for a huge streaming platform.

Also this show and these actors are living proof that there is no "patriarchy" since 2 of the female actors (obviously Pheobe was a horrible actress to begin with) are a lot more successful than the men, after this show. And Rachel wasn't that awesome of a character/actress to deserve the fame she made for herself afterwards.
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The Break-Up (2006)
Someone please enlighten me maybe
27 June 2021
I mean I do not get how this garbage of a movie is so "high rated" and they got a nomination for the best on-screen couple or whatnot.

This is deplorable. I kept waiting for an hour and 20 minutes to see the guy change or even admit something's wrong. Now don't get me wrong, most romantic movies get me puking or rolling my eyes 10 times about how predictable it is. I hate the new wave of feminazi and I usually side with the guy who did one small thing while the woman can always do 100 bad things and it's somehow fine. I hate it. That being said, this movie can only have a happy ending and I don't think there will be one, if they break up and find someone more suited to them or at least someone that gives a damn and actually tries with her AND he finds someone who either doesn't care and they live in a cave or is good in bed and they do lots of that.

In my personal opinion this is what's wrong with most couples nowadays, one side doesn't care at all and takes it all for granted. Secondly the writer is mentally disturbed and had a girlfriend like this and somehow he still thinks HE WAS RIGHT so he made a movie about it OR he's now alone and pathetic and made a movie romanticizing how things would've worked out if HE DID NOTHING DIFFERENT BUT THE WOMAN STILL ACCEPTED HIM AND TOOK HIM BACK (like so many couples nowadays do).

Also I like the actor but his role and character, is just pathetic. It's so narcissistic and stupid that the writer of this movie thinks he's right and he's a "catch" and he's "funny" and also this really pissed me off, he's a GAMER. He's not a gamer and he's not a cool guy. Gamers aren't like this. The "new wave" of loser gamers that pick up "gaming" and play generic games all the time aren't gamers. Gaming is just more fun and better done nowadays so even the masses of people that can't even turn on a computer, are gaming nowadays.

Anyway, if you are a "cool" "funny" guy with 2 friends, one of which likes your ex better, then this is the movie for you. This will make you feel better and call your ex bad for not doing all the work on her own while you changed nothing and took her for granted.

I don't wanna keep ranting but ffs, we had "romantic" movies with SJP and she looks like a horse. And the guy bent over backwards and did everything to have her cause she was so SPECIAL. And in this movie with an actual cute actress and she tries to do the right thing ... I am pretty sure they will end up together even tho they are horrible and not meant for each other at all. That's not a spoiler, it's a romantic comedy ... DUH. Also haven't seen the end yet but doubt it will change my mind.
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wasted potential
23 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are no redeeming qualities to this movie. Except that it has cool zombies. That's it. Cool deaths, cool zombies. 0 logic. 0 plot. 0 character.

I mean what kind of logic is there when you run off like people always do. A nuke is about to be dropped in 20 minutes, you run on foot, not knowing that the place will be CONVENIENTLY empty, to save someone. And then what??? What was the plan there? Run by foot, or run back on foot, to the chopper??? They literally get away by seconds. So what was the plan? I will save this one person who was dumb enough to do something like this in the first place and then die next to that person in the nuke. That will show dedication!

At least at the end I expected them to kill the rich guy, but nah. Sad waste of money and potential. But then again it's a Netflix thing. So, mediocre garbage. Made to sell to the rich people that own Netflix and then run off. If you ever see a movie sold out like this to a big company, or if you see games given to Epic store exclusive, you know it's garbage and they don't care. They made the money and that's that.

Oh yea, the zombie boss has a small piece of metal on his head so instead of using their (what seems to be explosive rounds, hollowpoint +++) guns to destroy or explode his body in half, or at least weaken it, they shoot conveniently into the mask. Also. One bullet from those super accurate shooters, in close range, should hit the eyes. But nah. Nope. I get shot in the eyes wearing super heavy armor in video games a lot, but not this guy, this guy has armor that invisibly protects the eyes.

Really. Pathetic. No redeeming quality.
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Upgrade (2018)
Waste of a good idea
9 May 2021
While the entire idea is cool and the movie is cool, there is so much stupid stuff in this movie. And they always seem to chose the dumbest people for the job of "superhero".

Then again if the guy getting the upgrade was smart, he would probably become a villain, and then the villain gets stopped by a mediocre idiot like this "superhero" which is unrealistic and boring but makes every average Joe feel good about themselves.

There are many times where the guy or STEM should've just done super smart things like "hey use all your power to make my legs move only" or "write this stuff on my hand yourself cause you would do it faster". Also a super smart state of the art chip and the mind that created it, can't shut you down instantly the second you leave home or do something stupid? Please.

A lot of wasted potential so that average Joes feel good about themselves. The only reason it gets a 2 and not a 1 is that the idea itself is cool.
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The Walking Dead: Here's Negan (2021)
Season 10, Episode 22
This should've been the entire 10C season
24 April 2021
Besides the Eugene story, everything in this last part of the season was boring and useless to show. Even tho I don't mind seeing how life goes on without any fighting, the stories and "struggles" they invented to make the last few episodes were over the top stupid.

Then we get this episode that's so amazing I am actually mad. Mad that this was so short and didn't dove deeper into the story. We want more, we need more. And I pray the writers aren't going to do the same they did with the Governor, tho Negan has a lot more depth and character, he won't just go back.

Hopefully we get more stuff like this that ties up everything but hopefully not as rushed as this was. And hopefully they don't need to invent a lot more enemies and disadvantages like the loss of their guns (somehow) just to sell us garbage.
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Is this shait still on?
22 September 2020
I would assume like most political pressure for people who failed poorly and lied or messed up their job, to be fired or quit. But apparently this doesn't extend to the media where literally you can lie for years, be proven wrong and still hold an award for your lies.
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Don't watch if you enjoyed the first movies. Also you are not braindead.
3 September 2019
I finally figured it out towards the end of the movie, what this crap is. It's a streamer, playing with his fans. Most of them just do it to be live on his broadcast, all of them don't want to really hurt the streamer, they are all his biggest fans, they most likely could beat the streamer but it would make him look bad.

Literally the entire movie, no real spoilers cause there is nothing to spoil. Basically they don't wanna kill him, they wanna die by his hand, they love him and idolize him. So just go to twitch and watch any big streamer play games. Shroud is one of the best examples, he has 20 kills, 10 of which at least are naked fans that just jump out and let Shroud kill them. Only in this case, it's 20 out of 20.

Stay away from the movie if you want a serious and good movie or at least a decent cool calculated one like the first Wick movie. If you just want action and brainless fighting, go ahead. Also 7.7 hell no. 5/10 at most but I detest this illogical crap with plot armor, so 3/10 for me.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Are people blind when it comes to this series or what?
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I mean I thought the battle of the bastards was one of the worst battles in history/cinematography. But this one is so close it might overtake it.

The episode lacks any logic, and as the previous one did, it tries hard to make us all lose hope, which in fact is a dead giveaway that hope will prevail. And it does so in the lamest dumbest way possible.

The people that write for this movie, have no concept of warfare or anything. Their plan was to charge with the cavalry in the dark? Lucky the Red lady gives them light lol. Otherwise would they have had a different plan?? Doubt it. Charging head on with light cavalry has to be the dumbest thing ever, where are the heavy knights anyway?

There are so many plot holes and logic holes in this episode to fill a 100 page essay, it feels like the creators of the new Star Wars directed and wrote for the movie. And I am not saying this just from the perspective that somehow female protagonists are better, they aren't overall, it's just the lack of logic, lack of prior training, Theon the d*less and Sam the fat last longer and kill more than veteran warriors.

Also remember when GoT used to be cool cause it killed it's main characters? Well that was just a lie, since all of those weren't main characters. If you watch this episode, everyone that's a main character dies much slower than they should or not at all. Damn just watching Jon causes you cancer. THE GUY ISN'T EVEN WEARING ANY ARMOR, HE HAS SOME LEATHER ON HIM AND JUDGING BY THE MOVEMENT AND SUCH, HE AIN'T GOT ANY OTHER ARMOR! But who needs armor when you have plot armor. Same as battle of the bastards. So boring and almost predictable. Tho it's funny how Aria got out somehow evaded all those undead when apparently she was afraid to even take on one or two, and managed to do what she did, while every other enemy just stood there and watched.

Oh I forgot, would any of you land your fkn dragon on the ground in the middle of 100000 zombies to breathe a bit of fire? Or just fly close to the ground and do it? Apparently since the plot demanded drama and bullshit, she had to land her dragon and almost killed it. I haven't seen such stupidity since Idiocricy and at least that movie was a parody, should've been a parody of people that love and idolize this show also, especially the battles.

Then again, 99% of you have never read or watched a real historical battle or played a video game of real warfare. So anything you see is c00L I guess.
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Family Guy: Trump Guy (2019)
Season 17, Episode 11
Maybe it's time to retire
2 April 2019
You know the world has gone to hell when even Family guy becomes far leftist propaganda. I mean the simple fact that they show Trudeau as a good guy and a good president, is enough to make half the world puke.

Maybe it's time to retire Family guy and maybe erase this last season from history. We can pretend it never happened just like that one season of Scrubs.
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So bad it's actually good
25 January 2019
The only thing I managed to laugh at in this movie, is the bad jokes and the way they try so hard. But if you try to look at this game as a serious movie or a real comedy it's more like a parody and there are far better ones.

If you like cartoon comedy and movies where the imbecile main character wins or is liked by a super young cute woman, again, there are better older movies that have the excuse of being very old so you can appreciate the humor without having to cringe at every scene.

Transitions from super quiet scenes to super loud (music) ones, makes this movie not recommended for watching home at night. Or at all.

"1990 called, it wants it's jokes back"
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Criminal Minds: Wheels Up (2017)
Season 13, Episode 1
Climax and disappointment
4 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently this old trend, used by Prison Break most notably, to keep people on edge at the end of an episode and then make a predictable boring resolution the very start of the next episode, also now applies to seasons. Tho they have done it in the past, it was so poorly executed this time, I had to write this down.

Minor Spoilers ahead. So even tho, the smartest guy that eluded the FBI for a long time and played even their smartest guy, as a toy (tho praying on his feelings and we all know he's emotional) finally had the team at his mercy, he decided not to kill anyone (intentionally) and to kidnap the only person that knew where Arron Hotchner presumably was (because of a text). Even tho, a smart agent wouldn't just write the initials of the person he/she was communicating with at the end, they don't even say goodbye after talking on the phone for crying out loud! All of a sudden he/she got emotional and decided to write in her private message with only that person on the receiving end, his initials. And yet Mr. Scratch didn't figure it out.

Leaving that behind he had multiple hostages to take in, obviously no goody goody agent would tell the location of their beloved leader, so he could've hurt one to get the answer, since selfless agents would give their life to keep A.H. and HIS KID safe. Duh? He didn't. He just took one. Leaving the rest to come after him, regardless of the fact that even he could've seen that every case, every episode, they find the bad guy at the perfect second. Always. And yet he just went to a shitty location, close to where it all happened with no backup plan and not even an escape route.

Major spoiler ahead. And of course it all adds up that if the agent isn't afraid of death and pain, he/she will clearly tell him the location if he fakes his/her death. ONLY, *shocking*, he had the one agent that had a death experience and saw nothing, thus he/she realized it was all a game since the agent already saw death and it was dark, blank, nothingness. And thus spoils Mr. Scratch's plans. And so the long chase after their biggest enemy, comes to an end.

Maybe it's time to close this series or just turn it into a simple "one episode story" in which the team doesn't keep arriving at the scene, at the perfect time, so we actually have something to watch without knowing the ending 100%.

And since they couldn't let the bad guy win for once, Aaron, not dead, still won't return, which is the dumbest excuse for a cut out character, I've ever heard. And honestly, his serious and calm voice, were the best thing this show had.
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