
11 Reviews
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Slow-paced, plot holes abound
25 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Hats off to Elisabeth Moss for attempting to bring the kind of intensity and fear that would have been required for any semblance of horror or suspense. There is very little to excite the mind throughout a pretty trudgingly slow plot, and the villainous portrayal of a man in an invisible suit would work much better with a more realistic representation of the person in the suit.

Does it provide super-human powers to the wearer? At times his strength and agility while invisible seem outrageously overdone. Does this suit somehow afford him incredible speed to catch up to his wife who was in a car (and seemingly let him know just where she was going)? But most importantly, what is his endgame?? There doesn't seem to be much motivation for Adrian/Tom in the plot other than to simply torture Cecilia, which diminishes the story until the "surprising" reveal of her pregnancy. But even then, there doesn't seem to be a real goal to attain for them.

Do yourself a favor, give this one a hard pass.
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Lighten the *@#! Up
14 April 2020
Surprised how many people get so easily offended by a piece of work that is inherently fictional and designed to get you to think. I've now read several reviews that are aghast over the idea of an "Irish-like" group being represented by a wonderfully strong woman and her equally wonderfully life-loving father. Take away the accent, and what's the issue?? Should white folk be appalled by the Clone-based society being an uptight group of DNA thieves?? How dare they represent White people that way.......

For goodness sake, just as with the first season episode Code of Honor, (which I personally didn't hate, it dealt with the inherent differences in others cultures, albeit with a heavy hand) this episode is an allegory for our very species, the psychotic hairless apes we call humans.
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The Office: Paper Airplane (2013)
Season 9, Episode 20
Not a great way to try new things, producers...
8 February 2020
This episode is just a strange transformation for a show that has clearly run out of ideas. Manufacturing a terrible storyline between Jim and Pam by creating friction in a way that is not a part of either of their characters is simply lazy writing. It's as if they decided that once Steve Carell left, and when the Andy is a giant butthole storyline didnt work, they went with whatever else they could find to make people interested in the show. Jim and Pam were always a great love story, but turning Pam into an insufferable nag who finds everything that Jim does to be terrible and selfish, while ignoring any possibility for his and the family's growth and development, is pretty uncharacteristic of the amazing person we've come to know Pam to be. This episode, ending included, was unnessecary and quite frankly, poorly planned.
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The Office: The Whale (2012)
Season 9, Episode 7
Who the **** was Clark???
7 February 2020
Why did they bother bringing this guy in as a "new guy" when they are just dishing him up to Jan for most of the rest of the season. Silliness, and the storylines in this season have just gone bad.... thanks for turning Jim and Pam into a bad motif of marriage in this century....
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The Office: The Boat (2012)
Season 9, Episode 6
Andy left? Or did Ed leave??
7 February 2020
When shows deal with actors who think they're better than they are, there are ways to handle it. This wasnt it. The Nard-Dog is just terrible in these episodes
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The Office: Here Comes Treble (2012)
Season 9, Episode 5
Too damn much Andy...
7 February 2020
Andy was one of the best start-up characters, but this stupidly overdone version is just terrible. Also, thank you writers for turning Pam into the worst supportive wife or partner ever.......... how did you idiots manage to make one of the most liked people on the show so negative and unforgiving to her amazing husband?? Bad decision
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Haha, oh my God....
24 January 2020
Just wretchedly terrible. Take anything that's good about a movie, watch this, then understand why depression it's rampant in this world. I had hoped that this might be even remotely fun, sadly.... I was wrong. Save yourself the time and get yourself a premovie memory enema
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Skin of Evil (1988)
Season 1, Episode 22
Just bad
17 January 2020
Wow......... always thought that ST was about understanding, exploring and the thought that the universe was more than just black and white, solid or liquid, good or evil

This episode reeks of religious undertones, and the villain is terrible, nice voice...
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Star Trek: Voyager: Prey (1998)
Season 4, Episode 16
Find yourself a military show
7 December 2019
This episode was very well done, though writing could have been improved on a little bit. I will admit that this season has taken a large step up for the series, but I have found the early episodes with Seven of Nine a bit difficult. Ever heard the term OP in gaming? Seven is the Over-Powered character of the Voyager series; overly knowledgable, super strength, technologically advanced. Jeri Ryan is an amazing actress and once Seven as a character begins to grow and expand, the episodes she features in become much better. This episode also showcases an excellent Tony Todd, albeit almost completely unrecognizable as the Hirogen hunter.

However, I have never understood some reviewers obvious disdain for Captain Janeway throughout this series. Some seem to insist that she lay a course for the Alpha Quadrant and let that be that. No research, no discoveries or curiosity. Would this make for an entertaining show for you then? Episode after episode of ships maintenance and officers log reports?? Yawn.

Yet still, others have complained that Janeway is not forceful or aggressive enough. Is there a problem with compassion? Would you prefer a militaristic version of ST along the lines of Battlestar Galactica? Fine, it already exists.

One of the best aspects of the Star Trek universe as originally envisioned by Gene Roddenberry was the idea of EXPLORATION, seeking out new life and new civilizations... yes I'm quite sure I've heard that somewhere before. As for the crew that reviewers get so touchy over, they signed up for Starfleet, they knew the risks of job. To Janeway's credit, fighting what would appear to be an overly hostile ENTIRE quadrant, she has managed to keep a crew and ship together against terrible odds. Facing very difficult decisions on a nearly weekly basis, finding the balance between duty and compassion, hostility and peace, Janeway has done an admiral job with one of the most difficult situations in the ST universe.
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Spielberg's done...
30 April 2019
Soooooo, Spielberg WAS a great director? What direction did he effect on an almost entirely CGI work-up of an exceptional novel. The story itself is turned into little more than an over-actioned-out attempt to pull in money...... just sad.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Basically snuff
27 December 2018
This movie mumbles through the first hour in a seemingly endless walk to find some "troglodytes" and by the time action starts, it's basically self-indulgent Sadism. The gore is over-done, pretty much shock-graphics to try and cover for a mindlessly violent, and sorely lacking plot. Save yourself the trouble and boredom.
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