
5 Reviews
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Outlander (2014– )
Series is Ruined for many of us
31 May 2015
I would have given the series a 9/10, until the last episode of season one. This show was great, it didn't go to far in any way or respect. Their was absolutely no need for the horrific and sick Gay Porn in the last episode of Season One. It could have been done in a way that hinted to what happened, but the way it was portrayed was unnecessary.

I believe, even though the show has had a early renewal for a second season, this debauchery will sour many viewers. The viewership of the show will drop to a point that it will be canceled. It might be so bad that the show will be canceled a few episodes into Season Two. I am saddened by these thoughts. I am also very upset at the shows producers for ruining this show for me. I was almost at the point of throwing up when watching the last episode of Season One.

It seems Hollyweird is really pushing the LGBT agenda. This action is causing more Homophobia than anything else.
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This movie is NOT FOR CHILDREN
27 May 2012
I fully blame Hollywood for making us believe that this was a good movie for kids. IT IS NOT!!! The problems with society can be blamed on what our children watch. With the crap in the movies theaters and on TV today, our children are bombarded with messages that are not good.

The Hunger Games should have been rated R. Children killing children and showing it so vividly and up close TO CHILDREN is appalling and should be illegal. The people in Hollywood that thought this movie was a PG movie should be horsewhipped and jailed. Why is Hollywood so intense on desensitizing our children?? Can people not see this is the reason our children have become so violent??? Parents!!! Wake up and get more involved in what your children watch. As this movie has proved, Hollywood is surely not out for our children's best interest.
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Love's Everlasting Courage (2011 TV Movie)
Great Family Movie - With a Message
27 May 2012
This isn't an action movie, a blood and guts gore film or a sex filled mystery. It is a movie about good things in life: Love, Passion, Courage, Honesty, Forgiveness, Integrity and Honor. We need more movies like this, movies that teach good not movies that corrupt our children.

It is so hard today to find films like this one. My daughters get mad at me when I want us to watch an "OLD" movie in black and white. It is very hard today to get children to watch something worthwhile. I remember when TV only had "GOOD" stuff to watch. This brings me to something I am confused about... a low rating on IMDb. I guess society has been so corrupted that it can't see good anymore. This movie should have a rating of 9 or 10. Special effects, blood and gore, sex and constant action shouldn't be what is expected in our movies. We cannot just blame the movie industry....we have to blame ourselves as well. On the other end of the spectrum, we fully blame the movie industry for tricking us into thinking that movies like the Hunger Games were great. I was so sickened when I watched it, I couldn't even finish it. The Hunger Games should have been rated R and we should have been told the truth in the previews and advertising of it. Shame on you Hollywood for exposing my daughter to such horror as children killing children. I will not let my children see another movie until I have seen it first. My trust in Hollywood is less than zero and if the country continues on its present path, I am sad to say movies will become more immoral and less about teaching good. Again, I say we need more movies like Loves Everlasting Courage, if we are to ever be good again...
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Good Show, Except....
28 January 2012
I really enjoy this series. It is very realistic. I believe this will help the people in the US understand what our military personnel are up against in Afghanistan and other parts of the world.

I however, did not like the way the EOD personnel handled themselves with regards to the task they were performing. At times, they were borderline incompetent and or were acting cheesy. I would expect better discipline for a special group in the service.

When you are on a mission, you need to be focused. Not following SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) or personnel not communicating with each other is unacceptable. You are dealing with other peoples lives.

I can understand that they sometimes have to blow off steam in certain situations to cope, but come on people, get serious when you leave the base on a mission.

Having not been in the military shouldn't have any bearing on my review/opinion of the series.

I am anxiously waiting for Season 2, Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan" (2012) to start. I hope the things I have commented on improve. I want to see our servicemen be the best.

God Bless The USA and The Military
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Bellflower (2011)
Slow and drawn out
7 November 2011
I'm not an expert on Directors and such, but I do know a bad movie from a good movie.

This movie started slow and I waited and waited for it to pick up, and it didn't. I had to (painfully) keep watching to see if their was more to this movie, and before I knew it it was over.

I am very perplexed that this film has a score of (6.3) on IMDb as to me its rating was closer to (2). I am starting to not trust the rating system here to help me find good movies.

I would rate this as movie to watch if there isn't anything else to do....
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