
11 Reviews
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Firebird (I) (2021)
Oye vey!
16 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I read another review, and he said there were confusing scenes that needed further clarity! (I was too!), so I bought the memoir of Sergey Piot's (?). I thought I had the wrong author! The book and the movie are totally different! Why oh why did they present a sanitize version over the actual story line? For starters, Lusia seems to be a 'loose' woman, having had several abortions; she is the daughter of a general, and apparently she forcers Roman to do the manly thing, and marry her! The baby is a still birth! And there are other characters who enter Roman life, who he befriends who pull at his heartstrings, so much so, they become. The conflict between them and Sergey! Roman's quandary was he loved his family , friends and his career as a pilot, at the same time his love for Sergey! He loved Sergey with all his heart, but the pressure of the others., for his love, forced him to make this heartbreaking decision!
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Chance (I) (2020)
confusing and paucity of character development
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with those reviews, this movie spent too much time developing the story line when he was 6! We know little about his girlfriend, Brooke, or the victim, Colton! Also, who started the bullying, certainly not Chance! Apparently, it must have beeen one of his buddies, at Chance's direction!

His suicide , seemed to lack a convincing reason for doing so! They could have expanded the budding bromance between Colton and Chance! But, I guess, that would have put a new light on his relationship with Brooke Since this movie is based on true events, facts may be blured due to what could be available by the circumstances surrounding the 'EVENT!

I agree, Chance and Brooke had no chemistry between them!
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Poor Hugh!
10 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Fortunately, I had to watch this film twice, to understand it's sad conclusion! At first, my sympathies were with Collin, a person trying to find himself in this world! He enviesr Hugh's co9smopolitian lifestyle, a lifestyle he wishes he had! But on second viewing, I came to the conclusion that Collin was bored with Hugh, and wanted outt to explore other relationships! Why, there is a scene at the party, where he has eye contact with one of the male hunks, and visualizes making love to him! Collin is a potential cheater, a egotist who knows his physical appeal, and needs to flaunt it. Too bad he couldn't be honest with Hugh at the beginning, to save him (hugh) the heartbreak!
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10 Year Plan
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The whole premise of this movie, has several holes in it, that leaves a viewer, like myself, saying: "wait a minute!" In the first place why would Brody pick a date so far in the future? Even in one year, that's asking for a lot! I am gay and in a relationship 45 years and still going strong! From my considered experience with gay relationships and my questions about this one stem from this experience! To begin with, gay relationship when entered at a young age are facile! So, Myles, trying to find Mr. Righ, for a long term one is unrealistic! Also, we know little about the two. What background do they come from? I can guess: Myles, rich and cultured! Brody, working class! How did they meet? Was it a one night stand? Did they have sex? (or I am saving myself for Mr. Right?)(Ha!) The narrative leads us to believe they both fell in love with each other, but both can't express that love for fear the other will reject it! (MHO). The puzzling thing about Myles is he is carrying the torch for Brody, and yet wants to leave him and the home to start over! However when the denouement takes place.,he almost pushes him away and only accept Brody if he promises to be trust and truthful! (After 12 yEARS, he doesn't know Brody that well?) Anyway, my final take on this relationship, they will have a short lived one, because after the bloom of sex, Myles, idea of love is distorted by his romantic idealism of love! (Maybe, they should get another napkin out and write: MYles, when you grow up, call me, I'll be waiting!"
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Beyto (2020)
Beyto (2020)
3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
My reviews are not too concerned about production esthetics, as most reviews are! Mine concern is the narrative! Does it convey truths or untruths? Having said that, my take on Beyto was right on! The script showed how a stifling, traditional culture can override an individual's right to choose his own path in life! It showed how his mother ws denied this path, when she was forced to marry Beyto's father! But her acceptance did result in actually loving him! (one for 'their side!') When Beyto gave in to marry his boyhood girlfriend, I kept my fingers crossed, that he would stand strong and not give in to this overbearing culture!

Ironically, it seemed (forgot her name)his bride was also a free spirit, and only married Beyto to satisfy her father wishes! But both were in a Delima, if they acted on their true feelings , they faced ostracizing by the village (their parents) and if they stayed, they would forever have to live a lie!

I didn't! Why? We had two people caught up in a Whirlpool of conflicts, and both trying their best not to hurt the other! And both realizing they had to see the other's point of view!

I also agree that Beyto's Swiss lover (Steve?) was a bad choice, he appears self centered, paranoid and jealous! If there is a sequel, to this movie, I'll bet he won't be in it! (Ha!)
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Oasis (II) (2017)
A cowardly act
10 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I disagree with most reviews, re: the ending. Before getting to that, I was impressed with Matthew Lynn's acting chops. His background is cinemaphotography, and this was his first acting performance! I think he should keep acting, and, no doubt, will develop a following! The ending is ambiguous in that he is still hallucinating (from the drug he and Oliver took), so two scenes where he is carrying out his wife's demands, are only in his head and it isn't till the end when he receives another phone call from his wife telling him he must do Oliver in and implies she will expose him to their families and friends (he's gay for Oliver) and lose her! After the last call, you can see that he has to kill Oliver, for if he doesn't, his whole world will crumble around him a price he was not willing to pay! (Poor Oliver!)
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Glamour Dolls (2016)
To Be or Not To Be-friend,Lover or self absorebed Pr**k?
31 October 2020
The relationship between the two protagonist is unclear to me. Did Ben reveal some intimate details of their early life together to that magazine writer to suggest they may have been on the DL? I say this as Adam called him on it after the interview was published. Also, they were rent boys being pimped by the Drag Queen club owner, and it seemed they, at first, had female clients. But it seems Ben would take on a male client only because he owed' his pimp' a favor.. But sometime after being 'flatmates' Ben starts dating a woman! (Much to Adams disgust!) And when Adam tries to kiss Ben, he is rebuffed! That incident is what causes Ben to move out. Yet Ben plays the passive role in sex scenes with his GF. Maybe both are Bisexual with Ben leaving 'that' behind in his pursuit of a writing and acting career and Adam hanging on to 'it' in hopes Ben will return.? I think the ambiguity of their relationship is what motivates the narrative of this film and the tragedy that follows!
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BoysTown (2008– )
'Boystown-Ego laden'
8 August 2020
To be honest I skipped over all the 'couples' except the relationships involving: David, Jake and Chance (&Ryan).. Why? They presented the vagaries of gay relationships! in full color and why it is extremely hard for a young gay couple to stay true to each other! I am gay and (fortunately) in a relationship 42 years and still going strong and can relate to its problems. I like to call the 'problem' "raging hormones mixed with an oversized ego!" Now that gay marriage is a fact, check out the number of gay celebs. who are divorcing just after a short (some cases brief!) marriage and soon getting engaged to another Teink and doing the PDA thing! With this in mind, it was perfectly explored in their relationship! However I fault the denouement in that it shifted gears too quickly and made the relationship between Jake and Chance as almost a 'one night stand!'
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The Surface (I) (2014)
Treading in Water
11 May 2020
I was looking for another movie with the same title, and the only movie that was reviewed was this one-,so, o.k.. I though I would give it a go! I did not know the motivation of Sean, at first I thought he was just going out for an afternoon cruise, and, of course, it was almost half-way through that you find he was planning to do himself in! This is the problem:we are not made aware of his angst, again, only after quite a bit of dialogue has been expended . This is also true of Kelly-it's (angst) covered almost superficially, so we don't feel his pain. All in all, this could have been a much better film had we been made more aware of their sense of despair and loss! The acting was top drawer and with a more in depth understanding of their plight, I would have rated it 7 stars.
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The House of Flowers (2018–2020)
House of Flowers
10 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is one amazing series: Funny but also insightful in how lies, deceit and facile personalities can bring chaos, hurt and destructive consequences to those who use them as a means of furthering their flawed objectives in life., Consider Julian- he confesses his love for Diego, but yet he betrays him with a sexual encounter with the wedding planner! He try's to straddle his sexual identity by identifying himself as Bisexual , thus opening the door to having a tryst with the girl he obviously has taken a liking to! To compound the betrayal, he lies about it to Diego, thus opening Diego's eyes to the fact that Julien is not sincere in his love for him. This is but one example of what is happening in this family and the missteps they take to try to resolve their dysfunctional lives!
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Midlothia (2007)
2 January 2017
Embarrassed to say, but I saw this movie twice, and oddly, didn't remember anything about it when I first saw it! However, the second viewing really sunk in and can't say enough about it! The acting was excellent and the narrative introspective and compelling! My only criticism of the story line is that we don;t have enough information on Fred (and Bill) to understand their subsequent reactions to one and another when confronted with certain truths! The ending, although realistic from the point of view of the narrative, left me questioning Fred's true feelings and that sometime down the road, he will have another clarity of thought and revisit his past.
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