
2 Reviews
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Professionals (2020–2022)
Everything Writing, Music, event Titles are from 1995
25 December 2020
It would have been an 'ok' show in 1985, but man it reaks of on the nose, quipy unfunny dialogue, horrible cheesy soundtrack, yawn worthy cinematography and flat non-dimensional characters.

Cring worthy at best, better to go back and watch Burn Notice or A-Team, or any 80's or 90's action show, at least you'll enjoy the retro-ness of them~!
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
After school special
22 August 2019
Frankly I've not been a fan of Black Mirror for a while but this episode was super fun! It leans into it's after school special roots and speaks to the nature of fandom. I'd buy an Ashley 2.0 if it cussed and swore !!!
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