
14 Reviews
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funniest flic in some time...
29 December 2010
Relentlessly funny, with scenes that I know I'll never forget, I just can't fault this movie, you tune in not expecting much and it just pummels you from start to end. This is one cult-classic sleeper hit and a whole new xmas movie tradition.

And I just have to rave over the 'piney-puke' scene, and you will too, but that had to be some story gag that never found a good home till now, because it's simply priceless...

And to Jason Jones and Mike Beaver, please, please, please, walk away, never even think 'sequel', it can't be done, and on the other hand, I so hope to see more from you guys... bravo to cast and crew,
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A slamdunked cult classic with smarts to spare...
4 October 2009
It's the coming-of-age of a gum-chewing gumshoe, from geek to sleek, in the 'meanhalls' of the school that never sleeps. And as such, it's one hilarious genre-spoof that actually works on all levels, the kind that when you're not laughing out right you're grinning from ear to ear. I'd even say it drives a stake thru Twi'blight, especially in regards to the hyper-true-love-of-the-super-mature-movie-teens.

I loved the 'school as prison' backdrop- Shawshank meets Hamlet 2 sort of thing, but neither over-the-top nor under-fed. The bad guys are neither psychotic nor one-dimensional while the good guys (and gal), well, they're not angels and this, again, is pitch-perfect and so refreshing compared to the usual Hollywood polarization.. and kudos on the editing, the dialogue, the pace - everything really.

One questionable casting choice however is Mischa Barton. I can't seem to come up with a better alternative and she is OK but nothing more -as opposed to the rest of the cast. She seems to have some kind of acting-facial-paralysis, very noticeable in her last scene, and for her sake, I hope she learns to transcend this botox-haze she shares with Kirsten Dunst among others. But this is truly a minor (possible) blemish in an otherwise awesome little movie where the whodunnit is somewhat gratuitous but then, you wouldn't want it any other way.
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Cougar Town (2009–2015)
sex and the 'ville @ 45
25 September 2009
Cox will regret signing up for this show, and maybe the 'steve taylor' facelift as well... I thought she had the grounding and smarts to realize this show is abysmally uninspired and condescending to a fault, even by network standards.

Let's start with how perverse the backstory is, she drops out of college to marry and financially support her two-timing 'touring' loser of a manboy who knocked her up. Yet somehow along with raising a baby and enabling another one, she also pulls the 'never-worked-a-day-in-my-life' lifestyle of a soap-opera flippant with baroness in front, along with an invisible housestaff in some super-affluent smalltown USA, just like in real-life.

Took her only 16 years to dump her manboy over to the alimony plan, but being wonder-bread-winning-woman-with-Hollywood-body, it's all amicably resolved and besides, she just realized her libido is stretchmarked to network guidelines, as we're privy to a raunchy declaration of unabashed sexual yearnings.

Best friend next door -check, confidant sidekick -check, hunk across the street (& true (sic) love) -check, driest mama-boy on TV -check.

Predictable, creatively famished and unfunny in the deja-ad-nausea sort of way. But it will limp thru the first season and they'll pretend it's a hit and sometime before season 3 it will quietly go into the night, or screaming in agony if I had it my way.
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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)
brain hemorrhage for the brainless
12 September 2009
I have very violent wishes,to put it mildly, for the people and the network behind this nauseating rampant hormonic schlockfest... I think it's time we brought out the pitchforks and torches; for such an unabashed pile of Twi'blight, these cultural dope-peddlers should belly-crawl the plank off a skyscraper.

Seriously, how can they live with themselves? This is tripe on glitz, 90210 with fangs, undiluted pasteurized heartthrobia in a can. The acting is putrefied at best while the plot should have 'burial' in front of it, and yet, kids will gobble it up in their indoctrinated pursuit of social bling-bling and glam-glam and bang-bang. We owe them something way more substantial, and we can start by getting the dope-peddlers off the airwaves...
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Battle for Terra (I) (2007)
10 September 2009
I need to vent how much I loathed this movie.

This is the movie equivalent of braindead sockpuppet theater on a shoestring you'll try to hang yourself with. The plot runs a course a 4 year old can anticipate but won't due to its life-debilitating visuals.

Perhaps it's homage or fromage for 1995 CG, but hair ain't that big of a deal anymore, nor cloth simulation, but then again, you need professionals to get the right look happening.

Both in design and in performance, the characters were atrociously mediocre; ET eyes on a pinheaded spermazoid, come'on, digital tutors rejects could do better. And why 'floaters', except that animating walking creatures would have been way more labor intensive.. but that didn't stop our heroine from plummeting to the ground, maybe that's how her father winded up in a floating wheel(less)chair.

To sum it up, it takes a flaming liberal to cast humanity in the invading alien role of a soulless, cliché-festering b-movie for the gratuitous exoneration some 70 arduous minutes later. But it takes a village of sycophants to lend their voices to it.
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Shameless (2004–2013)
mindlessly fascinating...
23 July 2009
On the plus side, the children, coming into their own, before flattened to a crispy 2 dimensional caricature of their previous self.

And skipping the setup to the story, jumping into a plot that shifted into second gear works great --mostly in the first and second seasons, and then it turns contrived and repetitive.

By the third season it plummets down to pitching every conceivable personal and family secret humanity ever held and then some, with escapades galore and saccharinated closures by episode end. Alas, the shock value turns into a clown act.

And what's with the toast and jam? I don't recall seeing a single vegetable the entire series, it's second only to beer.

Any character that scores with viewers - moves right in or next door, or one after or into the van ... so the original neighbors and their relatives were sent packing. The cops are keystone corny and the baddest sociopaths have hearts of gold, dysfunctionality is glamorized and plots are wrung for all possible twists, and while love is always around a corner waiting for a quickie and 'survey says...', so's every other form of shenanigan... Racism is treated with TV respect, which is to say even the crazies are politically correct, drugs are sensationalized when not normalized, and I guess depravity happens to the best of us...

Too bad the suits insisted on milking this show for all the lemonade it could dish out.

1st season - 9/10 2nd - 8/10 3rd, 4th - 2/10
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The Broken (2008)
if it ain't fixed don't break it
10 June 2009
You gotta wonder how some flics ever get made... this one decided to skip with the why among many other things and just wanders off beyond the moot.

And yet you have a number of decent actors doing their best to pump some life into the story. The blue tint throughout the movie overshoots into 'yet again', which on its own would be depressing but here it's overkill. The idea that it's not a medical condition, not some house or gypsy or trinket curse but just something that for no apparent reason starts to happen to our protagonist and then to everyone else around her, just winds up being much like taking a big swig out of an empty mug. Some doppelgangers have super powers but others don't or don't know they do? It seems they're just as clueless as we are.

It's a poor man's rip-off of "Invasion of the Body-Snatchers" with Keifer Sutherland's "Mirror" and "The Sixth Sense", were you to seriously botch those three together.
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really bad and devoid of anything remotely amusing
4 June 2009
Where to begin..? Just how bad this mindless fiasco of a toon really is, I wish I didn't know. They tried way too hard and it backfires horrendously, the drawings may be OK, although I suspect Ubuntu looks smarter than the artist who made him up. There's absolutely no one you'd want to relate to, but you can make out a 'familiar guy' or two, however botched. As I said last time, imitation is sometimes also the sincerest form of felony, at least artistically speaking. I used to respect Mike Judge, at least for KotH, B&B never did it for me, but I'd take a week of Beavis over another Goode episode.
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Traitor (2008)
Far-fetched awesome and here's why
3 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I start with the ending, so major spoiler warning- ---------- You have to admit that the idea of 30 sleeper-suicide-bombers duped into boarding the same bus has a funny side to it. But it probably would not occur to you till way after the credits roll. Steve Martin had to contend with all the usual trappings such movies inevitably run up against, and he handles them decently, but in doing so he had to sacrifice some of the reality he attempts to portray. Here's a partial reality-checklist; 1. Sleepers awaiting their suicide-mission is ludicrous. The indoctrination is intense, the brainwashing is constant and up to the last minute, the candidates fit a certain profile and they would not function in normal society for a week, let alone for years on end. Albeit, the 'threat' must be insidious, exceed our expectations in some novel way and as such it's a passable premise.

2. The idea of a 'leak' within the agency is preposterous, we're well aware of lie-detectors, background checks, screening, etc. On the other hand, they have no choice but to level the playing field, the suspense/buildup would fizzle out were it to remain in first gear.

3. The obvious solution for Samir (Cheadle) would have been to neutralize *all* the bombs, having ample opportunities on his 'infidel-express' delivery route. Sure, that would have been anticipated and as such, anti-climatic, although it could have led to some great aftermath scenes of passengers tackling these individuals down. Likewise, some of the bombs did not go off, otherwise we would need to be told the sleepers were all on the same bus. Again, it could have played almost the same if at the last minute the camera traveled up the aisle, disclosing the plot-twist, yet here again, the bombers would have died in the bliss of their ignorance, much to our dissatisfaction.

4. Upon being apprehended Samir had no reason to pursue his 'role', the sham is tempered with a punch to the stomach, a weak one I'd say.

5. The computer-generated model of the second mastermind was just laughable, the idea being that some cutting-edge software is piecing together a composite so that once it completes the 3D render, they can close in on him, please... I guess it plays OK as a visual device, till you think about it.

Fighting fanaticism with fanaticism is one way to sum up this movie, while the moral may just be that you shouldn't. Either way, the globe-trotting scene-settings and the overall feel and snippets of the dialogue were first-class, I saw someone dub it the intellectual's Bourne, which is funny, considering how Ludlum's Bourne was deemed a cut above the spy novels of its time. We've grown too savvy for our own entertainment needs (sigh)...
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Folly Green Giant
17 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
For all the CG brute force on display, this is one lame flop-along of a flic. The same constructs we've seen in dozens if not hundreds of other movies are rehashed, and why? Because what can you really do with a raging bullfrog on steroids? A second, even bigger, bullfrog? A Dr.Jekyll & Mr.Hyde meets Beauty & the Beast in stretchy pants? The thinking man's King Kong on a self-help quest? They just can't help but fall back on the same clichés and feeble structure with good ol' time-warps to fast-track to the climatic fight scene -and prep it up for the sequel before rolling the credits. Depravity is when you have a super-bezerking giant on a havoc-spree toned down to pg-13. One-liners as motives for us to swallow; "You don't deserve the power!" and so much homage-fromage as filler, it's downright cannibalistic.

Cheesy hilights...

Two-dimensional bad-ass co-workers, what would heroes do without them? The babe they harass comes across as a cowering doe, nothing wrong with that I guess...

Overnight the Hulk runs from Rio to Guatemala, that's more or less from New York to Alaska. But he panhandles/walks the rest of the way home...

General-Colonel-whatever, answers to no one, heads his own shop for years on end, runs a military op in Brazil, on university grounds, NYC, no inquiries, no hell to pay, nada...

'Stanley' (clever, eh) the pizza-place... every home-coming-hero-on-the-run has one, older guy with a spare room upstairs, money to lend, keeps a tab on everyone- Banner; Is she seeing someone..? Stanley; "He's a head-shrink. They say he's one of the best(sic).. but a really nice guy..." (thank-you, Stanley..)

Bribing a security guard with a free pizza to not catch hell for a non-delivery on a pizza? Bribing another guy in the computer lab with second pizza..? How gullible and gluttonous and famished and broke must regular folks be made out to be...?

Betty's tag-along setup - "Well, at least let me walk you to the station."

Swallowing the disk-on-key before turning into the Hulk, how would Banner know the Hulk's stomach juices wouldn't dissolve or at least ruin it?

Of course the Hulk can't outright kill any foot-soldier, his rage is against machinery, movie-taboo exception would be anyone within contraption such as the helicopter crew...

Pawning a necklace to buy a second-hand pickup and pay for gas, they abandon the wheels because of roadblocks into NYC and then pay off some other guy to ferry them across... and then pay some maniac cab-driver for another, mindless, hi-speed sequence...

Abomination swatting all them blind pedestrians- blind because they're impervious to his standing there, his motive; looking for a real fight... soldiers trying latest shoulder-missiles, they don't work so they drive in reverse till they bump into pile-up, cab driver (must be that same maniac) drives right into 12' monster, fear-stricken soldiers stay in place while Abomination goes 'give me a real fight' before slamming cab into them...

The helicopter crash-lands into the church ruins, but try as they might to get out, an unconscious/dead soldier is propped in the only opening so that Betty exasperates in her struggle to escape as the fuselage catches fire (only for Hulk to hand-clap it out)...

For all the violence they inflict one on the other, and for all their super-strengths, it's an indestructible chain that allows the Hulk to subdue Abomination. And it's Betty that stops the Hulk from killing him, he's vanquished, right, so just let him be...they'll super-handcuff his ass to a super-cell till the sequel...

Every such finale must entail a crowd, no matter how preposterous for people to show up.

Hulk departs a la Spidey minus cobwebs...

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Batman Unmasked (2008 TV Movie)
Are you kidding me...?
22 August 2008
I never thought I'd critique a TV show, but... having a bunch of paperback quacks, a forensic consultant and a rabbi for crying out loud (author of 'Wisdom of the Batcave' - I kid you not - and the forthcoming 'Popeye; the Spinoza of Spinach') all parading their 2-bit pseudo-psycho-evaluation, while doing their best to circumvent that irksome little fact that we're talking about a friggin' 1939 comic book superhero, resurrected every so often as a movie character for nothing more than Hollywood payola (aarrgghhh!!)..

So yeah, it had me seething at the hifalutin posturing, the psycho-babble ranting and the conceited effort to pass this off as something more than an Access Hollywood reject.

Shame on the History Channel for hosting such an asinine, superfluous, steaming pile of.. bio-spoofing-mockumentary. Clearly a sign of the end of times.

Nice imagery tho'...

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Smother (II) (2008)
Condascending Sacharine Fiasco
13 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Whatever happened to Keaton is what I want to know.

Actually I don't, I crawled away, heaving, thinking she must owe half the bookies in Vegas, or maybe not, maybe she was just brainwashed, blackmailed and bored to death. Rich enough to adopt a third-world country, she somehow had to star in yet another cookie-cut, cliché-ridden drool'athon, based on the same character-franchise she's been rehashing since 'Father of the Bride'('91). You'd think she's going head to head with Mr.Bean.


So hubby (Dax) get's fired by obnoxious son of boss, his mom (Keaton)leaves his dad after classic row, and crashes over with her own dog-show in tow, oh those little rascals. Hubby's got cold-feet for diaper-duty, wifey's clock a-ticking and hey, let's toss in a space-cadet as second house-guest for good measure, all in one day because that's so funny and original. Wife gets fed up and walks away, mom leaves dad for space-cadet and the couple makes up in time for closing credits, 86 very long minutes later.

Now if you have to have a space-cadet, he can't be devious as well, he can't scheme some excuse for his stayover, and if mom leaves dad, she can't hop into a cab dressed as a pumpkin just because some scriptwriter agonized over how to cheer thing up.

Plus that gag whereby they invite her in only to then discover she's got her canine entourage in the cab has got to be outlawed by now. And you only get one obnoxious 2-dimensional boss to denigrate. Another movie-killer would be the movie-script the space cadet is toiling away at, supposedly more lame than the actual one, again, dejas-ad-nausea.

Liv Tyler doesn't seem happy here, her voice was weird at times, it had me wondering if they later had her redub some of it, and she's a smart one, she's handled great roles and we'll forgive her for Jersey Girl, it was disaster-prone, could happen to anyone. Dax Shepard was watchable and that's being generous considering the material.

Personally, it's the director, the screenwriters and especially the producers that I would love to see tar'n'feathered before shipped to Guantanamo as playthings for the prisoners, and that's me keeping this 'lite'.
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Pathology (2008)
Pathetic beyond belief
24 June 2008
It's that ol' new kid in school, taunted by heroin-chic clique running the asylum before joining them and ultimately turning, and you might say literally, the table on them. Except of course, we're talking doctors and not 'The Lost Boys'. On what drug-crazed planet do doctors bully-bump the new guy or throw 'speech tantrums', for lack of a better word? Or smack the suckup/looser doctor with a liver, in fact there's not even one real adult in the whole movie, it's the whole steaming repertoire of movie clichés and banality-galore, nauseating, condascending, ill-conceived blotchfest. No soul, no pulse, no rent, that's my say, -AG
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The OMG of comics
2 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hilarious hardly begins to describe this one of a kind genuine tour-de-Star-Wars-force (Luke: how strong? Vader: the strength of a small pony), in which, being the master he is, he doesn't even break a sweat, ingeniously sparing himself mascara leakage.. -and that's with almost 2 hours of whirling his way thru history, its birthplace, Europe, and more.

From Heimlich's middle-of-the-night, "I've invented a maneuver!" to the British Empire's " you have a flag..?" and ancient deadbeat gods, "Jeff! The God of Biscuits!" and many more, this is fish-flop-on-the-floor-to-jumpstart-your-lungs funny.

And I confess to having passed on this video dozens of times over the years, seeing as a British transvestite standup, vogueing on a chair, is one longshot of a rental after all, especially one going back 10 years now. And yet, the material is not only timeless but almost oracular, turning present day into nothing more than an amplified, funnier/sadder version of where we were at a decade ago, although come to think about it, that may just be a coincidence.
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