
5 Reviews
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New Twist On "Cinderella"
5 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect to like this film, but whenever it's on television, I'll watch it. It has most of the elements in the original tale, but Sam (Cinderella) actually has a brain and personality. I'm an English major and have experience in analyzing Children's Lit, so this intrigued me.

The original portrays Cinderella as a naive slave who attracts a rich guy and in the end gets her dream guy by being a stereotypical submissive female. In this version, however, Sam and Austin (the prince) both have similar goals which actually involve going against society's expectations of them. Austin is supposed to play the role of the sporty son of a business man, but his wish is to go to college and embrace his natural talent for writing. Meanwhile, Sam is supposed to have an unending life of servitude to her step-mother, but ends up getting into college (the same one as Austin).

One could interpret the college as the palace, but Sam is not permanently tied to Austin, as she ends the movie expressing that she's still young; therefore, this version could also be seen as feminist compared to its original. This story allows the Cinderella character to have her cake and eat it too.
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Great Spoof
24 September 2011
I personally felt it was hilarious. Due to the bad reviews on here I was worried, but I strongly disagree with those speaking negatively about it. Perhaps sexual humor just isn't for everyone, but sexuality was more open in the ancient world without the ridiculous guilt factor. I think that's what makes the sexual humor part even better. It mixes today's humor (sexuality, stereotypes, etc.) and pokes fun at ancient times. It also pokes fun at the film "Troy" (among others) which I personally liked, but again there were people for and against that film. So, from my view, I think those against this film were probably also against "Troy" etc. I'd say keep an open mind and it may surprise you! If not, to each their own.
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Discovery of Self and Society
7 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I still remember coming out of the theater when I was about 8 years old. My father was really surprised by how cruel the children in the film were and he asked me if that's actually how it is. I was more surprised by his reaction than by anything else. Yes, adults need to stop thinking childhood is all about happiness. Personally, it got me to write. At the time I saw this film I had gotten into writing fiction at about age 6. This actually gave me the idea to start journal writing and I have yet to stop at age 22. The way Harriet resolves things with her friends is a bit quick, but I think it's because the other kids become hypocrites. During my college Children's Lit class, we discussed this book and how Harriet is attacked because her thoughts become public. Everyone thinks negative thoughts about everyone else -- It shouldn't make her the target. Self expression is very important to everyone, I think that is a big part of what the story and film are about. Her writing and exploration of the society around her is just like any other child's. She just goes about it more directly.
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If You Want To Laugh....
1 June 2010
When I heard the previews on the radio every day upon the film's premiering, I thought it sounded bad. I had no interest in some movie where the girlfriend dumps her boyfriend and there's some joke about him being naked. That's about all the previews did for me. When it was on television, however, it changed my entire view of it. I came across it accidentally and I laughed the entire time. It's clever and ridiculous at the same time. Russel Brand is of course a genius at his character and Jason Segel is perfect at portraying a character he himself created. He chose his actors well and as a writer myself, I admire this piece of art! If you like shows where there's a variety of characters who play off of each other, this is for you!
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Wife Swap (2003–2017)
Horribly Overrated Show
1 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a Lifetime fan for years but recently more and more bad films get added to the list. Now, they've added a horrible TV show entitled "WifeSwap." It's always on during the day. It has to be the most boring and pointless show created. It tries so hard to be emotional and then fails miserably at having a point. It displays horrible families who aren't close with one another and then adds another family which is the polar opposite. Then, miraculously they're both changed after a week and there are tears for reasons I don't understand. If they wanted to create a show about changing families, it shouldn't involve forcing them to be with another family for a week. What it really shows is just how ignorant people in America really are. Please remove this terrible series!
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