
12 Reviews
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Ragada (2010)
action filled flick ....
18 April 2011
Review: the story was average. It did not have any impact, with some twists which were seen in 2nd half , left viewers awe struck for a while. The narrative was OK. The first half was good and set the momentum for the next half. But the graph went down and with songs at crucial points of movie turned it into a regular mass masala. The climax was not up to the mark as it did not create an impact. Screenplay was tight in first half and went down a bit in second half. Direction was apt. the lead cast got a prominent role to perform. Heroines were not utilized to full extent. Villains are there to shout and not perform anything in terms of action. Editing was crisp in first 30 minutes , then it lost the impact. Only two songs were catchy and was good to hear. Background score was apt. but a high voltage action script needed a better score. Cinematography was brilliant both in movie and songs. Comedy was good enough , but seemed overdosed. Action episodes are nearly overdosed. Cgi effects are good in first song and titles. Art department needs a special mention for some songs. In climax the visual effects seemed a bit tacky. Out of 4 action scenes, only first one was impressive rest all seemed very boring and did not give an impact. Finally ragada ends up as a good movie. It had all the elements to make it a hit one. But due to lack of any impact in story and songs , ragada could not make that mark. But is watchable once for nag king and comedy elements. Rating: 6/10
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wild animals
6 March 2011
Title: fantastic Mr. fox Punchline: wild animals Type: animation

Script: an average script. Mr. fox steals the chickens , refrigerated ones and alcohol from some peasants. They hatch a plan to kill fox. Fox obliges his mistake to his wife. He says that he is responsible for this and he will do anything to continue this. But mistake goes the other way. His son ash and cousin christopherson plan a secret route to bring back the stolen tail. This brings trouble and christopherson is been kidnapped by the peasants. Now fox and rest need to do save christopherson. What they do? And how they do ? is the rest of the movie

Execution: the two questions in the script are perfectly executed. Editing is quick and movie does not lose the tempo. Perfect execution. Nice ending scene.

Direction and screenplay: direction is good and narrated perfectly. Screenplay is gripping giving nice mood to the average script.

Casting: all the voices for the foxes and expressions by the animals like beavers rats and mice, rabbits are good. Their animation is perfect. Dialogs and action are perfectly synchronized.

Music and background score: the music is good. Background score is good during the tractor scene. Gun shots and explosions are reverberating and perfectly engineered. Cinematography: this is the main life to the movie. Nice sceneries , nice cities , nice shops and good camera work. All the scenes are perfectly captured.

Editing: very quick and movie has a short running time. Good editing and really works well with the narrative speed.

Cgi/ production values: the visual effects ( animation ) are good. Production values are worthy.

Entertainment value: a colorful rich treat for young children. With parents spending 90 minutes with them , this movie is a rejoice to watch during weekends.

Final analysis: the movie begins with fast paced narration and the first half ends well. The second half has a serious tone to the script and execution is perfect. The climax is good and will cause goose bumps for more to come. Overall the movie is a treat to watch

Rating: 3.75/5
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Brindaavanam (2010)
family treat
27 February 2011
the movie has doses of action, sentiment , romance , comedy and script the movie"s main defect is the length nearly it goes for 3 hours. so the defect is the editing. all stars perform well. some scenes will touch the viewers. overall a good treat to watch. direction by vamsi is good. some action scenes are commendable. the pre climax scenes are good. the sentiment in the last 10 minutes of the movie is driving factor for the movie. the climax is funny. a neat family entertainer for all. brahmanandam is OK. he has not got a good role. Jr ntr is perfect. heroines are good and suit well. the movie length is irritating. songs are perfectly picturised and taken. the dialogs are commendable. rest things are good and acceptable. overall the movie is good treat to watch with family.

final analysis: first half is good. second half is better. climax is good. finally the movie sets as a hit mark.
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Varudu (2010)
packed entertainer without logic..
4 September 2010
script: the movie is about hero marrying a girl according to the customs and traditions. suddenly on the day of marriage bride is kidnapped and why she is kidnapped and who kidnapped and hero bringing her back is the script~

allu arjun: he is glamorous in the groom get up and 2nd half his costumes are weak. his acting is as usual and this time less stylish rather than action mood and anger dominates.

bhanu mehra: she is the surprise terror of the movie. keeping her surprise had no sense and it was a stale attempt. she did not get a better role. so her performance is unaccounted.

arya: the villain for the movie is perfect. but his characterization failed. he was none other than a man with psychic character and muscular show off.

rest : they appeared and went. hero"s mother and father had a role to perform.

cinematography/songs : marriage songs were good. art department excelled in portions. 2 numbers had perfect CGI effects. rest songs came and went

screenplay/direction: director had come up with a nice plot. but failed to execute it in the 2nd half. the screenplay was good in 1st half. the second half faltered.

highlights in the movie: marriage sequences

family orientation

songs 2 numbers stunning

weakness in the movie: script half baked.

characterization of villain

poor dubbing synchronization

lazy direction without focusing on the flaws

hero yelling at villain all times.....

final analysis: the movie begins well and has mixed responses till interval. but the doubt is clear in the second half. its a dumb and profound movie that had nothing but routine work.. story is predictable just before interval. music is good in parts. background score had no grip. re recording and DTS mix had effects in the climax battle. its a under dosed packed entertainer with laziness seen in the direction.
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Leader (2010)
political movie
3 September 2010
script: leader is a brave attempt by director . he drives the movie really good and gives the movie a splendid finish. the movie is all about hero the son of chief minister of Andra pradesh who is an entrepreneur in USA. after the blast of his father , he decides to become c.m but cousin opposes him. after becoming c.m he faces many difficulties. how he overcomes and emerges as a leader is in the script.

casting: Rana is a pick for the movie. his dialog delivery and his height factor along with a stupendous look is the plus point. his lady love richa is OK. priya anand is supportive. suhasini manirathram is a good mother. kota is a stubborn and corruptive uncle. rest all apt.

screenplay: the movie in the first half , is well made and is fast.

the movie drags a bit in 2nd half. camera work is good.

action/drama: the movie is more dramatic rather than action oriented. there is no any action scene except a slap scene and some bullets along with a blast and fire scene.

songs/art : art work is apt. songs like vande mataram and leader title song is good. background score is well hitched. DTS mix at right intervals are apt. DTS mix is powerful during rain thunder storm.

final analysis: the first half is good to watch. the second half is a drag bit. though the climax is convincing. leader is a must watchable movie.
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Aadhavan (2009)
a watchable flick
5 August 2010
the movie begins well with a deep story to come ahead. but all the seriousness in the story is lost just after 20 minutes of the movie. suriya is a professional shooter. he can kill any person from any distance. he is been chosen to kill a judge and he misses the target. the police chase him and he escapes. he says that judge is the target for him and he will definitely kill him within 10 days.will he do it? or been caught by police! suriya is the sole performer and vadivelu steals the show. rest all did their job as per script. with many flaws in the movie, one can neglect its deep impact and just look it as a entertainer. the first 30 minutes takes off well. the next 1 hour is dragged and the story loses its seriousness.after intermission one expects the story to pick up again. but again for next 30 minutes boring slot. the movie"s last 30 minutes reveals the family drama and unexplainable and illogical stunts to get to a climax.

ratings : out of 5.0 story: 3.0 action:3.0 comedy:3.0 songs :4.0 dialog:2.5 romanc:2.0 editing:3.0 direction:3.5 cinematography: 3.0 (nice in songs) cgi: 2.0 ( younger suriya) casting : 2.5 suriya"S potential is wasted. my value : 30/45

total aggregate score: 65/100 final verdict: watch once and forget.
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Kites (I) (2010)
a journey from love to fate
5 July 2010
a nice story to tell. but narration failed in parts. dialogs were not audible enough. the lead actors performed for the potential. the movie stressed upon all elements like story , action , revenge , tragedy , etc. but the problem was none was used for full potential. the character of lead actor was too cheap. bank robbery , car chases , building assault , train escape , etc was all good with filled action. the songs were mild and touching with beautiful scenarios. the first number was spectacular and lead actor:s moves were mind blowing. a simple love story with cop chases and silence numbers. not a treat for Indian public. but definitely a watch. plus points: 1. songs

2. action

minus points: 1. story which was blank and stale

2. climax

3. no comedy at all. except some ullu Ki Patti"

4. no hot touches from actors for the public appreciation

5. cat and dog chase as usual most common nowadays. final verdict: just above average . can take a chance to go.
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Prince (2010)
it begins well and ends in stale
27 June 2010
the movie is about a person called prince ( vive oberoi ) who has done a biggest heist in life and suddenly he wakes up to find that his memory is lost. such a person is been chased repeatedly by fake Maya ( neeru sing and nandana sen ) . the story takes a turn when real Maya ( aruna shields ) enters the movie. then the movie gets the slow side and the concept is all about a coin that has a memory chip which has been used for prince. now prince will die in 6 days slowly . can he survive and destroy the gangsters behind him. watch out for prince. cast wise performance : vive is suitable for the role. aruna is good as Maya. sanjay kapoor has done a neat role. Issiah is good as a villain.

plus points : action scenes


scenarios minus points : a different depth story that did"t make up to best.

no much robbery scenes except the first

unnecessary roles of Maya"s.

a drag a bit story

no indication of the stolen heist whereabouts

over all prince fails in proper execution of the story and ends in a predictable way with a different approach of climax using CGI"s . a good passable entertainer and can be watched once.
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The Matrix (1999)
free your mind
16 June 2010
the matrix is a movie that has a story that is not possible. so before one sits to watch the movie. its better that they free their minds. do not think too deep. the movie has a computer based - machine based concept. the concept is not utilized to full extent. the action scenes drives the movie. the visual effects and the training scenes are top notch. so when one decides that matrix is a imaginary movie. definitely it is . so just watch the movie for action sequences and cinematography. cast wise performance neo ( keanu reeves ) is good and suitable. lawrence fishburne ( morpheus ) and carrie anne moss (trinity ) are good enough. rest all did a perfect job. final verdict: see and forget it.
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Adhurs (2010)
average flick...
12 June 2010
the movie does have a strong story to tell. but it does not meet with the movie. the movie is a much drag about to nearly 2:30 hours and action is not up to the mark and the stunts are not logical. the comedy was the key factor that saved the movie. songs are perfect and rock solid and action is good in parts. sentiment in the movie is not up to mark. and some scenes in the climax drives you crazy. the director looked for an action thriller that has a strong narrative. but failed to execute properly. the six elements i wish are story , action , romance , comedy , revenge and tragedy and emotion. the director delivered in comedy and action .. but rest elements failed. so this would be a pass off ticket and just waste of time.
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Ek Niranjan (2009)
action filled flick ....
12 June 2010
a better movie. hey guys its a movie. forget the things that might occur as illogical and also forget the comedy scenes. rest is a masterpiece. hero is good in his role and heroine is not up to the mark. a perfect villain. rest all did their jobs well. the masterpiece was audio mixing that drove my attention leaving the things that occur in the visual department. rock solid songs and mind blowing stunts. dialogues were better enough but not to the mark of director. there are some flaws in the movie. by keeping it aside , everything is there to make you enjoy. i like movies with all the elements like, story , action , romance , comedy, revenge , tragedy and emotion. this movie covers all the elements as described. though not revealed for full potential , it definitely makes a watch.. elements covered for full potential : action ... rest all acceptable.
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good flick...
12 June 2010
the director presents a thriller that will make you watch every scene cautiously. forgetting the first 15 minutes. then the movie gets the treatment it has to. it covers in all aspects. a good suspense till the end that will make the watchers crazy. rock solid songs and good background score that thrills and makes you sweat for fear. a good suspense and crisp storyline. i like a movie when it covers all the elements like story , action , romance , comedy , revenge , tragedy , emotion. the movie covers story well. it holds romance in the first half. revenge is the crux and suspense . tragedy and emotion is not applicable for this movie. comedy is way too far for a thriller. since it covered most of the elements in the right way. this movie is a good flick .
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