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A must see a lesson in a lot of aspects
14 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have had the opportunity of re-watching this film recently and I have to say that it is one of the best historical films I have seen.

It is highly enjoyable and entertaining, which is essential in any film. There is not a boring part, from start to finish it keeps you hooked up.

Despite some inaccuracies, after watching the film you know who was Touring and what he did. But the film conveys much more than history, it conveys emotions and teaches a well-balanced lesson. I am used to historical films in my country, Spain. Even or specially the ones with more money/budget and great costumes, try to present modern ideas in old times and they comit two sins in my view, creating evil creatures without taking into account the customs of the period and offering a highly pesimistic, dark vision of the past in Spain, as if in the past people were unable to have happy moments. This film, however, even criticizing the period, recognise the efforts of everybody and shows a positive picture of Britain and the people in that period. I envy that fair treatment.

Individuals, without taking into account their political, religious or particular things, are the key.

But the thing I like most about the film is its capacity to transmit emotions till the end.

**********************SPOILER********************** In the end you see a man broken by the doings of those who will never make any difference, touching scene with "her wife" and the crossword. And the words at the end, telling, as it is not that important, that this guy was creating some machines... what we now call computers. I mean, amazing ending for a superb movie. **************************************************************
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Committed (I) (2014)
Great dialog
12 August 2015
When you have to make a movie with just a couple of characters, a mobile phone, a car and landscapes, you have to put the effort in the dialog.

I found the dialog and reactions of both leading actors quite natural and credible. We are knowing the characters little by little, changing our view about them as the movie goes on.

Dialog is also witty as the two characters are quite intelligent and has a lot to say. I could not help smiling and even laughing in several moments... I have also found myself thinking during and after the film.

I do not know about accents, as my mother language is not English. So I do not know if the English they speak it is good or bad or about the quality or accuracy of the accent (I understand who complains about this as if the movie was in Spanish, trying to depict wrongly people from this or that area, I think I could find it annoying)... I do not know if it is 100% original or there are other movies like this... all I can say it is that I found this "small" movie really entertaining, it surpassed my expectations and I can only strongly recommend it.

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Knowing (2009)
Irregular too long flick
5 July 2009
The movie attracts your attention for 15 minutes at the beginning, then turns into something predictable and a little bit vulgar, then several dark scenes (I mean, you cannot see what is going on because it is really dark), and then, well I save the end of the movie (last 3 minutes). In the middle, cliché and all the time the same. The film speaks about hope but conveys a feeling of sadness, come on! people is not so gloomy out there... besides... I like going to the movies cause it is a way of forgetting/reinventing routine... I accept drama, but just well-made drama. Two hours for this movie is too much. Pick up a good book and avoid wasting your time. 5 out of 10.
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Vantage Point (2008)
Correct as a movie but fails to depict Salamanca
16 August 2008
I just want to point out that the movie is a kind of amusing one. Actors do it fine. However, as Spanish, I would like American movies were a little more careful regarding to the cities and the countries, in particular the language. It was weird, really weird, hearing the angry drivers complain... Just a couple of questions for the "inventors" of the movie Have you ever been to Spain? Have you been to Salamanca... for researching purposes? I do not think so. The Spanish from Spain it is different from the Spanish from other American countries, the accent, the expressions,the character, the way of living, customs... everything is different. You can depict one or two foreigners (the girl and her mother, maybe a Mexican) as in Spain there are quite a lot of people from abroad who have their culture, their language... but we would like to see, at least, one person from Salamanca, or just from Spain and hearing the right way of talking (Spanish or English (with Spanish accent)), the right customs, the right atmosphere. Having said this, the film is OK for being watched and enjoyed once.
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The third the worst by far
2 June 2007
No story, no fun, no personality. I think this is the summary of the film. First one was something new, fresh air. Second one was a little bit irregular but with unforgettable moments and new and great characters, I think (and this is a very personal opinion) the second one is even better than the first one,there is something really charming and touching in there. Third one is just dull, in my view it should not have been released in theaters. Where are the witty dialogs? Where are the witty references to popular films? Where is the magic? Where is the story? Even the soundtrack is worst in this one. A piece of advice... don't waste your time watching this in theaters, look for something else.

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Wonderful movie... but the end
26 March 2007
The Little Mermaid is probably one of the best animated films I have ever seen. Really good from start to... almost end... In my view the end spoils the film a must-be 10 out of 10 mark turns into 8 out of 10. The music and songs are really inspiring... not just by themselves, the soundtrack helps to the film, I would say the music and songs really make the film as great as it is... and the characters ,just wonderful, the bad witch really bad, with all that dark atmosphere, Ariel simply great, the crab fantastic, the bird supreme and even the fish is a magnificent actor... I don't remember a film with such a good "actors" and such a wonderful melodies...
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Before Sunset (2004)
so simple so real so good so moving
6 April 2006
I just want to say I like this movie a lot. I think is even much better than the first one... it talks about being conscious of what life and love really mean. I have to confess I have been travailing quite a lot and those relationships in a foreign country are somehow different, they will remain with you for the rest of your life... it is just I'd like to meet again with those people I shared my time with while visiting other cities, while talking other languages... don't know, but these movies, particularly "Before Sunset", are so full of extraordinary memories and unforgettable quotations... I have picked up one sentence... "But then the morning comes, and we turn back into pumpkins..." This film represents that wonderful world, it is just a dream, like the cinema itself, a factory of dreams... I strongly recommend it you...
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The Chorus (2004)
A delicious movie It's just beautiful..
2 January 2005
A delicious movie. Something wonderful is going to happen and I am not talking just about the characters of the movie but the spectators. It's so moving and at the same time it is not a sentimental one. The freedom, the excitement, the amazing charm of discovering the life through the music... I don't know French and I can say that the soundtrack is so international that you don't need to understand the words to feel its power, to receive the message...

Very often people agree or disagree with their opinions about a film... I watched the movie with a representative number of persons and all of them found the movie very recommendable and beautiful.

All of us were children and the magic of that unforgettable period of our lives is reflected in this great film.

8 out of 10...
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Funny row of gags
30 November 2004
To begin with, I'd like to say that I haven't seen the first one but I knew the story pretty well before going to the cinema. The actors are just OK, there is not extraordinary performances, though. The movie is funnier at the beginning and at the end, but it's a little bit boring in some moments between. The gags are coming one after another and the music helps to increase the speed of the movie. However, the quality of the jokes is changeable, and there are a lot of vulgar ones. This is just an amusing movie, you go to the cinema and enjoy the easy humour (above all if you are in company of an audience that want to have a good moment). There is nothing else further... it is not a movie to remember or a movie that will appear in the history books... To sum up, if you want to laugh without looking for anything else, you don't care about swear words and you don't find a better movie to watch... this is a possible choice.

6 out of 10
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Love Actually (2003)
Original and charming film with good songs...
7 October 2004
To begin with, I have to confess that I found the movie a little bit strange the very first time I watched it. Too many characters, too many stories, too many relationships to follow... and then, I watched the movie for second time and I can appreciate the details, enjoy the songs, the performances, the interesting mixture of happiness, sadness and comedy... I like some stories more than others... maybe the goal is too ambitious, the theme too extensive and difficult to determine. However, the result, the film, is quite nice and the rhythm appropriate.

It's not the best movie that I have seen, but, you know, it is extremely difficult to not be moving by this beautiful picture, a faithful reflection of the society in which we live in.

7 out of 10.
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A story about our destruction
2 October 2004
This is not a movie only about special effects, the dates are obsolete too and the main character is probably not a very good actor. Then, why is this movie so special? Why the telly continues broadcasting it as a superb film and people continues watching it again and again. Well, I think because the whole film is a kind of fable about time travel, future, nuclear power, weapons, intelligent machines and human beings... the script is good, the philosophical reflections appropriated and the cast is unique, you cannot imagine other actors in this roles.

In my opinion, this movie is full of details, philosophical and simple at the same time, timeless. On one hand, you can watch it as a pure entertainment full of action. On the other hand, you can watch it with a little bit more depth, and discover a rich plot, interesting details and complex relationships.

All in all, we are commenting on a classic, a cult movie; one of that movies that you have to see... 9 out of 10.
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Mulan (1998)
Great story but...
25 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with, I have to say that this film is one of my favourites, I like the plot, I love the characters (specially the dragon). The beginning is good, very good, the fight scenes, the vision of the Chinese world, the defence of the tranquil and peaceful style of life against the bad guys, the Huns.

However, in my view, there is a problem, the movie comes to an end too fast, a little bit of a mess. Course (SPOILER: everybody knelt down in homage to the heroine is quite moving, but the way in which Mulan fights against the wicked Hun is a little bit fast in my opinion...)

All in all, one of the greatest Disney movies that, for some reason, has been forgotten or not included among the best ones.
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The adventures cinema has returned
29 September 2003
At the end a good film for everybody. Wonderful actors,an excellent Johnny Depp; a delicious, beautiful and magnificent Keira Knightley and a very good performance of Geoffrey Rush (as the damned pirate). The reality and the fiction, the special effects at the service to the story... Maybe, someone can say that exist so much fight scenes, but the story is so good and the gags so funny... and the quotes, the sensual, brave and adventurous world of the pirates reflects in each scene, in each sentence... really good, I recommended you... I remembered some movies that I saw when I was a child... This is a movie that the nowadays children will remember...
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Flubber (1997)
Disney down...
29 September 2003
It's a pity but Disney made every time worst cinema. How can someone spend so much money on this low quality product? Robin Williams is not a bad actor, but he can do anything against an horrible script. I think the children are quite intelligent nowadays, and they don't deserve this kind of movies... One piece of advice to Disney, please, abandon your projects to make movies like this. It's better that you put all your efforts in the animated industry where the movies keep and even improve their quality every year.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
A bittersweet love story
11 September 2003
The best of the movie is the bittersweet story of love between Forrest and Jenny. Despite the numerous historical mistakes; a different and lovely film when a moral message: the value of the true friendship.
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Very good film about time travel.
20 April 2003
In my opinion, this is the best film about "time travel" after "Back to the Future". I saw this movie on tv when I was a child and I felt a proof emotion, I don't know exactly why?, but this film is one of my favourites. The storm, the aircraft carrier, the sensation of power, the majestic fleet of Japan crossing the sea... This movie speaks about technology, about time and even about love... If you like "Time travel movies", this film is essential.
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Quo Vadis (1951)
Speak about Quo Vadis is speak about Peter Ustinov
17 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Without doubt, the presence of Peter Ustinov eclipses to the rest of the great actors that performance in this wonderful film. There are four big movies about ancient Rome : Spartacus (Perhaps the best collection of actors), Ben-Hur (With the exceptional race of horses), Gladiator (One of gladiators with good performances) and Quo Vadis (The best performance Nero - Peter Ustinov)

SPOILER !!!!!!!

In my opinion the best moments of this film are the suicide of Petronius and the tears of Nero.

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It's a wonderful film
17 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This is a classic with capitol letters. Here, in Spain, Every year, at Christmast broadcast the film in some public channel. Wonderful film, unforgettable characteres, and overall, in my opinion, the most beautiful ending. Impossible contain the tears of emotion and happiness at the end of the film.


The power of gratitude.

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The best
11 April 2003
This is a classic, a great movie. A mixture of comedy, adventure and science fiction superb. Perhaps, I have been this movie 20 times (in Spanish) and 4 or 5 times in English, and each time, I enjoy myself more and more... A movie full of details, with unforgettable characters and performances... the parts 2 and 3 (The trilogy), perhaps, not reach this extraordinary level, but the story continue, and you can find the same characteres in new adventures, and this is something very special... I have found only a problem, after three movies, the story ends... and believe me, that is very sad. Someone defined the cinema, like a "factory of dreams"... This is a dream.
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