
20 Reviews
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Family Tools (2013)
It's not that bad as the other reviews said
19 May 2013
Some synopsis: This show is about a guy (Kyle Bornheimer)who take over his daddy (J.K. Simmons) business, trying to prove that he is not a loser like his dad think he is and want his dad to be proud of him. Also, what make the show even funnier is the partner (Edi Gathegi), which is hilarious.

I love all comedy shows. So, I give this show a try. Not really expecting much at first. But after the 1st episode, I think this show is worth watching.

And now at episode 3, I think this show is great. The jokes and characters are funny. So, my recommendation would be give this show a try.
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Not really my type of comedy
18 May 2013
I'm a fan of comedy.

I watched The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart and Nathan For You, which by the way, are freaking hilarious. So, I started searching for other shows by Comedy Central and found this show. So I though I just give it a try.

But, it's kinda a disappointment. Idk. The sketches don't really make me laugh. Just several giggles and smiles, but never a big laugh.

I tried to give the show a chance (until episode 3), and that's it. Can't stand for another episode.

Like the others say, this show is not everyone's show. So, as for my recommendation, find yourself a better show to watch.
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Battleship (2012)
I kinda love it but also kinda confusing.
13 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. I just watched the movie! And here I am giving a review.

The reason I give it a 6 because of the plot/storyline. It's kinda weak and confusing. Let me tell you why? Here are some of my questions or you can say confusions of the movie:

i-I didn't learned that they both were brothers until the brother died and he said that the alien killed his brother.

ii-It's unclear what's the motive of the alien came to Earth. And what is the connection between the message NASA had been sending with them coming to Earth?

iii-When one of the alien was found and then regain consciousness, why would the alien give him the vision about destroying the Earth?

iv-Did the girlfriend also trapped in the barrier? If yes, then why is she having difficulties to contact the people on the ship? The others outside was having the problem because of the barrier. But, I think she's in the barrier.

Well, all of this confusion must be because of the time constrain. The director had to cut several/many scenes which makes the movie a little bit confusing and all.

For the effect, I give it a 10! I love it! I think that's what you get when you got someone from Transformer, huh? :)

Also, I love the comedy. I laughed almost throughout the movie. I think, if all of my questions above were answered, I'll consider giving it a 9/10.

As conclusion, it is worth watching (mostly because the effects were super awesome!)
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Tales of the Abyss (2008–2009)
Not so bad for 2008 anime
28 February 2012
First of all, I do not play the game. So, my review is based solely on the anime.

I watched the whole 26 episodes two nights in a row. The plot really awesome and makes me want to keep going.

But, I have to admit I don't really get the term used like the Seventh Fonon, Lorelai & Fon Arte. Until I finished the anime, I still haven't quite figured out what are they ACTUALLY are.

Also, there are a lot of emotions involved. There are time where I laughed, angry and even cried. It's good.

However, the anime lacks action or more specifically the fighting scenes. I was somehow irritates that the main character is so weak. The hero should be strong and have powerful power. Although, he actually had one (can create the hyperresonance, but he didn't seem to be using the power so much). Instead he fight with the sword which obviously he's not so good with.

And there's no explanation on how the other characters got their powers. Like for example Natalia. She suddenly at the end can shoot the arrow with fon while in the beginning she only shoot a normal arrow. And how come each character have their special power while others can't? Where do they got that power? That's still bother me.

Well, actually there's so many things that I want the director to explain. But, I'm not going to review it here. Anyway, just see the anime if you're an anime lover.
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Removal (2010)
Not so bad
12 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not really a fan for a movie this type. So, I give it a 5 for neutral. The twisting plot is so awesome. It's like I've been thinking the whole time what the hell is actually happened? And wanted to know how the ending's gonna be. Well, at least the ending told the whole story.

But, what's weird though is how the two-characters talk to each other. It doesn't seem like he was talking to himself. More like a real conversation to another guy. That's not how hallucination looks like. Yeah, i know he created another identity for himself so that he can cover up what he had done from the past, but it doesn't looks right. The characters should be played differently.

As i don't really likes psycho movie, so I can say the movie wasn't so bad, and not so good. Just average.

Note: I do a lot of fast forward while watching this movie. :)
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The Hunters (2011)
Not worth seeing
9 January 2012
Okay. I don't even know how to rate this movie. It was totally waste of time. I give it a 2 because the hero looks like Bradley Cooper. That's all. The plot is confusing. Jump from one day to another, I just don't get it!

Then, the plot of the story is too deep. I need to think about it (which i don't like to). It's like "what the hell is going on??". Well, I did praised the director for making me wondering what had happened?? Why they're acting like that. It's a nice mystery for the audience to figure it out. But, there are some unnecessary scenes which could just be deleted.

Also, the effects are so awful! You can see the body parts but they all look so fake! Seriously, they look so damn fake..! The blood doesn't looks real either. It was horrible if you asked me about the effect. The actions, well.. not so good.

So, what i can say about the movie, don't watch it. Only watch it when you're really boring and have only this movie to watch.
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Aku Tak Bodoh (2010)
21 May 2011
I kinda like this films. When i first saw the poster, i thought it was gonna be a kinda serious and deep movie (where is not really my kind of movie).

But, when i watched the movie last night, i was completely wrong. It's actually a comedic-family drama which i kinda like it. The acting was good (well, at least i think so).

But, there are also some scenes where i don't really like, like the part where you can never see in real life (how can a man walking out from a millions worth of project still can be a CEO? Is that even logic?). Well, overall, it's funny, and there's some moral values in the movie.

So, I would say,this movie gotta be in your gotta-watch movie of the night. :)
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Not really my kind of thing
21 May 2011
Well, I'm not really into this kind of movie. I don't really get what was the movie trying to tell. I'm sorry to say that. But, really, i don't get it.

Why the man agreed to travel with the girl? And who is the girl to her? And one more thing, whose picture that he always looking at? Is it his daughter or his wife? He treated the girl like his lover or something. It's kinda bother me though. Hmm..

Also, why did the magician told the girl that magician doesn't exist? Why is he meant by that? Wasn't h a magician himself? What made him said that?

There's so many questions in my head right now. Maybe I'm not meant to be watching this kind of movie. :)
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The Inheritance (I) (2011)
Don't watch this movie folks!!
19 April 2011
I don't know why i even wasting my time watching this movie! Seriously, the acting was bad, the actors, the setting, all of it was bad! (If there other bad word to describe it, it would be it!)

The acting was the worst. It's a movie with a great poster but worst in everything else!! (Believe me when i said it was bad!! You don't want to waste your time watching this).

The scenes are gibberish! At a time you was here, and suddenly you just there (somewhere else) without even logic explanation. You don't even know how the characters got there.So, as for you guys who doesn't watch this movie yet, DON'T!!!
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Hatchet (2006)
HATE IT really much
13 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even wanna give a vote for this movie.. so damn hate it! i'm a thriller-fan movie. I like this kind of movie (killing and blood). But when i saw this movie, i felt so damn disappointed and furious..!

The story is OK. But the killing is so not real. The monster should be strong. But, it is so easily got hurt and so easily killed. And it can't even hold one person firmly. And i don't know how the hell it get it's life back when he died, but it just so boring..

Also, i don't feel the character so much. Nonsense..! They don't really scared. Urgghh... my precious time! I already delete this movie (soon after i finished watching it).. *Satisfied*
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It's OK. But kinda disappointing..
4 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The vote is count for the action in the movie. I love action movies. This movie has it.

But, i kinda disappointed with the plot. It's weak. I can't see any interesting plot in this movie. The action is good. There are lots of bombing scenes, gunfires and stuffs and I think that what makes the movie fun to watch.

The characters are not properly developed. I really thought that this movie is about the team, like the A-Team. But, i kinda disappointed when it is only focused on the 2 characters; Stallone and Statham. The others don't really have the chance to shine. It's a shame though.

Overall, it's OK. Action-addict film may absolutely enjoy this film.
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
4 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I gave 6 for the comedy. I love comedy movie. Especially when there's Adam Sandler and Chris Rock. They're both so funny.

I like the jokes in this movie. They never bored me. I laugh as hell throughout the movie. When i 1st saw the trailer, i thought " Ouh, i gotta watch this movie. It's so funny". And then when i watched it, it really is funny. Don't really feel like wasting my time watching it like any other old-crappy movies.

The characters really good. Especially the kids. Also the girls. What i really can't forget about the movie is the scene where Schneider and his wife at the car. The wife try to fix the car and then the steam. It just hilarious.

I recommend all of you to watch the film. It worthy.
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In My Sleep (2010)
Surprisingly good
4 September 2010
Okay, i gotta say this. The 1st time i saw the title of the movie, it doesn't really ring my thrilled-bell. I thought it was just a lame, boring movie that i can watch when i don't have other movie to watch anymore. But, I'm surely glad that i watched it last night.

This movie is brilliant. I mean the plot. It kept me wondering whether it is true or not that he is sleepwalking (and who the real murderer is). When the time that you thought the case is solved, it's just kept coming with a new plot. And keep you wondering again. I just love this kind of movie.

But, there is this slight parts where i think won't be necessary in this movie. They could just be cut out. I'm not gonna say which parts.

But, frankly, in average, i would recommend you this movie.
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Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam (2010 TV Movie)
seriously..???? hello!!?
4 September 2010
OK.. I'm completely disappointed. It was generous enough for me to give 4 out of 10.

1st of all, I like the 1st Camp Rock way better. This one doesn't work for me at all. I keep forwarding the movie. Most of the parts are just lame. Especially the songs. Hate all the songs (maybe just one that i like) but that doesn't change the fact that this movie is suck.

Let me get this clear, i don't like Demo Lovato. I just hate her acting skill. She really should be focusing ONLY on her singing career!! She is suck at acting. I bet many will agree with me on this.

As a suggestion, maybe the next camp rock's director should find another girl for Mitchie's role.
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27 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, 1stly i wanna say, I CAN EXPECT THE PLOT!! I can already guess who is the bad one in here. The part where the child eat the raw meat is actually the main clue to this. Well, you can actually guess by just look at the boy eating the meat and compare it to the earlier scene from the movie.

What i really disappointed in this movie is the acting skill. The actress really don't act well especially at the panic-heart-pounding part. We can see that she is not really that scared. And the part where she has to knocked-out the priest, look soft to me. She really didn't hit the man hard.

Also, i really thought that Rick gonna be a help at some point, but it seems that he doesn't has any part in the horror part. Really.. What is the point of him getting knocked-out and when he seem to gain his conscious then nothing happen??
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Abandoned (2010 Video)
Not so bad, not so good.
24 August 2010
When i 1st saw this movie, i thought it was a psyco movie Shutter Island and other psyco movies. I like that kind of movie. But, as the plot continue, the movie didn't seem to be in that kind of genre.

The plot revealed not at the very end of the movie, but at the climax. I prefer the whole secrets are revealed at the end of the movie. Because it make the story more interesting and the viewer will have question in mind about the whole.

Besides, i don't know why, but Brittany Murphy acting skill in this movie is not very good. Brittany fans, don't get mad at me, this is my opinion. Seriously, she doesn't look so good. And it is a shame that this is her last movie.
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Not too bad
28 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well, when I 1st saw the trailer, I said to myself that "I have to see this movie!!". Now that i already watched it, I feel like it's an OK one.

The doctor was seriously sick-mad. I never thought that human can be connected that way.. If in real life, what is the point in doing that? I hope that no one would ever want to do that.

This movie left me in thrilled-horrified all the time. I never expected what will come next. But the storyline is kinda slow. I seriously expected that the human centipede will be 'produce' at the end of the movie. I was expecting the victim to struggle more before being turn to the human centipede. You know, like all the other movies which they had to struggle to survive before being killed or tortured. That's the more concept i like.

And the most disappointing part is the ending. It doesn't seem right to have an ending like that. The polices really don't help much. They are like dumb-ass police who never been trained to be a police. So easily killed.

But, however, the movie is good to watched for the thrill-horror-rated r lover..
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11 July 2010
Well, i don't really understand this movie. What is it actually? The creatures are real or not?? Is it just the imaginations of the kids or are they really exists..? Seriously I'm not into this kind of movie..

When i first watch this movie, i though that it would be like some kind of the fantasy and fiction like Narnia and all. But, apparently not.. Only imaginations.. (Though i more like the idea of real creatures, not only imagination)

But what i like bout the movie is that the idea or concept of the story. About a boy who is lonely and learning to enjoy more of the world when there is a girl came into his life (or i can say a friend came into his life).. Cool..
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I'm disappointed..
10 July 2010
Well, i just registered.. just for commenting bout this movie.. i don't know what to say.. I'm a big fan of Avatar: The Legend of Aang.. And i expected the movie would be great as well.. But, it just ... well i don't know.. you should tell me..

Something bout the movie doesn't seem right for me.. What i can't tell here, I've been expecting this movie since last year (since I've watch the trailer), but it turn out to be kinda disappointed..

The 3D also doesn't impress me at all.. The fighting should be using the bending.. Not using physical strength.. Also, Appa is very ugly in this movie.. It suppose 2 be cute...
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Ben X (2007)
hate this!
10 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why the ranking of this movie was so high??!! 7+ per 10?? That's ridiculous!! I downloaded the movie because when i look at the IMDb rating, it's high.. So, i though it would be a great movie..

Then, when i watched the movie last night, it was awfully boring!! I've already waste my 2 hours time sitting in front of my PC watching this movie..!! I really thought that having the idea of adapting the game features into real life is good.. But, in this movie, it's not good at all..!! It's totally wrong in this kind of movie!!

The ending is kinda OK. But, i kinda expecting the ending like that. I can tell the ending by looking at the suicide scene and the parents reaction beforehand.

The only good thing in this movie is that the hero is really a good actor. He's really into the role.. (Being an autism person i mean..).. Congratulation on that..~
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