
25 Reviews
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Craziness and Sadness
17 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When my friend saw that this movie was on my list for movies to watch for my History of American Cinema class, she told me that I had to watch it and I did not have a choice. Of course this confused me. Yes I heard of the movie before but I never actually thought about watching it. Now I am glad that I watched it.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a crazy movie that is also very enjoyable. At first you thought things may go wrong because the main character wanted to get out of work detail at the prison by being considered 'crazy' and in the end it did, but the story before the ending events was heartwarming. Jack Nicholson's character saw all the other patients as people and accepted them for who they were. He accepted all of their flaws and had a good time with all of them.

Although the ending was extremely sad, it also brought on new hope when the Chief was able to finally get his freedom.
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Ignoring the old ways
17 December 2010
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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner is a classic and great movie because it told a story about a young girl, Joey, and her new found fiancée, John. The only difference about this couple that is unusual is that Joey is a white girl and John is an African American. During this time, this sort of relationship was not very well accepted by many people, however Joey did not really care about that although John understood people may not accept them.

This movie shows how families can overcome and accept the new ways that the new generation has and their ways of looking at the world. The new types of relationships that form is one of the many things that is changing and this movie shows hope for those type of relationships and the problems that could arise within a family because of it.
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Criss Cross (1949)
This way and that way.
17 December 2010
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This movie is certainly a very interesting movie. For one thing you don't know what's going to happen next because the characters are in a situation that can lead to a very nice and wealthy life, or death. The main male character in the movie came back home to see his family and he found the woman he loved and fell in love with her again. However, she was not for his to have because another man, who was a very dangerous man, had his hold on her. This only made him want her more and after finding out she was being abused he was angry and wanted her to come away with him. However the dangerous man has connections so in order for her to be free, the main lead character in the movie comes up with a plan to get close before having the chance to run off with him.

There was only one way in which this movie could end, especially since the leading female only wanted the money and not really the love that the leading male character offered. Although this movie was interesting, if you do not like sad endings I would not recommend it to you.
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Easy Rider (1969)
Starting of a New Generation
17 December 2010
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This movie is a movie that helps show the generation gap that had formed between the older generation and the newer generation. The older generation did not change with the times but instead, their children did, the new generation. In the new generation there are things that are surprising as as illegal. However it is just a new way to show old things. Drugs have been around as well as different styles of clothing and sex. However with the new generation it is much more public. Easy Rider, although it shows all of these things more publicly, it also shows how the new generation feels. They love the feel of freedom and the open road, the chance to get out there and live.
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It was..Bonnie and Clyde
17 December 2010
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I don't know many people who have not at least heard of Bonnie and Clyde once, the infamous bank robbers who went around and robbed bank with their gang. When I first picked this movie up from the library I was really excited about watching it and I couldn't wait to put it in my movie player, however I was slightly disappointed in the movie itself. The movie overall was alright but if a movie does not seem interesting to me as it plays, I will not pay much attention to it and my mind will drift elsewhere. This happened during the movie. It was interesting at parts while other parts did not make much sense to me. Why did Bonnie and Clyde along with the gang pick up the young couple who's car they stole? What was the reason for that? The ending upset me. The police in the end in my opinions were cowards. They lured Bonnie and Clyde into a trap and shot them like a firing squad that was invisible. It was a cowardly move led by a ranger who was embarrassed and wanted revenge.
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The Graduate (1967)
An Enjoyment
17 December 2010
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I remember once that I heard about a movie like this but I never actually saw it. When I watched this movie in class I really did enjoy it because it combined all the different emotions that humans have and how we react to certain situations. This movie was rather funny in the beginning and towards the end it became more serious. In the beginning all the awkwardness was rather funny which made it enjoyable and kept my attention. In the end I was still captured by the film because it was getting more intense because relationships became complicated.

To me the movie showed a certain message. The way that he was tangled in the web of the affair with the mother, he was being manipulated and was somehow a puppet. In the end when the daughter and the graduate ran off with each other, it was as if they were breaking away from the older generation to live their own life.
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The Killing (1956)
Several Stories Playing at Once to Create One Larger Picture
17 December 2010
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The story is about a planned race track robbery that includes the parts of many different people. Without all these different people doing their parts, it would not be able to be done. With all of these different stories, you can see one man recruiting people to help pull off this heist and he is a very important man in the movie because of that. The movie plays and you see the part of each of the characters. This is especially seen during the Heist. In the movie, only a small window of time has passed but you see several different scenes with the different characters. At first the camera focuses on one character and finishes their scene, then the camera shifts to another character and focuses on what happened during the time of the first scene. This created a very unique feeling during the film that let you see everything that was going on in the movie and created it very enjoyable.
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Gun Crazy (1950)
Breaking Boundaries and Lives
17 December 2010
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The movie title helps describe what the movie is about. "Gun Crazy" is about a man and woman who both love guns and that leads them to meet each other as well as well as get them into a lot of trouble. The leading female character is this movie is a very strong character who is manipulative who used the leading male character. The leading male character, although he loved guns, he never wanted to use them to kill people. This movie contains chase scenes, a gun shoot-off, murder, high class, manipulative love. If you enjoy any of these things in a movie, you will enjoy this movie. There was only one ending that would make sense with this movie and that was the ending that occurred.
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Psycho (1960)
17 December 2010
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For years I have heard and seen references from the movie "Psycho" and I never knew why it was so popular. I was already familiar with the fact that there was a shower scene in which the woman got stabbed repeatedly but I never knew why she got stabbed or what the point of the movie was. After I finally got the chance to watch it I realize that there is a good reason as to why it is a classic movie. Although I did not find it scary compared to many of the movie and thrillers that you see in the modern movie age. Overall I rather enjoyed watching Psycho after hearing so much about it over the years and I would recommend for anyone to see it at least once.
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17 December 2010
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When the movie first began suddenly with a death, I thought it would just be a movie that is just detective work to find out who caused the death and who he was. However I was wrong. The movie was about the corruption in the shipping business and how it can destroy people's lives. If you were in bad favor with the bosses' you were not able to work and then you did not get paid for that day. One man stood up to that when he realized it was wrong and when he fell in love with the sister of the man who died. Although his brother was killed for protecting him, he did not stop trying to fight against the bosses and in the end he proved he was like any other man there and that he set an example.
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The Big Sleep (1946)
A Mystery
17 December 2010
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This movie was certainly an interesting movie. Starting to first watch the movie, I thought there would be a lot of mystery and detective work. It certainly had a lot of mystery and detective work in it. The two contrasts of female characters in the beginning gave you the idea that there would be something later on and it was. Each situation fit their personality which caused it to seem more real. The detective seemed to know what he was doing and always seemed to realize something at the same time or before the viewer would notice.

The lighting and camera work in the movie kept you watching. Especially with the use of lighting. The lighting helped set the mood for the scene.
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Saboteur (1942)
Not What I First Thought
15 December 2010
This movie is not what I first thought it would be.

When I first read the movie description, I thought it would be a movie about fighting over in Europe. However it was not. Instead the movie was very good. The action and the realism that is seen in this movie brought to life the fear of what could actually happen to anyone you know. The movie played on the fears of people who lived at the time of War.It hits you right at home because the movie takes place in a country that is thought to be at times invincible. I would recommend this movie to anyone I know because it is very enjoyable and suspenseful.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Great Mystery and Classic
15 December 2010
Citizen Kane is indeed a true classic and well worth the watch.

The way the movie was filmed was indeed something that helped make it wonderful. Especially the way that it started off with the broadcast. The black and white made it even more interesting. The characters were developed and helped the story move on and continue pushing the story even more forward. The use of lighting, flashback, sound and setting helped create a true movie. The setting and locations were absolutely beautiful. This is certainly a movie that you should see at least once. This movie is a classic and has many many things that help shape what a real movie is.
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I only watched it because of class
8 December 2010
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This review contains spoilers.

The only reason why I watched this movie was for film class. However the constant use of foul language in every single point of the movie was an immediate turn off and I had to take a break from all of the swearing. The foul language was not the worst part of this movie. What truly made me hate this movie was the fact that Sal and his sons ran a respectable business and had it for years. Sal had the right to decorate his own pizzeria the way he wanted to.

*spoiler* Sal was only angry because both Buggin Out and Radio Raheem come in with a loud radio and try to intimidate him. At most because Sal destroyed the radio it was destruction of property. Radio Raheem tried to strangle Sal. Yes it was sad when the police accidentally killed him but he would not calm down and continued to fight them.

Mookie had no respect for Sal, the person who employed him and gave him a job. He took forever on deliveries, saw other people and took showers even though he still was on the clock and got paid. He threw the garbage can through the window which inevitably ended in the pizzeria to get destroyed and came back in the end for his money. That shows no respect.

Tolerance? What kind of tolerance did African Americans show the Italian Americans in the end of the movie? This movie is racist, violent and was extremely hard to sit through. I would not recommend it to anyone I know.
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Stagecoach (1939)
Unlike What I Thought It Would Be
8 November 2010
Growing up as a little kid I was always at my grandparents house. Up in my grandparents house on the second floor there were bookshelves full of VHS movies. I never knew what these movies were about but I could tell that all of them were western. My grandfather told me his favorite actor for western films was John Wayne.

I decided to try to watch a western movie with John Wayne in it in honor of my grandfather because I never got the chance to watch a John Wayne movie with him.

This movie was something I did not expect. It was at first hard to follow along with the story. However I kept sitting through it and kept watching. The more I watched the movie the harder it was to stop watching it. It was like nothing I have ever seen before. The action scenes that occurred in this movie blew my mind. I had no idea they could film things like that and seeing it on the screen made it all the more amazing.

The camera angles and shots gave you a different perspective on everything and allowed you to see everything and anything.

I would recommend this movie to anyone because it is different than what we have currently, but in a good way.
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Casablanca (1942)
A Classic Romance
27 October 2010
This movie, for it's time, is shot in a wonderfully way. The black and white of the movie I think adds to a classical effect. If the movie was in normal color, I don't believe that it would have had the effect that it did.

The sound especially helped set the mood for the movie. The movie took place during the Occupation of Europe and during that time there was a lot music. Music is what kept people going.

The music helped the emotions show through the characters. It was a story that many people could relate to if they were ever in a relationship.

Overall I would recommend this because all the camera angles, transitions, sound, color, plot and characters made the movie interesting. You may have to watch it a second time to get all the smaller details, but certainly a movie that should be watched once.
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A Movie True to the Depression
13 October 2010
The Grapes of Wrath is a classic movie that is true to the time period that it takes time in.

You can tell that a lot of work went into this movie. Throughout the movie the scenery and setting changes multiple times. You travel from farmland and country side to the road and city. You see mountains and rivers, cities and woods, a city of tents and then a campground. All the scenery added to the different scenes of the movie. Without the scene change the movie would not be able to change and move along the way it did.

The lighting in this movie was fantastic. When it was night, there was very limited lighting, when it was daylight, the scene was brightened with the effects of the sun. It gave you the real effect that you were in the movie itself.

The storyline, although depressing, is true to the time period. It shows the effects of what the depression had on a family and taught a very important lesson. To Never Give Up.
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Dracula (1931)
A True Vampire, Count Dracula
6 October 2010
The original Dracula movie. Back in the 30s this was considered a wonderful movie, not only for it's wonderful locations and film work, but for the story itself. The black and white gave it a sense of spookiness that old horror movies have and cannot be recreated with the movies today even though today it is better color and recreations.

The movie seemed to skip around a lot and at times was hard to follow and there were some facts that you did not understand until a scene or two later. It also seemed to be moving too quickly because they tried to fit everything into the movie which made it seemed rushed. However even with its flaws, I enjoyed the movie very much.
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Frankenstein (1931)
The Original Classic
6 October 2010
This movie is one of the classics and a must see. The acting was very convincing, as if the main character had truly gone mad which makes sense because you have to be crazy to do the things that he did! The sound effects were very well done. The thunder and lightning roaring in one of the scenes, had a distant sound as the scene itself was shot inside a castle. It did not overpower the voices of the characters. The camera angles scanned the entire scene which made you feel like you were actually scanning the landscape and people around you to your left and to your right.

The lighting, even though it was only in black and white, the night scenes were darker and the daylight scenes were very bright.

Overall the movie kept your attention and your feelings were mixed about who you actually sided with.

A classic that will always be a classic because of its simple but universal plot.
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Scarface (1932)
Scarface, the Original Gang Movie
6 October 2010
Before watching the movie, I heard from many others that Scarface is a must see movie if you are a fan of movies that involve gangs and violence. At first I was skeptical but after watching the movie I now understand why it is considered one of the first original gang films.

All aspects of the movie kept me hooked on watching it. The acting was very well done, the sound was clear and the music was in the perfect spots to help set the mood of the scene.

The camera-work was very well done. Off screen shots where you heard a certain type of music or a gunshot made you ask the question "What will happen next?" The movie hooks you from beginning to end.
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A Crazy Comedy
29 September 2010
At first glance this movie seemed like a normal basic movie with a plot with a beginning, middle and end. However as soon as you get a few minutes into the movie you can tell that it is no normal movie.

This movie is no normal movie. This movie is a crazy comedy. It is not just a normal comedy because most of the characters in the movie are crazy. They are all different types of crazy but that is what allows the movie to be so funny.

This movie is a jaw dropping comedy that makes you keep asking what is going on. If you want to watch a classic old crazy comedy, then this is one of the movies you should check out.
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A Great Comedy in Black and White
29 September 2010
At first glance you would not think that this movie would have any comedy in it but as the movie began to play and the actors began to speak the lines you could not help but notice all the comments and language used. Though at some parts the pace was fast, you could still hear and point out the comedy laced within the lines.

The storyline laced with the comedy made the movie enjoyable even though it was about a serious situation. The idea of the the characters being a part of the press also made the comedy even more enjoyable even with the limited use of settings.

The setting, sound and acting was on the same level of greatness as it is today and made it fully enjoyable to watch.
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A movie that is true to life
22 September 2010
The movie was a movie that showed how man kind can act towards each other. The emotions were true to a person set in the main character's position. The action scenes of the movie were wonderful especially to the time period in which the movie was made. The sound effects added more emotion to the movie than that of a silent movie. If you enjoy seeing how mankind acted back in the time of chain gangs and a movie based on a true story, then this is the movie for you to watch. However, if you prefer more fiction than reality and do not like seeing people be unfairly judged by the system and the reality of the past, then this is not the movie for you.
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A movie that shows true emotions
15 September 2010
This movie was certainly an interesting one to watch. The storyline is one that I can see happening even in today's modern era. All the characters had personality traits that travel through the ages.

For this movie I did not expect how beautiful the setting would be. All the different sculptures, paintings, furniture, rooms and decorations kept your mind thinking and alive as the movie played on. The costumes were beautiful and it was something you don't see often in movies today.

Overall, I would recommend this movie. It was certainly one that kept my interest although it was a bit boring in the beginning. The plot is something that can happen today and it can teach us all a lesson about how to deal with our lives.
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The Gold Rush (1925)
Great Movie for a 1st time Silent Movie watcher
15 September 2010
I have never seen a silent movie before I watched this. At first I was skeptical about how it would turn out, especially considering the era that it came from. However I was surprised to see how well together it was considering how low key technology was back then compared to today. The over acting and the music had me both laughing at the comedy and paying more attention to the serious parts, even without the spoken words from the actors. "The Gold Rush" kept my attention from beginning to end and made me interested in seeing more silent movies. The storyline was well put together and I can see that type of story happening even today. Overall it was a very good experience to watch this movie and I would recommend it.
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