
12 Reviews
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Robson Arms (2005–2008)
7 December 2010
This show was boring.

For the first thing I do not know at all why this show is on the comedy network.

It clearly is not a comedy show! Second off the show is just boring, I don't like any of the characters and hate all the whining that takes place in the show.

Hank and Lucy from Corner Gas are the exact same two characters they play in that show, one of the reasons they are so boring.

I don't care about the characters or stories, it's just a bad, boring show.
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Unstoppable (2010)
Typical Train Movie
23 November 2010
This is a typical train action movie where the heroes have to stop a runaway train before it crashes into something and kills a whole bunch of innocent people with the predictable ending as always in these Hollywood action films.

Basically Denzel Washington is the same typical hero character he always plays. He is not bad and neither is the other main actor, sorry but I forget his name, but the story is pretty basic by the numbers action stuff.

This movie is not as dramatically good as Runaway Train and not nearly as good of an action movie that Speed was with the great train (well subway really) scene at the climax of the movie. This is worth seeing but wait until it is on TV, I give it 5 out of 10.
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Megamind (2010)
Not Great But Pretty Good
18 November 2010
I took my entire family to the theatre tonight where we watched this movie, the kids really enjoyed this a lot at least for the first hour of the movie, and even better my partner and I were not completely bored like we are at most "kid movies". The action scenes were pretty entertaining and well done for a kid movie too. My partner enjoyed it almost as much as the kids, more so than they enjoyed the lame Alpha and Omega which I thought was awful and I could barely sit through. This movie got really boring for me really fast but at least I could sit through it and there were a few funny parts through the whole movie, enough to keep me awake at least :) I guess most of you know what the plot is, so I guess there is no need to go into it. It is just campy superhero fun and involves super powers and the super heroes who wield those powers. The only problem is there's been way too many superhero and animated superhero movies especially as of late so it got kind of boring quick for me and my partner, and the kids just got tired by the end.
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Girls Will Be Girls (2005– )
Even for the comedy network this show is awful!
13 November 2010
I hate almost every show the comedy network has ever made and judging by all the reviews, blogs etc here I am definitely not alone in that account. But even realizing that, that everyone hates all those other shows as much as me, girls will be girls still stands out heads and shoulders above (or should i maybe say below??) all those other shows as easily one of the very worst shows in TV history. Did these people even have any clue what they were going to be doing when they started turning on the video cameras and taping their scenes? They are not funny and the acting is terrible and also like I said there is no writing evident at all, just terrible ideas for video pranks they did with no effort or thought put into them at all. I can't believe this show was ever on TV in the first place, it is probably even worse than popcultured which until I saw this show I thought would easily go down as the worst TV show in TV history.
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Chappelle's Show (2003–2006)
13 November 2010
This is one of my favourite TV shows of all time and one of the greatest sketch comedy TV series ever made in my humble opinion. Dave Chapelle does an amazing job as the host and he is also in pretty much every single sketch that they do on the show. The Rick James bits are of course all time classics and I wish there was more of that, it is a real shame that this show only lasted two seasons before all the bitterness and craziness that made this show end. It's a shame how much great comedy there still could have been if he had decided to stay on the air but I'm still just glad he did these two seasons (avoid the unaired extra episodes they put together after he quit because they are not very good at all and only make the show seem worst). The stuff with Wayne Brady is also classic, and the black blind klan member, and the crack head character, so much great comedy in this series!
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Canadian Idol (2003– )
Boo Ben Mulroney!
5 October 2010
Ben Mulroney sucks. Every time I see his stupid, full of himself, less-than-40 IQ face on my TV I want to just punch him right in the eye. Canadian Idol as a show I could take or leave, not for me (not much of a reality TV fan) and they always seemed to get their winners wrong, but with Ben Mulroney being added to the mix I can't stand the thought of watching this show for more than one second. He is an airhead Canadian, brunette version of a Ken doll and his father was obviously a total D-bag. I can't stand that guy he makes me want to jump head first into the nearest hole just to get away from my TV. Ben Mulroney sucks!
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MTV Live (I) (2006– )
MTV Live Sucks
5 October 2010
This show is terrible, the user ratings average of about 2.1 out of 10 seems fair to me. I know the MTV Live superfans who are probably 12 year old kids who have a big crush on the old people who host this show are going to bash me now like they bashed the other people who made reviews here but that's okay they are obviously the minority because plenty of people have voted this show down. The main problem with this show is the terrible hosting and writing, the jokes are terrible and they never have anything interesting to say. I can't believe these people and this show are on the air and I don't know anyone who actually watches it. Probably just like Mike Bullard it's on TV just because it's cheap Canadian content and they don't care if it's good or not. MTV Live sucks!
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
Great Show!
5 October 2010
Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a great show! I didn't watch it at first and avoided it because I remembered watching the movie and I didn't really like the movie very much, even though Donald Sutherland was in it and I love Donald Sutherland. The show was such a great surprise for me though when I finally did see it! It did not take itself too seriously and was just a lot of fun, but not so ridiculous as the movie was, it had great serious parts in it too. The acting was top notch particularly by Buffy, the new watcher (Anthony Stewart Head taking over Donald Sutherland's role was still awesome), Xander and several others were very good. The show was so much fun and was unlike any other show I remember watching on TV. The spin off Angel was also a very good show but it was a bit more dark.
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Wait for it on DVD
4 October 2010
The Social Network is a decent enough movie to waste a couple hours watching with a couple friends. The lead actor (sorry I forget his name already) did a very good job, I also liked him in the other movies I've seen him in. The movie's just okay and boring at times (hey what do you expect from a movie that is entirely about the guys who invented a social networking website) but it's much better than I feared it would be and totally worth seeing. No reason you need to see it on the big screen though, I'd say catch something else that's more fun and rent this down the road on DVD or catch it on pay per view or whatever, worth seeing but nothing special. The acting's pretty good, even Justin Timberlake is okay though he is obviously the weakest link of the actors in this, but at times the story drags and they talk about stuff that wouldn't interest most people. The movie's also a bit too long. Worth a watch.
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4 October 2010
I'm told this show actually used to be good but I have never seen anything that would support that belief. I've tried watching this show and I would love nothing more than to be a huge fan of it because it is a Canadian show but it's just so bad. The jokes are so simple and nothing on this show is ever funny. It's about the same as the sketches they used to have on Comedy Inc and that show was easily the worst sketch comedy show I've ever seen in my entire life, way worse than This Hour Has 22 Minutes but still This Hour Has 22 Minutes is a very bad show. I don't miss Royal Canadian Air Farce at all but at least they had the excuse that they were old, I don't know how people less than 50 can be performing crap like this on TV without dying right in front of my eyes from the horrible shame of it all.
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Easy A (2010)
A Pleasant Surprise!
1 October 2010
I didn't know anything about this movie, good or bad reviews etc, when we went to go see it and sometimes that's the best way to go see a movie. I didn't think the trailer I saw for it looked that great so I had very low expectations walking into the theatre to see it. I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, never saw the star of this movie Emma Stone in anything before but she was good - not great but definite potential in her for acting. The movie is good for what it is as an enjoyable, time wasting way to hang out with your friends and maybe have a couple of laughs. I don't think you need to catch it on the big screen but it's definitely worth a watch on DVD or if you catch it on TV or pay per view sometime.
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24 September 2010
Yuck! This movie was terrible. As a long time Fantastic Four fan I am very upset with how they have handled all of the movies so far. The first movie wasn't terrible but it wasn't very good either. The acting is sub par except for Michael Chiklis who is okay as Thing. The plots have been mishandled too. The only good thing about this movie is The Silver Surfer who is handled well and it is an interesting plot within this movie. Other than that they need to go back to the drawing board or just stop ruining this fond childhood memory of mine! I find they don't really understand where they are going or should be going with these characters and with the rich source material that they had at their disposal.
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