
8 Reviews
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Soft & Quiet (2022)
Almost gave me motion sickness
5 November 2022
Whilst it is impressive it was all shot in one take with no camera cuts, it makes it quite unpleasant to watch. You know when you see bystander phone footage on the news and you can never totally tell what is happening and almost find yourself craning your neck slightly as you are frustrated at the view and how bad it is? Well imagine a whole movie of that. Also hard sometimes to follow who is saying what to who, and to learn different characters voices. So you find it extremely hard, almost impossible to form a good understanding of the group dynamics and this hampers the story unfortunately.

Aside from this it is a well made, and excellently produced and acted movie. I really wish they had not decided to go this way, it really has ruined it so much. A few times I found myself wanting to fast forward as you knew what was happening, no dialogue was spoken, and it was only because of the no cuts restraint you are forced to watch something boring. I feel quite sorry for the actors and crew as it was very well done. And while the story isn't anything new or particularly groundbreaking, it was intense and entertaining. Some editing and proper camera work, and perhaps more musical score behind it and it could of been a big hit horro movie. I'll certainly be looking out for a few of the actors future work.

Overall I would recommend this if you like the feeling and confusion of watching something filmed this way. If you love horror/psychological thrillers you will definitely love the premise and action.
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Moonhaven (2022)
10 July 2022
Firstly I'm so glad I took the time to scan over the reviews and read a few of the reasonably scored ones (7-8 stars). For some reason there is a weird belief among the right wing political zealots that they are somehow having an effect on the bigger world by down-voting certain entertainment. Incredibly naive and ridiculous I know, but these are not reasonable or sensible people. I've tried to balance their very unfair scoring with a slightly higher vote anyway.

REVIEW: I really enjoyed this pilot, it is well acted and I already like a few characters. I'm not one to go into plots, but I do like the concept of a dying earth trying to change things with a new social experiment on an off world planet. It had intrigue, humour, and a nice feeling of realism of a gritty future, I can't wait to see the society on earth in future episodes. It is well written, so the dialogue is very enjoyable and even slick and cool in parts.

The directing is above average, certainly for a Sci-Fi TV series, although this is only based off of the first episode. The cinematography, and lighting design were all very well done lending to the experience of a realistic but futuristic setting.

The all important artistic design and costume design in a Sci-Fi production is very good, and in the way that you just except it because it looks real and believable in the given scenes and situations. Beautiful set designs give way to sprawling and immersive CGI landscapes, that although not of the top rate standards of modern films with their ridiculous budgets have, they are of excellent quality.

I'm really looking forward to watching the rest of this series now. Why some people seem to find the idea of a utopianist future colony as something that should be hidden away is hilarious. And if fact if they had bothered to actually watch it they would have seen that all is not what it seems on the colony, and obviously not all is harmonious and going to plan. Anyway you should definitely watch for yourself and judge, certainly if you like to see stories based outside of your own life Sci-Fi ;P.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
People are people
22 March 2022
The scope of a scifi story is usually what earns it the moniker of Space Opera, but it can often be used when a story is stretched torturously over too many books. In this case it is well deserved.

First I want to address the main critisism of this series. Many say that the acting is bad. I know acting. Having watched stageplays from conception to workshopping. From having watched rehearsals, to 20 shows every other night on stage. And while I understand the reason people have come to this conclusion, I cannot agree. While the actors may occasionally be still searching for their characters exact reaction, and the confidence to have that reaction, if anything this adds to the performaces. In real life people sound wrong because they are confused, or scared. This is often recreated in drama productions and misunderstood. It can easily be just out of sync and some of the audience will feel it jarring. But this is more to do with how used they are to watching TV where every emotion and character reaction is so basic as to be cartoon.

The production is amazing. The fact CGI can make this level of scifi possible is a blessing of this age.

I loved this series. It is so refreshing to see such investment both financially and risk wise in the adaption of such an amazing and sorely under-utilised genre of literature.

The characters are beyond perfect mixture. And while some of them seem almost cringe worthy in their larger than life styles, these are exactly the types of people you will find at the fringes of our society. Usually they are portrayed terribly and cliched on screen, especially in dramatisations of disasters or war movies. Here I believe them. Because of their coldness. Because I can't connect. Because I instantly connect, with another being so needy, 2hich we slowly learn is because of such a common tale of trauma.

I'll finish simply by saying that this is a classic tale, a simple story told so complexly you'll love it for it. And while season 4 was badly adapted I'll admit, by that point the story and characters carries it through.

P. s. Oh and if there is a better anti-hero than Amos, I'd love to hear about them. Anyone saying the Joker is serioisly having a bath.
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Ignore the pathetic keyboard warriors spamming bad reviews because of some anti-progress political crusade
12 February 2020
As a lover of great cinema, and also cheesy action movies I gotta say I loved this. It's not the best action movie out there, but it is damn near close, I'd rather watch this than most of the fast and furious movies that is for sure. It's fast witted, lovely and keeps you guessing. Maybe could of done with a better editor, or even a few more rewrites, but so could so many other popular movies. It fights right in that Hollywood blockbuster category nicely, and had me laughing and wooping throughout. A real feel good movie, especially for the ladies out there. Deserves way more than the 4.2 score the trolls have been able to sabotage it down to at time of me writing this. So if you want a fun, not taking itself too seriously, too fool for school spy movie...this is definitely the one for you.
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Guy Ritchie shoehorned into sinking ship
9 August 2017
Very basic here, do you appreciate a solid narrative with good themes that arcs well, characters you come to care about, and a story that you find interesting and engaging? Well if you do don't touch this movie with a 10 foot barge-pole.

However if you lack any understanding of storytelling, and, for example enjoy Jean Claude Van Damm movies, believing some cheesy one liners and lots of flashing lights and loud intense music can make up for anything...this is for You!

Seriously I barely stayed awake, it is so terribly bad, it's like a lot of pages were lost and 10 year old boys were brought in to fill in the gaps.

I like Guy Ritchie's quick "geezer" wit in most of his movies...but here it is used way too much and without the actors being able to actually seem cool because it's just so ridiculous.

In review, watch if you have extreme excess of testosterone and love movies where macho-ism is celebrated like its going out of fashion, think the worst of the fast and furious movies, or The Expendables (but without the enjoyable cheesy or corny bits).

DO NOT WATCH if you enjoy movies with genuinely good stories and interesting plots, like Sherlock Holmes, Marvel Movies, Inglorious Basterds, Snatch, Lock Stock and two smoking barrels etc.
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Whisky Galore (2016)
A lovely wee "shot" of a different time and culture
12 May 2017
This lovely and humorous little production of a classic tale really made my Saturday night, I came out both invigorated and satisfied. I chuckled and tutted (at the characters) along with the whole audience, and I could feel others tapping their feet along, or really enjoying the music.

Gregor Fisher proves himself a masterful comedic character actor again, playing a grumpy but wily father and postmaster in the lead role. Eddie Izzard deserves commendation for given depth to a character screaming to be either played as an outright fool, or as a serious and glum two dimensional character. The rest of the cast are fantastic and skillfully directed.

Overall I would recommend this movie to any lovers of independent feel good movies, it definitely reminded me of how I felt upon leaving a screening of Amelie years ago. Very family friendly, and an ideal antithesis to the stream of ridiculous Hollywood action movies of the Fast and furious 8, triple x ilk.

And regarding people saying it didn't need to be remade, how preposterous to review a production this way. Stories are retold constantly, its the nature of the beast. One of the beautiful things about the cinema and theatre is the diversity in which a simple tale can be re-imagined, bring it to life in new ways. I can only assume this opinion come from purists who love the original so much they would hate to see anything even slightly different, so any real opinion on this production is unbelievably biased.

I never give 10/10, because I would reserve that for such amazing pieces of cinema like the Godfather and alike. So understand 9/10 is a very good score.
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Top Gear (2002–2022)
BEWARE--An unfortunate end to a truly iconic franchise
29 July 2014
I wish to balance the many positive reviews with a glaringly obvious and huge negative about this program. Namely that it is now widely believed to have become a platform for racist/xenophobic/homophobic/misogynistic and just generally small-minded and bigoted views. I WAS an avid viewer and supporter of the show until I noticed what I believed to be jokes of very poor taste begin to appear in its scripted "banter". I agree with almost all the positive points in the other reviews, and appreciate fully why people feel so much compassion for the show and its presenters....however would remind anyone that questions the validity of this review, or who may think that my aim is to somehow be defamatory that MY opinion is based on how the show made ME feel. I feel that any other people looking on IMDb for honest advice about a show should find honest and balanced advice. The thought that people may check on whether this show is appropriate viewing for them or their children on this site and hear nothing of the very widely publicised and varied examples of this alleged content is disturbing to me. I was heart-broken when I realised that in all good conscience I could no longer watch one of my favourite shows and support such alleged bigotry in mainstream media, however I feel that the needs of society as a whole outweigh my needs for entertainment. To round-up my review I would say this; if you care not that you may hear alleged bigoted jokes, and like a white British heterosexual "laddish" type atmosphere from your presenters then you will truly love this show, otherwise stay well away from this show, that has become in recent years an unfortunate end to a truly iconic franchise.
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...Sean Bean,what are you thinking with this turkey sir?
16 July 2012
Absolutely terrible! Reminded me of Navy Seals, all clichéd, but worse! Seriously bad... like it was made on a shoestring budget by amateurs. Feels almost like everyone was filmed separately and then they've edited it seamlessly together. They do not seem to really be talking to each other sometimes the writing and direction is sooo bad. Freddy Rodriguez is a good actor, and you almost feel yourself getting drawn in when he is in a scene, but then the plot and dialogue go crazy and ruin it. Do not waste your time unless you are male and between the ages of 10-14 y.o. Poor actors as well, Slaters been in a few clunky movies before but can usually carry off an action role easily. Sean Bean....what are you thinking with this turkey sir? I registered just for this movie even though I've used IMDb for years....I felt that strongly that this movie should be honestly reviewed.
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