
19 Reviews
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Nevermore! Nevermore! Nevermore!
12 October 2023
"The Fall of the House of Usher" on Netflix is an absolute disaster of an adaptation of the classic Edgar Allan Poe story. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at how far off the mark this series is. It's a masterclass in how not to adapt a beloved literary work.

First and foremost, the show takes the essence of Poe's eerie and atmospheric tale and throws it out the window.

The characters are barely recognizable as Poe's creations. Instead of the tormented Roderick and Madeline Usher, we get vapid, one-dimensional caricatures who seem more interested in their social media presence than in their family's dark history. The acting is so wooden that I wouldn't be surprised if the cast was made up of actual wooden puppets.

Plot-wise, "The Fall of the House of Usher" decides to take the story in a completely different direction, apparently because the writers had no faith in Poe's original narrative. Instead of a slow descent into madness, we get a rushed and nonsensical narrative that feels like a rejected soap opera script. The supernatural elements are replaced with cheap jump scares that wouldn't even frighten a toddler.

And don't even get me started on the dialogue. It's as if the writers took a thesaurus and randomly selected words to create lines that make absolutely no sense. The characters babble on and on about nothing, leaving viewers scratching their heads and wondering if they accidentally tuned into a foreign language channel.

"The Fall of the House of Usher" on Netflix is an abomination that should never have seen the light of day. It's a disrespectful and disastrous interpretation of Poe's masterpiece. Do yourself a favor and read the original story instead - it's a thousand times more chilling and thought-provoking than this cringe-worthy series.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Witcher, Season 3: A Spectacular Disaster
29 July 2023
Oh, where do I even begin with this abomination of a season? "Witcher" Season 3 has single-handedly managed to destroy whatever goodwill the show had left after its mediocre second season. From start to finish, it's a cringe-inducing, poorly executed mess that left me questioning the sanity of the showrunners and writers.

Firstly, the plot - if you can even call it that - is an incoherent jumble of disjointed storylines. Characters seem to pop in and out of scenes without any rhyme or reason, leaving viewers scratching their heads trying to figure out what's going on. And don't even get me started on the pacing. It's like the creators decided to throw a bunch of random scenes together and hoped it would somehow make sense. Spoiler alert: it doesn't.

Then there are the special effects, or should I say lack thereof. I've seen high school drama club productions with better CGI than what we were subjected to in this season. It's laughably bad, and the action sequences are so poorly choreographed that I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the sheer absurdity of it all.

Let's talk about the dialogue - it's as if the writers actively tried to make it as cringy and clichéd as possible. Every line feels like it was pulled from a bad fantasy novel written by an angsty teenager. The attempts at humor fall flat, and the attempts at drama are so melodramatic that I had to resist the urge to fast forward through the painful exchanges.

The character development is practically nonexistent. Instead of deepening the characters we've grown to love, they make inexplicable decisions that are out of character and make us wonder if the writers even bothered to watch the previous seasons.

But perhaps the most frustrating aspect of this season is its treatment of women. The female characters, who were once strong and independent, are reduced to mere mechanical plot devices. It's a giant step backward for a show that initially showed promise in portraying complex, empowered women.

As a fan of the earlier seasons, I can't help but feel betrayed by this disaster of a season. It's almost as if the showrunners decided to give up on any semblance of quality and just cash in on the franchise's popularity. "Witcher" Season 3 is an insult to fans and a prime example of how not to handle a beloved fantasy series.

In conclusion, "Witcher" Season 3 is an unmitigated disaster in every sense of the word. It's a trainwreck of bad writing, terrible effects, and a blatant disregard for what made the show enjoyable in the first place. Save yourself the pain and skip this season entirely. You're better off re-watching the first two seasons.
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Terrible. Please Netflix, Jut Stop!!!
25 December 2022
Anyone who has any love for The Witcher, will without a doubt be saddened and disheartened beyond belief when they see this travesty of a show under the Witcher banner. This is so shoddy, cheaply made and uninteresting. Also, how is this related to The Witcher Universe in any way possible - just because Netflix has the rights to the Witcher, doesn't mean they should go around and make any steaming pile and call it a part of the same Universe. Utterly terrible and disrespectful.

So sad to see this. Such a shame. The entire cast and crew owe us an apology and need to not only cancel, but stop airing this show, this very second. It is a joke!!!
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Hellraiser (2022)
8/10 I had low expectations. Much better than what I had in mind.
8 October 2022
The last few sequels have been terrible. I had very low expectations going into this one, but was proved wrong.

This was a decent, well directed and acted effort. At least the storyline kept you engaged throughout the 90 minutes, and the overall execution and character building is good.

The film is not connected to any of the previous sequels and is a standalone by itself. A good route to follow.

The CGI and gore are very well done. The film definitely seems to have had a good budget behind it.

8/10 I had low expectations walking into this one. Overall, much better than what I had in mind or expected.
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Old People (2022)
A Terrible Waste of Time
8 October 2022
Sometimes I really wonder, what drives producers to put money behind such projects. Seriously, it baffles me.

The direction was below average. The acting was again quite poor. The script was probably the worst element of it all. The character development, was the worst I have seen this year. The idea behind the film was good, but they didn't capitalize on it, and the overall script and implementation were laughable at best. A very, very pathetic attempt. The only saving grace was the cinematography but honestly, how far would that take you.

Summary - 1/10. Stay away from this drivel. Not worth anyone's time.
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Wolf (II) (2021)
Simple. Beautiful.
17 September 2022
Sometimes we forget why we watch movies.

I will not give any spoilers but I loved this movie. The acting of the entire cast and the overall direction is top notch. It's a well made movie and it has absolutely nothing to do with politics, unlike some of the other reviews here speaking so otherwise. Do not be misled.

This movie is about finding your footing in life; and accepting, believing and following what your heart wishes/desires for. Not to become a slave to worldly expectations and conformity. For some reason, it reminded me of The Lobster, but there is no similarity between the movies as such.
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Beautiful and Depressing
20 May 2022
I had absolutely no idea, what I was walking into. I started watching it expecting it to be an action anime, something like Sirius the Jaeger. I was so wrong, but gladly so.

The show is brilliant, I will not share any spoilers, but its a definite must watch. The voice acting and story telling is top notch.

10/10 ~Shamis.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
A Great First Season Followed by a Disappointing Second Season
5 May 2022
First Season - 8.5/10 Stars Second Season - 5.5/10 Stars.

After such a good start in the first seasons, what just happened? Second season was really disappointing, to say the least.
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The Alpines (2021)
BEWARE - the good reviews are all fake
23 January 2022
2/10 stars

cons - bad direction terrible screenplay/script terrible cinematography convoluted and bland story telling also, this is neither horror nor a thriller

pros - mediocre acting (not really a pro, but with a better director, the actors could have definitely done better)
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Old Henry (2021)
A brilliant western after a long time...
9 October 2021
I really cannot remember the last good western I saw, its been ages. They don't make good westers anymore, if they make at all. This one is well done. Glad I found it by accident, which brings me to the disappointing fact, that there was absolutely no promotion done for this movie. It's sad when an utter rehashed-rehashed trash like Shang Chi gets tens of millions put behind promotion while an honest gem like Old Henry, gets absolutely none.
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Pig (I) (2021)
I never bother leaving reviews but for this one I had to
19 July 2021
An awkwardly beautiful masterpiece. It's a movie made from the heart, it's not even made with the perspective of finding an audience. It's an exclamation, an expression. Beautifully directed, every shot is brilliant. Thank you, to everyone behind the making of this fine art.
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Luz (II) (2018)
This is a sub par movie. dont be fooled by the fake reviews and rating
18 March 2020
  • Good atmosphere
  • A decent retro-like background score
  • Decent Direction

  • Sub Par Acting Performances
  • A confused script
  • Unnecessary long sequences of nothing happening (more like watching paint dry)
  • A very low budget, which shows

Conclusion: A lot of hollow style over substance.
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Watch this before anything else on Netflix
28 December 2019
If one thing justifies the subscription charges of Netflix, its a show like this.

I started and watched all 18 episodes in one go. Rarely happens, but it did.

Every episode is a gem, with a different story, a different technique of animation.

Its like watching an animated short story version of Black Mirror (another show which I truly admire).

If I had to rate this show and its individual episodes. it would start from exceptional to above average; nothing and absolutely nothing less than above average.

The bar has been set with this one. Waiting for the next season.
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Mercy (IV) (2016)
Mercy... on the viewers
12 August 2019
Perfect example of how you take a somewhat decent idea and turn in into a complete disaster. The biggest flaw in the movie is the direction, its terrible. The actors are decent, the setting is decent, the script though overused is still acceptable if executed well, but the biggest flaw which ultimately destroys this movie is the direction.

The movie has an entire 20 minute scene replayed all over again. Just how ridiculous is that. Felt like one of those 'write a 1000 word essay' assignments to me where the person writing the essay had no real ideas. Just sloppy movie making.

The director of this movie owes the world an apology. Have some MERCY on the viewers.
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Hellboy (2019)
No... Just No....
10 July 2019
Luckily, I didnt have any expectations when I went to watch this movie. I remember watching the Guillermo ones and they were beautiful. I loved them, though they had their flaws, but what was on offer was way more than the flaws. I knew this one would not be a match or even right to compare with, but, what I had not expected was literally how bad this was.

The movie lacks a good script, no good dialogues. cast is not great either, soundtrack is terrible, the cinematography is a let down in itself and the direction is really poor. Absolutely no redeeming qualities that this movie possesses. I saw people walk out of the theatre. I wanted to do so myself, but I have a personal rule, that if I walk out of a movie, I lose all rights to talk trash about it and I really wanted to warn everyone about this one without breaking my personal rule.

So, there you have it. Bad movie 3/10. Stay away :)
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An amalgam of the worst parts of several other movies
7 November 2018
Script: 3/10 The script is plain bad. Dont know if the book is just as bad or the adaptation team took extra steps to deteriorate the script. Cheesy, Predictable, Boring Dialogues.

Background Score/Music: 2/10

Direction/Cinematography: 4/10

Acting: 6/10 This is the only saving grace of the movie. The cast can act decent enough, though, they had a bad script to work on with really bad dialogues.

Overall: 4/10 Pointless dribble of a movie. Stay away - dont waste your time.
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Thumbs Up!
29 January 2018
Unexpectedly nice movie. Good script, brilliant acting. Loads of Gore! For gore horror fans, this is a definite watch. good stuff.
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Jackals (I) (2017)
29 September 2017
I deserve a pat on my back - watched the entire movie in one go. Having said that, this is a seriously dumb movie.

It is a low budget cabin in the woods kind of a flick, but instead of supernatural antagonists, what we have here are a group of men dressed as jackals - and they have absolutely no motive, no background, no character, no nothing - they are just as meaningless as the movie.

The acting in the movie is okay, for a change, nothing amazing since the movie doesn't require anything amazing, but, it does seem like the cast can easily do better -> should be signing better movies.

The background, cinematography are amateurish (or worse). Screenplay is non-existent. Storyline is intermittent, meaningless, flawed and boring. Character building seems to have been an absolutely no-no, since, even if every single person on screen died a horrible death, it would have absolutely zero effect on the viewer.

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Bringing 'The Godfather' to Indian Cinema
26 June 2012
Once in a lifetime Hindi movie bringing the amazing quality of 'The Godfather' to Indian cinema in an entirely rural sense. We are not talking about the Italians here, it is the Pathans.

The only movie I have ever bought movie tickets for twice in the same week.

The direction, storytelling, acting, soundtracks, casting, all fit fantastically well...

You are left with an amazing feeling at the end of the movie wanting more. A much much awaited sequel... and for the ones who are not sure of what I am talking about, wait till the credits stop rolling.
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