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Good series, terrible dubbing
2 May 2024
The English dubbing in this is terrible, it does spoil the show a little but I managed to get through it all and score it a 7 because beyond the dubbing you can see that the actor/ess are good and the story is interesting and chilling.

An adopted Chinese girl who appears to be very loved by her adoptive parents goes missing and is found murdered shortly after. One arrogant judge is convinced the parents have done it while another lawyer is convinced they did not hence starts a point / counter point investigation that may, for a short time, leave you doubting who did it, the show will clear that up mid way through and then you will have to watch the rest to see if justice for the girl is carried out

Verdict. Watchable not gripping but interesting.
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Well worth a watch
26 April 2024
I found the program intensly interesting, a great visual and enlightening display of whats happening in the great outdoors while we sit worrying about what to cook for tea. Its also a welcome change from binge watching some stalker / murder drama on netflix.

The show has its few critics but overall it does a great job in introducing us to the biger picture of our planet and universe and to the lifestyles of many species apart from our own .

I recommed it, its visually satisfying, educational and entertaining. For me it wasnt one to binge watch but an easy filler to pop on at leisure knowing it would be satisfying.
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15 April 2024
This is without a doubt a captivating story if you havent heard or seen it already.

The story, case study and outcome has been all over social media ever since it happened and the Netflix episode offers nothing new, if anything it edits things out!

However Netflix does have a great way of rerunning a story in a coherennt and compelling way, Just as it did with several other crime documentarie such as American Murder (the family next door) and the Sins of the mother. Netflix just gathers all of the youtube footage that many of us have seen and throws in a couple of new interviews to beef the story up, it does a good job here but id like to see fresh and new evidence rather than rewatch all the footage thats avaliable free on youtube.
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Baby Reindeer (2024)
12 April 2024
The alleged true story about the stalking of Richard Gadd who actually acts as the main character in the show but calls himself Donny Dunn.

Its pretty brave of him to re-live and re-enact the torments he faced, the acting is good overall but there is no comedy or humor in the series, it starts dark and remains dark throughout.

It is unique in that it presents the flaws and weird thought processes of both the stalker and the stalked. There are times I found myself blaming both of them for some the scenarios that followed, and maybe this is the whole point of the show, they are both as obsessed as each other.

Towards the end of the series an episode mentions a viral video that finally shot Gadd into the limelight. I have searched and cant find the 'viral' video at all.

To sum up the show I'd say its quite depressing and unsettling from the outset and then gets worse but still I had to watch it until the end to find out the significance of the title 'baby reindeer' I have scored it a 5 star because I am in the middle lane on this and cant decide whether to go higher or lower.

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Ozark (2017–2022)
Why did I ever put off watching this...
13 March 2024
This show is one of the best things since sliced bread , I put off watching it thinking it was going to be a predictable yawn badly trying to imitate the superiority of Breaking bad, I was definitely wrong. I also thought it would be no where near as good as 'Breaking Bad, I was wrong again, it IS on par with Breaking bad. Enough has been said about the story line and how brilliant each actor/ress is, Ruth is Oscar winning material, maybe they all are, I am simply going to give ithis a massive 10 out of 10 and leave it there with a 'You will definitely binge watch this once you have got past the first episode" I couldn't turn it off.
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A solid 9 from me.
16 May 2021
Agoraphobic lady becomes interested in her new neighbors, she believes they are are being abused by the man of the house and she desperately wants to help them but then she witnesses a murder. Or does she? Thus starts the web of mystery and intrigue that had me hooked.

Never heard of this before, glad I watched it, the actress and supporting cast were all very good, the story is also very good. I thought I had worked out the plot around the 50 minute mark, I was slightly right but the twists in the story are intriguing enough to keep you watching until the end.
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Brilliant movie
24 April 2021
I dont know why people rate it low, the actress and actors were excellent. Michel'le really does talk like that and the actress mimicked her voice well. I got used to the voice pretty quick and found it intriguing to know someone who sings so powerfully doesn't speak in the same way. The story is disturbing and uncomfortable at times but it is a packed and powerful story of survival from someone who has lived a dangerous and never a dull life. I still play her song 'something in my heart' so I'm a fan but certainly not showing any bias, the story needed to be told, it will help anyone who is in a similar situation, I hope Michel'le continues to do well and with a singing voice as good as hers I hope she releases more tunes.
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how awfully interesting
13 March 2021
One lacked interest to start with but soon got into it, gave me a new outlook for Megan and Harry, I kind of like them now, to the degree a pauper like me can like them. Still not a fan of Oprah though. I also like having the Royal family here in England, they are a central part of our history and identity, as bloody and awful as it was, history is there to intrigue and to learn from, it teaches us how we got to where are today and allows us to measure where we need to get to. Racism aside (as no evidence was presented that can be fact checked) I wont feel forced into taking sides, there are gray areas and it is not all black and white, I like both the Royals and Megan & Harry, I'm just not emotionally invested in either.
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a bit Yogi on crack - ish
9 November 2020
I was wondering why the film was rated as low as 5 .4 overall, however I then watched it and that cleared that up nicely, I now wonder how it was rated at all, I'll give it 1.
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If, If you don't watch this you are missing a treat
2 February 2020
If you like a good ole crime story , great actors and a twist in the tale that's not pathetic, then this is for you, Totally enjoyed it, Norton lightens up an otherwise somber politically corrupt story-line, got few good laughs from me and made the film even more enjoyable, one example is him getting escorted out of a town hall meeting with a few other hecklers when in fact he was simply responding to his anxiety and shouting something like 'pigs in blankets' in line with his tourette's. Norton's portrayal of Tourettes is brilliant but his explanation of it during the film is even better

Great story, great film, go see it
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1917 (2019)
30 January 2020
Meh at anyone who can rate this film low, I can tolerate difference of opinion but not blatant unfairness just because the viewer was having a bad day . Its an outstanding film and with outstanding performances from all. Its not an Hollywood special effects extravaganza but a realistic look at life, warts and all when faced with war.

In amidst a time of loss and desperation 2 young soldier are given a huge task to carry out, for one of them its personal but it inspires the passion and endurance of the human spirit in both of them to face the sum of all fears even though the odds are hugely stacked against them. If you ever wanted to watch a real super hero film without the Hollywood special effects, this is it.
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Its all been done ad nauseam
24 January 2020
Loved the original Terminators, this is just a predictable yawn fest, it has been done so often it has become tiresome to watch, there are some huge leaps in the story to get from A to B and I think the producers hoped we wouldn't notice, instead the leaps are glaring and we are left felling, well, DUH.

Sarah Conner is only human in this film but she always knows exactly where, when and what time to turn up, the robot with superpowers on the other hand has to use state of the art GPS to track them down, but I know some people like this kind of thing so I'll hush it for now, I'm bored of it all anyway
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The Fanatic (2019)
He nuked it
26 December 2019
All the actors deliver 1st class performances but I couldn't get used to Travolta playing the lead part, he played it very well but I think someone else should have been the lead, thats just my opinion. That being said I dont know why the ratings are down, its at very least a 7, it has some genuine eerie moments, without wanting to give any spoilers , there's one scene with JT rocking in a chair next to his victim and to me, that was one of the most eerie scenes I have scene in years. Its not a good presentation of someone with mental health or learning difficulties so perhaps it loses points there but overall, if you can get past the first 10 mins of JTs awkwardness it is a good thriller, well acted with some tense moments.
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30 November 2019
I had never seen breaking bad until this movie was released, then I decided to watch the series before watching the movie, no regrets, I became a real addict so 2 weeks and 5 seasons later I watched the movie and it was great, answered a lot of questions on what happened to Jesse but also provided and action packed ride. If you enjoyed the series you will enjoy this without a doubt
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Freaks (2018)
Cheap b-movie
30 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry to upset the high rating flow but this film is just a standard movie, good little actress and an ok-ish story, the superpowers are nothing more than what was seen in the superpower films of the 60s before special effects became more sophisticated. I think the cover picture makes the film look like its going to be an excellent sci-fi movie but all you will get is the superpower of being able to repeat a sentence over and over until it happens i.e. saying fall over to someone x 5 and then the person falls over. Or the ability to disappear on the spot, so I dont know how people are saying its better than the effects in some modern DC Marvel blockbusters, I'm going to be kind and rate it a five
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American Son (2019)
A great insight
1 November 2019
Kerry Washington deserves an Oscar for her outstanding performance in this, she gives a totally flawless presentation of a worried mother waiting to hear news about her missing son. The story succeeds in helping us white people see what it is like to be black and on the receiving end of passive and blatant racism. and the anxiety this causes when we have to let our kids step out into that type of world. Its an easy score of 8 for me and loses 2 points only because of presenting a very stereo typical white dad and cop with a clear inability to think. rationalize or debate intelligently. I find it interesting to see how other people experience the world we live in and why they feel the way they do, this play does not fall short in answering those questions.
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Hoaxed (2019)
Very good
29 October 2019
There should be some form of accountability for the big news corporations making money by creating false stories regardless of the impact this has on peoples lives. This documentary is a step in the right direction, anyone rating this low must surely work for the media. This documentary is not taking sides with any political side but rather questioning the ethics and values of popular news channels through the years. Its educational.
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Assimilate (I) (2019)
An easy 7.5 film
18 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If there's something strange, in the neighborhood, who you gonna call? Well this group of teens are to going to strive to call the world through modern tech and let them know what is taking place in their neighborhood, thing is, can they make it to the main broadcasting network to get their urgent message out, and will the world respond and wipe out the epidemic?

Its a good entertaining film overall, yes I can see the likeness to the earlier body snatchers films but that doesn't make this a bad film at all, most modern films are remakes so why rate this low simply for being another part of the genre? it has its own story, good actors, modern take and manages to keep the interest all through.
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Joker (I) (2019)
14 October 2019
,,,but an Oscar winner for JP no doubt. Its all been done before, the dark decline into depressive mental health caused by both internal and external sources, it just gets more recognition this time because its based on a comic book villain, brilliantly acted and produced and brilliantly filmed but there are no hero's in this film, just victims. It starts dark and it stays dark, its the story of how the Joker became the comic psychotic villain, the story is told very well, but don't expect Batman or anything magical to appear to brighten the story. I get the feeling its going to sweep up many awards
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Fractured (I) (2019)
Good little movie
12 October 2019
I had thought I'd guessed the story from the first 20 mins in, so it all appeared quite predictable, the film gave little hints to support the story I had guessed it to be, so it appeared even more predictable, thing is at the very end, I was totally wrong. I'm not going to give any spoilers but a man and his wife rushes their daughter into hospital after they have been in an accident, he is made to wait while mother takes her down for an x-ray,, they dont come back and the hospital staff deny they have ever met them though we clearly see some of the staff interacting with them at the beginning. Whats the story? You'll have to see for yourself , but the evidence you gather as the movie moves along may not lead you to where you think its going.
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Don't steal books from haunted houses
11 October 2019
I dont find many films that are scary these days, and this one isnt scary at all, unless your under 12 I guess, but its still very watchable and entertaining, definitely better than most I've seen over the last few years. I can see the likeness to Gooebumps, though this is much better and less chaotic, I can also see a bit of 'IT' and Wes Craven style in it. I have never heard of the books so I from the title i thought it was going to be a series of different short stories but its not, its one story that involves the same group of teens trying to unravel the mystery of one possessed book, it turns out to be quite a sad story in the end and its the first time I have felt a touch of empathy for a psychotic murderous ghost ha
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Gemini Man (2019)
live streaming
5 October 2019
I'm half way through the movie as I write this, its easy to be distracted with this story, Will Smith is trying to find out who this younger clone is and who created him, thing is, the way the film pans out gives me a couldn't care less attitude , there's nothing about these characters that makes you root for them, good actors/actress but it ends there for me, not a gripping story, more like a shrug of the shoulders kind of film, I felt myself switching off after the 2 Will Smiths meet for the first time and the cone does some fancy work with a motorcycle , after that I was like - meh and I cant get back into it .
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everything is too long
4 October 2019
The grass is too long, but has to be in this story, the film is too long but doesn't have to be for this story, I think it would have been better as a shorter film, once you have got the concept (which is nothing new really) the rest is drawn out and, in my opinion, unnecessary. I found myself yawning after an hour though I think the film was interesting and the little chap (Who looks like a Michael Douglas offspring) was a great little actor , I still couldn't wait for it to end.
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Good film
28 September 2019
So people are rating this low because it is alleged that it has a political message of 'wipe out an opposite view'? have they been hiding under a rock since cinema began? Most films before I was even born have been about one enemy wiping out another, morality has not been the premise of most films through cinematic history . This is simply an action film not based on real life, its obviously not a true story , the heart of it is simply the idea that if you were to, for instance, wipe out Hitler or his parents you potentially save millions of people from all different backgrounds. so do you wipe out the few or let the millions die? I suppose these films serve a good purpose in opening up the debate so I'll give it a 7 . Watch the film, enjoy it, its a good story , somewhat predictable at times but a good twist in the end.
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Look Away (2018)
Good pace, Good actress
21 September 2019
Its pretty obvious from early in the film what the reflection in the mirror is, the hints in the film do not try to cover that up but there is still more to the story when all is revealed so nothing is spoiled . Dad is an extreme perfectionist , even when it comes to his family, this has a detrimental impact on each of his family members lives, he is also living 2 lifestyles, one which he thinks is a secret. One of his offspring is tired of his obsession and the control he has over them all , but they also are living 2 lives in a very different way, both dad and offspring are both are on a collision course and this is an horror story of what can happen when both worlds collide. Look again held my interest until the end and the young actress is outstanding in her delivery of the character she plays, but this ability to act so well will become more apparent as the film goes on
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