
7 Reviews
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Excellent film from a father of little girls
30 September 2023
This was a beautiful film and these want to be critics on this site are just that. Go get a real job and stop trying to judge people's work when you have no clue what it's like to be a black father. All the 1s are from sad white people who probably didn't even watch the film but see black people and decide it's not worthy. IMDb has to do better. The movie is great so watch it and enjoy it for what it is. I enjoy TPs film outside of the Madea stuff. Looking forward to this review never being approved but oh well. I wanted to write what I feel. Watch this film as soon as you can. Thank you good bye.
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It's supposed to be ridiculous
18 September 2023
I don't understand why people are trying to compare this film to something "artistic" as the great white hope, which I'm sure they gave that a 1 because of the black man beating the white man. Anyway, This film is so stupid that it's genius. It's not to be taken seriously in any shape or form. Just laugh for an hour or so and move on. I guess it's my culture and I understand the nuances of the jokes which makes me enjoy the film over and over. Broham anyone? LOL! Don't read too much into it and take it with a grain of salt. Just enjoy the film for what it's worth. A laugh. We don't need you thespian want-to-be's ruining good films. Go watch the godfather or something lame like that. Or gone with the wind. That's what you're here for right?
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Too slow
18 February 2022
So much potential wasted on long scenes with so much unnecessary staring at nothing. Some of the cininatography is beautiful but serves no real purpose half the time. We get it, it's a beautiful movie but damn bring it back a little and tell the story. When they decided to tell the story they just blurt it out. The acting is good especially zoe. I really feel like they didn't do the idea justice and pushed a film that probably should have been a short and made it a drawn out feature.
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Ransum Games (2021)
This couldn't have been made in 2021
12 February 2022
I know damn well Wood Harris's and Elise Neal's Careers haven't fallen off this badly. It looks like something from the early 90's that someone found and said "Ooo, let's makes some money off known people." If so, you should be ashamed of yourselves. You should have let his film die a graceful death back in 99. If this is a new film then damn. They make iphones with better quality...
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Student film with a budget
24 October 2021
Who gave the director money? I mean this is ridiculous. The script is terrible, the directing is worse. I will never understand how these people choose these films. The Stargate universe should have been cherished not hacked to pieces by amateurs pretending to know what they are doing.
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Xenophobia (I) (2019)
Worst piece of trash every made.
1 October 2021
I mean seriously? The director needs to be banned from ever making another film. Who gave this guy money to do this and why? The film starts bad, doesn't get better, and ends worse. My advice, just don't. Go to the park and watch squirrels. It's more entertaining.
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No Clue (2013)
It just couldn't get there
21 August 2021
The story was good but the execution failed. It seems to try to overdo it with the jokes. At times a joke is funny then they keep going to ruin it. They also tried to do way too many jokes scene after scene. The film was right at the top of being good but just couldn't get there. I didn't mind the main guy so much but he did try to hard at times and the comedy seemed forced at times. It sucks that it had so much potential but just wasn't that entertaining.
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