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The District (2000–2004)
Agenda driven political psycho-drama
30 March 2017
I've never seen a show with such left leaning, agenda driven tripe in my life. I came across this show while surfing for something different and by the third episode I knew who wrote it, who produced it and who would think it was great. As a student of the Constitution, I know when the Second Amendment is under fire. This show lies about Gun Show laws and wraps it neatly into a story line of human tragedy.It marginalizes patriots, Waco and Ruby Ridge and demonizes them under the guise of demented radicalism. It's only redeeming value is that it premiered during the Clinton administration and it showed DC's indifference to the surrounding populace in it's true form I'll be watching more of this because knowing who the deceivers are is the best way to beat them. Network TV is a vapid wasteland of shows that bash conservative principles and this is just another one of them. Veiw with caution.
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