
7 Reviews
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Incredibly vivid and powerful film
31 January 2014
I just saw "Midnight Express" again after many years, and I understand why it stayed with me over the years. This is a very powerful story of pain, endurance, injustice, and the human will to survive. Reviewers who are angry about the portrayal of the justice system in Turkey MISS THE POINT. I have heard very wonderful things about Turkey and people I know who have traveled there loved the country and the people. Whether this young man is telling a completely truthful, objective story about his treatment in prison in Turkey or not, the point is that this movie is a work of art, and a GREAT WORK OF ART. The acting is awesome, as are the sets, the costumes, dialogue, photography and the action.

Nobody is defending drug smuggling here, the movie is showing how unfairly this particular young man was treated because the punishment he received far outweighed his crime. And the focus is on this young man's struggle to stay sane, deal with his loneliness, sexual desires, and fears. Brad Davis is perfectly cast in this role. The focus is also on other prisoners and their struggles. The character played by John Hurt is particularly compelling and pathetic, and Hurt's acting is top notch.

I highly recommend this film. It is, of course, not easy to watch at times, but well worth it.
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Interesting but constipated movie
10 January 2014
Best actor in this film?? Joanne Woodward (she was the narrator !!) I honestly mean this... her narration was just great, she had the perfect inflection in her voice at all times. Daniel Day Lewis did a fine acting job as usual, but NOT GREAT. There was virtually no variation in his performance... he was the same stick-up-the-arse character all the time. As for Michelle Phiffer, she was her usual self, nothing spectacular. I actually thought Winona Rider gave the best performance of the three "leads". She was totally believable and had just the right nuances at the right time.

As for the movie... it certainly is interesting as a period piece and repressed/suppressed love story, but Martin Scorsese makes his usual mistake as a director of this film.... he hits one note, emotionally, and keeps hitting and hitting and hitting and hitting this note for the entire picture. It's tiresome, redundant, and frustrating for the viewer. The "note" of this film is unactualized love and socially "necessitated" repressed behavior. I wanted to say: OK, OK !!! I get it, let's move on to some other things... subplots, variations in behavior among the main characters, SOMETHING, ANYTHING.

Some people have remarked that this film is a departure for Scorsese. I think not.... his thing is beating a dead horse.
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Foreign Affairs (1993 TV Movie)
Unusually touching and highly entertaining film
4 August 2012
I can't say enough good things about this movie. Others have outlined the basic plot, so I will simply say that the chemistry between stodgy, solitary, uptight Joanne Woodward, and boisterous, earthy, extroverted Brian Dennehey is absolutely unforgettable, and both of these great actors play their roles to the hilt... really wonderful performances. The script is very intelligent, and the subplot between a young English professor and a somewhat older English actress is also quite dramatic and and an interesting counterpoint to the Dennehey/Woodword romance. Like others who have posted on this board, I too frequently watch this film. I never tire of it and have seen it probably 15 times or so (haven't seen it in many months now, so I feel I'm ready for another "fix"). The movie creates such a strong story and strong atmosphere, that it's like you are re-visiting friends and going on a vacation yourself to a very beautiful and peaceful place (England) while watching this wonderful film. I was lucky to have recorded the film when I first saw it. They don't show it on TV any more (alas !!) so if the video is available, I STRONGLY recommend buying it. ENJOY !!
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Crazy from the Heart (1991 TV Movie)
Hollywood AND TV-LAND - please give us more movies like this !!!
4 August 2012
I can't add more about the plot of this wonderful film... others have said enough. I will simply say that this film renews your belief in true love, and it does so through the wonderful story of an improbable love. Others have commented on how wonderful Ruben Blades is in this movie... I hadn't heard of him before watching this, and now I am a big fan. (He's a wonderful and famous musician as well as actor). PLEASE EVERYONE READING THIS POST... if you appreciate movies like "Crazy from the Heart"... let's all write to the movie studios and TV stations to try and get them to produce more films of quality, uplifting stories, intelligent plots, and fine actors (as opposed to the trashy stuff we usually get). It's NOT JUST "older" viewers who appreciate films like this one, many younger people long for more meaning in their entertainment, and less violence and STUPIDITY !!!
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Dialog, dialog, dialog, and more dialog
27 June 2012
I rather like the three leading actors in this film, and the story line could have been interesting if it was more developed, but essentially, this film is disappointing. The whole movie is various conversations between a man, and two half-sisters. The dialog, direction and acting don't feel real, and the abundance of talk, talk, talk, becomes very tedious. Another criticism I have is that the lesbian character is not believable as a lesbian. I say this not because she is physically attractive and feminine looking, but because my gaydar tells me she's straight... it's just a feeling you get listening to her and looking at her. Emily Blont is probably a good actress, but because of the limitations of this film, her talents do not come through. And the male lead (I don't know his name) is very frustrating to watch... basically he's one big ZERO.... a loser and boring. I say, skip this flick.
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True Grit (2010)
True Fesces (you know what word I want to put here but IMD doesn't allow it)
23 October 2011
Call me old fashioned, but I feel the original version of this film, with John Wayne, Kim Darby and Glenn Campbell, was so superior to this really INFERIOR remake, that it angers me that the Coen Brothers chose to destroy this charming and exciting story.

Wayne, Darby and Campbell ALL gave excellent, expressive and believable performances in this film, giving the movie heart and feeling. It was the RELATIONSHIPS and CONNECTION between the characters that made the original "True Grit" a good film.

All of this is lost in the remake. Jeff Bridges mumbles and grunts his lines so that you really cannot understand most of what he is saying. Matt Damon gives an exceptionally wooden performance. And Hallie whats-her-name, gives a very unbelievable performance... she speaks so fast that it's unnatural to see a young women speak that way, and she has very little expression in her performance. Contrast this with Kim Darby's performance in the original film... Darby gives a natural, believable, and emotionally real performance in the original film. No comparison !!

The remake also loses it's wonderful musical score, and great theme song, sung by Glenn Campbell.

I felt that original film was superior in every way to this hack job by the Coen Brothers. But I find most of their work to be pretentious, pointless, and sickeningly violent and cruel. I think they should stick to making films about psychopathic killers putting dead bodies into wood choppers, and leave stories like True Grit alone.
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Jane Eyre (1970 TV Movie)
Best version of Jane Eyre ever !!!
1 May 2011
Some criticized this version of the movie because Susannah York and George C. Scott look a bit older than they were in the Charlotte Bronte novel. Others point out that Susannah York is not plain, she is attractive (actually she's gorgeous and they play down her good looks in this film). And others comment that the quality of this video could be better (although I believe there are some versions of this video that are better than others).

In my opinion these criticisms are minor and don't take away from the fact that this is a GEM OF A FILM. Susannah York's acting is absolutely brilliant. She truly captures the soul of Jane... she embodies Jane's strength, dignity, subtle humor, modesty, and her pathos. No woman has come even close to the performance she gives in this role.

George C. Scott is equally brilliant. He totally captures the darkness, larger-than-life energy, brooding and deep feelings of Rochester.

Together these two actors are unmatched by others. The chemistry between them is very powerful and actually very sexy. They are the best part of this film. However, the film has many other things to recommend it. A great supporting cast, gorgeous photography of the English countryside and the brooding moors. Fantastic background music by the great John Williams that serves to heighten the moods of the movie. A wonderful script that is direct and true the spirit of the novel. And last but not least GREAT direction by Delbert Mann.

This is a favorite film of mine, and I hope the film can be preserved for posterity, and that the quality of the videos available to the public can be improved upon a bit. AND that stations like TCM can play this film now and then.
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