
5 Reviews
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Weinerville (1993–1994)
This show is like...woah
6 August 2003
I remember this show. Fo sakey, my jockey, it was one of the dopest shows on Nickeloden. I liked the creativeness to some of the sketches. I would definately say that it made my life a little more rocking. Thanks Weinerville, it was a great frickin show!
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Not terrible
6 August 2003
This movie has been label a cinematic atrocity by a lot of people, but I thought it had it's moments of off-the-wall hilarity. It's very much like performance art translated to the screen -- usually it doesn't work out at all very well. But I though Tom Green's movie could of been a lot worse -- like a romantic comedy or a PG-13 snoozefest. Instead, we have him licking the bone of a busted open knee. Weird stuff, but not that weird considering the source.
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9 July 2003
Along with the Armenian Genocide and the Rape of Nanking, this movie was possibly one of the worst atrocities in human history. First off all, I know this is not supposed to be a realistic movie...but unless characters are endowed with magical powers, it seems ridiculous to have character break the laws of physics. Most of stunts performed are not only phony looking, but ridiculously phony looking. I love Justin Theroux...Mullholland Drive is one of my favorite movies ever...but even he couldn't save this disaster.

Mix the unrealisticness along with a non-existant plot (they break into spontaneous dance for no reason! this is not the Sound of Music, McG) and horrendous dialouge ("She's fired."), this movie takes the $200 million it was allocated and throws it out of the window. I mean there's at least five car chases with luxury sports cars...that must have cost $10 million alone! Don't even get me started on the wasted guest stars (what the hell is Chandler doing in the movie???)
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1 June 2003
This movie certainly confusing the first time you see it, but it is also quite intoxicating. Not only does Lynch create interesting character, he switches their roles in a very well-done way. One of the most underrated things about this film is the music, which I feel is spectacular. Watts is fantastic as Betty, although Justin Theroux is also quite good in his sub-plot role as Adam Kesser. He does a great job being a smart-alleck.
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Rushmore (1998)
Best Movie Ever Made?
25 May 2003
When I first saw Rushmore, I was stunned. Wes Anderson crafted superb characters and placed them into a plot that was not only darkly humorous, but also wrenchingly dramatic. Max Fischer (played brilliantly by Jason Schwartzman) is crafty, yet deeply flawed enough to be entertaining. And Bill Muarry's performance is fantastic. It's certainly one of the best independent films ever made, if not, one of the best films ever made.
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