
3 Reviews
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Our Boys (2019)
Truthful examination of societies steeped in revenge
2 October 2019
In the cauldron of violence, antipathy and religious zealotry revenge brews and truth dissipates. It should be evident that the most impressionable members of society--the youth are easily manipulated by the most virulent and strident voices calling for revenge. Sadly, only faith and confidence in the principles of a true democratic state can counteract the calls for revenge. It is safe to say that that within the almost century long Middle East conflict the great casualty next to the loss of life is the subordination of democratic ideology. The rise of tribalism, victim ideology and reactionary calls for violence lead to what is depicted clearly in Our Boys. Our Boys delves into the cruel manipulation of already disturbed young men by obsessive religious charlatans who play upon their inadequate sense that of self. Through the character of Shimon the viewer comes to understand that professionals acting within the context of law and from conscience are often put upon spikes by those of they seek to serve and defend. Shimon symbolizes the tortured voice of justice struggling to survive in a world gone mad in continuous cycle of revenge.
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Exodus (1960)
Hollywood Version
7 January 2016
Exodus is about as historically accurate in its presentation of the founding of the Modern State of Israel, as 1776 the musical is about the American Revolution.

It is complete Hollywood kitsch with Paul Newman, the hero taking on such mustache twirling baddie, Peter Lawford, as the befuddled British officer. Heaven help us! John Derek is the "good Arab", complete in Arabian dress costume as if he was auditioning for Omar Sharif's role in "Lawrence of Arabia". It seems he is following up on his other risible role in the 10 Commandments where he was dressed in a loin cloth and tied to a paper mache rock while being ogled by Vincent Price. And for goodness sake, why would beautiful American war widow, Eva Marie Saint, be wandering around mandate Palestine, just in time for the war to erupt? No one in the film knows or cares.

The only part of this silly film worth watching is the performance by Sal Mineo, who received his 2nd Academy Award nomination for playing a Polish Jew who has survived Auschwitz and in a gut wrenching scene describes how he was savagely raped in the camp. The shame, the revulsion and the desperation for revenge are raw. Mineo's character finds momentary solace with the angelic Jill Haworth who depicts a Danish Jew, who repeats the myth of the King wearing the Jewish star, and how she was saved by kindly neighbors. Mineo's career stalled not long after this film, which is too bad because he was incredibly talented.
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God on Trial (2008 TV Movie)
Humanity at its Hour of Despair
11 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is a fine theatrical work filmed for television. It asks the question where does man stand in his darkest hour. And each cast member answers for a different aspect of the human experience. We are selfish, kind, accepting, desperate, lost, fearful, at peace and maybe everything all at once. We want to know what the meaning of our life and the purpose of our existence in this greater universe. Are we here by chance or by grand design. Did a supreme being pull the strings or was everything by our own choosing and happenstance. Did God create us for his delight or did we create him to comfort us that we are not alone and we will live beyond our natural life.

Even if you are staunch in your beliefs. You cannot help but to see the beauty in the humanity of this piece. I believe the questions are what make us humans and our common humanity unites us.
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