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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
It started Good and ended in a Disaster!
1 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The Night King VS Jon Snow, the duel that was promised but never made it, not even the White walkers fought in a single duel in this battle, whata hell HBO!?!?!?!? The Ending scene with arya, theon, jon and night king and his white walkers was executed so poorly I feel nothing but disappointment after all this years of watching the series, wasted opportunity of a good franchise and biggest mysterious villain of all time.
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True LOTR Fans will be Disappointed
13 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There were almost no epic moments in this movie, there was no real "charge/clash" of 5 five armies, only dwarfs deciding to rush the enemy themselves and then elves spontaneously joining in, in the books Gandalf stops the 3 armies of the dwarfs, humans and elves with one single shout if i remember correctly? "Death has been bestowed upon you all the goblins and the wargs are coming!" He's able to rally and unite the armies in one single charge they clash with the goblin army, that would be much more epic. Overall this movie just felt wrong in so many ways, there was no post credit scene either to tie up loose ends. There was no aftermath either, just Bilbo going home, the end, nothing connecting to the lotr series. Will the EE be able to save this movie? Im not sure, was LOTR a better trilogy? Absolutely. A weak movie, not complete. I just felt disappointed, an entertaining battle but not emotional, no LOTR-quality here and then I mean the seriousness of the lotr trilogy felt a lot better than this. Thorin, Fili and Kili's deaths were so weak.

I mean really? If this was going to be the very last movie of Tolkiens worlds why didn't u make it good enough PJ!? Is this suppose to be the very last representation of Tolkiens world before we leave them and never to return to Middle Earth?

Giving it 7/10.
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Loved Every Moment!
4 December 2014
Truly when speaking of a Seinen, Mature, Adult-like animes Rainbow is definitely one of the top ones. This show almost leaves no place for the comedy side of anime which I like. I prefer less comedy more seriousness and this anime delivered it to 100% The story, drama, characters, development, build up, this anime got everything, there are happy moments, there are sad moments, and as we follow these 7 individuals in a tough environment, each with different backgrounds and struggles and dreams, you start to like them one by one as they progress with their unbreakable friendship, in this anime you will see the very represenation of what True Friends Are For. I recommend it 10/10
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Not Worthy of Dragonball
30 November 2014
I need to post this review to correct the other ones giving this movie high score and explaining how amazing it was, no let me tell you die hard dbz fans how disappointing this movie was: There was no "dbz-feeling" in this movie, i'm very disappointed. I was so excited for this movie because there haven't been any dbz movies for a long time and since the series got finished, dragonball universe has been for a long time. I was hoping for this movie to revive it for a bit at least but no, that's sad. An unnecessary movie if you ask me. I wanted dragonball characters struggling for survival, fighting together, facing an overwhelming threat like an army, I wanted to see fusion, this movie lacked dramatic effect and emotional scenes and moments, it wasn't epic in any way, more like a comedy with unserious fighting scenes. Dragonball is about sacrifice and transformation and die for those you love, the seriousness of Dragonball wasn't in this movie,

Examples of these moments:

-Epicness -Dramatic transformation -Goku transformed because of Frieza killing Kuririn. -The moment Gohan transforms because he's crying for Cell killing the android -Father and Son kamehameha -Vegeta's sacrifice -Piccolo Fusion -Kid Gohan crying at Piccolos dying moments. -Goku and Vegeta fusion -Future trunks crying for future Gohan and transforms. -People getting killed -Tears -A build up reaching a climax -and so much more.

Gave this movie 3/10, why? Because it's more focus on the comedy side of Dragonball instead of the serious, dramatic and epicness of Dragonball just like I described.
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Love Mass Effect and Loved this Movie
16 March 2014
This movie is about James Vega, for those who don't know him he is a companion in Mass Effect 3 video game, you don't know much about him. But he loves earth and he is just as loyal as Shepherd and he wanted to make a difference so he decided to join the best, The N7, he stands for the earth's greatest contribution just like Shephard for humanity. This movie made me respect him a lot more and I decided to always take me with him, the more you progress in the game and the more you talk to your companions the more you hear about their background stories and what they've been through. He was not my favorite companion to bring along to missions but after have seen this movie it built up a lot of respect for him so I decided to take me with him even more and he suddenly became my favorite companion, he only hints small information about his background story and you can guess it was something terrible that happened to him and his squad, but you never knew what it was until this movie came. Now when I've seen it I could never have guessed how tragic it was for him to experience what he did. I'd say this movie represented his background story to the fullest. I gave it a 7/10, I had no problem with the cgi/animation and I loved the story, Mass Effect is about tough choices, what you believe is to be the best possible outcome, sacrifice and gain. The movie title speaks for itself. James Vega has my respect, thumbs up for this movie, bring us more Mass! Effect!
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Awesome just Awesome
24 April 2013
I've seen all kinds of animes, mostly adult ones because usually they have a better story then kid shows, and I had nothing left to watch so i googled 2013 animes and this one seemed slightly interesting, watched a trailer first and didn't like the trailer, watched the 1st episode and I was hooked, watched the 2nd and i was totally hooked, watched the 3rd and it blew my mind, now I will have to wait every week for an episode daaamn, the first 3 episodes of this anime prove that this anime will be an awesome one, you can foretell that by watching how the first episodes is building up this hype-level of an awesome story which started out sad and is going to become epic and bloody. The concept is unique and I like it. Humans who live inside 50 meters high walls to protect themselves from titans (giants), Eren the main character feels unpleasant about it compared to everybody else because that's not really true freedom for a human to be "livestock" inside walls, waiting to get eaten by titans. One day, and that would be the day they would all remember for eternity, the day when first wall fell and hell broke loose, this is where the story starts. And it just gets better and better! There's a lot of emotional and bloody scenes which usually makes up for a good story. You know those animes that catch your eyes on the first episode, this is one of them.
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