
2 Reviews
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Mully (2015)
The Ultimate Family Film - fun and funny, exciting and suspenseful, fast paced and gripping, pure enlightening joy!
22 October 2017
I loved this film. Everyone should see it. If you don't believe in a "higher power" this should convince you that not only does one exist but He is there as He says "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. The media doesn't tell us stories like these, because they don't want people to know how God works in your life if you let Him and when you cooperate, your reward is pure joy! This film is suitable for every age and every taste. It's suspenseful; it's funny; it's uplifting and it will make you ponder what you have been wasting your own life doing. Truth is much stranger (and more wonderful) than fiction. I hope the whole world joins the Mully family.
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"Vito Bonafacci" is today's Everyman
8 December 2010
Modern day people have fallen into the trap of living an unreal existence. We do not really believe that anything "bad" can happen to us, that we can or will, really cease to exist in this world someday. We know that such a thing can happen, but for some reason, our reality is only today, this moment, this place and we live to make ourselves happy, as best we can. We no longer even bother to contemplate the possibility that it might behoove us to think beyond the TV set, that the choices we make now, may really affect a future life. Whatever happened to meditating on the 4 last things, "Death, Judgment, Hell and Heaven"? What happens if or when we live life as shallow drifters instead of pilgrims following a sure path? Ask Vito Bonafacci.

This is a very thoughtful film. It's a good film for this generation, because it addresses a lot of things that people no longer even want to hear about. One can dismiss this kind of film as being irrelevant to a world in which many no longer believe in anything but themselves, but (and I always think this), what if "they" are wrong? What if one person's opinion is just that, his own opinion, with no bearing whatsoever on facts? What if age old wisdom is still wise? For anyone willing to spend the time and the effort to really seek out God, the answer can be found in a multitude of places in a multitude of ways, all leading to the same conclusion. "There is a God, and I am not Him."

"Vito Bonafacci" is a good movie to at least start a conversation going. For some people it may do a great deal more than that.
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