
2 Reviews
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The Tourist (I) (2010)
pffffftttt are they serious?
16 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK so i couldn't hardly wait for this movie to come out, i was very excited. literally from the first 5 minutes i was already bored and not paying any attention, this movie has been done a million times just different stars, the whole Russian mob chasing after money, spies , the lame love story it was all there. I did not find this movie interesting at all, i fell asleep in the middle of the movie, it was very boring and very dull and very dry.

the only interesting thing about this movie was angelina's wardrobe, it was the only thing that kept me watching, just wanted to see what she was wearing.

unless you want some thing to put you to sleep, do not watch it.
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deja vu
9 December 2010
i think there are too many of these movies these days. haven't we seen something like this a couple of years back with Ashton Kutcher?? with this movie its like im having a deja vu, and also very very predictable, nothing new or cool about it. the lead actors are pretty good but the plot is cheap and meaningless. we have seen the whole different culture uniting kinda thing, seriously we get the point no need to repeat it a hundred times.

while i was watching this, i was already imagining the ending and with no surprise it turned out exactly the way imagined it, thats how predictable it is. don't waste your time, you have seen this before!
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