
22 Reviews
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Okay, sort of. A button on the series.
19 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny and it was great to watch an old friend wrap up a series. However, you had this feeling going in that this may be the last time you see Indiana Jones in action. But oddly enough you are okay with that.

There are lots of mindless action and silliness adventures and some that are reflective of other shows that did it better. This is especially true in the TukTuk chases. And are some excellent action scenes. There are some really fast pace chase and action scenes that are frankly a little hard to follow but fun to watch.

If you are an Indy fan, then it is okay. Better than some of the previous ones but not as good as the first and third. I don't have the urge to see it again soon.
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Lightyear (2022)
Not really what you expect or want.
12 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Clear your mind of everything to do with Toy Story. Spoiler Alert - This is not Toy Story or even Toy Story Related.

It is an adventure story based on the character of Buzz Lightyear. But it is also a marketing tool to sell more Buzz Lightyear dolls, games, and robotic cats.

The story tries really hard but there was just so much of it I didn't care about. I found it really hard to maintain interest in it. I was very pleased with the diverse characters as presented and its over all message is good.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
A tribute to 1950s Horror Films - sort of.
26 December 2021
Our Christmas Day non-Christmas movie was the star studded Don't Look Up. Well I should say it is not a upper but very metaphorical. Basically substitute Virus or Climat Change for Comet and a little political awareness and it is a blunt as a 1950s horror movie is about the threat of communism.

I am not sure if I would recommend it. I think so but it is not for everybody.
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A grumpy good guy
5 December 2021
Roger Moore leaves his James Bond image to become a misanthropic soldier of fortune. At risk is an off-share oil rig, this was in the days before off shore drilling became the bad guy. Anthony Perkins makes a great bad guy leading a company of cliche characters. We all know what is going to happen but it is fun watching while it happens.
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Westworld (1973)
I should have rated this higher.
5 December 2021
I remember when Westworld first came our. We stayed in our seats to watch it a second time. It was exciting, interesting, and sexy in its own way. Forty years later it is still a good watch. It is fun to see what they thought technology would be in the days before micro-computing.

So watching it now, it is a little tired. What was once novel is now a trope. But the story is great, the show moves along at a good pace, and I would recommend watching it. After all, it is a classic.
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Red Notice (2021)
Check your brain at the door
28 November 2021
There is a lot of eye candy on the screen and something for everyone. Hunks, beautiful women, lots of action, and a lot of jokes. Overall it is a lot of fun. It is silly, full of plot holes, and just plain goofy.

Red Notice is well done, the money is on the screen to the point that it is over produced by what you see on the screen instead of making the script better. So much of if you watch and just as "Why?" or "How?"

Fun to watch, and a second viewing would likely reveal more jokes and patter, but you have to as "Would it be worth it?" Maybe if you had a couple hours to kill.
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Well it was okay with more pluses than minuses
17 June 2021
So tonight Marla and I went to see In The Heights at the downtown Odeon theatre. Social distancing worked very well, actually for introverts like us it kept people at a nice extra long arm's distance.

A quick hopefully non-spoiler review. I really like the stage version of the musical In The Heights. Seeing the musical on stage and seeing it on film are two entirely different things. So I found the stage version stronger emotionally but the film version is so much grander in scale.

What stands out for me most is the dancing. This is a dancers show, even when they have big dancers like me, it is great to see everyone moving together so nicely and meaningful. And oh the many kinds of dances that were portrayed. Pop and Lock, Hip Hop, Salsa, Merengue, two-step, Ballet, and many more. Although no tap. (that might be a spoiler, sorry.) The singing is very well done, especially of note to me is Olga Merediz in the role of Abuela Claudia. She has a great second act number.

Technically there are some knock your eyes out cinematography moments, some "how did they do that", "some why did they do that", and some that was just the beauty of Nueva York.

In the Heights is a film I would recommend if you love musicals, singing, especially dancing, and there is nothing that is overtly sexual, violent (no gun fights or car chases), and a whole lot of love, family, and home.
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I had hoped but this wasn't what I wished for.
24 May 2021
What an incredible waste of two and a half hours. Mired in muddle, over done, over wrought, and just plain indulgent.

If you are into special effects, stunts, and digital imaging, you may like it. Besides I needed a mental break where thinking was not necessary.
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Good for an afternoon diversion
27 March 2021
Well it is kind of written like a teenage novella. So as a diversion from everyday it is kind of nice. The production values are quite good. It has nothing to do with Sherlock and stands okay on its own. It is good if your expectations of authenticy, local, and story, are low.
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The Dig (2021)
Well it is no Indiana Jones
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At the heart of The Dig is the toil required for a dream. So don't go in expecting car chases, rolling boulders, and gun fights with evil Nazis. However the Dig is more of a crossover piece between Downton Abbey and reading a good book. It is slow, comfortable, and makes heroes of those who truly are unsung heroes.

I liked it. It has heart and you care for the characters who you are supposed to care about. Even some those you don't care about do earn your care. I recommend it as long as you are not looking for much more than a fast 1939 bike ride.
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Stage Mother (2020)
Trite, simple, and Fun
22 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a sweet show about alternate lifestyles without any of the sharp edges. It is incredibly transparent plot gives it a comfortable familiarity. It reminds me of an after school drama with a message of tolerance and forgiveness and just enough innuendo to keep it interesting.

The cast is to be commended for very good performances. Technically it is also well done. But to me it was just too soft and sweet. It is definitely worth watching once.
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Maigret (1992–1993)
Delightful detective
9 August 2020
We have been having our daily dose of watching Maigret over the past month. We started with the Rowan Atkinson version which is very good but this Micheal Gambon version is far more approachable and likeable. He is intense but caring. The stories are a bit transparent but when taken as a "who dunnit" it is a good watch. I am looking to reading some of the books now that we have exhausted the series and seeing if they are equally as good as an escape.

If you like the British mysteries then I think you would enjoy Maigret and would recommend it. It is very British and make no attempt to embody French mannerisms, accents, or style. It does nicely capture the style of what we expect 1950's Paris.
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The Musketeer (2001)
oh dear
17 April 2020
There are swashbuckling movies that are exciting, there are swashbuckling movies that are funny. the Musketeer is neither. Filled with more fighting gimmicks than a Jackie Chan movie, trite situations, a plot that is transparent, and the depth of a Xena or Hercules television show from the 1980s.

If it is rainy outside, there is absolutely nothing on tv (we picked this off Netflix out of sheer boredom that nothing was on), then maybe consider watching the Musketeer.
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The magic is missing.
23 December 2018
Marla and I went out to see Mary Poppins Returns. It was colourful, bright, and totally unmemorable. The performances were great, dancing was wonderful, but the story was contrived and felt very manufactured. It is worth going to see but better to see with lower expectations. Mary Poppins (the original) was magic in a bottle. Mary Poppins Returns is just another Disney re-do.
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Terminally sweet
17 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Marla and I went out to see Florence Foster Jenkins tonight at the downtown Odeon. I think the best way to describe it is 'sweet'. It has a nice heart. It also has an excellent representation of 1940's New York City - but there are moments when you really need to suspend your belief. Excellent work by Meryl Streep and I really liked the performance of Big Bang Theory's Simon Helberg.

While the film has a rather elegant look and appeal, it is still really rooted in base interests. We get the little gossip of the marriage of Mr. Jenkins, their playmates, her history and how it is all observed by this inconsequential accompanist. There is surprisingly good dialogue to the movie. One of the feelings that I had about this movie was that while the look of the history of the film was excellent there was also some modernizations to the social interactions. Racism is pretty much non existent and neither are many of the societal challenges of Post War America.
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Jason Bourne (I) (2016)
5 is being generous
16 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The more I think about the film the less I like it. Jason Bourne has so many problems. It totally lacks in originality. The transparent plot is heavy on blowing stuff up, which might be very appealing to another audience. But gone is the intelligence of the first two films. The visuals are not like a roller coaster but they look like they have been shot on a roller coaster - bouncy, blurred and boring.

The acting is flat as a pancake. Tommy Lee Jones looks like he is drugged or asleep through most of the show - but then frankly he has been given nothing to do. I really liked the previous Bournes and was looking forward to seeing this one, but it was an incredible let down.
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something was missing
31 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It should have been better. I am a Star Trek fan and on that level I liked it. The familiar characters, and familiar tropes were all there. The make up and costuming, design and CGI were all outstanding. The acting was pretty much phoned in during any of the dramatic bits and the action bits were loaded with testosterone.

There are some tropes that I really dislike and this is a bit of a spoiler but why is the big villain is quite often a big black guy and it is possible to pick out the victims even without seeing them wear a red shirt.

Where it all falls down is in the story. It really tries hard but it just falls flat. It was like the director made a choice of having action or plot and action won.
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Transparent as the glass the birds fly into
11 July 2016
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the previews are funny and cute. Some of the scenes of the movies are funny and cute. it is colourful and fast movie that should be appreciated by children and those with very short attention spans. The story is nothing new. You could tell what was going to happen within the first 15 minutes of the film. It has moments but a few good laughs. But other than that there is no redeeming value here.

I think this would be a really good movie to buy to play over and over again for your six year old. Even although there are some dark moments, most of it is just easy to overlook and totally non memorable.

I really wanted this to be something. But it just wasn't.
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Entertaining worthwhile production
7 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It was a great afternoon watching the Stratford production of the Adventures of Pericles. This super production was filmed live in the theater with all the great costumes, lighting, and talent of this super company. We had not seen this show performed live before so it was a wonderful opportunity to see it. The quality of the acting was outstanding and very easy to follow. The show was quite moving and exciting. It was rather impressive to see how the cast bent and shaped themselves into all the multiple characters required for the show. I really have no complaints with the quality of the protect with one very simple and silly exception. The film was done in HD and so it was very clear and very sharp. This became a problem for little things like seeing microphones and especially in the case of the lead actress having a plaster bandage on her finger. But that was quickly forgotten and lost into the performance and story.
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Mr. Holmes (2015)
Perfect movie for a cold fall day
1 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So we went to see Mr. Holmes tonight. Really good movie except that it was released at the wrong time. This is a super movie for an October evening. It is a shame that it is going to get lost in the summer of adventure movies, spies and movies that require no thought. It also has a wonderful appeal the the older set. I am sure that everyone in tonight's audience were subscribers to PBS and the average age would be those ready for retirement. That is not a bad thing because it is a very mature show. It is intelligent in its writing and direction. Moreso, it is subtle. It is extremely well acted and the story is dramatic and visually interesting. Not one car chase to be seen. I would recommend seeing it but not on a nice summer day.
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A life in paintings revealed
26 April 2015
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Over the course of an hour and a half we look at the life of Vincent Van Gogh as he progressed in his short life. While it is most a biographical rendering the movie also offers an analysis of how Van Gogh proceeded through his illness. The filmmakers make use of detailed HD imaging to show magnificent details of Van Gogh's artwork primarily culled from the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam. That is the true pleasure of the film. It displays extremely beautiful paintings and sketches within the context of Van Gogh's life.

I would totally recommend this film to anyone who wishes to better their knowledge of Art History and the work of Vincent Van Cough. But there are no car chases and it is as close as you can get to strolling through an art gallery without the travel.
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Woman in Gold (2015)
Excellent and intelligent film
30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Brilliant thinking person's film about the trials and tribulations regarding the return of a painting stolen during the second world war. The film is based on a true story and is full of courtroom dramatics. Austria provides a beautiful background for such a horrible display of the treatment of the Jewish people in Vienna. There are no car chases and nothing blows up but there is very well done intelligent writing. The cast is very well done. Helen Mirren is wonderful, complex, fun and emotionally connected. Ryan Reynolds does very well as the novice lawyer. I very much enjoyed the work of the supporting cast with good support work of Jonathan Pryce, Elizabeth McGovern and Katie Holmes. I was wondering on the timing of this movie. While the film and performances are very good, its release in early April to me means that the film is a bit of a throw away for the studio. Too bad, there is some quality stuff here.
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