
39 Reviews
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The Watcher (2022– )
Easy to get sucked in and then leave with criticisms
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I watched all episodes and felt at the end the last two episodes were scattered and confusing to the story rather than bringing clarity to an upcoming end. Or is the end simply and statement of "Why were you so worried, it will work out." Bottom-line, I do not recommend spending six hours on the show unless one understands that the mystery is never solved up front. . Why this is important is the show does have time progression, but it really is a series of vignette of wild goose chases that do not lead to an end. Just a series of this and that at times do not connect. I keep waiting for it to come together but it does not because the mystery was never solved. So now I understand the meandering this and that. Now is that an excuse for a rambling story like this entirely because a number of the vignettes are simply left dangling. Tunnels for example are simple ones to illustrate the lack of follow-through. Why when you find tunnels to the houses and someone sleeping in a sub terrain room the concept is dropped.

The vignettes as I call them are well acted and funny at times. Lots of known actors star-studded to coin a phrase. I liked the way it was male oriented at first and then switched to female led. Since this is based on a true story, which could be close or wildly off piste, the flow from male screen time to female was interesting. This is an entire story of marriage and typical dynamics.

Mia Farrow and Naomi Watts were pleasant surprises, aging actors in such key roles. Mia Farrow is memorable. Bobby Cannavale was believable. Scenes with Jennifer Coolidge and Margo Martindale were 100% entertaining. The rest did their job well. The dialogue seemed over the top but maybe it happened that way.

How much of the story is true I will not bother to check out. It is a simple little story of life being stranger than fiction. I believe it may be appropriate to note up front the story has no ending. Then would the entire expectation of the movie change? Of course, it would but as it stands at the end one feels left in the dark and in my case like time was stolen from me. I do think the acting as a study was good. The dialogue for Detective Chamberland was too sharp. His scenes were disturbing. But maybe in real life the detective was like that. Fact is stranger than fiction kind of thing. The characters were likeable at times and at times not. Six hours or so of your time - your choice.
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Loudermilk (2017–2020)
Could have been a ten
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I agree the Cutter/Tom addition to the story was not in keeping with the rest of the show. It is done now, but it should not be part of this story. Not up to par with the rest. Simply no. But the series is very funny at times and the characters grow throughout the series.

The Seattle script but with a Vancouver filming is typical for a lot of movies' set in the PNW. However, it takes away from the movie. Yeah it is fiction but many of the locations are obviously Vancouver. Lots of still Seattle shots which provide a transition added to sense that it is Seattle.

Back to the good. Having a core group of characters with more than a "group" appearance help with the plot development. One that note the latter episodes did come at one with new twists and plot surprises. Lots of surprises. Not for the younger audience.

Each episode somehow leave one with a good feeling about the the featured and main characters in a subtle and reasonable way.

Finally there is a good message that comes out of the odd life circumstances that could turn into a bigger fiasco - but somehow in the short time there is redemption.
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Dune (2021)
Yawner - almost a waste of time
8 May 2023
I never read the book but did see the first Dune way back when. I wonder if I had read the book what a difference this might make. To me this was a disappointing watch. I had to think about the CGI and the music but the story itself seemed very comic book. The music and the increased audio level of the fights was well integrated and provided proper emphasis.

I know a lot of people rave about this but for some reason both my wife and I could not get into it. We saved it for my birthday movie. We really like sci-fi. I had read all the reviews here and what a triumph according to most of you. Not for me and your reviews suckered me into a yawner. Thanks for the advice, no not really. Maybe next year I will see a better movie on my birthday. I will yawn and chalk it up to not knowing the story before. I was looking forward to the worms and they were a lot bigger than I expected.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
Good production - disturbing portrayal
2 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After a few episodes this show is like so many soap operas. Narcissism, incompetence, revenge, sex and despicable characters. The difference here is this represents stuff that determines our future. It is not pretty. It is hard to get by the loathsome characters that would be representing you and I along with the lavish spending.

Imagine this ambassador is supposedly a wonk who knows the book but is totally a fish out of water excepting when she uses her sexuality. This Oliver Stone type of history making is upsetting but even more is when one realizes a lot of ambassadors are placed in the position as a reward for political servitude, usually in the form of money, and they would even be less capable than this ambassador who continually throws her toys out of the pram. She is a piece of work. What are our other ambassadors like. Phew I bet!

Like so many movies today there is little detail but many quick scenes that is most movies build character. This show I think is good because it represents our diplomatic corps as phony and conniving. This show has good production values, and the visuals take me back to the City and Whitehall. That is fun but the content is not. What if this is accurate of diplomacy. I hope others see this as I do - a representation of the disfunction of our diplomatic efforts.

I think because I feel this way I do you could say the actors are doing their job. Their representation made me reflect.
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Entertaining and thought provoking
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has it all - original story, great acting, animals, setting, surprise and probably a lot of other things. A great story to remind us how different we all are. I thought the underlying story line of a simple but for some the non-rewarding existence was brilliant. The local pub and the ability to cut through lonely times, connect to the others in the simplistic manner was a great center of the various plots.

There were times I thought wow that was a jarring jump in scenes, but each scene was superb. The pacing and editing I am still not sure about, it was ok. Where it shined was in the individual scenes. The actors were so good. At the end it was hard to decide who carried the movie. This would be a good movie to ask people what your favorite scene was. I bet there would be many differing opinions.

It is a easy watching, maybe slow at first, but well worth it. Lot oof things to think about when one gets done watching it.
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Tired story, weird editing and pacing
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How I want to see another alien but for not. This movie with is a group of older recognizable actors making a movie with actor narratives about alcoholism. The narrative are up in the air with me as to whether they added or just seem to be transition aids.

More of a sad tale than comedy with a very old story. Not just alcoholism but the entire progression and issues. Been there so many times. Let's try something different. This must have been a personal reach out from someone telling there story. Hey hate to tell you - but this is a common day occurrence. About as varied and interesting as cars changing at a traffic light.

But I will say what was sad was flow and disjointed nature of the movie. It was grueling to watch not only the subject but just the way the movie was put together. I think I blame it on the editing. Visually things seemed to be shot at the right angle, focus, panning and stuff like that but the scene to scene and where are we going was not to my appreciation.

I saw nothing but old late career actors giving them something to do and then this tired story was finished off with editing that tanked it.

I would have moved on after 15 minutes but I paid for it and that made me stick it it.

Of course I think you can tell I would recommend you watch something else.
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Great Movie - simple as that!
25 December 2022
Boom I cannot understand the low ratings. Take the movie for what it is. A Christmas tale about an imaginary subject wrapped around family and celebration. It is a great parody, so subtle to be superb, that is faced by billions of people. Don't lose sight of what this movie brings.

Yea there are people one meets that are odd or stay away from in your daily life but like family they are not 100% bad or good. Just people with sometimes some surprises. This movie played out people's foibles. It also showed their strengths. Some of you that criticized the movie because of some beliefs or expressions even facial. Some of you possibly like the Avatar series but not this movie. What are you looking for? Don't laugh because if you do you don't get it. That's ok.

Every person in this movie would make a good neighbor, yes some of the times one would express frustration due to a look or comment, but you would be right there if they got hurt. Our neighbors are odd to me in some ways, but they are great neighbors. See the movie for people, culture and expression.

I will admit the movie brought back some wonderful memories as a child with my parents and our dog. Of course, I have the best memories of my childhood, my parents and where I am. I hope this movie can bring some of that joy to you.
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Fun and Upsetting Personalities
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Forget the cinematic quality and just focus on the personalities. What a series of personalities. The Pepsi people brought back flashbacks of working in the C suite within and numerous C suites in my career. The all-knowing directing head, a yes man who isn't going to rock the boat and finally an ad person who is observant and low key but must placate a client in face to face. All of them so smart that they did not vet the ad properly and maybe even blew off legal. Or was legal a joke? Elon would have a field day cleaning out the floor.

Then you have an idealist who is likable but really is short of what is the long run plan. An "A" type who is somewhat of a braggart but knows there are limitations in his persona, and then attorneys who want in for what is in it for them. A person trying to sell a "Brooklyn bridge" in the form of I have a plane who is best dealing with people in dark rooms. Also, there is a loving mom who obviously wanted some attention. Oh, don't forget a judge who has bias and is willing to make her bias law.

The Pepsi people made me upset not on who is right or wrong. But I could list many names I dealt with and categorize then under the Pepsi personalities. Maybe it is PTSD after thirty years of dealing with the type, but it just upsets me.

How do you grade a movie when you don't like some of the people? Well, it was thought provoking and not a series to say great photography, nice editing, good sound. No, no, no it just doesn't allow me to go there, it was content and approach for me.

Also, what is up with the airplane prop? Sets one up for success from one camp. Of course, that camp was outgunned. Amateurs in a foreign environment. Unfortunately, Stormy Brook's attorney, had shown the drive and the way to winning the fight. There just wasn't the type of character of the others. To win in a straight up court battle, well they were doomed before they even stepped into the courthouse. They jumped into a battle that was a long shot, hired attorneys who saw something in it for them and hoped. What is best A for effect or F for effectiveness?
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A very enjoyable movie but does make one think
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing profound to say about the movie. Saw it at home and just enjoyed the scenery and the story itself. Kind of wondered afterward if someone could actually grow up like that as a young child and if a family could walk out as they did.

I suppose if you had a father like that the sky is the limit of what could happen. You just hope that the abuse the family endured is not happening but it does I guess. The movie hit hard when then the black store owner is called "boy." That hurt and like much of the underlying theme of the movie is hurtful. The movie has its villains and heroes for sure.

Let's hope many children of an abusive parent survive and live a long life of strength and character. Of course she did kill someone. Funny how my view of her only dropped a point or two when we find out she most likely killed him. I guess the pairing of victim and the stench of the antagonist accounts for my view. Perhaps you could say the movie revolved the shell necklace. We have to stop abuse and racism.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
The last series seemed to be sub par to the rest and that ending.
17 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting series that held one's attention. The last three episodes for me were fun when looking at the individual scenes but they were such a departure from the direct linear cause and effect that it was an odd radical change for me. Some were like deleted scenes. It was like the internet pages where one surfs from page to page to see why the little puppy cries all night and there is never really an answer.

I was so hoping Carol Burnett would have a stash gun and when Gene was menacing her, she would plug him, maybe even a double tap with an admonishment to the dead Gene for what he had gotten her son Jeff into. The best last scene would be Kim in front of the judge and the last words before fading out would be asking if Kim had anything to say before sentencing.

I felt the last scene as presented was so cliché and although it made one feel good about the kiss and makeup at the time it was still these are two bad people. It was noir and trite. If I wanted "kiss and make up", I could watch The Long, Long Trailer.

The last season painted Kim as diabolical and warped as Jimmy, Saul and Gene combined. She needed and deserves jail time.

The film did have some wonderfully shot scenes.

For those that have listed series they think are up to or better than BCS I throw in Goliath.
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Night Sky (2022)
Last episode left way too much open
2 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Each episode seemed to get better. Probably due to character development. I didn't think the story was that strong, but the actors and their performance saved the day.

On another subject I wanted a tie in the "other world" in a more defined sense or if they don't do that it is just an odd segment. Next season I suppose more to come on the "other world." But that is the issue with last episode I have. It seems like the tape broke two-thirds through the wheel.

The next season is going to have all the explaining of the characters, more plot development and a new city within walkable distance and supporting human respiration on another planet. To much left open in Season 1 and Season 2 sounds like it could have so many moving parts that you wonder how they pull it off.
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The Bubble (2022)
My wife figured out what this movie was going to be
5 April 2022
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My wife fell asleep after about 45 minures and woke up for the last 5 minutes. She was so lucky. I watched the whole thing. What a mess of a movie with good actors who you recognize. David Duchovny was far from modest and played upon his womanizing. Oh heck forget the individual actors. They were interesting for the next 30 minutes and then they become tedious and unlikable. The writing and the directing become laughable (not funny ha ha wise) after about an hour. Two hours wasted and nothing memorable from the experience. I almost turned it off when the hand was shot by the sharp shooter. How stupid was that entire security team portion of the movie? Well as I think about just a little worse than the entire movie.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Is this movie funny or a tragedy?
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
You have to make the choice. The storyline took me past any actual review of the movie of the technical aspects of the movie. For me that does not happen so often, but the story just reinforced my disdain for our politicians. Although the situations were exaggerated, they were not ridiculous. Of course, the politicians are not the only repulsive group, the general population was just as off-putting. Welcome to reality. For me, the quality of the filmmaking was second to the statement made regarding politics and the public in general. Which came first the simplicity of the public or the selfishness of our politicians.

Great entertainment but it left me bummed.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Preposterous and there only to shock
16 November 2021
At the end of the third episode, I felt I had enough of this show. I could not mind a message or entertainment to get me interested in the shallow plot. I also had to wonder what individuals see in this type of violence. Just could find anything to keep me interested and not turned off. Wait one thing, the first episode which was slow did give a visual of Korea and I presume Seoul. This was the worst simply put with no redeeming values. Big turnoff.
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Stillwater (2021)
Long movie sometimes slow and then rushed at the end
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think if you look at this as a study of Bill Baker the movie works sort of. I wished he had remained simply a roomate and the movie focused on the surrogate child that Maya had become. These guy has baggage. Wife committing suicide, difficulty finding meaningful work, a record and estranged daughter with her own baggage to say the least. Instead the movie had many story lines and the last part of the movie just dropped those. To many unanswered questions that led up to the outcome. Yea you can make up your own version of what happened here and ther but then that takes away from the character study. Just a very predicate movie with lots of what just happened here at the end. Of course if I was in his spot what would I have done. He was committed and devoted with significant pain and heartache.
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Third Season is not worth watching in my opinion - lost the schtick.
13 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sophmoric humor with shock screnarios. Much of the show is gross and with little value other than lurid and off color excitement, a certain type of reader which isn't me.

I anticiapated the third season as I enjoyed the first two very much, not as much as the movie itself however, and like so many series it is hard to keep it going.

I think for many this series will be tiring,simplistic and crude. It is just off color, has individuals that are propped up by thier whipping boy and very simplistic. What happened to the original.schtick? Ok only three epsides in but the trend looks bad to me. Seaon one and two on top, season three is unappealing as Colin runnaging through the lincoln logs. How stupid!
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LuLaRich (2021)
Serries is good - people are loathsome.
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
8 stars for the expose itself. However the people are upsetting and it would easy to rate the movie based on the people.

DeAnne, Mark and many of their children are despicable. These people represent attitudes and narcissism of the most depraved people in our society. What a group of disgraceful people. Thank you, Amazon, for exposing this group. Watch it and see how what would seem to good people down the food chain turn into the form of unacceptable behavior. Mankind in a very poor light.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Buffon brings awareness of farming challanges
4 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jeremy Clarkson is a buffoon but seems to have a good heart. He is lucky that he has good supporting people helping him in the show. The show would be nothing without them. Clarkson just frustrates me as he represents to me the epitome of privilege, money and addled behavior.

Apart from Clarkson I learned a lot about farming and the challenges farmers face which are highlighted in each episode. The future is uncertain for farmers and a second season will help educate the public on their challenges.

Coming from an agricultural background in my youth there was never any doubt about the hard work and risk in farming. Hopefully this show helps many to understand what is behind that cello wrapped package in the display case.

The visuals are superb, the learning moments are numerous, and the hero is Kaleb who is likable and capable. Kaleb represents the underappreciated people in this world.

It was not surprising that year end bottom line was 144 pounds based on the weather, Clarkson and his poor decisions and execution must have a big impact. Of course, the economics of this farm are based on the revenue from the series which Clarkson now knows is his survival. Ok, what would this Wally do without Kaleb?

Oh, Jeremy learn how to back a trailer. This is fundamental and you are a car guy!
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Getting sick of the witticisms
14 August 2021
Call me nuts but I am very tired of seeing the character Ted coming on screen and spouting some comment that sort of makes sense and so that don't. He should play one of the Three Stooges. Don't get me woring this is a good show but he is grating on me. Thank goodness for the supporting staff and I enjoy the storyline. I did spend three years in London with a flat on Bow Lane that looks so much like Ted's street and it brings back memories of the rapid fan base. The show has enough London phrasing to interest Americans and light enough where they will get it.

Maybe I just have an unconscious bias for Jason Sudeikis. I thought he a poor choice in Last Man on Earth so maybe this is why I cannot get on the band wagon. And Bobs your uncle.
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The Loch (2017)
The early episodes were the best
1 August 2021
Much of the subplots could have been jettisoned and more detail provided. Contrived one reviewer said and I definitley agree with that. The series just lost the appeal probably about the fifth episode. Nice visuals. Dissapointing to see if start tail spinning. Was an actual relief it was over.
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Don't analyze the movie for goodness sake - enjoy simplicity
30 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Don't Analyze this movie, you will be disappointed. Instead sit back and find out if yoiu find tension building. Most likely you will. After all who cares if the logic and realism of process is out the door, just run that monster is chasing us. That is what the movie is about. It is like a fight with the wife, lots of tension but little substance. This should be a series, kill em off and introduce another actor Every week. It is a potential series clone of Walking Dead and as a movie it is just a Walking Dead look alike. But it has tension.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Don't bother - junk
2 July 2021
Not worth watching. Over the top with implausible scenes. A typical storyline with the bad guys who cannot shoot straight, overpower weaker individuals, and even use common sense. The Hutch character is not believable nor one that fits Odenkirk. Of course, the Odenkirk character is beyond belief in a how stupid and unbelievable way. Why did Odenkirk sully his reputation with this insipid movie. Don't bother. Press Odenkirk to respect his audiences.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Just Say No
30 June 2021
I told my wife, "No I don't want to watch another unrealistic Liam Neeson movie, I know what it will be like." "it's hot out maybe the ice will have a physiological effect of cooling." Ok I thought it most likely will have good cinematography which it does. Well, I was right as to the context and this is just another tired Liam movie. If only the wolves would have got him in The Grey.

What a joke of impossible remedies to situations that just go from one to another. What an embarrassment to Paccar with their Kenworth trucks in this movie placement. A well-respected American engineering and manufacturing company involved in total unrealistic situations. Kenworth might as well as got a big ramp and had Liam and a Kenworth fly up the ramp to the space station. The Pigot family must now be in hiding.

Movies by Liam are so predictable and unbelievable that he needs to find a different movie genre. Don't waste your time. Somebody should make a game based on this movie involving violations of physical laws with levels 1 through 3 of violations. There are probably 50, maybe a 100.

Fishburne was lucky he checked out before the movie moved in a new level of ridiculous scenes. A lousy pulpy B movie at best.
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An insult to a social issue
1 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An important topic overwritten by an unrealistic story line. The movie turns into a movie about a vengeful women who because of guilt and her own personal behavior takes on a personality of a vigilante at best or simply her own extreme of risky behavior. It also plays on the urban myth of the medical schools. Cassie's behavior in the movie takes away from the importance of the subject. The movie should have focused on the behavior of men and women over consuming, men possibly drugging (although I believe she is one drugging people at the end), and the trauma it creates. Somehow they needed to build empathy or understanding of the Ennis character and the resultant dropping out and death is damage potentially done - show behavior and result of the victim Ennis. Instead we see the aftermath with Claire who is not doing well, let us just say.

A very important topic of predation and risky social behavior marred by a plot that should have been focused elsewhere and a movie with poor storytelling and bizarre plot twists. Nonetheless the subject of men praying on women and women taking risks does not come through. Call it a social conscience movie and mark it up as a movie that didn't deliver as a movie itself. Just too many issues, not well told or believable, of an unlikable individual with behavior toward innocents and planned aggression toward others. It took away from the issue of the social behavior of taking advantage of a person either by them overconsuming or worse yet drugged. A missed opportunity of an important. Instead a vengeance movie where the person gets killed to take revenge for something that we are all left to imagine happened to someone else. Is Claire a PTSD victim and maybe these people should smoke pot rather than consume to excess?

The last part 5 is the low point of the movie, it felt like the movie is broken and let's wrap it up. It was rushed with too many plot holes and poorly filmed scenes. At the very end the police involvement felt like they have determined they only had two minutes of tape and somehow the police have to make an arrest. Pretty fast and questionable due process.
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Like the book disjointed and confusing.- little value for your time
20 May 2021
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It was a tedious movie for the first half, the next third added some intrigue and then the last third was almost a different script that was abrupt and did not blend well with the previous. However, since the new scenes were in the house you knew it was the same movie. Perhaps this is the approach to this type of movie, go along and then bang a different direction.

The movie at the end would have been better if it had left the lead in her semi demented state locked in her uncared for home. Leave her as a pill popping alcoholic who was involved in 5 deaths who can't get a hold on her life. Not as the movie did with all is well now - let's all skip down the street, blue skies..

24 hours after watching it I now see it as a wasted of time movie and one that maybe having the paper by you to read and keep busy would help. Don't have popcorn, out of boredom you will eaten all it in the first fifteeen minutes.

Very predictable with cues in the movie that shout out remember me. Not subtle in the least. Made for a predictable movie. Also, unplug the roof drains. Might help the mold and potential drowning. BowWow!
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