
16 Reviews
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Turbo Kid (2015)
Distracting Gore
7 September 2023
I like this film and was prepared to REALLY like this film, but the copious amounts of gore are not only over the top, and completely unnecessary, but extremely distracting as well.

The nostalgic feel was good, the characters were campy and two dimensional, but decent enough. The character of Apple saved this movie from being a total loss. I wish they had developed the relationship even more and told us more about Apple's back story.

That being said, Apple was THE saving grace in a landscape of desolate, gross, gory shtick. Kudos to Laurence Leboeuf! I don't know why they thought adding more gore was a good thing, it was just too much. A little goes a long way, less is more, and not everything needs more cowbell so to speak. 1 star for the nostalgia and 4 stars for Apple. 5/10.
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Copenhagen Cowboy (2022–2023)
Absolutely BRILLIANT
28 May 2023
As a huge fan of cinema, arthouse, foreign, mainstream, and everything in-between, it's rare for me to come across something that captures my imagination and pulls my full being into its world, but Copenhagen Cowboy has done just that. I'm a cinephile and have seen thousands of films. First of all, I love David Lynch and have seen most if not all of his movies and tv productions. I think Lost Highway is genius and I've watched Dune three times. That said, Refn has managed to "out Lynch" the great David Lynch with this series. If we don't get acts 2 and 3, it will be a crime and a shame. I loved everything about Copenhagen Cowboy, and then when I watched Nightcall, a 27-minute description (not a making of) which details how they brought CC to life, including interviews with the many first time actors who were "street cast" in major roles, I loved it even more.

So if you love cinema like I do, watch this series alone at night, settle in with your favorite apéritif, and enjoy. It is absolutely brilliant.
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Great Concept
11 March 2023
Great concept, awesome music, and at times fairly decent anime art, but the entire package of the story and characters was severely lacking. I wasn't emotionally invested in any of the characters. Therefore, I didn't care what happened to them. The MacGuffin was rather convoluted and not fully executed either.

That being said. My main concern with this anime series doesn't have to do with any of that though. The main problem is the vastly overrated opinions and bloated hyperbole associated with the fan base. I have watched a ton of Japanese anime in my life. It would be an understatement to say, even A LOT. And if Cyberpunk Edgerunners is now considered "Anime of the Year", the culture, the art form, and the genre itself is poorer for it.

I don't want to mention other anime in comparison to this series because there are no comparisons. It would be disrespectful of those classics. I also have no intention of legitimizing this series as being one on the level of obvious masterpiece works. Cyberpunk is not that.

What I will say is, if this is what the new modern generation of fans puts forth as a "best ever" or "greatest" then we as true anime fans have entered into an era of the degradation of the art form. It is lamentable, and if we don't resist we will continue to receive a weaker and less intelligent artistic experience.

Cyberpunk Edgerunners was just ok, 6/10 at best, and I'm being generous. If I were being salty and spiteful I would give it 1 star, but as I'm being honest, I've rated it appropriately. It has been the roar from the lowest common denominator that makes this anime cringey and scary. I sincerely hope Japanese anime studios don't allow the world to co-opt the genre and run it into the ground.
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27 July 2021
Casual viewers, many anime fans, and most Godzilla enthusiasts probably weren't ready for this mind-bending thrill ride of philosophical banter concerning end world theory, disguised as a kaiju tale. Godzilla Singular Point is definitely in the thinking person's deep end of the pool, so if that isn't the water you usually like to swim in then this anime is not for you. But if you like big questions, inscrutable enigmas, and references about quantum computing, quantum mechanics, AI, magic squares, time travel paradoxes, MD5 hash reverse decryption, many worlds interpretation, Shiva the destroyer, and bodhisattva quotes about impending global catastrophe and the end of mankind, then this anime series is perfect for you. GSP is breathtaking in it's intellectual scope and absolutely genius how well made it is. Plus the weaving of subtle ennui, nostalgic feelings, and top notch music (Mothra's Song 1961) with cut graphics is brilliant. Apparently some people are upset that Godzilla isn't given much screen time, but honestly... I barely noticed. 10/10 Highly recommend.
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I Enjoyed It
10 June 2021
It's worth a watch despite a few plot holes big enough to drive a truck through towards the end. No matter... Dylan McDermott is an absolutely fascinating and enjoyable actor to watch in this role, as are the other two principle leads, but McDermott steals the show. The storyboard is tight and briskly paced making it an easy watch start to finish. Not great, but not bad at all.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
I Don't Care What Anyone Says
6 November 2020
I loved this series. Yes, it's a slight Langoliers influenced story, but so what? It's miles better, less cheese, and more feasible - although not by much. Yes, the characters are absolutely infuriating at times, but so what? Any show that can get me talking to the screen and trying to tell them what and what not to do means I'm hooked. Yes, it's packed with familiar themes, but so what? It's gripping entertainment that gave me clammy hands one minute and goosebumps the next. I love that the characters, even though they're from different cultures, all speak French! Overall this is a solid show that's easy to like and well-deserving of a second season. Nice job Netflix.
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Understated Classic
1 November 2020
For all those reviews that say this film was "boring", "slow", or had too much talking. If you're a cinephile... ignore them! Those are the same kinds of people who couldn't sit through Glengarry Glen Ross or Once Upon a Time in the West. They also didn't understand Network or Dr. Strangelove either, if they even bothered to watch those films.

The Vast of Night offers one of those rare occasions where the story, characters, and atmosphere completely draws the thinking viewer into another world. It's genius is it's simplicity and it's ability to carry your imagination up and away with it into the night sky. The camera work and storytelling are at the heart of it's brilliance. This is an understated classic.
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Dorohedoro (2020)
No Comparison Available
7 October 2020
I wish there was an anime series I could compare DoroHeDoro to, but there's just nothing I've ever seen of this type or caliber. Refreshingly unique and mesmerizing in it's own right it makes me want to use all kinds of hyperbole to describe it, but that's not necessary. Just watch it and you'll see. Before you even realize it this anime will have seeped into your skin. It's so delicious I don't even want to tell other people. Instant classic!
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The Nice Guys (2016)
Where's My Sequel?
27 September 2019
Anyone who actually watched this film and gave it a bad review has no idea what they're talking about. Ignore them. Gosling and Crowe deliver with what most buddy movies are missing... authentic chemistry on screen. The film itself isn't super deep or hard to get, but it's fun and easy to like. The relationship between father and daughter is also one of the most heartwarming surprises. Please give us a second helping of this cool 70's noir comedy thriller.
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Simply Outstanding
26 September 2019
Of the four, Criminal: Germany is simply outstanding. It's emotionally visceral, visually striking, and smart. The relationships between the team members is palpable and the subtle use of pauses and facial expressions was so well acted it feels just how you imagine a "real world" Detective Unit would feel. It reminded me in part so much of Andre Braugher and Kyle Secor's work in Homicide: Life on the Street. All 3 episodes are hard hitting and I cried like a baby. Bravo Netflix! This is the kind of fare we crave. My hats off to Criminal: France as well, which I rated 9/10 only due to a less than strong first episode, but the tension and camaraderie among the French team puts it on the must watch list! Criminal: UK I gave 8/10 only because I felt like David Tennant was underutilized and I wanted full on Broadchurch Tennant. Looking forward to season 2 for these three shows.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
21 April 2019
This was one of the most enjoyable zombie series I've watched in a long time. Kept me focused with insane random tension, breakneck chaos, and split second choices between life or death. The uncertainty is relentless. Good ensemble cast. Jaime King is outstanding! This series made me hold my breath. OMG the ZOMBIES!! The negative reviews are cry baby TWD fan boys who got crushed. Just sit down and enjoy the ride. Can't wait for season 2!
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Hanna (2019–2021)
The Killing
10 April 2019
I like this series. On the surface it's ok. Esme Creed-Miles is a likable young actress with tons of promise. Overall, Hanna is certainly decent enough to watch for the average viewer looking for some binge-worthy entertainment you don't have to invest too much in. But for ME? I put all of that aside just to watch Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman again! I watched Hanna from the perspective that this was a parallel universe, an alternate timeline in which Sarah Linden and Stephen Holder from The Killing are adversaries instead of partners, albeit still intimately connected.

There's a brief flashback scene early in the series with Marissa Weigler (Linden) and Erik Heller (Holder) seated across from each other, both still smoking their ubiquitous cigarettes from The Killing, Weigler (Linden) smiles at Heller (Holder) and says, "I've missed you." I paused and rewatched that scene 3x!

The chemistry Enos and Kinnaman shared on The Killing was palpable and easily the best since Mulder and Scully. Honestly, The Killing should've gone for seven seasons, but for reasons unknown... it didn't. So what the fans of that great show are left with is this inter-dimensional version of Linden and Holder, together again, in a television series called Hanna. We'll take it.
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Rango (2011)
3 February 2019
This film is too good for children and most adults. Next to Jaws, perhaps the greatest movie ever made. No spoilers. No existential critique of plot, format or character development. This is hands down simply one of best productions to ever come out of Hollywood. Should've been Oscars for EVERYONE involved!
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Island Zero (2018)
Good Indie Sci-Fi/Horror
27 October 2018
Great concept, but low budget film. Decent acting from the two leads and the "old lady" character actor was great! I was impressed by the story and started to think that this could easily become a cult classic. I also started to imagine what if a big studio picked this up and poured a few million dollars into and remade it with better special effects? Laila Robins is awesome and I would definitely love to see her reprise her role in a big budget remake with a better supporting cast and fleshed out script. Kudos all around... I enjoyed the movie for what it was despite the fact it had the potential to be so much more.
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The Mist (2017)
27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This show was cringe worthy bad. How in the world they were able to take an already successful story and a solid original movie framework and make it worse is beyond me? But the creators of this tripe managed to do just that. It should've been a no brainer and an easy win, but it was so chock full of over-the-top ridiculousness it was hard to watch. Halfway through the series and I'm rooting for the Mist and the "big reveal" of the monsters contained within... but oh boy... even that was a monumental letdown. They could've done so much more with the Arrowhead project and used a prequel like backstory, but instead we get a psychotic gay kid who not only rapes a girl, but a girl who's supposed to be his best friend? Nonsense. A brother/sister romance because parents are too spineless to say to a 16 year old, "he's your brother"? Two soldiers committing suicide together, while regular folk fight on? A priest who condones the beating of an old lady7? A cop who just willy-nilly kills a woman? Everybody has a gun... nobody has a gun? "Hey we're in extreme danger and need gas for our vehicle, but let's have sex and a cuddle session while our friends wait?" The main protagonist who's a soft and sensitive "nice guy" able to not only beat the crap out of everyone he sees, he's able to beat the crap out of the Mist on multiple occasions without a scratch? And a doctor who kills people? I could've (would've) overlooked all of this plot induced stupidity if only the MONSTERS HAD BEEN COOL! But guess what? No monsters. Except maybe the writers. The best part of the whole series was the tiny spider in the jar.
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Super 8 (2011)
How I Watch Super 8
12 January 2012
Joe Lamb is Stephen Spielberg, Charles Kaznyac is George Lucas, Cary is Jeffrey Katzenberg, Alice Dainard is Carrie Fisher, Martin is Harrison Ford, and Preston is David Geffen.

The entire film is shot as an imagining in Stephen Spielberg's hometown. It's really all of them as kids.. sort of.
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