
6 Reviews
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Vice (I) (2018)
Nothing but a hit piece full of lies and distortions
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy a good biopic and understand how some things have to be fictionalized, characters combined, that kind of thing, to make it flow well in 2 hours. However this is nothing more than a thinly veiled hit peace even going so far as to accuse someone of murdering his wife. Dick Cheney was a conservative so it's no surprise Hollywood would attack him.
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I couldn't even get through the trailer
14 September 2014
I'm open minded. So I thought I would watch the trailer for myself ...knowing of course that would be the best part of the movie. The trailer was so awful I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Not more than 10 seconds! Watch it yourself and decide. It's amazing how it could be so bad. Truly amazing. Unfortunately there are very few really great movies out there. But there are even fewer that are this bad! Congrats! Why have a rule for 10 lines of text for a review? I'm open minded. So I thought I would watch the trailer for myself ...knowing of course that would be the best part of the movie. The trailer was so awful I couldn't even watch the whole thing. Not more than 10 seconds! Watch it yourself and decide. It's amazing how it could be so bad. Truly amazing. Unfortunately there are very few really great movies out there. But there are even fewer that are this bad! Congrats!
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The Heat (I) (2013)
One of the worst movies I have every watched
5 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely review but this movie was so awful I just wanted to warn anyone who was considering...unless you enjoy continuous vulgarity there is NOTHING else in this movie worth watching. You could not pay me to watch this 20 minutes is all I could take. Sandra Bullock how could you do this? Why does a review require 10 lines of text? Makes not sense to me. Spoiler alert: I could just right f u 100 times in one minute, that would give you an idea of what the movie was like. f u f this f that f f f f Now you know what the movie was like Oh and a lot of talk about vagina's and bloody vagina messes I am not making this up!
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Meet Bill (2007)
The world knows they are lost
1 June 2013
The world knows they are lost but they don't know the answer. Here we see various characters portrayed, all with their own agenda, all seeking their own way, their own profit, their own pleasure, but none are truly happy. This is in my opinion a very accurate portrayal of the world. The main character seems to realize something is wrong but unfortunately his answer is to throw caution to the wind and engage in sinful behavior that if practiced in real live would result in disaster but since this is Hollywood that is presented as the answer. The real answer is to lay down your life in service of others. But of course we will never see a movie about that!
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Red Dawn (2012)
Hollywood hypocrisy
20 February 2013
I find it beyond ironic that Hollywood makes a movie about standing and fighting for "what's right" then like the spineless greedy liberals they are they digitally edit out China and edit in Korea as the bad guy so they don't make China mad at them. God help us if the Chinese really do invade. How many of you knew the movie originally featured China as the enemy that took us over? I guess that would be a little too close to home. How stupid are we to elect politicians who create policy that encourages moving manufacturing to China when they are the sworn enemies of the west? We will buy the rope from the communists that they will hang us with. Sound crazy? I'm not the one who said it, it was Lenin.
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Why many react negatively to the movie
8 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I think the reason for many negative reviews is answered in the movie. After 40 minutes there is a scene where the grandfather explains to the sick boy why he is teased. Because the way he lives his life, brave in the face of adversity, forces those around him to take a look at their own lives "and that's why they make fun of you..." The admonition to live a good life is more than some can take hence the common refrain "don't force religion down my throat" which really means "don't tell me I'm not living right." The sad fact is none of us are perfect, but sadder still is how few are willing to admit it, and ever fewer are willing to change. As for me, this silly, sappy, poorly acted movie has convicted me that I need to change the way I live. I need to live right. And I know I am going to be made fun of.
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