
2 Reviews
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More Melodrama
18 March 2024
This show, which I am sure long-time fans will love, is so boring. The first episode was great and I was heavily vested in the story. The second episode was horrible and poorly acted. It has been nothing but melodrama and crying and whining ever since, truly upsetting. The first half of episode 4 is just appalling and the writing is horrendously bad, but this series is well known for the incredibly poor writing as they drag this out. I've watched it all since the beginning, but the more I watch the more I hate it. Anyway, I just needed to vent a bit. I hope the last two episodes salvage this mess and stop with the whining and poor me crap. You're in a zombie apocalypse, toughen up or die already.
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Brotherhood (I) (2010)
Stupid is as stupid does...
5 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There may be spoilers, but the movie still sucks.

I don't really know where to begin because I refuse to normally write a review. This movie is beyond stupid. First, we have a group of frat guys hazing the pledges, led by Frank, a dimwit of a fellow who does absolutely everything wrong just because. The pledges are told they must commit a convenience store robbery to become members, but that by doing so does not grant them the opportunity in the fraternity. So essentially, they are asked to commit a felony for no reason other than to satisfy the twisted desires of adolescents.

If you can manage, by some miraculous feat, to actually look past how stupid this sounds then wait until it really gets going. Oh, just to be sure, the acting isn't half bad, if you consider yelling at everyone throughout the entire film acting. What I don't understand is why they would let their friend sit on his death bed while they convened to figure a way out of the mess. If my friend was shot in a fake robbery I would immediately take him to the hospital, without hesitation. How stupid can someone be? I have been shot before, right in the bladder, so I can presume to appreciate the importance of quick medical attention.

The idea for the movie was alright, I just wish the frat guys had some common sense, I honestly don't understand how they are even in college, or how they made it out of high school. Common sense would have saved them all a lot of trouble, but they were so naive and gullible in their own beliefs and lack of morals that they deceived themselves throughout the whole film. I must say it was funny to watch how things unfolded, but I kept reading my book and turning away from my laptop because it is just one ludicrous decision after another, over and over.

The movie has to be a joke to my intelligence because this is nowhere near good, nowhere near worthwhile. It is a waste of time and that is what I used it for, to kill time since I was unable to sleep. If you are in the same spot as I saw myself there are much better films out there that are available to waste some time with. Dragonball Evolution was better than this.
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