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Pokémon Violet (2022 Video Game)
Prepare for awful graphical issues
14 May 2024
The game has nothing truly new in it. Same old local region gimmick with a slightly new name to it, basically. What's truly tragic is how little effort Nintendo pays to one of their biggest titles OF ALL TIME. The game immersion is constantly broken by horrible sloppy graphical errors and bugs and glitches. Prepare to see npc characters blink in and out of existence right in front of you if you move only slightly away from them. Prepare to accidentally run into wild Pokémon because their sprite won't load until you're colliding into it. The render distance of entities in this game is PATHETIC! You can also experience horrible drops in frame rate at many locations in the game. For a console that handles Tears of the Kingdom smoothly, you'd think something as simple as Pokémon would run perfectly, but it doesn't!

This game is an insult to the consumers, an insult to the fans of the games, and an insult to the title itself. This is a main installment in one of Nintendo BIGGEST titles, and graphically it's as bad as if a single indie developer made it themselves.

The music is extremely repetitive and monotone as well. It's like it loops after 15 seconds. Staying at the university for more than 2 minutes is driving me crazy and I always end up turning the volume down.

For a game with a vast open world to explore, every area feels similar, from trainer placement to the way Pokémon spawn. At the very least they could have learned about spawn rates from games like Final Fantasy XII (with a wide variety of conditions for spawning rare monsters, requiring spending a certain amount of time in an area, killing specific enemies, etc), so it doesn't feel like you just run around and have every single Pokémon thrown at you for free.

The story was OK, I guess, but none of the characters truly made an impression, especially not the try hard quirky nerd stereotype.
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X-Men '97: Motendo/Lifedeath - Part 1 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 4
My biggest beef isn't plot, but the animators
7 April 2024
Nostalgia: Good!

Voice acting: Very good!

Plot: Good.

Drawing team: NOPE NOPE NOPE!

I'm sorry, but the characters have so few details in their faces, and I'm seeing a severe lack of facial expression as people are talking. The amount of detail is like season 1 of Archer at times.. And they NEED to stop zooming in awkwardly or showing the back of characters who are talking to avoid challenging drawing animations. We see what you're doing.

Good animation is kind of like casting good actors. It affects an entire series if the actors are bad. In the exact same way you need good animators to make the characters come alive.
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X-Men '97: Mutant Liberation Begins (2024)
Season 1, Episode 2
Character dialogue becoming awkward when you can't animate lips
23 March 2024
The plot is still interesting and engaging, but I've been noticing a pattern here, and that's how the show VERY often zooms in awkwardly or shows the character with their back turned to the camera while they talk to avoid showing a character's mouth during conversations. The dialogue itself is well made, but we need to see more EXPRESSION in the faces of the characters to truly empathize and relate to the situation they're in. I don't need to see people's back turned to the camera during 50%of their dialogue...

This needs to stop. It's really annoying and they need to ensure that the animators are doing their job well AND have the budget to do it. NO SHORTCUTS!
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X-Men '97: To Me, My X-Men (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Mostly true to the originals
23 March 2024
While the action scenes and fighting have gotten a much needed upgrade in terms of fighting with more versatility and better use of their powers, somehow the drawing style looks more... bland at times.

Most characters are true to their original ICONIC appearance, but they really did Magneto dirty. He looks like he's been through a few plastic surgeries since the last time the show aired...

Supposedly the show now has more details, but it still feels like it has less of it at times, and that becomes VERY clear when characters have dialogue with each other and you realize they almost have no facial expressions whatsoever anymore.

Do NOT skimp on the drawing budget of this show. At times during close-ups of characters I counted a maximum of 7 color variations (poor Scott's face has no detail close-up!). I could make more detailed coloring in MS Paint!

That aside there are plenty of scenes where the show has good moments. Great even! Especially the fighting. The characters now have MUCH better teamwork and combinations, and they have excellent versatility in terms of their personal powers AND their individual character traits. It was extremely satisfying to see Storm being given the credit she deserves: "Omega level threat detected!"

All in all I have faith that they won't piss on the legacy that is X-Men. But I have one wish/hope/request as a gay man and here it is: The series of the 90s was great in all ways! It was relatable to anyone, especially people who didn't fit in, because the mutant issue was relatable to EVERYONE who ever felt like a misfit or an outcast. That is why I desperately hope that they do NOT include a bunch of token LGBT characters in the new episodes. I feel like I am overrepresented in every show, movie, series and story already. LGBT people are the new "token black guy" in creative works. DON'T make the same mistake. The original X-men was great because it tackled social issues gracefully and naturally, not by forcing it awkwardly unto people. I've only seen the first episode so far, and thankfully this hasn't happened - yet. But it usually DOES happen with shows these days, and I'm so exhausted by it. I don't want more representation. Just write good stories and draw them well. That's all you need to keep doing for the show to be popular.
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American Horror Story: Vanishing Twin (2023)
Season 12, Episode 4
Lazy writing leads to the most hilarious scenes
2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine trying to open a door, losing grip on the handle, stumbling backwards in a seated position and hit your head on a box and lose consciousness. Yes, that actually happens in this episode. Nothing is more annoying than when people have the same threshold for fainting as a spooked goat. It takes a slight knock to the head and then the main character is out of it for the next hour or so, apparently.

It's also becoming exhausting to see a Kardashian basically playing herself, with the stereotypical "b*tchy attitude" and that the main character simply can't stop hallucinating and seeing stuff nobody else sees all the time. HOW does she spend so much time alone anyways? She's supposed to be a celebrity, but she's also the biggest loner socially, in her relationship with her boyfriend, and in general.

Dialogues and interactions barely make sense. At what point will the writers tire of their own cliches?! Hyperbolic side characters with quirky or sassy lines is unoriginal, unauthentic and boring. This season bores me. The shock value of eating a rotting animal at the end of the episode does little to outweigh the confusing and slow pace of the main character's downward spiral of satanic pregnancy madness.
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American Horror Story: Multiply Thy Pain (2023)
Season 12, Episode 1
Poor dialogue, unconvincing characters and forced helplessness
2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What AHS has been doing wrong for quite the number of seasons now is to insert these stereotypical hyperbolic characters. We don't need quirky exaggerated personalities to make the show interesting, but it seems the new strategy is to replace good storytelling with exactly that. It started for real during Roanoke and kept going for a while, although they redeemed themselves a lot during season 11. Now it's back to being so random and messy that you can't explain away the bad writing.

In fact, it's REALLY annoying to see main characters hallucinate all over the place so nobody knows what's real or not. It makes it extremely hard to pick up on the story and to know what's even worth noticing or to dismiss as the main character's hysteria, or whatever else is wrong with her.

Another thing that's getting old is this complete and utter "lonely helplessness" of women in relationships. If she and her husband is so physically and personally distant from each other that every single worry or experience she has is immediately dismissed or gaslit it gets even more frustrating for me as a viewer. What sort of relationship and friendships does this person have? She has the stereotypical shallow and sassy best friend (Kim Kardashian) then has virtually no one else to turn to, including her husband. She's apparently a star, yet just runs around lost, scared, confused and helpless like she's some shy little kitten.

This episode was a total mess, and I hope it's not an indication of how the rest of the season will be, because if it is, then I'm shelving this show for good.
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Reptile (2023)
A lot of buildup and suspense. Too much, in fact
23 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The movie has good actors, good soundtrack, and an interesting story, but the build-up is far too slow for a movie of this duration. Before the movie was over it felt like four hours had passed.

Same old story of slightly corrupt cop redemption ark, but he doesn't really feel that redeemable because he keeps doing shady stuff as a cop.

You keep expecting something big to happen, but it never really does. Everything just naturally happen at the same slow pace, and it feels very anticlimactic.

At some point you just get tired of watching the main characters droopy mug, and you end up not caring how the movie ends.
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Constant coke sniffing gets annoying
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Every episode is like a "this person's turn to die" episode, but it doesn't have any impact. The sad thing about Fall of the House of Usher is that it shows that Mike Flanagan has finally begun to make the same mistake as American Horror Story did when they thought several seasons meant they had to make the most QUIRKY and unrelatable characters ever. He fails to understand that Hill House and Bly Manor were great because the characters didn't behave like God damn sociopathic extreme far end of the spectrum personalities. They're all irredeemable psychos, and you don't relate to ANYONE. And the constant hallucinations and erratic behaviors annoyed me after episode 2. How stupid are these people? I won't be watching the season finale. This was a major disappointment to me. This episode in particular was 50% Frauderic sniffing exaggerated and constantly. It was the most annoying thing ever! The CONSTANT SNIFFING. Do better, Flanagan. You're capable of so much more..
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Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
They refuse to stop ruining the show's legacy!
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just want to start and finish this review by blaming Chris Chibnall for the majority of what's made the show spiral into sub-par mediocrity before we go on. Now that that's out of the way, let's begin:

It's not enough to suffer through Jodie Whittaker's portrayal of the Doctor as a perpetually stress breathing and extremely socially awkward person who poses meaninglessly when using the sonic screwdriver. No, we also have to suffer through the most plain, boring and uninteresting entourage of companions this show has ever had.

An old man with no personality: Grandpa Graham is the most inconsistent, yet boring character I've ever seen. If we remove WhatsHisName from the equation (that would be Ryan. I had to look his name up, because he's so forgettable. In fact, he's so forgettable that they tried to make him interesting by giving him an obscure disability in the first episodes (dyspraxia) before it NEVER became an issue ever again.....).

The only slightly redeemable character is Yasmin, but that's far away from making the show even remotely watchable.

Oh, there was actually ONE character that was both adventurous, charismatic and interesting, but they killed her off more than a season ago! Grace O'Brien!! And with her the entire potential of the 13th doctor era died as well.

The plot has been the thinnest and least engaging I have ever seen. You can tell that the writers (like Chris Chibnall) love being all preachy about EVERYTHING, and that there's not even a little bit of clever writing. Every moralistic point in the story is so obvious and preachy that a 13 year old could have written it as a tweet. It's just slightly away from the point where the actors break the fourth wall to tell the viewer that "this was a metaphor for real life issues, in case you didn't know". They might as well, because the dialogue makes that fact painfully obvious to the point that I suspect they think we are all idiots who can't read subtext or see obvious parallels whatsoever.

As if that wasn't enough, they've switched out the iconic music we've all come to know and love, literally award winning music, with some kind of depressing, ambient, UK version of Misfits Season 1 ambience type of music. I have no idea why. It doesn't fit in with Doctor Who AT ALL!

Please fire Chris Chibnall before he destroys Doctor Who beyond repair. Ooops, too late! He already succeeding in ruining my favorite show and sucking the joy out of more than two consecutive seasons. Thanks a lot, Chibnall!
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Baldur's Gate III (2023 Video Game)
Buggiest game I've ever played
27 August 2023
Way to go, Larian. You've managed to produce the buggiest, most frustratingly incomplete game I've ever played in my entire life. All I want is to get my money back. It's like I've bought a broken product. I'm not paying money to be your beta tester and reporting all of your bugs (although I've reported quite a few, even through many of them apparently have been around for YEARS in early access....)

And I'm not even exaggerating. Never had as many bugs and crashes as this game gives me. The entire experience is ruined for me. I can't enjoy the game because something stupid happens. I'm always on my toes awaiting the next thing that forces me to reload in order to "fix" something buggy.

The story is good, the battle system is ok, but a bit messy and difficult to feel like you're in control of, the characters are too damn horny and the romance scripts feel like they were written by someone even less talented and cringy than Chris Chibnall (the guy who ruined Doctor Who). It's like a 13 year old's inexperienced romance fanfics, to be honest.

Anyway, if you're super patient and love waiting for patches and hotfixes, then you'll love this game.

Had they released a complete product without so many gamebreaking errors, crashes and bugs, then this could have easily been a 9 or 10 star rating. But this is THE buggies game I've ever played in my life. It's sad and disappointing.
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Slightly Better with Moffat on board. Now just get rid of Chibnall, then maybe there's hope
23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
We can tell who is responsible for whitch part of the episode. The extremely cringy pre credit sequence with the Doctor and Yasmin hanging upside time and their dumb summary of how they ended up there was 100% definitely written by Chibnall, while everything good in the episode was written by Moffat. We can tell. That's how untalented and horrible the teenage girl fanfic writing of Chris Chibnall is. Send that man back to writing school, because he has not got a single shred of talent or competence when it comes to writing. He can only destroy everything he touches. I've never felt this kind of anger towards a writer before, but as I saw my favorite show spiral down into a complete and utter mess I had to do research and find out who was responsible. It didn't take long, since the entire internet screamed in unison about how Chris Chibnall must have hated Doctor Who in order to do so much damage to the show's legacy. Although they brought back Moffat, it's too late for me. The cringy Chibnall-written scenes are too much for me. I have decided that I am going to stop watching doctor Who. I will not see the Flux season, even though it's just a few episodes. I've given up. Chris Chibnall and the HORRIBLE actors they've employed these past few seasons have made me despise Doctor Who. This was the last episode I watched. It's over. I haven't seen a single good episode since the 12th Doctor, and it has NOTHING to do with this being the first female Doctor. That had a lot of potential. Instead we ended up with her awful "I just realized my bread had mold on it"-facial expression and unmemorable characters like grandpa Graham and What'sHisName Sinclair. I can't take this anymore. The show became a preachy fanfic, shallow mess with awful writing and horrible actors and senseless plots. It's over. I AM DONE!
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Doctor Who: Ascension of the Cybermen (2020)
Season 12, Episode 9
Have we ever had a more senseless incarnation of the Master?
23 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Does Sacha Dhawan only know how to portray the Master as an angry psychopath who spits when he talks? I'm so tired of seeing his moist, spitting mouth. I've never seen a Master incarnation who makes less sense or is more annoying. After the grace and complexity of Missy we now get this tantrum-throwing man-child as a the Master. It's pretty impressive to see how great lengths Chris Chibnall has gone to in orderto take a crap on the legacy of Doctor Who.

Not only do we have to deal with Jodie Whittaker's cringy portrayal of the doctor, with her constant out-of-breath stressful talking and the way she always makes a bizarre expression with her mouth as if she's looking at something nasty and rotten or something. Like she's seeing mold on her slice of bread after taking a bite, that's how her facial expresison as the Doctor is (You all know what I'm talking about). So not only do we have to deal with "mold-on-a-slice-of-bread-and-out-of-breath-Doctor, but we also have to deal with spitting-from-his-overly-moist-lips-angry-man-child Master as well.

I'm so SICK AND TIRED of Chris Chibnall's horrid writing. Who gave this man a job? Who gave this man power and responsibility of the series? Why did you destroy the legacy of Doctor Who with bad actors, depressing soundtracks, incoherent dialogue, plot and scripts, and the destruction of Canon in terms of the Doctor's past, general character and even the doctrine of the Cybermen?

I'm sick of it! Shame ono you, Chibnall. SHAME ON YOU!
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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
Didn't think it could get worse, but it did
22 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I am glad to see that so many other reviews are stating the same thing I do: Chris Chibnall ruined Doctor Who. Who allowed this person to write for the show? This has been the most awful season I have ever seen, of any show ever. I just don't see how nobody stopped him. Why didn't anyone with power and involvement with Doctor Who notice what was happening, how the quality of the effects, the music, the writing, the actors, the AWFUL dialogue just degenerated into this bizarre cringy fanfic-nonsense that could might as well be written by a teenage misfit in their parents basement?

It's embarrassing to listen to the horrible and bizarre bonding dialogue between any of the characters in any episode. In this one I cringed terribly at the conversation between Yasmin and Graham. They're always kind of sucking up to each other. Graham went "remember when you said the doctor was the greatest person you knew. Well, I think YOU are the greatest person I know" and it was so out of place and so bizarre. The entire conversation was so bland, shallow, cringeworthy and awful. You can tell the Chris Chibnall has no skill or talent when it comes to handling the legacy of Doctor Who, and there has to be accountability for ruining such a cultural piece of work, pretty much to the point of no repair now that he has destroyed all canon and gone completely against more than 50 years of Doctor Who history.

I am so angry, disappointed and outraged by the fact that someone out there allowed people like Chris Chibnall and his awful crew of actors to destroy this show. I hate it. I hate that they took something we all loved and they completely destroyed it. I will never forgive them.
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Doctor Who: The Haunting of Villa Diodati (2020)
Season 12, Episode 8
The music of the show has become depressing and weird
22 May 2023
This show used to have epic music scores, just listen to every track of the Heaven Sent and Hell Bent episodes. Now we're stuck with some weird Rip-off that reminds us of season 1 of Misfits' calmer tracks by Vincent Pope which I liked on Misfits, but doesn't fit in at all in Doctor Who. They don't fit in and they don't make sense. And this is on top of Chris Chibnall's awful, senseless, preachy writing, the squandered potential of the first female doctor (who they decided to make extremely socially awkward and filled with bizarre facial expressions) and her companions (or "fam) who are the most uninteresting characters to ever plague the series - ever. The only one in this season who has potential is Yasmin. They don't need Graham who has no outstanding personality traits whatsoever. He's literally just a boring old grandpa who is tagging along. Rose's mom was at least an interesting and colorful character. Graham and the other guy I can't ever seen to remember the name off (yes, he's that uninteresting) should be removed from this season and we'd all be happier for it.

I genuinely hope that the writers and showrunners realize that they've turned something wonderful, mysterious and magical into something bland and boring with little to no consistency. The storylines and the plot is paper thin ever since the 12th doctor bowed out.. I'm so sad. This used to be my FAVORITE show of all time ever since its revival, and now I genuinely dislike it a lot and don't know if I can suffer through any more episodes.

Thanks a lot, Chris Chibnall... You took something wonderful and you destroyed it.
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Doctor Who: Can You Hear Me? (2020)
Season 12, Episode 7
How did that screwdriver get into her hands?!
22 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think it's fair to say that we all expect horrible plots and boring characters like Graham and the other guy (Yaz is ok) at this point, so I won't get into how utterly lacking the writers of this show are when it comes to talent or even making a coherent non-preachy script. We're used to that. What really annoyed me during this episode was when the doctor was tied up and she magically got hold of her screwdriver in the most bizarre way. I encourage everybody to go back and see that part again, a little after the 34.30 mark. It felt like I watched a bad episode of Xena the Warrior Princess or Hercules from the 90's the way the screwdriver illogically flew into her hand, just like when they threw weapons to each other back in those old 90's series. I just don't see how it's possible for Chibnall and the rest of the awful team to make a piece of art like Doctor Who _used to be_ and turn it into utter garbage. I must say it makes me truly angry to see how they ruined this show.

I will say this: They should have dumped Graham and Ryan from the "fam" and spend more time on developing Yasmin as a character. She is the only one with a slightly interesting backstory as a troubled teenager, and she was the only element who saved parts of this episode. She's also the only one of the "fam" who can act, it seems.
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Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
I can't stand the awful shallow writing anymore
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Chris Chibnall strikes again with yet another horrible episode. It starts with a silly thumb-sucking bonding moment between the second most boring companion character (can't even remember his name at this point) and some random terrorist chick with piercings. Then there's some obvious preaching moment from the doctor, some awful character dialogue and plot that doesn't make sense, then there's one tiny good thing about the episode, which is the special effects of the predatory aliens. Almost worth an extra star, but Chibnalls horrible writing cements my 1 star rating with a bizarre moment when the green haired kid leaves the only safe room in the entire facility only to have a "reunion moment" with the green-haired father/uncle/whatever literally two or three minutes later. If the kid was missing and struggling half the episode then maybe this would have had an impact, but that whole thing was over in minutes and made no sense at all. The episode ends with the doctor preaching another awfully obvious moralistic speech to the boring companions about how the future isn't fixed, but mankind is doomed if they don't make better choices. Blah blah blah. The way it's delivered is so unelegant and clumsy I can't believe they haven't fired Chibnall from the show yet.

Doctor Who was a wonderful show. Now it feels completely ruined. It's not the same show anymore. And that boring depressing background music they started using has removed all of the wonder from the mood. What do they think this is? Season 1 of Misfits? Stop ruining Doctor Who!
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Doctor Who: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
The actors and writing somehow get worse every episode!
25 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was a disaster, which I suppose is a fitting end to the most awful season of Doctor Who I've seen so far. If you enjoy seeing the 13th doctor's awkward smile that looks as if she's looking at something that's dead and rotten and gross, and if you enjoy listening to her constant out-of-breath stressful voice, then maybe you'll enjoy this episode, because there's more of it than ever.

What I can't stand the most is the extremely boring companion characters. They have the most uninteresting personalities, and to top it off Graham is the most expressionless character I have ever seen on a television screen in all of my life. No matter what he says or does he has that annoying kind of "oh well" or "okidoki" look on his face. He's unfazed by everything, and his character almost distracts me from what truly ruined the 13th doctor's potential, which is the horrible fanfic-level shallow writing! I mean seriously, has anyone ever experienced such hollow obvious moral messaging before as the season 11 writing? I sincerely hope they fire this writer/showrunner and bring back someone who knows what they're doing, like Moffat... And for the love of God give us some interesting companions again! This "fam" of the 13th's are all awful!
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Doctor Who: Arachnids in the UK (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
I never thought I would rate Doctor Who this poorly...
14 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After suffering through the first three episodes of this season, with awful predictable and annoying characters with low intellect and horrible dialogue, the fourth episode really just made me.... so incredibly disappointed. I don't know if they changed the team of writers or got a new director. The main cast and supporting cast are actually quite good actors. It's the script and dialogue that completely ruins the show this season. The doctor over-dramatically uses her new sonic screwdriver, posing awkwardly every time she uses it. Once you notice it you will never unsee it. The hotel guy in this episode had a completely exaggerated and bonkers personality. These kinds of characters are so unrelatable and so unrealistic that it doesn't even make sense when they speak! WHO WROTE THIS? FIRE THEM QUICKLY! THEY'RE RUINING THE SHOW!

Doctor Who has managed to bring something fresh every season with basically every single incarnation of the doctor and his/her companions being unique, interesting, funny or generally likable, peaking with Peter Capaldi's masterful performance, especially during the Hell Bent and Heaven Sent episode.

Now I wanna be clear: I thought it was really interesting and cool that they went with a female doctor, and I think Jodie Whittaker is a really good actress. But with Jodie they've wasted her acting skills on (and I never thought I'd use this word) woke nonsense and politically motivated scripts. I'm actually fine with focus on race issues or minority struggles, but it has to be well done. The plot is not even sub-par. It's so NOT complicated and so straightforward that it all feels forced. VERY forced. And very boring. It's as if it was fanfic written by a teenager. It's an insult to the fans. And SPIDERS? Nothing in this episode made sense. I could have forgiven the bizarre giant spider plot if only the dialogue and characters contributed anything of value, but the writers ensured that they couldn't even do that!

This was my favorite show until whoever wrote this season got a chance to "shine". This stinks. Writers: If you read this then SHAME ON YOU! Go back to writing school. You're ruining a masterpiece of a show...
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Another super hero who makes super stupid decisions
24 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Once again a superhero movie where the main character is responsible for half of all the stupid and dangerous things that's happening. Who in their right mind interrupts a world-altering spell after being warned that it can affect the entire multiverse in a dangerous way? And he doesn't do it just once, but TWICE?
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Black Summer: Summer School (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Schools out...
6 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't ever cast kids as supergeniuses in a zombie apocalypse. Realistically they would have been eaten, dominated by intelligent adults, or pissed their pants. Stop ruining good potential by giving all these dumb kids "home alone"-level trap setting skills and way higher intellect than they'd ever have.

Everything about this episode was a disappointment, and I hope this is not a sign of things to come. The first two episodes showed promise. Do NOT let this be the decline of this series......
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Supernatural: Drag Me Away (From You) (2020)
Season 15, Episode 16
Imagine wasting three fourths of the final season on filler
24 October 2020
I've come to realize just how lazy the writers for this show are by the way they constantly recycle the same recipe every single filler episode (which makes up about 90% of the series at this point). Every episode begins basically the same, and they have nothing to do with the main story. And let me tell you: Seeing the two main characters's static personalities and poor acting in the exact same situations for all these years has me fed up. I've endured (I call it enduring, not enjoying) this show for years because I felt that once I started it I had to watch it through to the end, but I somehow get the feeling I won't feel satisfied. This show hasn't been good, original or exciting since season 4 or something. Now, even in season 15 the brothers STILL haven't developed a single shred of trust in each other so that they can actually talk about stuff like normal people, instead of keeping secrets. Let me give the writers a tip: Keeping stuff from each other works for a few episodes. After that you kind of expect the main characters to learn and developed. These two meatheads have remained the same since season 1. No character development made this show watered out by the end of season 5.

Can't wait for it to finally be over.
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Supernatural: The Heroes' Journey (2020)
Season 15, Episode 10
Reminds me of why I started hating the Show
24 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You'd think that nearing the end of the season they would have made every episode count to make for a great climax, but instead the horrible, lazy and untalented writers of Supernatural once again disappoint fans with a bizarre, hastily written episode that makes the show seem like a bad comedy. They've been doing this for a lot of seasons now. I'm pretty sure they don't have the skills needed to make a good storyline last for more than about 4 episodes. The rest have to be fillers, and the episodes always have to start the same way EVERY SINGLE TIME: "Random people introduced at a party, walk in the forest, in their homes. Something is watching them. One of them leaves or is left alone. Unseen first person view monster attacks. Scream ensues. Friend finds (or can't find) victim. Sam and Dean take the case."

This predictable show has run its course. But still, let's review this embarrassing filler episode:

The guys playing Sam and Dean have always been very mediocre actors, but they got away with it the first few seasons because they were hot. But it has long since reached the point where their lack of acting skills, poor character development and static personalities are wearing the viewers out. In this episode they acted sillier and goofier than ever, which makes the show even more inconsistent considering the dire situation they are in. Comic relief is unneeded at this point. Combine the exhausting gimmick of their "hilarious" quirks (like Dean's over-used love of food and Sam's stupid facial reactions to stupid comments) and you just kind of hope that God wins and kills the two brothers in the most painful way possible. At this point that would be a fitting end to this horrible show.

I believe most of us watch this nonsense out of habit rather than excitement at this point. When you've endured 14 seasons, you unfortunately feel compelled to watch it through to the end, even if the show has degenerated more and more since its glory days.

Oh, and every episode featuring the uncharismatic and not at all lovable Garth automatically becomes trash, because his character is as unappealing as his female equivalent Charlie.

Good characters on this show was: Crowlie (good character development) and Lucifer (but only before he became a comedy character with no threatening presence whatsoever) and partially Rowena. That's it.

Can't wait for the end. It's almost over, folks! And thank God/Chuck for that. I can't wait.
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The Walking Dead: The World Before (2019)
Season 10, Episode 8
How are any of the main characters still alive?
25 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It never ceases to amaze me how utterly stupid and naive the characters of this show is. Now they're blindly running into a dark cave and "shockingly" falls down into Alpha's hidden zombie army. I get that people need to do some stupid once in a while for the sake of the plot, but at this point ALL they're doing is failing and screwing up. Is there not a single clever person left on the entire show? Everyone has the decision-making skill of the first teenager victim in a slasher movie. End this already...
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Supernatural: Back and to the Future (2019)
Season 15, Episode 1
Did their budget get drastically lower or was it always this bad?
30 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was bearable right up until they put up the ghost barrier. I have never seen less scary ghosts than the ones from this episode, especially when they just seemed like people in Halloween costumes running after our so-called heroes..

I think the screenwriters stopped being original after about season 5. After that they just recycled the plot and spammed the seasons with horrible filler episodes and fan service cameo appearances of characters with ended storylines... At this point literally every episode is completely predictable and without surprises, but I will be faithful and watch this final season and finally be done with it...
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A masterpiece in every way I can think of
19 September 2019
I am truly grateful that someone introduced me to this series.

The Haunting of Hill House is nothing less than a masterpiece. It's artfully and beautifully directed, the story-line is complex, but everything is connected, and having seen the final episode I don't even feel that a single thread was left untouched. No loose ends whatsoever.

The characters are original and interestingly shaped by their childhood experiences at the House. Every single character is interesting and intriguing, and it's a delight the actors are amazing! How come I've never heard of virtually any of these actors before? Actually, that only makes it even better, as you can only see Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie in a movie so many times before you get fed up. So somehow they've managed to get all of these unique and extremely talented actors to portray truly interesting characters with no stupid stereotypes and a lot of depth to them, AND these characters are part of an extremely interesting and complex story that pulls you in and unravels in a masterful way.

The music and the visuals are also amazing. This series is a horror artwork from start to finish, and I can't feel anything but gratitude towards the directors, script writers, actors and everyone else who came together to make such an incredible series out of my favorite genre. Thank you for this. I truly cannot contain my excitement for season 2: The Haunting of Bly Manor.

It's a solid 10 star review from me. Thank you!
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