3 Reviews
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"Bear" Grylls has ruined this!
30 May 2021
I was so excited to see that the Eco Challenge was back having loved the previous series back in the 90's & 00's. The constant interviews, "emotional" music, and ridiculous rule changes though have made this only just watchable. However, the absolute worst decision made was to dumb this race down for scripted reality "fans", and have the absolute tool bear grylls as the worlds most annoying presenter.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
13 January 2017
I genuinely cannot understand all the hype around this film, and around Quentin Tarantino in general. In my opinion none of his movies are worth watching, with the exception of maybe Reservoir Dogs, but even that's a stretch of the imagination.

So many say that it's the greatest movie of all time, however it is one of 2 movies that have ever actually put me to sleep because it was THAT boring! FYI the other was Two Hands.

For what it's worth, I have tried twice to re-watch Pulp Fiction, and the second time I did watch it fully, but I still conclude that it's the biggest waste of time one could possibly inflict on another person!

Watching paint dry is far more entertaining!
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Courageous (I) (2011)
About 30 minutes too long
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was doing so well.

I was putting up with the religious undertones, but the ending just went way over the top!

I certainly wasn't expecting, nor did I appreciate, the preaching at the viewer in the end.

It was totally unnecessary, and brought my score from a 9, to barely a 3.

People behind this film should remove the cult-like rantings.

If they ever want to make real money.

And if you think that any publicity is good publicity, ttrust me, in this case.

There is no way known that I could, or would, ever recommend this movie to anyone.
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