
3 Reviews
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The Looney Tunes Show (2011–2015)
Really, really good. But not for everyone.
7 July 2011
First off, this is a really good cartoon. Looney Tunes or not. The Looney Tunes live in the real world and live among regular people. Bugs Bunny has a house, his roommate Daffy Duck, his neighbor Yosemite Sam, and he some-what girlfriend Lola. It plays out like a sitcom, but a good one. The jokes are funny, it's very entertaining, and the characters feel real. However, not everyone will like this. The Looney Tunes Show isn't supposed to be a laugh out loud comedy. I would consider the jokes more like the game Portal or the movie Hot Fuzz. It's not supposed to make you laugh like crazy, and in the end, the show is better. Watch the originals and notice how long each episode is, about 6-12 minutes the most. You can't have laugh out loud jokes go on for almost half an hour, which is why Regular Show and Mad are only about 11 minutes. Then watch a funny sitcom like the King of Queens, Seinfeld, Everybody loves Raymond, or Yes, Dear. There are funny, but not laugh out loud funny,

But how to the characters match up? Well, every character is interesting and every character has character. Personally, I think the characters that did change were for the better. Witch Hazel isn't a psychopathic witch, but the mother or a monster. This allows the character to open more and be more interesting, even if you don't think so. Gossamer is now an 8-year child. I was a little skeptical first, but once you remember that Gossamer was originally a monster, you soon realize that character doesn't work so well in a sitcom. Finally, Lola Bunny. Give her the voice of Kristen Wiig from Saturday Night Live, and you get a character that's fun to watch. She talks miles of dialogue at a time and at points made me laugh so much I had to rewatch to hear the joke again. Now, not every character will appeal to everybody, but from what they have, it's really good.

But faithful is it to the originals? Honestly, not really. If the only reason you wanted to watch this cartoon was because you really liked the originals and was hoping for the something similar, you won't like it. Look at the new Rambo movie, the new Rocky movie, Duke Nukem Forever, Indiana Jones, and the Expendables. Things that would be really cool back then, won't necessarily be good now. If the general public today who never heard who the Looney Tunes were would watch an episode of the originals against the newer version, the newer version would be the better.

Don't go into this cartoon hoping for something faithful. Go into it hoping to find something entertaining. You might end up liking this if you gave it a try.
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Sonic X (2003–2006)
Terrible, terrible, horrifyingly terrible
27 February 2011
OK, I've seen both the US and Japanese Sonic X cartoon, and both pretty much suck. First, this cartoon was created by TV TOKYO and then dubbed by 4Kids, that alone will lead to terrible ending. The Japanese version is decent for TV TOKYO, but the American is by far the worst of the worst of American cartoons (Yes, worse than the Super Mario Bros Super Show and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog).

The first episode and Cruise Blues are probably the only episodes I would recommend because they don't follow the same story as every other freaking episode. The story of every episode is get the chaos emeralds and keep them away from Eggman (For EVERY Episode). This is where the cartoon starts to lose me, little to no variety. The third season at least does an effort to change things up a bit. But also the sub-plots are terrible. There is this stupid love relationship between Amy and Sonic that stretches for 3 seasons (Yes, 3 FREAKING SEASONS). There are tons of plot holes, and every character other than Amy (Because she's not on the screen a lot, and when she is she goes crazy which in turn is funny) is SO ANNOYING!!! The human characters get most of the show time (Which makes no sense because this is a Sonic Cartoon), and the dialogue, even the Japanese, is poorly written. Season 1 is predictable beyond relief, Season 2 is basically Sonic Adventure 1,2 and Sonic Battle (Lazy story work in my opinion), and Season 3 involves aliens, space, and everything you wouldn't want in a Sonic cartoon.

I'm making this a big deal because there aren't that many video game cartoons (or even movies) now a days. It's been six year and this cartoon still pisses me off. That says a lot considering I love pretty much love the Super Mario Bros Super Show and Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. Take that in consideration.
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Regular Show (2010–2017)
Great Cartoon!!!
16 February 2011
Plane and Simple, this cartoon is hilarious. If you've always wanted a cartoon that's kind of like the Hangover and Due Date, then this is perfect for you. First off, I've been buying every episode as soon as it's released on the PS3. Second, this cartoon came from a College project. Yes that's right, this cartoon was created from two project's that J.G. Quintel made for College (Two in the AMPM/Naive man in Lolliland). Third, this is not for kids, this is the cartoon to please those who loved the nineties cartoon network shows. The trailer was hilarious, not because they said "Crotch", but for the hilariousness off it. When I saw the episode, they get a keyboard that does everything and go to the moon. This is all in fifteen minutes and everything is crazy. So, let's recap. The cartoon was created from a college project, the cartoon is about guys in their twenties, and everything makes no sense. Also, a cartoon that gets about 2 million viewers per premiere episode, so obviously people like it and it's doing something right.
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