
14 Reviews
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
S4 is the best so far
27 May 2019
I always liked Lucifer in the first three seasons. I always thought it was some sort of a light crossover between Californication and Supernatural, two other series I like well. Even though I liked it, I didn't think it was amazing, just entertaining. S4 however, I like really well. Netflix has picked up this series really well. There's much less fluff and more mythology type episodes, which I like. I haven't checked, but I think these episodes are more lengthy than the previous three seasons. This allows more time for setting up great scenes, character building and better storylines. Also, there are some pretty funny scenes involving sex, nudity and relationships. Good stuff. Best season so far! If they keep this quality up, I hope Netflix will produce more seasons of Lucifer!
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Long, boring and uninteresting
7 January 2019
This movie is simply too long. The first half the movie is really slow and almost nothing interesting happens. You could only watch 3 scenes and skip the rest, you wouldn't miss much. Second half is somewhat better, but it's still too slow and dragged. And the singing... my god the singing. This is when I just started fast forwarding scenes. Much better way to watch this movie and it allowed me to finish the second half in about 30 minutes. People who are rating this 9/10 must be either really young or paid trolls. If you want to watch an interesting hotel/motel movie, go watch From Dusk till Dawn or Four Rooms. Both Tarantino classics. If you would watch them today for the first time, they might be a little aged, but it would still be alot better than this crap.
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One of the best MI's
20 November 2018
To be honest, I never been much of a true MI fan. I thought the first one was quite overrated and skipped the second one because of that. However, I absolutely loved the third one and have been watching new MI releases ever since. I didn't like the fourth one and I can't really remember the fifth one. This one however, wow! This is one the same level as the 3rd one. Great action, great pacing, good soundtrack, very cool chasing scenes. There is almost never a dull moment in this movie, which is what I like. I don't really care about deep dialogues, reading between the lines and political crap. Just give me great action scenes, stunning visuals and great filming locations. This movie really doesn't disappoint in that those regards. Highly receommended if you like action moves. The only downside is Cruise is starting to look older, but he stilll looks awsome for a guy over 50! Very cool he's also still doing movies like this, unlike many other great action movie stars of the past (Are you reading this Bruce? :))
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Not sure why this is rated so low
17 October 2018
As I said in the title, not sure why this is rated so low. I really quite liked the style of the movie. The chemistry between the lead actors is really good. They really seem like good friends, in it together, having quite funny conversions all the time. Most comedy movies never make me really laugh out loud, but this movies does several times. Even after watching it several times, I still find the movie quite enjoyable. Sure, not every scene is perfect, but most of it are pretty good. The 80s music is also quite nice and enjoyable (Motley Crue!) Overall, this movie should be a high seven imo. If you haven't seen it yet, give it a try.
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Death Wish (2018)
Not sure what all the hating is about
29 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this movie last night, not expecting much from it, but I quite enjoyed it! Brought back a lot of fond memories I had of Bruce Willis from his action movies from the 80s and 90s. I had kind of given up on Bruce after he seemed to left the action genre in 2000 with the comedy movie The Whole Nine Yards. No real good action movies starring him anymore after that imo, except maybe Sin City and his roles in The expandables. Sure, he did other action movies as well, but they were nothing compared to his former hits imo. This is the first action movie I really enjoyed with Bruce Willis for years. Sure, it's not perfect, but it's not bad either. The cast is good, the chemistry works well, the scenery from Chicago is nice and the action is quite good. The story is simple but effective, as you watch Bruce transfrom from a guy whois in control, living the good life, see his life turned upside down, losing his faith and choses to take matters into his own hands. The last part in the well known Bruce Willis no-nonsense type of action style. Also pretty nice to see Dean Norris in his role as detective, bringing back some other fond memories of Breaking Bad. Worth watching. 8/10.
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Boring as hell, IMDb voting is rigged.
30 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't watch as many movies anymore as I used to. As I am approaching 36, i have been watching movies for about 25 years now. I kind of seen it all, and I don't want to waste my time on general, boring movies anymore. Therefore, I only select movies that score higher than a 7+ In my segment (male, 30+) and an interesting trailer.

The Conjuring 2 matched both these criteria, but I really don't see how. This movie is incredibly boring, predictable and uninteresting. There is really nothing new or interesting here that you haven't seen before elsewhere. Especially the first part is so boring and repetitive. Child sits alone in chamber. Child sees / hears something unusual. Child runs to mummy. Mummy sees nothing. Skip to next scene. Rinse, repeat for about four times before we move along. Then the Americans come in. Now the action gets more various, but mostly it's so fake and bad cgi, you cant really take it seriously.

So i don't know. I don't see how this movie could score so high here on IMDb. I guess film makers are hiring click farms in low cost countries more and more to pump up the scores, causing the IMDb scores to become rigged. Very annoying. I'll give this movie a 1 to counter balance those fake scores. Its not really that bad, but not that great either. A 5,0 would be a realistic score imo.

If you want to see some good, interesting, horror, scary movies / series, watch The exorcist, the exorcism of Emily rose, the x-files, supernatural, poltergeist, the grudge 1, paranormal activity 1, or the Blairwitch Project. You'll be way more entertained than with this crap.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
I don't understand the praise
14 April 2016
I originally started watching Homeland one year after it come out. After nine or ten episodes of season 1, I was so bored, I couldn't force myself to watch it any further and quit the series. I found the main character Claire Dames plays to be so annoying, I couldn't bare watching her anymore. Such an annoying character. Constantly crying, being emotional, screaming and being unreasonable. It was like watching an adult act as a 5 year old with a mental illness all the time. She is supposed to be a top CIA agent? Yeah, right. The rest of the series wasn't much better. Boring, uninteresting and nothing really ever happens. Just very long, uninteresting dialogue. Friends of mine however were still watching the show, telling me I quit to soon and things would be better, even great. Recently, I completely ran out of stuff to watch, so I tried Homeland again. Started watching from S2 and I am currently halfway S4. While there were some episodes that were mildly interesting, I find most of it to still be boring and annoying. I'll stick to my originally verdict: This show is slow, boring and annoying. The characters are stupid, emotional and unrealistic. I really don't get how this crap can score so high here on IMDb. Maybe it's because I have watched 24 before Homeland. Not a perfect show either, but it least it was fast and interesting with lost of action. My advice, skip Homeland and watch 24 for a much better entertainment value.
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The X-Files (1993–2018)
X-files shouldn't have come back
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I used to love the X-Files. It was my favorite TV shows of the 90s and I enjoyed all the seasons, with the exception of S9 which was complete and utter garbage. I still think it's one of the best TV shows ever, so when I first heard of the upcoming 6 episode mini series, I was naturally excited.

Once the familiar intro music played and we immediately get to aliens and UFO action scenes, for a moment, I felt a great feeling of nostalgia. It was like seeing an old friend again that you haven't seen for years. Still, it was immediately familiar and interesting again.

But then, all of a sudden, everything changed halfway during the first episode. Mulder goes from believing to disbelieving almost instantly, by some words of some new guy and starts rambling about various seemingly uncorrelated things, creating conspiracies as he Goes along or so it seems. Total chaotic nonsense it seemed to me. In half a episode, all his believes of the past 9 seasons are gone, seemingly overnight. Really? Then it all becomes even more unbelievable by the re-opening of the X-Files for no apparent reason. Mulder, who doesn't seem to have done any paid work is hired again as a FBI agent and Scully, who seemed happy in her current job as a doctor, let's it all go away to go back to the X-files without a doubt. Very unbelievable. Who would hire anyone with a 15 year old gap in their resumé for a department without a budget. What a crap.

After that, it all quickly deteriorates even further. I won't go into all the details, but it's smooth ride downhill from here for the next 5 episodes. It makes that X-file movie turd from 2008 seem like the good old days. Seriously, what where they thinking. Chris Carter must have some seriously money issues or lack of ideas for pushing this crap forward. They should not have brought it back with this lack of quality. Hopefully, they will not release another season after this. I am sure I'll not be watching If they do, to preserve my fond memories of what this show used to be. Shame on you Carter.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Don't expect Breaking Bad quality
24 March 2016
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I am currently watching this show on a weekly basis. Last year I watched S1 in a few days and I thought it was pretty decent and funny. Not as great as Breaking Bad, but still good. S2 however is shaping up to be quite a bore. Everything is so slow, nothing really happens and most of it is really uninteresting dialogue. The only scenes that catch my interest, are the ones with the Breaking Bad criminals and Mike in it. For the rest, I keep this show running in the background, while doing other things with my Ipad on the couch. I hope things will speed up soon before I'll lose all interest. The current rating of 8,8 is way overrated imo. I'll give S1 a 8 and S2 a 4, averaging it at a 6,0.
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Supernatural: O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2015)
Season 11, Episode 9
26 December 2015
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I am quite a Supernatural fan and I have seen all the seasons twice. Last season was so bad, I thought this show was going to end soon, but this season it has come back really well. It's actually quite amazing for a show to be in its 11th season and still be so interesting and fascinating. The earlier seasons 1 to 5 were my favorite, so it was quite nice to see this episode touch back on that. Very cool to see Lucifer back again, as he was one of my favorite characters. I really liked this episode, but there seems to be one flaw: where was Michael in this episode? Shouldn't he still be in the cage as well? I am also really looking forward to see how the whole Darkness plot is going to develop...
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Interesting, confusing, disappointing
18 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start of by saying I am a huge Terminator 2 fan. I believe it's the best movie ever made and I must have seen it at least 50 times. Naturally, whenever a new Terminator movie comes along, it catches my interest. Unfortunately, T3 and T4 were non worthy entries in the franchise, so my expectations for T5 Genisys were quite low. Also, because it wouldn't be a James Cameron movie.

Nevertheless, I still watched T5 and was at parts pleasantly surprised! I really liked the part in 1984 with all the recognizable moments and scenes from T1. I also liked the start in 2029 which was a worthy alternative for the 2029 introscène of T2.

But then, things start go very strange. The future scenes in 2017 make so little sense... I started to ask myself so many questions during this part, I didn't really enjoy the rest of the movie anymore.

  • Who sent the T-800 back to 1973 to protect Sarah Connor? - If Kyle and Sarah don't mate in 1984, how can John ever be born in time? in the end, it all plays out by changing the future, but they couldn't have known that when they left 1984. - A T-800 can be upgraded to a T-1000? - Why didn't John kill Kyle and Sarah immediately in the police station? - What was J.K. Simmons doing in this movie? His role was completely useless. - how could have Arnold survived the helicopter crash with barely a scratch on him? God, curse this movie, but in T3, a helicopter crash almost completely destroyed Arnold. - Why was the helicopter chase scene not up to par with the T-1000 helicopter chase scene from T2 in teams of visual quality? This looked all so fake and like CGI crap. - Why did the T-1000 fall to the ground from a single gunshot wound to the head? - How could they have stopped a T-800 by shooting it with one snipper rifle bullet in the chest? - Why did I feel I had already seen almost the entire movie by watching the trailer?

In the end, it's a mixed bag for me. I liked the nostalgia and future insights, but for the rest, this movie is pretty forgettable because of all the plot holes, the questions and the lesser quality compared to T1 and T2.
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Supernatural: Dark Dynasty (2015)
Season 10, Episode 21
Not sure what everyone is complaining about
7 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am not sure what everybody is complaining about. I thought this episode was one of the better episodes this season so far, one I could finally watch with interest again. Finally, a darker and more bloody episode with some interesting bad guys, great opening scene and Dean finally a bit more back in control, ready to go back into bad guy torture mode.

Compare that to many of the soft and weak episodes so far in season 10 with B characters getting the main part, creatieve singing and dancing school girl episodes, whining teenage girls in their puberty episodes and Sam and Dean constantly getting their asses kicked by some weak monster or getting saved miracously by weak characters. This episode finally had the feel again of the earlier seasons where they would go out, in control, ready to kick ass. Sam had finally stopped crying over Dean and Dean finally seemed like the cool guy in control again. This was a major improvement to the overall feel of season so far in my opinion.

I do agree that the ending was a bit of a shock and unnecessary. However, I already lost my interest in Charlie some time ago. I think she was great and funny in her first introduction episode, I believe it was in S7, but I've lost interest in her afterwards. I wouldn't be surprised If she is brought back to life by Cas or Crowly in the next episode anyway.

Still the worst season so far, but it might finally become a little more interesting again near the end of this season. I'll surely be watching the last two episodes with higher expectations than before.
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Supernatural: Hibbing 911 (2014)
Season 10, Episode 8
Boring, like the rest of S10 so far.
4 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I usually don't post reviews, but i felt i needed to post a critical note. Supernatural is one of my favorite TV series of all time. The acting, the stories, especially the mythology eps used to be great. I liked all seasons so far, although I didn't like S7 as much. S10 however is shaping up to become the worst season by far. If things keep going like this, I prefer they put an end to the show.

If feels to me they are stretching the show with boring, uninspired eps where not much really happens and with nothing we haven't seen in a better ep before. Or you get these weird, boring, creative eps with a bunch of teens singing and dancing that gets extremely overrated imo. Creative, sure, but not the reason for me to watch Supernatural. Compare this stuff to some of the older seasons, which used to be a lot harder, darker, bloodier, scarier and more interesting. S10 is starting to look like a show for 13 year old girls or something with weak eps about werewolves, vampires, singing, dancing, loving angels that no one cares about, etc.

This latest ep makes it even worse. They collect a bunch of sub characters from previous B episodes and let them run more than half the episode. I mean wtf, Sam and Dean are barely in it, when they are in it they seem weak, and still this gets an 8,2 average?? Cmon... I hope the writers turn this season around again pretty soon, or I will stop watching.... to preserve my fond memories for what this show used to be.
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Majorly boring... I fell asleep.
10 April 2011
I have never really been a huge fan of the Harry Potter franchise. I never read the books, but I did see all the movies so far. I didn't think of them as super or great, but not bad either. I would say, to me personally, they all hover around a 7.0.

However this last 7.1 HP movie was really terrible. I am glad I did not pay for it (borrowed it) because what a ripoff it would have been if you paid money for this.

I just turned it off after 1,5 hours after the whole woman snake scene... I just couldn't care to watch it further anymore. This movie is so slow, so boring, so uninteresting.... I don't see how even the fans could like this. I actually fell asleep on the couch during this movie, which is a personal first for me. Definitely the worst in the series... if you haven't seen it yet, don't bother. You have been warned :)
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