
22 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Not a true remake...
24 March 2024
...but a reimagining. The storyline is decent, though a bit unimaginative. The acting is ok, Jake Gyllenhaal's performance being the best, Conor McGregor's being most lacking, although I think he's almost comic relief here. The idea to move the bar to a small surfside town in the Florida Keys is interesting, and Dalton being a former UFC fighter instead of a trained bouncer/cooler is more modern take on Swayze's iconic character. There are more than a couple of nods to the original, so keep a keen eye and ear, maybe you'll catch them.

It goes without saying that most fans of the original may not get into this movie, but if it's watched with an open mind, I think most people will find it fun, if not a bit silly.
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Hardly any monsters to leave a legacy.
20 January 2024
The story in the tv show is pretty boring by the standards set by the movies. A lack of monsters, mediocre acting, and sporadically bad effects make for a subpar product. Godzilla's appearances are pretty good, with what seems like most of the budget's total going here. Many of the actors appear to be fresh off of a 3 show run at their local community theater, along with the writers and producers. Kurt and Wyatt Russell do a good job of playing the same character, young and old versions, and Joe Tippett gives probably the best performance overall, given the script, but it's hard to like most of the characters on the screen. This show could have been so much more than the disappointing result we got.
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Sisu (2022)
Comedy? Action? Who knows.
14 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the trailer and some talk I heard, I expected an action film. After seeing it, I'm not sure if it wasn't meant to be a comedy. Here's why: 1) The main character defies death multiple times, in the most outrageous and unbelievable ways. Seriously unbelievable. Ludicrously unbelievable, even.

2) The violence is gratuitous and graphic, but often with a comedic tone.

3) Many of the vehicles are more modern than the time the movie takes place, suggesting a haphazardly thrown-together fleet of tanks, trucks, motorcycles and planes that don't belong together.

4) There is no real backstory for the main character, no real explanation for his way of life. Just "here you go. This guy's Finnish Rambo".

Anyway, that's my review. It's not a bad movie, just not a good one.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022–2024)
Fun and exciting!
18 February 2023
The follow-up to the series "Vikings" is an easier to follow saga than its predecessor. The main characters are well played, the stories within the story are engaging, and the production is well done. The first season does a great job of pulling the viewer back in time, and gives much the same vibes as Vikings, but with an easier attraction. (The first season is actually better than Vikings first season!) Although some liberties have been taken, the series is fairly historically accurate. Many of the names will be familiar to fans of Vikings, as well as The Last Kingdom. Very much worth the watch.
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Really? Really?!?
2 December 2022
What an absolute craptastic movie. Thor has become a joke, Bale's talents are wasted, the CGI is horrible, and the entire storyline is pathetic. Whoever green lit this film should be run out of town on a rail.

If you are thinking of giving this movie a watch, ask yourself these questions: 1 - Am I planning to stay awake through the movie?

2 - Do I have hopeful expectations for this franchise?

3 - Would I be offended by seeing the character of Thor reduced to a dumb joke?

4 - Am I over the age of 7?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you may want to rethink your choice of movie. Maybe you can find a theater showing a matinee of "Space Jam: A New Legacy". It would probably be better.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Not what I had hoped for
10 November 2022
So, let's understand something; it's extremely difficult to take a fantastic novel, or a series of novels, and turn them into a great movie. A series, yes (see "Reacher"), but a movie is tough. I'd say the Bourne movies did well, but this movie failed to capture on screen what Mark Greaney did on paper. The makers of this film changed so many things that I felt were a necessary part of what made Court Gentry who he was. They changed characters, added characters, totally erased some characters, and redid the storyline to follow a bizzaro version of the Gray Man narrative. I was not happy with some of the casting (Billy Bob Thornton being the most miscast member). Although a few of the action scenes were ok, all-in-all I have to give this a thumbs down. Maybe someone can come up with a well cast series down the road.
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Nothing new here.
9 June 2022
I don't know if they could have made a more boring, unthought out story than this, with the same old characters, plus a couple of new yet unoriginal ones. Terrible CGI, and bad acting by an actor or two made this hardly watchable.
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The Northman (2022)
Did you read Hamlet? Here's how that story started...
23 April 2022
This is a visually strong film, with powerful music and costuming. The acting is very good, although the casting is, to me, a bit questionable.

This movie is the story of Amleth, on which Shakespeare's "Hamlet" was based.

If you're looking for a "The Last Kingdom" or "Vikings" style movie, you may be disappointed, but The Northman is a strong, realistic view of the way life was then and there, with a touch of the beliefs of the people of that time.
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Feed the Gods (2014)
Horror? Comedy? Neither?
7 April 2022
This movie has decent acting, but a pretty terrible story. So many things don't make sense, and there is really nothing scary, plus, there are parts that I think are supposed to be funny, but the jokes fall flat. For the "Bigfoot" portion of the film, I give it a 1.
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Reacher (2022– )
You wanted Reacher? You got him.
6 February 2022
This is the Jack Reacher that Lee Child wrote about. Very much true to the book. I believe Jack Reacher fans will be happy with Ritchson's portrayal of the titular character (although his interpretation is less intense than Tom Cruise's) and the supporting cast's roles. They even managed to make Canada look like small town Georgia! All in all, a super-solid product.
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22 December 2021
Wow. What a craptastic movie. The animation was terrible, the explosions looked like something in a bad late 80s/early 90s video game. The story was tepid, the voice acting was pretty awful, and the music pretty much sucked. Rated 18+ for gory violence (Comical, really), nudity (Really? A couple of comic strip boobs?), and sexuality (Wow. A suggested robot bj. No one below 18 should see that...).

A dismal follow-up to the classic original.
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Jack Ryan: Persona Non Grata (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Who's the military advisor?!?
16 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is action packed, but the writing, especially that which has anything to do with the operatives in the jungle, is completely unbelievable. From Uber failing to follow orders once again, to the actions of the rest of the team, show that no actual SFO was consulted during the writing of this episode.
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Jack Ryan: Orinoco (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Not very authentic/believable.
14 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
*SPOILERS AHEAD* Ok, I am a big fan of this series, but this episode contains too many problems to ignore.

First, no ISR team consisting of SEALs and CIA operatives would behave in the way these did. Using crappy communications that fry if wet on an amphibious insertion and mission? No.

Using bright flashlights at night? No.

Uber leaves his post? No.

This episode is poorly written, but I suppose it works for character building.
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Mediocre at best
28 December 2020
The movie is quite boring, and it almost sinks, but there are a few shining moments that keep it barely floating. Chris Pine's comedic charm is the highlight of the movie, but it's not enough to raise this film to anything more than "meh". The attempt to recreate the look of 1984 is terrible, almost as if the director just tried to copy a commercial she saw from that year. All of this saddens me, as I am a huge fan of the first Wonder Woman film, and I grew up in the 80's. Overall, I'd say the story is a 3, the acting a 5, and the action a 4. Not a re-watchable movie.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
15 December 2020
Well, for all of the well-known actors in this film, it is certainly a disappointment. The story is extremely predictable, in that it has been done, and done, and done again. The acting is pretty bad all the way around, and given that the production is awful, the story, as mentioned above, is typical of your straight to DVD movies, a few completely bad actors thrown in the mix (Common, I'm looking at you), and the sheer lack of believability in the fights, it's hard to find any redeeming qualities in the recognizable actors performances.
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It's a kids movie, right? Maybe not...
12 December 2020
A somewhat fun movie, funny in places, and the story is ok, but the content is more adult in some places, making the target audience a mystery. All-in-all, it's watchable.
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Wolfman (1979)
Wuff, man, that was hard to watch.
20 November 2019
Where to begin? This movie is so bad, in so many ways. The story? Silly and predictable. The acting? Atrocious. The special effects? They're special, alright... Cinematography? Mediocre at best. Maybe the best thing about this movie is the music, which is actually pretty good. One thing I did find amusing was that some of the actors have decidedly noticeable southern accents (pronouncing the word "wolf" as "wuff"), but others have mid-western or northern accents.
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I Am Wrath (2016)
John Wick & Death Wish done Poorly
19 November 2019
5 minutes into this movie, I wasn't sure if it was going to be a statement on gun violence. 10 minutes into the movie, I was stunned at the really bad hairpiece John Travolta was wearing. 20 minutes in, I was pretty sure I would not finish the movie, as the acting was not good, the story was worse, being unrealistic, illogical, and poorly thought out. It simply doesn't make much sense, and Travolta, although he has had some pretty good movies in the past, fails to deliver here.
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How It Ends (2018)
What a great title...
18 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So, the movie is obviously an Apocalypse/Armageddon/End-Of-The-World film, and it lives up to that description. On the plus side, the acting is good, the special effects are good, and the story is not bad at all. The reason I say it's a great title is that, when it's over, you'll wonder how it ends. That's what people will talk about when discussing this movie; How it ends. "How does the movie end?" you may ask? My answer? Unsatisfactorily.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
I really wanted to love this film, but..8
7 August 2016
It's only OK. The story is somewhat boring and contrived, and there are more than a few plot holes. Margo Robbie is pretty good as Harley Quinn, and Viola Davis is very good as Amanda Waller. Will Smith was pretty much what I expected, which was basically every character he has ever played, but without the hair. The other characters are never fully explored, although the first 40 minutes of the movie is spent introducing some of them. I have to say that the biggest disappointment for me was Jared Leto's Joker. I tried to go into the movie with an open mind about his look (which, when it was first revealed, I did not like), and I liked it even less after seeing the movie. His take on the character's criminal insanity is good, but I couldn't get past the ridiculous grill and tattoos. Overall, the movie fell flat on story and character development, was only OK on visual effects and character appearance (Killer Croc and Enchantress looked awesome), but was saved by the performances of Robbie and Davis.
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Not the worst Halloween movie ever, but...
15 November 2015
Let's get right to it- this movie is OK at best. If you are very forgiving when it comes to bad special effects, mediocre acting, and not-so-clever nods (rip offs) to other horror movies (Halloween, Friday the 13th, The Exorcist, for starters...), then you will probably be entertained. It's not the worst, but I had hoped for a little bit better, a specially with some of the names attached. It has the feel of some of those straight-to- video horror movies of the 80's, so, if that's your thing, try this one out. I watched this on pay per view, so now I'm feeling a sense of loss (the 5.99 I paid to watch this flick). To summarize: if you don't have anything to do, you're easily entertained, and you are not a horror snob, this movie will probably be watchable.
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Terrible, boring, bad.
26 November 2011
What an absolutely terrible movie. No plot, bad casting, awful acting, and terrible effects make this one of the worst movies I've ever seen. What a complete waste of time. I actually fell asleep twice while watching! This piece of garbage drags along with no real direction, moving from scene to scene with no explanation. Jason Momoa may look kind of like the Conan of the comic book and the book covers, and though he hits some cool poses with a sword, he brings nothing else to the table in this ugly reboot. Ron Pearlman as Conan's father is another example of bad casting. All in all, this was an extremely disappointing 2 hours of my life.
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