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Kaamelott (2004–2009)
Kaamelott est un excellent divertissement ? Ouais, c'est pas faux.
17 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I discovered Kaamelott about two or three weeks after its first airing, and since I'm a fan.

Who was the fool who said all knights were serious, clean and excellent characters, just like Sir Launcelot ? They were human, after all... Just check an episode of Kaamelott where Percival and Karadoc are present, and you'll see how human they really are. In Kaamelott, Knights of the Round Table are foul-mouthed, stubborn, stupid, greedy drunkards, except Launcelot of course, and Sir Bors, whose greatest fear is meeting a rabbit at night while peeing in the woods near the camp ; Merlin is anything but a powerful wizard ; the peasants find any possible way to complain to the king - about tasteless bread or the murder of a white chicken, for examples. Honestly, King Arthur is no better than his subjects, but as their leader, he has a real destiny, a real goal in his life, so, he's often desperate by its comrades.

That's, my friends, the way Alexandre Astier chose to show us the world and court of Arthur, king of Britons. Here are his wonderful talents of screenwriter/director/gagman/actor. Behind him and his vision, the main story remains quite faithful to the legend. Add to this a bunch of excellent comedians (I can't find one of the regular characters who isn't great, same thing for the guests, except maybe Elie Semoun, always a little loud and excited for my taste), a little music, nice shooting places, and you'll get one of the best french TV shows of the two last decades.

As time flies, the tone of the series became more sinister, but the fun isn't over at all, and they are many in France, such as me, who wait for the next season to be on air !

Kaamelott rules ! Hail to the King Alexandre !
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Close to Home (2005–2007)
Boring !
17 November 2008
I love made-in-US-legal-dramas, that's a fact. Law and Order, CSI, even Crossing Jordan... I use to watch them while writing my criminal stories, it kinda makes me in the right mood. But this one ? Oh dear. And I can't say I didn't give it a try. I saw about a dozen episodes, but when the credits rolled, it was always the same thought going through my mind : "I should have watch something else." And then, one night, after two minutes of this show, I switched channels, making up my mind on a DVD instead.

The stories are quite decent, actually, but the main characters ? Come on ! Usually, in such dramas, defense lawyers are "les emmerdeurs" (roughly translate : "Pain in the a**"), but here, it's quite the opposite. I can't find even one of the prosecutors nice and friendly. Okay, that's not their job to be nice and friendly, but only with the criminal, alright ? Annabeth has "un je ne sais quoi", a little something which bores me a lot : to be frank, I'd like to shush her anytime she opens her mouth. And about Maureen, it's even worse. Two real big ice queens, both as warm as winter in the North Pole !

So, if you're a fan, good for you. But Bruckheimer's productions have way better shows than this one.
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Derrick contre Superman (1992 TV Short)
"Joli coup, mon cher Michel Boujenah"
30 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Nowadays, "La classe américaine" is having a status of cult movie. But it wouldn't have been so without "Derrick vs. Superman", or "Eine grosse Funf", which was directed one year before. 1992 : "La cinq", the fifth french TV channel, cease to be. So, the inspector Derrick and his sidekick Klein, who were "stars" of the channel, decide to create his own new version of "La cinq". After telling Silvio Berlusconi about it, Derrick calls every main TV-character, asking them for help. Tough job : Blake Carrington from "Dynasty" is communist, Captain Kirk is too busy to answer, Hutch is depressed and Matt Houston just plain stupid, Commissionner Maigret doesn't want to work with somebody who farts, Navarro hates being disparaged about his accent, Michele Lee from "Knots Landing" is mocking Derrick and Klein... At the same time, the Persuaders (a gay couple), Number 6 from "The prisoner" (who took too much LSD) and Superman (the only man who can speak without moving his lips), all of them working on "M6", the enemy channel, don't want Derrick to succeed. And they will do anything for it... Even killing Charlie's Angels with an H-bomb.

Sixteen minutes of pleasure and craziness, but the best scene is the one with Navarro which lines I can't wrote here : too much foul words in it for the site ! A good way to know what was "the Canal + humor" of its first decade (Les Nuls, De Caunes et Garcia, etc...)
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Casino Royale (2006)
Very good-00
30 November 2006
I went to see the movie on its release day (22nd November) at the Grand Rex theater on Paris, and I didn't regret it. Yep, I was quite surprised when I didn't see, at first, the famous... I can't find the word... When Bond walks in, on the target of a killer, does a little turn and shoots him... But then, it arrived just a few minutes later and wow ! What are the differences ? Less gadgets, OK, but you don't need a galore of it. A blond Bond ? Whatever. No Moneypenny ? Maybe in the next one. More violence ? Yeah, that's right, but after all, we're speaking about a spy, licensed to kill, not about the nanny in "The sound of music". No graphic violence in a action movie would be a mistake. So, good storyline (Ian Fleming's stories are always the best), pretty girls (Caterina makes me feel like a whistling wolf and I think that Eva Green, whose beauty is more delicate, is absolutely delicious, but maybe it's just chauvinistic as she's French like me), a bad guy quite interesting (such a frightening face : Le Chiffre seems as human as Michael Myers' mask) and a very good James Bond : tough, quite rude, who hurts himself a lot... More human, actually. All in all, it's not the best Bond movie (my personal choice : a tie between Goldfinger and Thunderball), but it's the best since Sean Connery. Et voilà.
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Coluche will rest forever in Frenchies' hearts
5 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Lambert is alone. He drinks every night, working at a gas station by night, barely speaking to anybody. One night, Bensoussan, a young dealer, half-Jew, half-Arab, runs into his life. In spite of Lambert's drug hatred, a kind of friendly bond begins between them, even a father-son like relationship. But although we learn more and more about Bensoussan, we still have no clue about Lambert... Soon, Bensoussan's drugs are stolen. As he can't refund his boss Rachid, he's killed by Rachid's henchmen in front of Lambert's. Then, Lambert changes in front of us. While he's on the trail of Benoussan's murderers, killing every one of them, we finally know who he is...err, who he was. But this revenge will be both his own redemption and his fate...

The title may be odd : "Tchao" is a mispronunciations of "ciao". "Pantin" means both "Dummy", "Idiot", but Pantin is a small Paris' north suburb town too. Anyway, even French people can't explain the real meaning of the title... I'm writing this as the movie is played on M6... Coluche died 20 years ago and for us, it seems like it was yesterday. We will always see him as a clown, as a nice funny guy, but "Tchao Pantin" is here to remind us that he was an actor, a real great one. Anyway, you can't be disappointed with that film : the storyline isn't very original (revenge), but the characters are so touching and pathetic that they made the movie one of the best French movies of the 80's. Sad but excellent.
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P.R.O.F.S. (1985)
Teachers are kids : they can't live out of school !
17 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Frederic Game is probably the best literature teacher you could have in high school. Young, intelligent, nice and completely rebel... Indeed, what kind of teacher could say "Do not admit everything the adults tell you" ? Working this way, the nonconformist Frederic ends by creating two parts in the high school. Of course, there are his friends : Gérard, the funny P.E. teacher, Michel, the imaginative (but quite unsuccessful) arts teacher and Francis, the lazy deputy librarian. But there are the teachers who can't bear him and his team : amongst them, the deputy headmaster and the librarian are the worst. So, how to fight against old-fashioned teachers who do not wish to see the changes ? Simple : using teenagers pranks. So, the fanatic Marxist Geography teacher is shaved in order to look like Adolf Hitler ; the team offers to the scorning Maths teacher some coffee with too much alcohol in it, turning him into a drunken, impolite ass ; the sadistic Physics teacher who physically punish her pupils get her chemistry products all messed up... So Boom !!!

But after all, a part of good and bad teachers, some boring and some interesting classes, isn't that all schools are made about ? We can't have the school like Frederic Game wants it to be, but what he says in the movie, about future students using computers and worldwide information, it's pretty much what we're living today with Internet... So, though it's not a great movie, I like it. And it's always funny to see a young Patrick Bruel (who became one of our most famous singers) and a young Fabrice Luchini (completely crazy but wonderful actor, both on movies or on stage).
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The simple madness of a real black comedy genius
13 May 2005
In 1982, Serge Moati got a wonderful idea : he gives free-hands to Desproges on FR3 (3rd channel of French TV). In the meantime, Desproges is already busy, everyday at noon on France Inter FM - he plays a rather hard district attorney on "Tribunal des Flagrants Délires" - but every night, from 8.33 till 8.35, he's unemployed. So, he creates "The necessary minute of Mister Cyclopède" and Jean-Louis Fournier directs it. They like each other. They're insane the same way and they have a common passion : they both love neurasthenic cows and birds who can't fly. Pretty clear about their way to see things.

So, what is Cyclopède ? A kind of well-dressed know-it-all who gives advices when no one asks him anything. For example, "How to recognize Mona Lisa from Mono Liso ?", "How to silent an Andalusian", "Let's protect the widow against the orphan", "How to proceed an euthanasia on a kamikaze". That's right, the Andalusian with castanets is quite noisy. And when there's no war, the kamikaze is bored. But spending money of taxpayers with this kind of show... Cyclopède himself is stunned by this idea. And Desproges is happy. He wanted to divide France in two : the fools who like and the fools who don't. He won.

The fools who like show some dependency signs, and the most daring of them knock him on the belly calling him Pierrot. The fools who don't like start nervous breakdowns. The most desperate catch Desproges in the street, shake him while screaming : "What the hell does that mean ?". The cowards write to FR3 :"Sir, this minute is unbearable. And this Desproges guy, until when will he stops ?"

From 1982 to 1984, it was easy to avoid the show : it lasted only 90 seconds, just to time to tie your shoes. On the DVD, that's a little different. There are more than one hundred of Cyclopède's here. Do as you feel, that's simple. The indignant fools have just to read their TV set instructions : you push a button, it just stops. And the happy fools can stay, but they're asked to keep their mouth shut. Desproges hated when somebody knock him on his belly, calling him Pierrot. He hated boys or girls next door. Just look the way he treated The Little Prince or cheerleaders. And what about chihuahuas ? He put them on boiling water because he thought that was funny. "Chihuahua boiled is chihuahua spoiled." So if I was one of the happy fools, I would just shut up.

Marie-Ange Guillaume, badly translated by The Great Swan

Last note : Desproges keep his misogynistic habits. He was the one who said : "The more I know men, the more I love my male dog. The more I know women, the less I like my female dog..."
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"Ah-ah-ah" on the "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah" scale !
13 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm known to laugh quite easily, and "Les rois du gag" is a perfect example of something which is not the funniest movie in the world, but which I like.

Two young brothers-in-law, Paul and François, are trying to succeed as gag-men in a Paris suburb theater, living with only a few money, hoping for fame. In the same time, the famous entertainer Gaëtan, TV star, is living many issues : his shows are not as successful as they used to be, his wife is always complaining about his jokes... He decides to hire new gag-men to give some youth to his career... Paul and François will be the ones.

But just when the new show is on air, a famous mad director wants Gaëtan to be the star of his new, crazy and indescribable movie. What will choose Gaëtan : staying the old clown he always was, or becoming a "real" actor ?

Many scenes in the movie show the gag situations : I recommend the one with the dog and the french baguette, and the whole restaurant scene ! The movie is quite funny, you'll have many laughs, but I'm afraid you won't burst as you do when you watch..."Hot Shots". But it's worth a shot.
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Le viager (1972)
Faites-moi confiance ! (Trust me !)
11 October 2003
X-Mas 1930 : a 59 years-old man called Martinet goes to Doctor Galipeau for a complete check-up. The doc is sure that his patient will die in some months maybe a year, so he proposes to the old man and his own brother to begin a annuity contract : every year, the Galipeau's will give to the old-timer a sum of money (based on aluminum rates), and when Martinet will die, his house of Provence (in a small unknown town called St-Tropez) will be theirs... But after nine years, the whole family began to think that enough is enough, and they tried to end the existence of Martinet...

Simple but excellent plot : Michel Serrault ( only 44 at this time) gets 25 years older...and more, and he is absolutely perfect as the good naive old man, the family Galipeau is perfectly despicable, mainly the doctor, a great Michel Galabru. His lines are sooo good ! Every year, on X-Mas day, he has lunch with his family, and he talks a lot : Examples : In 1930 : "Galipeau will die within six me !" In 1932 : "Hitler? Who is Hitler? Nothing but a little house painter ! He will never me !"

Remember : that's a comedy ! So, you can watch it and enjoy ! TRUST ME !!!
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The real crime story (caution : this is a complete spoiler)
18 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry for dbdumonteil ! "Le trio infernal" is not inspired at all by "the honeymoon killers". It was an actual story ! The best business lawyer of Marseille, Georges "Sarret" Sarrejani, and his two lovers, German sisters Philomene and Catherine Schmidt, started their "work" in the 20's. They used to sign life insurances for dying people and keep the money... Once, on 1925 20th August, Sarret shot M.Chambon, another swindler, and Chambon's lover, Noémie, to steal their money... But, in order to make disappear the bodies, he placed them in a bathtub and cover with sulfuric acid... When the corpses were just a black kind of glue, Sarret and sisters Schmidt put the glue on buckets and pour the content on the garden.

But they made another swindle. That was their loss. All three of them were arrested in 1930. The double crime was soon known, but Sarret was extremely talented. He found anything to delay the trial, for three whole years ! On 1933, October 31st, sisters Schmidt were condemned to some years in prison. Sarret was sentenced to die. And, in front of Aix-en-Provence jailhouse, on 1934, April 10th, he was guillotined.

Sisters Schmidt were released after WW2, and they both turned over to Germany. The end.
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Flic Story (1975)
Good adaptation of a true story
29 July 2003
For those who didn't know the criminal history of France : Emile Buisson, born in 1902, started his robbers' life during the 30's, with his older brother. He get married, but his wife and their child died while he was in jail. And after this tragedy, Buisson became a killer. From jailhouses to asylums, Buisson finally escaped in 1947. For three years, almost 20 people were murdered, coldly, brutally shot by Emile. All victims of robberies, or thieves suspected for betraying Buisson. He was the first one in France to be called "P.E.n°1". It's these three years which are counted in "Flic Story". The young inspector Borniche had a lot of work to do in order to arrest Buisson. And he succeeded in 1950. And that wasn't the end. For four years, every crime was studied, dissected. In 1954, Buisson was condemned to die. Twice. On the dawn of February 28th, 1956, in the Santé Prison, M.Obrecht, the executioner, released the guillotine's chopper on Buisson's neck.

But if Borniche hadn't wrote his book, nobody would even remember about Buisson. The book is really good. So is the movie. Trintignant is probably too cute to play Buisson, but he gives a real performance : a real dead cold assassin. You have to like Delon, of course, even if he is great as Borniche ! (I think he is unbearable !) A good police movie !
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Maigret: Maigret et la tête d'un homme (1995)
Season 5, Episode 4
"A man's head is worth a scandal"
29 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler : Near Paris, Mrs Henderson, an old american widow, is savagely murdered, and her cleaning lady too. The inquire leads to Heurtin, employee at "La Coupole" restaurant. He is arrested by Commissionner Maigret, and condemned to die. But Maigret thinks that Heurtin is innocent, and helps him to escape from the jail. Then, Maigret starts his work again. Everything began at "La Coupole", when Crosby, the nephew of Mrs Henderson, submerged of debts, emits out loud his will to see his aunt to die, in order to obtain her $20.000.000 legacy. An odd Czech named Radek heared about that, and accepted the "contract". And he gives Heurtin the idea to make a burgling in the villa. So Heurtin became the ideal culprit, and nothing would happened to Radek or Crosby... Crosby ends by killing himself, scared with the idea he could be arrested. But Radek, too proud, wants to be recognized for committing the perfect murder. A fault will cause its loss. Some months later, the guillotine's blade falls on Radek's neck.

Fifth adaptation of Simenon's novel, this TV version is the best one after "The man of the Eiffel Tower", and probably one of the best "Maigret" movies of the 90's. Bruno Cremer plays an excellent Maigret, decided to sacrifice his career to save an innocent. Emmanuel Salinger is really a wretched but brilliant Radek. Marisa Berenson, Olivier Achard, all actors are very credible in their roles. In two words, really good-o.
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