
16 Reviews
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
A Samurai Sword Swing & a Miss
26 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can tolerate slow TV shows just fine if they engulf me in story, good acting, production, etc. At the end of this show, it just left me with so many questions; like: "Why was the story even told?". "So the impact of the Catholics/Protestants really didn't matter in this story?". "Japan was really this depressing of a place? Nothing to look forward to but death?". Then there's all the ridiculous antics of Blackthorne. So he's a Protestant who is upset at these "savage Catholics" that are engaging in free market capitalism. Nevertheless the guy acts like his Protestant faith is superior to the Catholics. Yet he's the most vile, evil, and dishonest person, coming into Japan. He basically has no faith at all. Yet he's risking his life for this "faith"? It's just such an absurd plot point. It's so hard to overcome that throughout the first several episodes. You can't help but roll your eyes. Then the show just continues on this incredibly slow-burn of a pace. Especially at the end. I'm just grateful they didn't do this for 6+ season like the majority of other modern TV shows to make it into a cash cow. In the end, the show committed seppuku after one season and I would gladly 2nd it out of respect, with a sword in hand.

Now for a few Positives: Good wardrobes/Costumes Good acting by the "Japanese" actors.

Nice cinematic shots.
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So Much Better Than The First Dune Movie Of This Trilogy
6 March 2024
I've got to be honest. I went into Dune 2 skeptical. I watched the 1st movie of this trilogy in theaters and I left not that impressed. The pacing was really slow. It felt like the story was all over the place. It was no "Star Wars" or "Lord of The Rings" epic. It missed the mark. This movie however is SO MUCH better. The cinematography was stunning. The use of dark scenes to super bright scenes were clever, to draw you into this incredible bright world (ever seen how bright it is at a beach with the sun glistening off the sand?).

I know it will look incredible at home on a nice OLED TV. The movies pacing was fantastic. The first movie I kept on looking at my phone to check the time because it felt like I was in the theater forever. This film I'd check my phone because I didn't want the story to end. It was engaging. The slower dialogue parts were meshed in properly. I can watch some really slow films. Heck, I'll even watch a silent film with Charlie Chaplin. If done properly, a movie will engulf you. This movie was a huge improvement.

It could have done without the two guys kissing each other or the "love scene" between Timothee and Zendaya. I feel like there's a Hollyweirdo executive like: "We must interject this into the movie!". It's just not needed. You can show affection without going that far.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Meh. A forgettable film.
4 October 2023
Lets start off with the positives. The special effects were really well done. The color grading was fun. There were a couple scenes that actually got a chuckle out of me.

But the film's story was just absurd. You're telling me that a group of poor immigrants know how to fly Alien ships and use advanced weaponry? On their first attempt of using it? That was so ridiculous. Not even Hollywood's magic could convince a viewer of that.

The story felt like it was going on and on. You know when you're watching a good movie and time doesn't matter? You're lost in the story. Well mediocre films you'll constantly look at your watch to see when the misery will end. First time I glanced at my watch was almost exactly one hour into the film. The movie is over 2 hrs long. It was tough getting through another hour of the story.

I can't say I'd ever want to watch it again.
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One of the worst films of all time.
11 January 2023
I watched the 1951 original movie then this sequel back to back. This sequel is an abomination. I really don't care that it doesn't follow the original plotline, it's the fact that every aspect that makes a movie good is missing. The dialogue is terrible. The plot line is broken. The flow of the movie is all wrong.

For goodness sake, Jaden Smith's character (what is he like 8 years old in the film?) asks where they are. He doesn't know the location of where he is. He knows it's a forest in the middle of the night and its raining outside and he tells his mother he is going to go home. He exists the car and starts walking in a random direction in a dark forest by himself. I wanted to bury my hands into my face. How is that even remotely a reasonable plot point? The movie is filled with stupid stuff like that. The movie ends in an abrupt fashion with Jaden Smith's giving a stupid one-liner. I can't imagine how hard Will Smith pushed to make his son a centerpiece of the film. I can't say he single handedly ruined the film because every aspect of the film is broken.

If you wanted to create a list of the worst movies ever made, this deserve to be on that list. The only reason to watch this movie is for that reason, to understand how to create an abomination of a film.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
It's Finally Over. Thank you!
1 December 2022
The Walking Dead must feel like a person who stays in a relationship too long. They know they should have ended it years ago, but they stick through it, knowing the demise is coming anyways. The Walking Dead is not a show I'd recommend a new viewer to get caught into. 11 seasons is a huge commitment. The show became a cash cow. The same premise repeated for seasons. They milked episodes with long dialogue as filler to insert as many episodes per season as possible. There were some really iconic episodes. Heck, this season had one of the best episodes The Walking Dead ever conceived. Episode 6 (Season 11) . That episode with Connie was brilliant. Absolutely terrifying that episode. There were a few gems like that every several seasons. But ultimately there was a ton of "filler" and that took away from the show. Most of the people I know gave up on the show around season 6 or so. I stuck through the entire thing. The walking dead makes me hesitant to get caught into a TV show now. I had no idea there would be 11 seasons of this show. There's so much good TV being produced. They should have ended the show years ago. I'm just happy they concluded it. They gave it a "happy ending", and now they are ready to shill multiple "Walking Dead" universe shows. Lol, I'm done! I'm out!
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Black Adam (2022)
A Fun Film To Watch, But With Some Flaws In Execution
28 October 2022
DC has really taken a different route than Marvel. They have really moved some of their films into a more mature audience with some of the content within their films. Without spoiling the film, Black Adam can be ruthless! Think Mortal Kombat fatalities. I felt like Dwayne Johnson did a great job of playing the character. His acting was great throughout the film.

The problems come with how the plot was executed. DC seems to have this problem with some of their films. Where a plot point just seems out of place, specifically the timeline of the plot point or its pacing. Wonderwoman 1984 was filled to the brim with those sort of mistakes. But Black Adam had a few that should have been ironed out towards the end of the film. Putting him in locations so quickly just made the plot execution seem rushed and unnatural.

But it was a fun film to watch. Tons of action and fun throughout. I had a fun time at the theater. I'd watch it again.
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An Absolutely Ridiculous Film. No More Of These Films Please!
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What an absurd film this was. First you have Dinosaurs living in cold weather. An animal without fur, with bare flesh, running around in snow. What other lizard (cold blooded) species do you see out and about with snow on the ground? Paleontologists believe Dinosaurs were warm-blooded. Someone tell the people making the Jurassic Park movies.

How about Dinosaurs running as fast as Chris Pratt's motorcycle going at top speed? Yep, that happened. Or quite possibly the most ridiculous thing was seeing a flying dinosaur species flying at the same height as an airplane, traveling just as fast as the airplane, and tearing through metal with it's claw. You heard that correctly, bone being sharper/stronger/harder than metal.

But if you thought, "ok, that is rediculous....there's no way it could get more absurd than that". But you'd be wrong! How about locus that are lit on fire in a room to hundreds of degrees Fahrenheit and those locus while glowing red with flame and heat, fly in the air for miles. LOL, that happened.

There was a scene near the end where the two women enter a room to press a green button. There's a bunch of Locus on their sides, seemingly dead. Because why would locus be laying on the ground on their sides not moving? But suddenly when the power comes back on those locus suddenly come back to life and start flying.

Now all that is bad enough, but the plot was all over the place. It was poorly written, not sequenced smoothly, and it was just one of those films where you expect it to be on the sci-fi channel.

Would I recommend someone waste almost 2 hours and a half watching this film? Heck no. Terrible.
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Hustle (2022)
If You Love The Game Of Basketball You'll Enjoy This!
8 June 2022
I found myself engulfed in this movie at the theater. The story transitioned well from scene to scene. There's a lot of NBA players who show up in the movie and they did a good job acting. My only complaint is Juancho Hernangómez and his "family" speaking in the film. It's really hard to understand them because of their thick accents. I personally needed subtitles, but of course there were no subtitles at the movie theater. But he did a good job acting.

I actually quite enjoyed this film. People who have a great knowledge of basketball will notice some "underground" basketball legends like The Professor and Bone Collector from the old school And1 mixtape tours.

Adam Sandler yells in the film. You know you were looking forward to it. It wouldn't be an Adam Sandler film without it. LOL. But in all seriousness, there's not much yelling. Adam Sandler's other basketball movie "Uncut Gems" was 90% yelling. Like every character was speaking in their angry voice for 2 hours. This movie was way better than Uncut Gems.
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Paddington 2 (2017)
Top 3 Greatest Films Ever Created.
25 April 2022
Nicolas Cage and Pedro Pascal sent me here. This film has it all. Paddington 2 rocked my socks off. Stay for the credits, because there's an easter egg video waiting for you. Enjoy everyone.
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Dune (2021)
An Amateur Film, not Ready for Stardom.
24 April 2022
One of the weirdest paced movies I've ever watched. Each scene felt like it was pieced together without much thought. Some scenes dragged on way too long. Other scenes just left you wondering why it was even necessary being in the film. I've seen too many good films in my life. This was not the "epic" it wanted to be. This is no Star Wars, or Lord of The Rings, etc. This is a shell of those in terms of storytelling and delivery. The villain of this movie had me laughing because once you see this, you can't unsee it. He looks like "Fat Bastard" from the Austin Power's movies. This villain looks like a guy in a fat suit. Not very frightening looking. I don't think they did a good job with that character's design at all.

This won't be a classic by any stretch. They hyped this movie so much in ads like it was going to be the next big "epic". This first part of this series was a flop. I'll watch the rest of the films but I won't be buying a ticket to the theater that's for sure. I'll wait for the $1 blu ray bin at Walmart in a few years. That's the best way to describe this film. A film you find in the $1 blu ray bin on Black Friday.
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Best Movie of the Year! Pure fun!
23 April 2022
I had no idea what to expect of this film. I sat down for the close to 2 hours of this film and left completely entertained. There aren't many films I'm impressed with nowadays. I leave the theater thinking: "Meh, I wouldn't watch that again". But "The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent" was not only well acted by Nicolas Cage, but Pedro Pascal is absolutely terrific in the film. The two of them are just downright hilarious. This movie has everything in it. Drama, action, and comedy. I also was proud to see that this film was pretty tame by modern standards in terms of parental content. Just some F words scattered here and there. No forced nudity, love scenes, etc. The movie treats you like someone that is a connoisseur of film, and not like every modern day film which treats you like you have attention deficit disorder (ADD). So refreshing! This is a movie with replayability. I'll be watching this again for sure!
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What Poor Choice Can Spider-Child Make Next?
22 December 2021
The film was entertaining. But man did it have a lot of crying scenes. It felt like 30 minutes was dedicated to people crying on the screen. Other than that, Spider-Man makes so many child like decisions you're left wondering why an adult figure (Dr Strange) doesn't be more firm with him. But the CGI, graphical scences, etc looked really phenomenal. Not one of Marvel's best, but it was a good enough for a viewing.
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Just an Average Murder Mystery Show. I Watch a Lot of TV..
2 December 2021
I'm surprised to see the reviews of this show so high. Is it deserving of a high score? No, and let me tell you why. The show's plot gets really bizarre the longer it goes, making sure to have the big crescendo "who done it" answered and just about impossible to guess (that's done on purpose). But it's not even the answer to the murder mystery that ends the show. It just keeps on going into further character development past the welcoming stage. Like a guest at your house who has stayed too long. You're just hoping for it to end. The characters on the show try to be really edgy. Like you have your token divorced couple, with dysfunctional kids, and drug abuse, etc. Your typical inner city woke agenda being pushed to the viewer. It tries so hard to do that you can't ignore it. But its the plot that seems so absurd. Like every family is the most screwed up family you've ever heard of, and they all live right next to each other. Remind me not to move into that inner city neighborhood!

But the plot payoff isn't that enthralling. It's just an average TV murder mystery/drama. If you want to see a far better modern murder mystery show, watch True Detective Season 1. Each season of that show has a different cast, but season 1 was quite good. It's probably a good thing that Mare of Easttown was only 1 season long. It couldn't sustain a 2nd season.
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Hercules (I) (2014)
What a mess this movie is....
26 May 2021
Waiting for a playoff NBA game this nightmare of a movie is on the TV. There's a lot wrong with this film but this movie in a nutshell is seen at the very end where a human is running up a flight of stairs with two axes in his hands and a group of archers are shooting at him and he deflects like 20-30 arrows with his two axes. He makes it point blank up to the 20-30 archers eventually, only to fight them hand to hand combat with his axes. Whoever directed this movie needs a good firing. I laughed out loud from the absurdity. Anyone giving this movie above a 50 doesn't know what a good movie looks or sounds like.
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Life of Pi (2012)
An Absolute Iconic Film - A Must Watch In 3D
29 April 2020
One of the best looking films you will ever see in blu-ray. The 3D (for those who have a 3D TV) is expertly done. But the story line is just so deep and complex. I think it goes over the head of most people watching it. There are so many subtle easter eggs throughout the film that you'll catch if you watch it multiple times (pay attention to the island scene to understand the foreshadowing...). A kid encounters one of the most traumatic events you could ever imagine and creates a story to cope with the heartbreak and brutality of it. In order to survive he had to do the most graphic things imaginable to sustain himself.

There isn't a movie like it. Just incredibly unique and well done. When Hollywood wants to make movies over and over again, a film like this stands out because of its originality and amazing execution.
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DC Makes Another Mediocre Movie. What's New?
11 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Wonder woman film was actually good, the dark knight trilogy is amazing, but everything else that has been released? I want my time back. Justice League has corny jokes, HORRIBLY edited (more on this), bad CGI, an underwhelming villain, etc.

There's a scene in Justice League that is so bad I was scratching my head as to what the heck just happened. They are stuck underground when Steppenwolf collapses a tunnel and causes water to flood it. Next thing you see is the entire Justice League scrambling to get out. They are in and on Batman's spider machine device when all of a sudden Cyborg just ejects out of the machine, the Flash comments "Why is he leaving", then the scene just ends and they are above ground in safety. Huh!? Horrible editing. What's the point of them having a panic escape scene if you are just going to edit it in mid sequence and have them safe? I'll tell you why because in post production they edited out a ton of stuff from this film because it was too long and boring.
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