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good episode
28 January 2023
The moment I saw Dr Aspen, my head said: fem! Loki.

I don't know why, was it the hair, the green clothes, the snake-like tattoo? I was immediately fascinated by and felt attracted to her, which, being a mostly straight woman, has only happened a very few times before. I also was immediately convinced that she was playing everyone around her, because Loki. Doesn't have to make sense, but I was right, so...

The pirate plot was ok not super original and I guess no one really felt that the crew was in any kind of danger, they played those fearsome pirates like the dumbest fiddle in the universe but the interesting part was between Angel, Spock, T'Pring (who I absolutely love in this parallel universe/new timeline/reboot/original but different prequel) and Chapel (same). The female characters really are really awesome in this show, very fleshed out, different, real personalities instead of decoration.

Anyway I liked it and even if it was pretty obvious who Angels lover was long before they revealed it, it's nice to have more and more familiar-but-not characters around and see different and new sides to them. I very much like this show.
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24 May 2022
Thirty minutes in I had an epiphany: I don't care. I actually don't give agdf about the Fantastic Beasts franchise. It's boring. It makes no sense. It's unnecessarily convoluted.

I'm a huge Potterhead, I grew up with the books and the movies and the online fandom and I still love it. I like some of the animals.

But not the rest. I didn't watch more than the first half hour and I probably never will. I don't care about Johnny Depp or that his role was recast, I think he sucked as Grindlewald. I just don't care for the whole shebang.
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Morbius (2022)
Well, that just happend
24 May 2022
Another fail for Leto: the movie. A no blood PG-13 vampire flick that not only has horrible pace, bad CGI and characters without chemistry but also makes no sense storywise. *slow clap* Ever heard of blood donations? What about animal blood?

No, let's go straight to character A: suicide and character B: serial but also mass murder. And character B is the one you root for, since he (Matt Smith) is the only one who has fun and is likeable.

Generic I'm-a-doctor female character is only there as a soundboard/girlfriend/fridge girl. Five steps back in that regard.

The whole advertisement for the movie was a bold faced lie, no connections to Marvel, it's another Sony desaster they knew was too bad to stand on its own.

So, so bad. Avoid!
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Star Trek: Picard: Farewell (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
Even gods have favourites
8 May 2022
I have my problems with season 2, mainly that it was too drawn out and had too many tropes, but I take all of my nagging back. Q and Jean Luc hugged and called each other friends and I'm crying. This is what I wanted for 30 years and you can all downvote my, idc. I'm happy. I love Q.
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Star Trek: Picard: Monsters (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
All the tropes
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry but it seems like this season of Picard is trying to check all the trope boxes.

Alternate reality where everyone is bad but let's not call it mirror!verse even though it's pretty much mirror!verse, oh no dudeguy died, mysterious calls, only you can save us, time travel, don't tell the locals about time travel, telling the locals about time travel, obvious borg attack is obvious, mind walking, stuck in the past, getting snagged by law enforcement while stuck in the past, forced romantic stuff, soMtHinG iS WronG.

I'm boooored and that's not ok, 'cause I love Picard, just... not this.
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Bridgerton: Harmony (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
the drama...
26 March 2022
It's so intensely overdramatized, I love it. The story of the book is only marginally involved, mostly the names. It's like a cheap bodice ripper come to life and you either enjoy yourself immensely or have to stop watching for fear of death by second hand embarrassment. If you live through the first couple episodes you have good changes of being very entertained.

I like the chemistry between the two leads. I don't remember Anthony having a personality in the first season but in the middle of the second one, given some backstory, one starts to emerge. Kate got reduced to stubborn martyr but the actress is very attractive and both together are way more interesting then last seasons main pairing. I know most people thought the Duke hot and yes, he was handsome, but Daphne is the dullest piece of white bread I ever saw and I can't bring myself to care about her existence.

I still think Penelope is the cutest girl ever, every time her family puts her down I want to hug her until she squeaks and Colin needs a few slaps to loosen up a few thoughts in his brain.
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yes, this is what we wanted
8 February 2022
The moment they went away from Boba Fett and made the show Mando-centric the rating went through the roof.

I'm sad to say that the first 4 episodes weren't what I had hoped from this show, weird and far to long flashbacks and short boring excursions in the now of the story didn't hit like I expected. But the second the Mandalorian theme came on it all became just so, so good.

Was that on purpose or did the showrunners notice the bad reviews and took three episodes from the 3rd season of the Mandalorian and streamed them instead of the original planned three?

Anyway, I'm happy with what we got going now, more pls!
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kinda disappointed
20 December 2021
I did not expect much and still I feel somewhat disappointed. I wasn't happy with the first movie but the second should have had the money and the ideas to keep the story rolling but no, it didn't.

There wasn't much of a story, the bit that was there fell flat (when will people stop keeping pictures of their loved ones where the maniacs they know are after them WILL find them?). It was so clichéd I kept cringing. I was also surprised Carnage had such a short appearance in the whole of the Venomverse. I remember him with a lot more impact in the comics.

Anyway, slightly boring CGI party, I cared most for the cat you didn't even see.
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What, but also why?
6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We just saw the extermination of - at least - 4 species including the Daleks with the Doctor gleefully watching multiple genocides. Whoopsie. Cut to the teaser of the next episode: the Daleks are back.

Does anything make sense anymore? Does DW now include the infamous revolving door of Arkham Asylum?

What exactly is left of the universe and what is the mission now? Getting it back? Adjusting? What about the Doctors old lives and all the massively important information saved inside the fobwatch? Well, the Doctor doesn't care. Byebye watch, until some mysterious crisis unites us again.

The villains? Dusted in the blink of an eye. No explanation. Division? Nope, gone, stop asking. Did the Ood make it? Do they ever? What about the Angels? What Angels?

No questions were answered. Only thing that gives hope now is that Chibnall is finally gone. Fingers crossed for a return to the old ways.
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The not happening: chapter 5
2 December 2021
It still has the appearance of a good plot, the idea behind it can be glimpsed now and then and seems like it has potential, but the convoluted mess Chibnall made of it is just that, a horrible mess. Nothing is small enough to not blow it up completely.

I especially liked the part where Jaz and Dan broke into a sealed crypt where candles were already burning.

Or the part where the answer to everything was directly behind the Doctor and could have easily been taken and used, just for the Doctor to make a semi-passionate speech about saving the universe while doing NOTHING.

I enjoy it so much my keyboard has bitemarks.
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Not you, Stark!
6 October 2021
Dude, after killing him half of the episodes, you could have given him some slack. On the other hand, it's nice to see some of the other characters involved with saving the multiverse.

I especially enjoyed Strange showing off some of the magic he literally ingested previously. Thor was screaming a lot which was funny but one would think after being friends with his brother from another mother he should be more immune against all kinds of magic shenanigans and not that easy to shock. Gamora was a bit underused, only there to explain her ultimately useless whatchamacallit.

All in all a fun episode, could have used some more screen time and some more plot, but all around a good finale.
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light and fun episode
22 September 2021
All the episodes so far have been kind of dark, which is fine, a light hearted episode was something that has been missing so far. The problem for most people who didn't like the episode is probably, that there are only 9 eps and having one that is just a little comedy seems like a wasted opportunity.

I understand that but at the same time I liked this ep, everyone just had a good time. We don't get that often anymore so was kind of positively surprised.

And Tony didn't die. Who would have thought, a whole episode without Tony dying. Bravo.
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Lucifer: Partners 'Til the End (2021)
Season 6, Episode 10
a very Supernatural ending
18 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I... have problems with the ending. I love the show, I love the actors and the characters and I always hoped they would end up together.

Ok. But: I agree with other reviewers that a lot in season 6 seemed stretched out, there were unnecessary filler episodes where story would have been better and some character development wasn't that at all. Dan was constantly let down by everyone except Chloe. After his emotional death last season him being a ghost and his existence at all was treated like a joke. Ella finding out about Lucifer and angels etc. Was a disappointment and didn't seem to affect her at all after the inital tantrum. Trixie was just an ornament at the edge somewhere. Does she even know?

But let's just look at the last episode. How did Chuck (I forget the characters name) kidnap Rory exactly? Why did Lucifer didn't go get more help, by Amenadiel or others? I mean, his brother is god ffs. Why is it possible for Amenadiel to be a part time dad but not Lucifer? Time goes differently in heaven and hell as we've been told. Why the Supernatural ending with Chloe living her life alone for who knows how many years and only then, after dying, getting back with Dean... I mean Lucifer.

I'm happy they got some kind of happy end but still feel disappointed in the conclusion of the show. Lucifer: How the devil became a therapist.
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stop killing Tony
15 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Hey Marvel, if you could stop killing Tony Stark for just one second, that'd be cool. There also was no need to make us relive that Endgame trauma moment I'm still paying my therapist good money for.

Interesting episode with a good What If twist, not the best so far but still strong and it's always very emotional to hear Chadwick's voice. Good work, now give us a second zombie episode.
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25 August 2021
The blurp for the epsiode cracks me up. Loki using his "diplomacy". LOL Well, yes but actually no. (Oh, boo - they changed the blurp.)

Last episode was very good, this one is just excellent fun thanks to "helloooo, trickster god, hi!" at his best. Wouldn't have surprised me if Loki had been behind it all and then showing up honestly wanting revenge for his successful plan, because it's Loki and he's like that.

Except for the Avengers (Tony) dying, I'd be okay with that timeline. Carol would clean the planet with Lokis face, Loki would quib about it the whole time and a good time would be had by all. Win-win-win, 10 stars, sequel please.
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Doom Patrol: Sex Patrol (2020)
Season 2, Episode 4
Wtf did I just watch and can we get more but also less
20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the enraged reviews questioning the morals and ethics of this show. You have watched this up to season 2 episode 4 and NOW you're starting to realize that this show is way over the cuckoo's nest?

Btw, this ep is very complex as well as totally dumb and way over the top, as are all of the past episodes. It's the mix that keeps us going. Last ep we had people with their eyes and mouths sewn shut and this ep there's a guy having the baby he's just born shoved back up there.

Nice try, but you can't shock me anymore, Doom Patrol. My moral compass has hung itself somewhere around the cockroach incident.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
had me hooked from the start
20 July 2021
I didn't expect the show to grab me as it did. To tell the truth I only started watching it because Loki is over and I needed my Norse mythology and Loki fix.

This is very different from the way Marvel portraits Thor and Loki and then again it's not. Essentially Thor is motivated by duty and justice but also easily manipulated while Loki is motivated by emotions and a need to be loved and accepted which as always goes sideways in the worst way possible.

It's a surprisingly good show with interesting actors, I even started to like the dubbing somewhere in season 1 and I really hope there's going to be a season 3.
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Loki: For All Time. Always. (2021)
Season 1, Episode 6
great transition to Dr. Strange MoM
14 July 2021
I wanted to see King Loki, you're playing a dangerous game, Marvel!

Anyway, awesome episode, the new Big Bad has arrived, the Multiverse awaits and Loki has been hurt again, which hurts us, which means we're gonna buy all the Merchandise to feel some degree of happiness in our now again empty lives, waiting for season 2.
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Loki: The Nexus Event (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Fantastic episode (my poor heart)
30 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good grief, Marvel seems decided to give me a freaking heart attack.

That was a brilliantly evil episode. Owen Wilson brought his absolute A-Game, heartbreaking in the moment when you see him starting to believe Loki and lose his faith in the TVA and everything he thought he was fighting for. I hope to see more of him since it seems that the prune sticks are some kind of teleportation devices? Yes? No? Kinda?

Tom was brilliant, the way he conveys emotions with his eyes alone is insane. Sophia is a very good actress and Loki/Sylvie but I was shocked and horrified when I thought for a short moment, that now we had only her Loki left. I'm pretty sure no one of us is ready to let our Loki go into that good night. Sylvie's nexus event is that she's a "good" Loki, right? She played a "save Asgard" scenario when she was taken by the TVA, she wanted to help the prisoner the TVA abused and she knew she was adopted, so there was no anger in her about being deceived.

After the Time Keeper twist (which you could see coming) came the shock to the system that was the end, followed by a short post credit scene that had me screaming. My beloved kid! Loki, I'm so happy. Don't touch him, 'cause that's the crime that can never be forgiven.

Probably the best episode so far, even though all the eps have been awesome (yes, I liked Lamentis).

Also, since no one asked: no, there's no romance between Sylvie and Loki, why are so many people thinking that? It's seeing yourself in another person, which in this case is kind of the same person. It's empathy and friendship.

Why are there only 6 episodes in this series? It's not enough! Also, Kang?
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Loki (2021–2023)
Marvel giveth with both hands
9 June 2021
Fans have been dissecting Loki's character for years and one of the most important questions has always been whether or not Loki is aware of his true character and motivations. And this awesome amazing show just throws us answers after answers and years of character growth in the first episode, I'm completely in love and can't wait for the next episode.

Tom's acting is an art form *chef's kiss*
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surprisingly good show
14 May 2021
As a European I don't really care about Captain America as a whole. Falcon and the Winter Soldier are probably two of the least interesting Marvel characters to me and I wasn't really looking forward to watching this show at all but since I'm a huge Marvel fan I need to watch everything. Also I knew that the Dora Milaje would make an appearance (even tho no Okoye, which I take personally) so that at least would (and did) rock.

So imagine my surprise when I watched this show and found myself enjoying it immensely, not WandaVision-immensely but it had a solid plot, good actors, few but perfectly timed gags (I enjoy a villain with a sense of humor) and a few dialogues about race and racism that had been long overdue.

For all the whiny crybabies stomping their little feet about how this show is "too political", it wasn't. There was no long discussion, no litany of legitimate allegations all of which could have been there. The show only scratched the surface of the problem and coming movies will hopefully take up and go on from here.

All in all a surprisingly good show, didn't expect it but enjoyed it.
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It just wouldn't end
27 March 2021
I'll make it short. It IS better than Whedon's film but then the first Justice League was a real mess so most people would have made a better movie than that.

But is it a good movie? No. It is endlessly long and still doesn't manage to tell a engaging story or make us feel for the characters. There is more of Cyborg which wasn't bad but also I didn't much care. For fans of the Flash there are some nods to the show but since I did not watch it I could only acknowledge that there was something for the fans and move on. Still both of the side-characters outshone the four supers, that's how uninteresting it all was. There were no surprises, no wow-moments. Maybe Marvel spoiled us with too many good movies and great stories, but this just did not move me, at all.

Also, the music, good grief, I love the Amazons but the theme is not very good and it is used WAY too often, it's really annoying.

The sequence at the end did not need to be there, that could have easily been the start of the next movie, it felt really disjointed and kind of overdramatized.

All in all, I'm disappointed, after all the hype it was just a very long and draining experience I could have done without. I'll probably delete this from my mind like its predecessor.
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Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks (2021)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
from the best show in the world to... meh
6 January 2021
The first twenty minutes of this episode I had to constantly stop and research the last episode or characters from before so I would be able to understand what was going on.

I know all the stories and arcs and characters from before Capaldi took over and most of what happened in Capaldi's time as the Doctor. I have almost no recollection of anything that happened during 13s time and that tells you everything you need to know about Whitaker's era. Which is a shame, since I like her but Chibnall seems determined to give her nothing to work with and to bury everything that made Doctor Who great. He needs to be replaced like, 2 years ago.

This episode gives no answers, has as many plotholes as that godforsaken Spider episode we last saw Chris Noth in and the only thing that makes it bearable is John Barrowman as Jack Harkness but even he makes me sad 'cause he got old, which reminds me that I got old as well which is not ok.

I just miss the old Who and also the new old Who (9, 10, 11). This here feels wrong. Where are the great companions and side characters that got real development? Do you remember Harriet Jones, Prime Minister? We knew who she was. Here I have trouble to remember what the companions are called.

I never thought I would say that but maybe it's time that I gave up on this show. For years it was the best thing in the universe. Now? It's not and it breaks my heart.
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28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst trash ever. Two weeks later and my brain still hurts.

Maisie Williams is still one of the worst actresses I've ever seen, comparable to Nicholas "I have two expressions" Cages. She was a bad Arya, she was horrible in Doctor Who and she continues her boring career to my eternal consternation.

The "plot" if you want to call it that, was forseeable from minute - let's be generous and say from minute 5.

The "doctor", was not only the only psychologist, researcher, medical doctor, counselor and teacher but also cook, cleaner, guard, technician and seemingly mortician and everything else you can think of. To quote Deadpool: it's like the studio could not afford more actors.

Also: no one cares for your tragic backstories, especially if there are half a dozen of them and you didn't manage to make us care for any of those kids.

That one should have stayed in the shadows for ever. Shame!
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
28 December 2020
I can't find any other word for this. It was just utter perfection.
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