
21 Reviews
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Avatar (2009)
The story isn't really that recycled...
21 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
To get it out of the way, yes, visually amazing. In my opinion one of the most visually accomplished films ever, and one of the most beautiful instances of any art form I've ever seen.

As for the story, its getting some flack for being recycled. People want to claim its just a retelling of Dances with Wolves, and on the surface, it may appear that way. But on closer look, there is a lot more going on there. For one thing, look at how Jake Sully first experiences his Avatar. It is a complete escape from his life, because he's not confined to a chair, he's free to do anything. This for me was what made the movie emotionally compelling to a degree that I don't feel it's getting enough credit. Add to that the proposition of getting his legs back if he just plays along, and then suddenly he realizes he can be just as free on Earth as he is on Pandora. But now of course he loves the people, their planet, their way of life.

I think Avatar was perfect on virtually every level. Was it the most intellectual film I've ever seen, no, but it was intellectual as it could have been without becoming preachy. I normally hate CG movies, and I feel the direction movies have been going has caused them to become more of a spectacle than what they should be: stories. Cameron however is a story teller, and here, he's told me a story I'd put on par with anything I've ever heard.
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Gran Torino (2008)
1 January 2009
As the films end credits began to roll, a very rare, tangible wave of emotion expanded throughout the theater. Added to this collective sigh of an audience finally being able to catch its breath was a few claps, which quickly became the loudest applause I have heard in a theater in years.

Gran Torino reaches a level of storytelling that successfully one-ups Eastwood's previous work, and indeed anything released in 2008. The sold out crowd left the theater, some silent, some crying, and others like myself feeling like I had just truly experienced something... something wonderful, something painful, something so undeniably true and loved that it will remain a part of the viewer indefinitely.
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Excellent, considering
22 July 2008
Hands down the best movie you could make about a guy who dresses up like a bat and fights crime. I was more than happy to suspend my disbelief in this film, because its really not a super-hero movie. What you have is a movie that would have still been very very good even without the title character. Nolan and his DP have done a great job, and the VFX supervisor deserves the noble prize for so bravely steering from CG whenever posssible. Heath Ledger may very well win an Oscar for this, that sounds crazy but you'll agree after you see it. That is not say this film is devoid of a few comic book like elements, but that is certainly understandable considering the source material.

One of the best movies of the year so far.
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Solaris (2002)
Visually Genius
13 September 2004
Okay, so we can all talk about how boring it is, sure, well, I can't argue. Not to say I don't REALLY like this movie, cause I do. I like it a lot, but it doesn't make me sleepy. I like that fact.

This movie is not normal. The pace is slow, and the soundtrack is extremely relaxing (fantastic in my opinion.) So don't expect to be on the edge of your seat. If you'd like to see some of the best SCI-FI photography work done since 2001 space odysee, than watch this. I am in now way saying this is ON PAR with 2001, but FILM MAKING WISE it definitely deserves association. I thought that this film feature some extremely beautiful sequences, and was in many ways a (to borrow a phrase) "...return to what sci-fi was meant to be." If you can look at this picture and still say that the film is not genius, I am completely baffled. WATCH THIS MOVIE, and fall asleep at peace with the universe.
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The Village (2004)
M. Nights most advanced work yet
31 July 2004
This movie was superb. For anyone and everyone who liked this Sixth Sense, strap yourselve's in for another two hour mind bending experience. Bryce Dallas Howard gives an electric performance, not allowing you one moment to look away. The film is not a horror movie, as it may have been advertised, but rather a suspense. On a deeper level the movie gives way to hours of thought on society (I'll stop there for fear of giving anything away.) The camera work was pure genious, M. Night is truely one of the few remaining directors who appreciates the effect a simple camera move can have on the audience. The story is delightfully sprinkled with bits of humor here and there, and features not only Howard's fantastic performance, but also a great job by Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody, William Hurt and Sigourney Weaver. I would have no problem placing this in the top 3 movies so far this year, and would recommend this film to anyone who is looking to enjoy themselves. Perhaps the film went over the heads of the general public, or perhaps it will just take some time, but this movie is gold, and eventaully all these nay sayers will realize that.
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Suprisingly good
23 May 2004
I know that I'm not alone in thinking that this movie wasn't going to be worth renting, but believe me, it is. There script is very intellegent and funny, even when the scene may fall into fart humor, it still stays fresh and hilarious. The soundtrack is great, and I'm not even what you would call a Kiss fan. IF you are thinking about watching this, think no more, and check it out.

At the very least, the movie will leave you with a smile from it's great look back at the youth in the olden days.
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Spaceballs (1987)
23 May 2004
It's absolutely appauling how low this movies rating is. I must have seen this movie a dozen times, it's completely

hilarious. I'm hard pressed to think of a person I've met who didn't like this great movie filled with Mel Brooks' unique humor. For anyone whose ever watched Star Wars to anyone who has no idea, this is a must see with fantastic performances from Rick Morranis, who steals the entire movie. Well written, well acted, and well worth the time!
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check the facts
21 May 2004


Sorry for all the caps, I feel dirty now.
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Van Helsing (2004)
8 May 2004
Yes, it's true, Van Helsing is a really, unbelivabely retarted film. The Special FX, perhaps the films only redeaming category, fail to save the film from the terrible acting, and the ridiculous plot. I don't only want my money back, I wish I could get compensation for having two hours of my life spent in torture. Dracula and Frankenstien and his monster and Igor and Dracula's servants and his brides and.... JEEZ. Every character was hallow, two dimensional and annoying. I loved the Mummy, but this is not even in the same world as that film.

That being said, this movie has PLENTY to offer CHILDREN, and those 13 and under may very well enjoy this film. Anyone hoping for anything logical and interesting from this film, however, steer clear.
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8 May 2004
This is without a doubt the worst television special ever created. I have NEVER laughed as hard as I did. This is purely HILARIOUS, and everyone should see it. Harrison Ford looks genuinely p***ed off to be in it! So bad it's great!

If you get a chance, check out the Star Wars Musical also. Dam#, Lucas merchandises everything to the maximum. This really is funny. Watch this special!
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Pure Genious
27 March 2004
This is hands down the best movie to come out so far this year. It was unpredictable, funny and thought-provoking. This movie will definately be up for best screenplay, failing 5 unbeivable scripts come out this year. Jim Carrey's performance is FANTASTIC! The movie is more serious than anything he's tackled before, but he still manages to create humor in a few scenes as only he could. Elijah Wood was believable, Kirsten Dunst plays a far sexier role than she's known for, and Kate Winslet was good as well. I don't want to give away any plot, but it is definately something original and suprising. I heard many people walk out of the movie and say "I don't usually walk out of a theater this statisfied." It's true! This is one of the years top movies, don't miss it. GO SEE THIS MOVIE! You will not regret it!
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Easy Rider (1969)
Waste of time
27 March 2004
This was one of the worst, most pointless movies I've ever seen. I can't believe it's in my text book. not only was the plot non-existent, but the editing was terrible, and the acting was pathetic, except for Jack Nicholson. Don't waste your time on this movie, it's just a bunch of hippies doing drugs, litterally that's all it is. Nothing HAPPENS. God these movies drive me nuts. One star out of 50. Boring. Pointless. Visually uninteresting. Poorly acted. Poorly edited. Poorly written, if even written at all. Seriously, I can't believe this movie is famous. I can see why it was controversial, because of the heavy drug-use, but COME ON, you can't make a two hour movie about people doing drugs if NOTHING ELSE HAPPENS.
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Why are some people allowed to write?
3 January 2004
Writing credits (WGA) Peter Farrelly (characters) & Bennett Yellin (characters) & Bobby Farrelly (characters)

Robert Brener (story)

Robert Brener (screenplay) and Troy Miller (screenplay)

Somewhere along this line, somebody made a big mistake. This was the crappiest thing ever, and a HUGE HUGE HUGE insult to the original. I felt bad for the two lead actors, who made a valiant and admirable effort, in vain.
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Feardotcom (2002)
The hemophiliac that hangs out at the steel mill
3 January 2004
Moronic. Completely belongs on the bottom 100, as it currently is. The movie's plot was weak, the only scares came from pathetic use of disturbing imagery, and the character's made even less sense than the choices they make. Possible the crummiest horror film I've ever seen, that is to say, it wasn't BAD ENOUGH TO BE FUNNY, it was just plan BAD. And yes, it features a hemophiliac girl who used to play ball at a steel mill.
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No class?!
3 January 2004
I just read on the message board that if you watch this movie and you enjoyed it, you have no class. I don't think that's fair at all. Yes, this movie did SUCK, but it was also REALLY funny. Sure, the jokes were infintile and pathetic and Tom Green is an idiot, but that's what he was going for. I laughed pretty hard, but I would never argue that it's not stupid and poor. If you want to laugh, and nothing more, then you'll like this. Expect anything but stupidity at it's finest and you'll be dissapointed.
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Happiness (1998)
Disgusting waste of time!
3 January 2004
Ok, I don't NORMALLY bash movies, so don't think this isn't founded. This movie is utterly DISGUSTING! It's not even worth wasting your time on. It's completely sick to make a comedy about a guy raping a little kid in the butt at his son's sleep over. And that's not entirely the worst of it. If I could swear here, I'd say more. But trust me, nothing grosses me out, and this grossed me out, competely. I'd never utter the words "don't watch this!" but, umm... don't pay to watch it. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is an amazing actor, but I can't believe he did this movie, Maybe it's just me, but I really HATED this movie, and I would honestly call it the worst thing I've ever seen. Never once was I even marginally entertained.
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Trainspotting (1996)
Boyle's masterpiece
3 January 2004
Such a fantastic film it's difficult to do it justice. It seems that Danny Boyle may have eclipsed his career with this film, not to say I do not entirely anticipate every film he touches. The story is unbelievable, encompassing not only the story of Mark Renton's (Ewan McGregor) personal change in life, but also the story of the changing world, the changing music, and the struggle to grow beyond your friends, who in Begbie's case, are a complete drag on his life. The dialogue is entrancing, even when it borders on incoherent. A funny, intelligent and empowering film!!
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Russel Crowe's Magic Violin
16 November 2003
Well, this movie was good, and worth seeing I'd say. The ocean battles were outstanding, and the story was fresh enough to keep your interest. Violence wise, definately not for young children. Even if you don't like Russel Crowe, it's still a good flick.
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Visual Stunning
11 October 2003
True die hard Tarantino fans might be a bit shocked by this film, you hear so much talk of "Will this movie hurt his career" or things like that. The answer is an overwhelming "No!", but it should be noted, don't go in expecting Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Resevior Dogs or any of his writing. This movie is an homage to Samurai movies, and as such, it's not so dialogue heavy or witty as you might expect. The movie is, however, very visually stunning, which is great for Tarantino, because he's stepping out of his box, as if to say "I'm not going to make the same film over and over" and it works. This movie rocked! It was without a doubt the most violent movie I've ever seen, and so to Tarantino, I say "Thankyou."
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JFK (1991)
A tribute to our prince
24 August 2003
This film is perhaps the most amazing, inspiring piece of truth I've ever seen. Whether or not you decide to believe what the movie reveals, the story will surely change your view of what happened that day. The film follows the life of a D.A. who takes it upon himself to investigate into the JFK assassination. Oliver Stone is a brave man for making this film. My words cannot do it justice.
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The Graduate (1967)
Scarborough Fair
24 August 2003
Despite the over playing of Scarborough Fair which drones ON and ON in the film (Simon and Garfunkel ROCK, but enough is enough...) this movie is fantastic.

It's the story of a young man graduating college, at that great cross road in his life. "I'm a little worried about my future," Hoffman's character says throughout much of the film. This movie redefined comedy, and pushed the boundaries of acceptable sexual material in a film. This was Dustin Hoffman's breakthrough role, and, in my opinion, his best peice of work.

WATCH IT! It's well worth any rental or purchase price. Also, it makes watching Wayne's World 2 ***A LOT*** FUNNIER.
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