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Unchained (I) (2021)
Grungy Midnight Cinema. Girls brawling.
6 July 2021
The movie is great for what it is. But you already know its not a big budget studio flick. However, it is several steps above "indie" as it's well shot with great sound and delivers on its premise of chicks kicking butt. Unchained is Grungy Midnight Cinema. Girls brawling. The lead actress, Mair shines and capably carries the movie. I looked up the cast to see what else she was in. While doing so, I noticed WWE star Taya Valkre was also in Unchained which may be a boon for some of you viewers, note I'm not an avid WWE viewer. I also saw Tim Chizmar produced this, I've actually seen other stuff by him, he's done a lot, so if you're a fan then you'll dig this too. Anyway I see that Mair also has a bunch of credits (mostly indie looking) so she's actually a seasoned actor and that explains why she has the chops to carry this flick. Anyway, if you want a really cool big budget blockbusting superhero flick, this ain't it, but if you wanna see chicks kicking butt and getting revenge then have a look.
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Fun Zombie flick that's worth your time.
27 January 2012
Just when I thought there were no more cool zombie flicks, I stumble upon Broken Springs.

It's a fun zombie flick in the vein of ZombieLand. The killing of the zombies is both enjoyable and creative, especially given its low budget.

Broken Springs has a lot going for it. It never quite makes up its mind on whether it wants to be a parody, an action movie, or a conspiracy flick; which is great as the movies quick pace keeps you entertained the whole way through.

Definitely one of the best zombie flicks I've ever seen. Even the zombies were superb. The rest of the cast shines as well. I suspect this movie will launch some careers.

Broken Springs exceeded the expectations set by the trailer. So if you liked the trailer, you'll love the movie.
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Paranormal Activity or Paranormal CRAPTivity is an illogical, dumb movie.
1 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Paranormal CRAPTivity is a great idea. I was so psyched to see it, but it doesn't play out. The marketing got me and a lot of other butts in the seats and I say good for the filmmaker, he made this piece of crap, sat on it for years, was told by everyone it was crap and they couldn't sell it, then along came Spielberg and finds the marketing angle, Let's pull a Jackass but show the audience terrified instead of laughing. I just wish they had a better movie to begin with.

Anyone who has had to canvas a house knows you turn on every light in every room you pass as you explore the room.

When a noise is heard he has the presence of mind to grab the camera turn on it's light but not bother to flip on the stair lights on his way down?

When you exit the couples bedroom there is a room on the left that was NEVER entered. The door is open, but they just walk past it.

At another point he exits the bedroom and b-lines for the far left room without turning on any lights?

When he looks in the attic his only light was the camera light, he then gives her the camera so he can explore the dark attic, HE HAS NO LIGHT???

Why wouldn't he want to call the Demon dude? Why would she be against the camera? Their motives are questionable.

If I have a camera on us and I find the misses outside in the cold (AND she doesn't remember it), I'm checking the footage the following day to see what time she got up. That's when I see her standing there. I'm thinking this chick is gonna kill me, and I'm calling her mother or her sister.

Another thing, they don't have a 9-5 job, why not stay up all night?

Top 10 things to do when things go bump in the night.

10. Grab the camera turn its light on but don't bother to flick a light switch when you pass it.

09. Give only light source back to girl and find photo in pitch black attic.

08. Don't examine tape when girl sleep walks. If you do don't worry that she's standing over you for 3 hours.

07. When you get phenomenal footage of your girl getting drug to another room, do nothing with the footage and spend another night in the room.

06. When your girl has a mysterious bruise/bite don't bother taking her to the ER. You probably don't have insurance anyway, this isn't Canada after all.

05. Don't bother to get a dog for protection. Despite the cat statue on the fireplace, you hate animals anyway.

04. Take a big interest in girl's demon, but refuse to call demon guy, you're too rich to afford that.

03. Find footsteps on floor and get great footage of it, but don't call media or police.

02. Make sure the 'chosen one' sleeps next to the open door. NEVER offer to trade spots with her or lock the door.

01. Don't Google anything until act three, research is a waste of time.

00. Keep the hardwood floors clean, because the most interesting thing about the movie was when I turned to the wife and said, "Those are nice floors," and she said, "I was thinking the same thing."
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Exile (2008)
John Carpenter+Roger Corman=Mike Conway
1 September 2009
If you've seen the trailer, you know exactly what you're getting. It ain't District 9, but it is an excellent flick for its audience. It's better than lots of stuff on SyFy or basic cable for that matter.

I've followed Mike Conways career for a while. I admire his dedication and perseverance. The guy makes movies. He does what it takes. If that means waiting tables, refinancing his house, taking music lessons, or learning a new program he'll do it. It's the kind of dedication that is severely lacking in the indie film world. Most indie filmmakers I meet, expect the studio deal to be handed to them. Mike has built his own studio and I admire that.

Exile is a fun watch. The story is solid and doesn't go in the expected direction. The score is fantastic. The efx are way above par for an un-studio flick. It's an enjoyable quick watch. Grab the popcorn, turn down the lights and enjoy.
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This isn't a story, at best this is a reenactment.
5 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is an unremarkable story and I have no idea why it was told. There's no clever sleuthing and no exciting robberies. Dillinger is killed at the end so it's not even how the underdog bad guy (who is really a good guy) gets away. At best this is a reenactment. Too many characters are introduced with no character development and they are all dressed the same making it impossible to keep track of who's who and who the good guys are .vs the bad. There isn't even any subplots to hold your interest. All I can figure is this wasn't good enough to be released around awards time, but the studio still needed to recoup so they sold it as an action shoot 'em up and went after the Independence popcorn crowd. However this movie won't have legs as an action flick, it'll have a 50% drop off in week two and probably disappear from the top 10 by week 3. Not even worth your time on video unless you are writing an essay on Dillenger or are a fan of confusing shaky unmotivated camera work.
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It's just a really bad movie.
2 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It completely misses its mark and audience. This is supposed to be a chick flick; therefore it should have characters that are empowering to women. Instead this is filled with the weakest women this side of a sheiks harem. It is insulting to women and completely demeans them.

Spoiler alert

I was most surprised by Jennifer Garner's character. For 7 seasons she played the strong kick ass Sydney Bristow, I would have thought she could spot a weak character. Also Jennifer's character is hardly a starring role, but more of a prop ready to serve the wants of Matthew McConaughey's character.

We are lead to believe that Jennifer and Matthew were childhood sweethearts (that never kissed) who lost touch at 14 then reconnected at 24 when he not only breaks her heart but actually destroys her.

He courts her, she falls for him, then after sex he bails and never speaks to her again. Years later he is the best man and she is the maid of honor at his brothers wedding. When she gets her first glimpse of him (after years of silence), she is all glassy eyed and love struck. The rest of the movie she pines for him. There is no big moment where she unleashes on him. There is no big moment where she realizes he is the one for her. She apparently has been waiting in the wings for him to realize she is the one.

The character played by Lacey Chabert is a bridezilla who is unable to control herself and her emotions. Thankfully the three men in her life are there to knock sense back in her.

The three bridesmaids are dimwits pining to sleep with Matthew and when that fails they scrape the bottom of the barrel groomsmen because they just need a man.

The only strong female character is the mother of the bride played by Anne Archer. She goes toe to toe with Mathew and puts him in his place.

But what is his place? Why is it assumed that a guy who lives life as a player lives an empty life? Matthew was blissfully enjoying his life until the ghosts started pointing out his flaws. And we all have flaws. Not like this guy was date raping girls.

You could claim he mistreated women but he never hid that and the women in the movie like it, so he's got their approval. He breaks up with 3 girls on a conference call in front of a fourth girl and after such a despicable act, the fourth girl still wants to sleep with him.

In another scene he orders a bridesmaid to his room to prepare for sex, she happily obliges. Why does that make him flawed?

Before the ghosts show up he is living a pretty happy life. He gets paid well, loves his job and he loves women. Later we learn that he lived to a ripe old age, so his antics never killed him.

Speaking of his funeral, the scene is laughable. Only one person shows? Please! He was great at his job, a top fashion photographer, and was a hero to all the Players. His funeral would be filled with people.

They try to portray him as a mean ass, because he supposedly gets drunk and shares his real feelings about marriage. The scene is out of his character. Prior to this he says with affection that he wouldn't miss his little brothers wedding, now he's saying mean things about the wedding to everyone? Remember this guy is a high paid professional photographer, he is not a stumbling drunk who just left his blue collar job on the loading docks.

Then they try to make it seem like he ruined the wedding by telling one bridesmaid that another bridesmaid once slept with the groom. After the three bridesmaids discuss it, we're dropped into a scene with a hysterical bride who just found out. Matthew was nowhere near that scene and couldn't have told her, therefore one of the bridesmaids must have told her. So it was the bridesmaids that ruined the wedding NOT Matthew.

Finally there is the photograph that he has apparently been caring in his wallet his whole life (yet it isn't folded). Earlier the plot point of the photo is forced down our throat, in a way that negates the final reveal. With the ghost of the past, he sees himself as a child take the photo, he (as an adult) knows it's in his pocket, so he'd be embarrassed about it and wouldn't call attention to the child saying "forever." Yet he does. Why? Oh yeah, to force the point down our throats.

Oh and when he's taking pictures at the wedding. The Nikon flash never pops up. Such a believable photographer!
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W. (I) (2008)
Once again W. dupes us.
19 October 2008
The Whitehouse preached WMD's and the advertising for this movie preached an entertaining comedy about an underdog who lands the most important position in the world. Neither delivered.

Instead I got a movie about a guy who pines for his father's affection and becomes President, all the while never really getting said affection. There is no ARC in this flick, nothing is learned and many events of Bushy administration are skipped. All those great phrases on the teaser poster are ditched. How a guy does a 180 with his life and becomes President in 10 short years isn't here. Nothing is really here, not even an extreme left view that W. screwed us. Nothing. The movie is pointless.

So why make this flick? Oscars! That's it! Lets get some shiny statues for outstanding performances in another useless SLOW boring movie. It's sad, Tom Cruise should get an award for his performance in Tropic Thunder, but instead an actor from this flick will get that award, because this is a serious Stone vehicle.

Why a 1? Because it is a movie you will watch once, forget, and NEVER watch again.
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Maxed Out (2006)
Excellent-If you don't like it, it probably hits too close to home.
26 September 2008
Excellent flick. I often felt that people were at fault for their own credit mess and to some extent, I still do.

This movie opened my eyes to how many of these credit giants prey on the uninformed and manage to make money through bankruptcies.

Someone charges $1000, makes a payment then goes delinquent. The late penalties cause that to become $3000, then after 180 days the bank writes that debt off and sells it at 50% to a debt collector for $1500. The bank still collects their principal, plus whatever payments the original person made, plus $500, plus takes a write off. It seems like a no brainer to hand money out like paper.

When a predator offers candy to a child, do we blame the child for taking the sweet bait? No, because the child didn't know better. So are these people at fault?
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The Love Guru (2008)
Watchable, but not re-watchable
21 September 2008
It's the kind of movie you'll never watch again, but one where you'll remember some of the bits and recite.

Justin Timberlake is great. There are a few funny bits, but most are dumb. The plot is thin and only watchable because of the amusing leads. If this flick stared unknowns it would be totally un-watchable.

And now it's time to fill ten lines with the storyline: Pitka an American raised outside of his country by gurus, returns to the States in order to break into the self-help business. His first challenge: To settle the romantic troubles and subsequent professional skid of a star hockey player whose wife left him for a rival athlete.
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G.P.S. (2007)
Best Indie of the YEAR!
26 July 2008
In my line of work I see a lot of movies, and I see way too many Indies. Most I can't finish. GPS, thankfully wasn't one of them. This movie breaks the mold and strives to be more. It is what a true Indie should be. It's filled with many wide open beautiful landscapes, lots of interesting and good looking faces, and a compelling hook that keeps you invested to the very end. In addition to helicopter shots and stunts, the movie has solid performances. The five leads are enjoyable, but Paul Proios and Danielle Renee really steal the show. I'm reminded of the Robert Rodriguez and Kevin Smiths of the world, who made big movies with small budgets.
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The Awakening (2005 Video)
Hot chick on a power trip.
15 February 2007
Awakening shows us the creation of a villainess. Like many super hero flicks, our hero is in need and finds help, super radioactive help! But where typical glossed over Hollywood creations (Spiderman, Superman) forget about humans destructive nature, Awakening does not.

Our lead Lara, played brilliantly by Tamra Ericson Frame is stricken with cancer and yearns for the life she once had. When she is given the gift, the power goes to her head. She becomes destructive and begins to throw away the life she once longed for.

This is an interesting take. One which doesn't necessarily find the audience in Lara's corner, but I don't think it is suppose to. Maybe it is suppose to Awaken us to the idea of what we would really do with that power.

The flick has a brilliant score led at the hand of Director Mike Conway, a very talented jack of all trades filmmaker who seems to have the ability to accomplish anything.

It's a low budget indie, It's gritty, Its different, it's what indie film should be.
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Bottoms Up (2006 Video)
A fun 80's campy flick.
18 September 2006
Far be it from me to pass judgment. I've only made one movie, "Kisses And Caroms," so I'm not an expert. Being that I'm a budding filmmaker, I constantly look at other DVD's as film schools in a box. I've learned to figure out why a flick does or doesn't work.

Most low budget indie movies are made by filmmakers who use all their resources and creativity to make something out of nothing. They take small budgets and stretch them to find ways to achieve Hollywood results with no cash.

While watching Bottoms Up I felt like it was a movie made by people who usually work with higher budgets. It feels like people took a step down in film-making.

After coming to this conclusion I checked IMDb to look up the filmmakers and confirmed what I suspected. The writer/director was an actor in the $40 million dollar Plesentville and the $75 Million dollar We Were Soldiers.

Among the movies 16 producers (yes SIXTEEN) is Paul Walker. The same Paul Walker who acted in The Fast and the Furious and coincidentally Plesentville.

These people clearly don't know how to make a low budget movie. Sixteen producers is unheard of on a low budget flick. Steven Spielberg is a great filmmaker, but he couldn't make Clerks for $27,000. Even if Kevin handed him the script.

The editing isn't the smoothest, but don't blame the editor, Sherwood Jones. The movie was clearly shot in many single takes with no coverage. Not much to cut to. This also means the performances have problems but not because of the actors. It's because of single takes.

Despite this, all the actors including Hilton do deliver some strong scenes. had the movie been put in the hands of an indie filmmaker who is used to no money, or if a few more million were thrown at it, it would have turned out to be a good long lasting flick.

Overall with it's added animation and score the movie comes off like a fun 80's campy flick.
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The Ringer (2005)
Watchable but Knoxville didn't commit.
1 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
First, I thought Knoxville could hit this role outta the park. He didn't. He never committed. It seemed like he was afraid to make fun of his fellow actors, that he held back.

Minor Spoilers coming --

Also while the writing was OK, the plot/story line BLEW! They even threw in a tidy little ending kiss that came outta nowhere. That chick wouldn't have gotten together with Jeffy after what he did. There's plenty of fishes and his fish wasn't built up enough for her.

I wish Knoxville had played it mean spirited and then the girl made him come around. Sure it's cliché, but at least he would have had an arch. As it is the story is FLAT. The mean spirit would have allowed him to rise fully to the role, then come off as the good guy.

I also thought for a moment that the Champ was going to be discovered as a fraud as well, and Jeffy would get the credit for going undercover to rat him out.
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Excellent Romedy/Dramedy
6 September 2005
Excellent first time feature. They really hit the Romedy/Dramedy nail on the head.

The performances are solid as a rock. It is a rarity to find this caliber of acting in an independent flick. Maybe the Director just knew how to direct, but alas, another rarity in an indie. Either way the pay off is on screen.

The picture set up's and composition are great. The cinematography really shows an eye for details. Shades of blue and red highlighting the right moods. Add unique camera angles that could only come from and indie perspective to spruce up the landscape, and you get a fresh mix of indie art-house and polished Hollywood.

The musical score flat out rocks. It fits the flicks tone to a "T". It's so perfect, and dead on that I would imagine it cost a pretty penny for music alone.

To top it all off, in twined with the endearing moments (that kept the wife in smiles,) there was some pretty great nipple twisting laugh out loud moments (that kept me in stitches.)

Check it out, you won't regret it.
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Halfway House is FANTASTIC
24 August 2005
I actually caught this movie back at the Valley Film Festival and thought it was great. It was such an unexpected delight. Sure it's in the vein of Skinamax, but unlike most of the drab late night flicks, Halfway House is DAMN amusing.

I was combing the shelves of my video store and saw it. Immediately I grabbed and brought it home.

The one eye monster in the basement is a hoot and is actually done really well. It definitely meets the the standards of Industrial Light and Magic. That is if Lucas and ILM were making a exploitation boobie creature feature.

The acting is rock solid for a movie that takes itself tongue in cheek. The sound is clear, picture is pretty, editing is seamless, and score is a 10.

If you don't like this movie then you just don't get it. If you get it but still don't like it, then something is wrong with you.
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The Diary (2004)
Great Horror short
13 August 2005
I saw an early screening of the Diary and thought at that time it was great.

I've heard that it has been tightened and is now even better.

The short has great make-up effects and a yummy bloody zombie feast. I see the director has worked on many big budget Hollywood flicks in the special effects department. No doubt thoses skills and favors were pulled in for the Diary. Because you usually just don't see this level of talent in shorts.

The shooting locations are creepy and very effective. I dug the dungeon basement. It looks like it cost a fortune.

The direction is solid. The acting is good. The cinematography is solid and the sound (which is most important for horror) is excellent. You can't go wrong with this flick.

I also love the miller product placement. Good stuff.
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Heath Ledger deserves an Oscar
4 June 2005
Heath Ledger's performance in Lords is not only Oscar worthy, but so far he deserves the win. Not since Johnny Deps performance as Captain Jack Sparrow has anyone deserved an Oscar more. Too bad those stuffed shirts at the academy probably won't recognize a skate flick for contention.

Lords of Dogtown is beautifully shot, (something that will probably also be overlooked because it's a skate movie). The movie is filled with an eccentric mix of interesting shots like after the pier burns down, to gritty documentary shots like the bowl riding.

The movie shows the real word of skating. Not the watered-down PG-ified version ESPN gives us. Lords shows the rebellious punk scene that skating was (and sometimes still is). At some points the movie hits uncomfortable lows that reminded me of past life moments I'd like to forget. It doesn't show an all around positive skate image, but that's because it's a Docudrama, and like most Documentaries or Docudramas there are parts we agree with, and parts we don't, but none-the-less as with any good movie we are entertained.

The closing credits list Stacy Peralta as a successful film maker. While he does have some credits to his name, if Lords were his only credit, he'd still be considered successful, because to pull this movie together alone shows lots of talent.
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The Chase (2003)
Fantastic Marital Arts Action.
31 May 2005
This short is filled with great fighting action. If you liked the Matrix battles, you'll dig these. Some creative and realistic stuff. A foot to the chest looks better then any of the fights scenes in the big budget Torque. I happen to have just seen that this evening and the producers of that movie could learn a thing or two from these filmmakers.

The sound too was awesome. Sound plays a big part in any visual story, and so often I see shorts that lack any sound design. Thankfully this short has spent the time and money to get it right. Especially because it's so important to hear realistic hits to match the blows.

The cinematography was just as good as the directing and both were great. I see that both and more are done by Johnny Wu. He wrote it too!

I'd have given it a 10 if I understood the plot. Not the writers fault. I still don't understand the Matrix.

Be sure to watch the credits to see behind the scenes of how they did some of the stunts.
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Madagascar (2005)
Great Movie!
30 May 2005
I'm blown away at how great this is. It's Pixlar great!!

For a while I was trying to figure out why none of the other studios could come close to what Pixlar does, but with Madagascar Dream Works does.

The movie is non-stop fun. There are no slow points. That in itself is quite a feat. Constant movement and no time for the children in the theater to get bored and fidget or cry.

Funny as can be, and even though I like low brow, subtle adult humor there is none!! Madagascar is filled with plenty of clean laughs.

Take the family, You'll love it.
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Helium (2005)
It's a Hilarious Short!!
23 May 2005
This is a flat our hilarious short. Everyone who sees it loves it. And how can't you? It's only 3 minutes long. Making it a REAL short. It's not like those other so called shorts that take the joke way too far and become boring. It's a real short!!

Of course I am biased because I worked on this thing, but I jumped on board while it was in rough cut, and I did so because it was so funny. I was at Tom Ayer's birthday party. When he showed this thing, all the guests went crazy. At that moment I knew I had to jump on board, throw my two cents in, and steal some of the creative thunder.

As an added plug, checkout Tom Ayers and Nicole Rayburn in Kisses And Caroms. An equally hilarious feature film.
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Blood, Guts and Gory.
19 May 2005
First, Suzi Lorraine is excellent in The Night They Returned. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so, as she has quite the resume on IMDb. I hope she keeps it up and finds her way to Hollywood where she can really shine.

The Night They Returned is a lot of fun. That is, if you like blood and guts. I do, and apparently so does the filmmakers. This movie is just filled to the brim with disgusting stuff. It's hard to explain, but put it this way, if the show Fear Factor were a beer, it'd be lite beer, and The Night They Returned would be DARK ALE.

Excellent makeup work, especially Dad. Very realistic. Reminded me of those old horrors flicks like "Hell Night" or "Mothers Day".
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On the Fringe (2001)
On the fringe is a nice little indie movie that isn't so small.
1 May 2005
Strong well delivered dialog start off this fully realized tapestry of characters and situations.

The cinematographers use of Falls vibrant hues add a nice touch to some creatively framed shots. Small things that might get overlooked like a scene where two actors converse on a bench and the American flag waves proudly in a windows reflection are a delight.

The score is a wonderful compliment to the visuals and really sets the movies tone.

On the fringe is a nice little indie movie that isn't so small. It's amazing how much of the town the film makers must have covered. Lot's of exterior shots that really showoff the small town landscape.
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Excellent Horror movie.
23 April 2005
I saw this last week and loved it so much, I returned this week to see it again. Thing is, I'm not the type who re-watches movies. I usually see them once, but Amityville. It is such a well constructed horror that I wanted to enjoy it again.

I really can't compare this to anything that has been done lately. It definitely has a unique feel to it. The way horror use to make you feel, back in the day. I wouldn't say it's old school, but it gave me the creeps the same way Friday the 13th, Poltergeist, and Children of the corn first did in theaters so many years ago.

Ryan Reynolds was great in Van Wilder and is excellent in Amityville, although each performance is nothing alike. I won't say he's proved himself, because he had nothing to prove. He's a great actor.

I had wanted to focus my career on comedies, but after watching Amityville, I'm rethinking horror.

Go see this, it'll scare the sh*t out of you, and send chills up your spine.
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This is a fantastic documentary, ready for HBO.
22 April 2005
HotRod is an excellent fun watch. It keeps you entertained from start to finish with an interesting story and lots of hilarious moments.

My eyes were glued to the screen. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. It's really like watching a car wreck, a slow 70 minute one. It reminds you that those characters on "King of the Hill" really do exist. There is even a Boomhauer in "HotRod." You can't understand a word the Uncle says.

The town has a population of just under 700 and they have a fair. A FAIR, with a town of 700!! They even stage Christmas in July. Then finish off the week with a demolition derby. A derby that seems to have 35 cars in it. If you figure that half of the population is women, then 10% of the male population is competing in the derby. Amazing! This is a look in to that quaint, quirky rural hick life that my Hollywood born butt has never experienced.

HotRod is just as good as Super Size Me, or Bowling for Columbine. I can easily see this on HBO, USA, or SpikeTV. It's definitely ready for prime-time.
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Knoxville hits this one out of the park, but Shannon makes the Home Run.
21 April 2005
Baseball references have nothing to do with this movie, except to serve as an analogy.

Johnny Knoxville surely has proved himself as a talented actor. Hopefully Hollywood will take note and give him more than Luke Duke. I'm sure he'll shine as a Duke boy, but Knoxville can handle more. I can totally see him taking on the Edward Norton kind of roles.

I knew nothing about Gram Parsons before watching this, but I enjoyed the small lesson. The opening says something to the effect that while it is based on true events, it has been embellished. But in the extras the writer says that is exactly how it happened. I don't buy the latter. There are a few things that just can't happen, but it still makes for one hell of a joyride.

This is a great Weekend discovery. Watch it and you won't be disappointed.
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