
6 Reviews
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The Dirt (2019)
Insert resounding fart noise here.
4 April 2019
I'm not sure how all the positive reviews made it to this site but they are 100% unwarranted. This movie was pure garbage and made the band look like idiots more than rock stars. I can't believe the band was involved in making this mess. The movie seemed to be directed by a high school kid it was so bad. I get sex, drugs, and rock n roll but according to this movie Motley Crue members as people were completely void of any true human traits. Don't waste your time just wait and maybe somewhere down the road someone will make a better movie about this great 80s band.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
11 February 2017
Anyone that claims to have watched this movie and gave it a negative review did not actually watch it. That or they have the attention span of a fly. This film was an absolute masterpiece. Throughout the film it hints at the true plot but never quite let's you grasp it until the end which is perfect and heartbreaking in a way. Masterfully written and directed with wonderful turns by the actors this movie won't let you down and kept me thinking long after I watched it.

I think the problem with moviegoers these days is that they have been led down a path of microwaved super hero movies loaded with horrible CGI, so they just don't know any better. So when a movie comes along that requires someone to actually watch it you end up with a bunch of clueless people asking "hey where's Iron Man".

If you enjoy watching original movies with great acting and an actual plot line watch this film you will truly enjoy it.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Jumbled Mess!!!
28 August 2016
I'm not sure how this movie scores a 6.8 but it was horrible. I can only attribute that to hardcore comic book fans who are blind to it and love anything comic book. What a waste of millions of dollars making this movie. Obviously none of that money went into developing a script or an actual plot line because the movie lacked both. Suicide Squad was never a very popular comic so trying to force this movie was probably a bad idea. All the Jared Leto hype leading into this movie culminated in a huge dud. The lone bright spot was Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn but the makers of this movie pretty much wasted her as well. The two words in my summary say all you need to know. JUMBLED MESS!! It's scary to think that there are many more obscure characters from comics that are about to get their own movies and/or TV shows. This movie should be a blueprint for what not to do and it also shows that no matter how much money you throw at a movie if you have the wrong people in charge of making it then it will fail.
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Fight Valley (2016)
An hour and a half of your life you will never get back.
22 July 2016
First off Holly Holm is prominently featured on the cover of the movie yet is in it for all of 10 seconds. Now that I've got that out of the way on to the movie. This will be short and sweet. The acting, editing, sound, and anything else you can think of that's involved in making a movie is all horrible. The acting though takes the prize as all "actors" involved were so ridiculously bad that I started to think it was a joke, but my friends, unfortunately the only joke was that I watched the whole movie. The "actors" didn't seem to know when they were supposed to say their lines and most times their mannerisms didn't match what they were saying or supposed to be doing. The only reason I watched the entire movie is that I was not watching it alone because if I were alone I would have split after about 20 minutes if that. As bad as the editing was I feel that the fact that the director and actors did such a bad job hindered anything an editor could do with the slop in the can. As far as this movie having a 6.7 rating after only about 10 or so ratings, well I think that can be chalked up to paid for reviews. Either that or the handful of reviews were done by friends and/or family of the film maker . Truly awful!!!
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Now this was a funny show he-yump!!
24 December 2015
From the first he-yump to the very last this show, for something so absurd and bordering on stupid, was absolutely brilliant. John Glaser as Neon Joe is perfect. Everything he says and how it says it are comedy gold. Some may find this to get juvenile at times but it almost doesn't matter as the lead actor absolutely kills it. Stephanie March and her current lover are easily the funniest television couple. Something about every character at some point during the run of this show makes you crack up. The writing on this show is both genius and sophomoric with the only semi-ehhh episode being the second and I won't say another word beyond WATCH IT you will most assuredly laugh out loud heeeeyyy-yyuuump!
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The Returned (2015)
TV Snobs Stay Away
24 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It cracks me up to see all the TV snobs knocking this show because it isn't as good as the original French show. Well that is a matter of opinion and I found The Returned to be quite entertaining contrary to most of the reviews on here. Is it atmospheric and creepy like the French version? Not really but in the United States people watch TV differently and foreign shows sometimes have to be changed up a bit to gel with American audiences and in this case I feel they did a solid job. I watched the French version and found it boring at times but I still enjoyed it. I've noticed that in some of the other reviews the writers are reaching for reasons to not like it. One reviewer went as far as to complain that the two actresses playing the twin sisters didn't look enough alike where as I felt the casting was done well. They are supposed to be four years apart in age and during that stage of a girls life many changes in physical appearance occur. If you're here to read reviews on this show please go past the negative ones written by people who never gave the show a shot because it is a re- pop and give The Returned a chance.
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