
2 Reviews
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Clearly history can be sidelined for 'art'.
11 September 2018
Before getting into a rant, I am going to attempt to explain 2 sideline reasons why this film is terrible. 1. Idi Amin played a larger role than depicted in this film. Here, although it is mentioned that he is mad, it skips over several of his visits and the strange things he did. Equally I would have to say he is portrayed favourably here as almost an 'innocent party'. 2. Dora Bloch is listed as a hostage who all honesty I have always found her story the most shocking in this saga. At no point does it explain she died due to Amin, nor the manner of her death. From my viewing the last time she is seen is on a bus with released hostages.

Now onto the film, if you do not mind a cold hearted (by the accounts of the hostages) person being depicted as almost a lost yet caring person, this is the film for you. The historical accuracy goes as far as a raid occured at Entebbe. Apart from that, this almost apologetic film, clearly is a film rewritting history to suit the modern day.

I have no idea what that dance was for. I have no idea what any of the characters were trying to do (except for the 'revolutionaries' this film appears to support). I have no idea what the historical inaccuracies were for. I have absolutely no idea what the point in making this aimless, politically correct and apologetic film was for.

Good aspects of the film: it ends and I will never watch it again.
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In the Woods (I) (2010)
"In the woods....can anyone hear you snore?"
27 August 2018
The trees were the least wooden part of this whole film. The husband did a decent enough job, but frankly this film was as bad as a film could be. The script made no sense, even at the end a line is invented so the wife can 'realise' what is happening. Affraid to say I had worked it out before they had got into their car. The filming was bad...probably a handheld camera, it was always moving and added nothing to the atmosphere, nor to a sense of isolation....neither really were in the film. Have no idea who I was supposed to 'support' in the film....but I know who I wanted to get through it.
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