
11 Reviews
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The Tank (2017)
Based on a True Story... What "True" Story?
15 February 2021
Based on a True Story... What "True" Story?

I googled, no such "true" story exists.

Obvious flaws in the crew psychological eval. It was all done on the cheap, that's why failure.

When life must be sustained, don't be cheap.

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The Break-In (2016)
Pleasantly surprised by the obvious mistakes
9 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First up: When you recording something, set the security to records ONLY WHEN IT"S MOTION-ACTIVATED, so as not to waste space on the hard drive. Second: You recorded something, don't go arguing you seen some man outside your window, SHOW IT ON YOUR CELL PHONE or LAPTOP, what you recorded is EVIDENCE of what you SEEN, there, Melissa can SEE what you saw. Simple. Third: I suspected the man outside the window is JEFF'S PROJECTED VISUALISED IMAGE OF HIS STRESS, so if he'd CHECKED his cell phone and see what he recorded, he'd have seen there's NO ONE THERE. DID HE CHECKED? NOPE. THEY NEVER DID. They argued whether he'd seen the man or not. Five minutes later, the DETECTIVE SAID they caught a man a few blocks over. Question: How the hell did the man outside the window gets over there so FAST? Answer: The man outside the window is Jeff's FIGMENT OF HIS IMAGINATION ON OVERDRIVE. Jeff's anxiety rose so high, it's affecting his sleep, his sleepwalking, and thus, his sleep-murder of his fiancee. Sad. He shoulda relax, not gets all stressed and anxiety. And lastly I wants to say this, who the hell uses beep-locks when there's a a DEADBOLT on the lock, USE IT. TWO LOCKS IS BETTER THAN ONE. But nooo, Jeff's like, "this magic buttons locks the door, so good." And his next door friend can use it to get in. Creepy. No real people would do that, share lock codes. NOPE. That'll add stress, oh yeah. smh This movie got so many holes. The garage door, he goes outside, he goes back inside, we saw him opens that and then not closes it when he goes back inside a few times. DId he leaves the garage door OPEN? I have no idea. Crazy. The dream sequence, how amazing Jeff's cell phone has, the technology to be able to records HIS DREAM SEQUENCE and have it safely recorded. (sarcastic). This busts up the movie, destroys the credibility. Such a shame. Not once he checks the Security videos, to be sure nothing's there or not there, so he can be SURE no one is there. But nope, he never checks. So every 24 hours, the hard drive resets, all records wiped, for the next 24 hours. Crazy. The foot prints he found, he could have checked the security videos and realises it was HIMSELF who lefts it there, or it could be SOMEONE ELSE who came in during the night. But it could be HIMSELF sleep walking. Who da knows, anyways. We'll never knows. The videos are all wiped. smh God, what a pain in the arse this movie is. So many flaws. This needs cleaning up. Then it'll be better. I gives it 1 Star rating. Very disappointed. Pleasantly surprised by the obvious mistakes.
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Go/Don't Go (2020)
What disaster? What cataclysm? The surrounding forests sure looks fine!
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like the "Disappointed" reviewer said, "What caused him being alone in the town? Catastrophic event? Was it a dream? Was it some kind of alternate universe? Is he schizoid? Did his girlfriend die during the event? And how? Who killed her? Literally none of these question are answered!" I want to know! What is the disaster? What the HELL IT IS? SO ANNOYING NOT KNOWING! What was the disaster? What was the red glowing fire that seemingly dragged his gf away into the dark? What the hell is it? What disaster? What cataclysm? The surrounding forests sure looks fine! This is a weird movie that at first is intriguing, youd' think the answers will be forthcoming soon, but it never does, all the stupid character does is obsessed over his missing gf and paranoia about something in the dark, where he created boundaries of go/no go. So very irritating. INto the dustbin of forgotten history this goes!
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The Bar (2017)
Wrong DATE! 1997 is the correct date!
18 October 2020
This was the year I saw this movie, I remember this movie exactly as it is. On SBS, channel 28, Special Broadcasting Station, in Australia, in the year 1997. I REMEMBER. It is NOT 2017! it is 1997!
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Ad Astra (2019)
4 December 2019
DUMB. That's it. Dumbest movie ever. Oh, this is too short. Better keep writing.... This is seriously the dumbest movie I ever seen in my entire life. I thought from the trailer that there's a mystery at the end, and he'll get there and see's fancy aliens and spaceships like that. Nope. Just his lunatic dad and dead morons. So I say again, DUMB DUMB DUMB DUMB movie! Houston, we have a PROBLEM!
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Joy Ride 2: Dead Ahead (2008 Video)
Rusty Nail, Perpetual Victim 2
20 November 2019
This movie... I swear, Rusty Nail acts like most socialist liberals, crying perpetual victims, for being "hurt". So effing what! Grow up, little crybaby! lolololol. You should have laughed along, like a real man would. Not cry and act like a victim and then go after them to "punish" them like an outraged little girl. Seriously, I swear, these serial killers are all spoiled brats.
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Agent (I) (2017)
Cautionary Tale on the Dangers of Collectivism aka Marxism / Socialism / Communism
13 October 2019
This movie shows in actual how the "red dust" agent infects humans and turns them into "collectives", losing their individualism in the process, pretty much wet dream of all dictators everywhere, marxists, socialists, communism, islamists, all favour dictatorial methods of controlling huge masses of people aka collectivism, forcing the world their way or death for any who refuses to let themselves be collectivised aka BORG.

Collectivists, marxists, socialists, communists, islamsits, all SUCKS big time.

They little realises the WEALTH every individual brings to everyone... yet they prefers to kill of every individual and forces everyone into slavery, just so they can indulges in their wet dream of controlling everyone at their beck and call.

Petty tyrants all, total losers.

Good movie, anyways. Hopes there's a follow up of an infection agent that forcefully individualises all the collectivists thus they all wakes up from the sick dream of collectivism, lol.
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No English Subtitles for the English Speakers!
27 February 2019
Don't bother watching this crap, there's no subs for the people speaking in ENGLISH, when others who spoke different languages got English Subs, totally unfair for us deafs who wants to understand this fricking documentary, thanks a lot for wasting our time! Sick of this Audistry biases!
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Man Vs. (2015)
25 September 2018
This movie is awesome! What's not to love camping in the woods, surviving, until something came and you got to survive that intrusive horror against all odds? Can't wait for the sequel! How will Man Vs 2 go? How will Woods gets out of the wild woods, get through the invading horror, and get home to his wife and child? How will they stand up against the invading horror? How will the people stand up against the invading horror? FIGHT! You fight and fight and fight to survive, no matter what! As long as you're alive, you fight the oppression, repression, of the invading horror! It's us against them! It's people against the invading horror! Yippee yi kay! Hahaha :D

By the way, what is that RV called? What is that RV? I like it, even though it's no 1984 Fleetwood Bounder or 1984 Winnebago Chieftian, which is far more better than these dick-over-forehead RVs we got now, ha ha ha.
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A warm movie that makes you feels good!
28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I seen this back in the 80s, I didn't understand what the story's about, all I could was get the gist: a boy who's mute, and can fly, despite what I termed bullies who wants to lock him up for his refusal to join society.

But then, today I found the movie online and found the English Subtitle and finally downloaded it, and watched it.

Damn, it's the best movie I ever seen in years when I finally understand what it's all about! It's so good! I laugh at the funny parts, felt sad at the sad parts, I felt everything with the emotional tone of the movie, it's that good!

I'm grateful to catch up on yet another movie with a working English Subtitle that someone generously contributed to us deafs' understanding. Whoever you are, thanks, mate!

And I loved the ability to fly, we all can, for our wonderful human imagination gives us the ability to fly, no matter what circumstances, no matter what obstacles is placed in our path, our wonderful human imagination gives us the ability to THINK beyond what you'd logically call "It can't be done!", "It's impossible!", "You're dreaming!" Well, it's already done. If you can think, then it's happening already, manifesting out into reality!

After all, our world is proof of this, nothing in this world was built WITHOUT human imagination being the first prime mover!

Thus, believe and have faith, for all things is possible to the God, which is our human Imagination!

Thanks for the movie, I am grateful for this wonderful movie. Now I and my fiancée enjoys the movie very much. Cheers!
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Disappointed with Dances With Wolves' Lack of Subtitles
27 March 2011
I would have voted TEN if it weren't for the lack of English Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired. Ever since the movie released, I have yet to find a DVD with ESHIs encoded on it, so I can enjoy watching and reading all the dialogues, voiceovers and background. Instead I have to watch other people enjoy this movie and I am unhappy. It's been something like 21 years since this movie was made and it's still do not have anything for the deafs to read what the characters talks about. Oh sure, I read the book, but it's not the same, man. I liked watching the action happens and read at the same time any words that appears, like normal. Watching people flaps their mouths all the time and being unable to understand what they say just about riled me up a lot these days. I'm sick of it. I bought the DVD anyway, and now I'm watching it and as usual mouths flappings and no idea what they say, even though I hear their voices and that distracts me to no end. So I decided, to hell with you hearings, I'll find my subtitles somehow and burn a clean copy just so I can see if I can get the ESHIs up and running, and if so, then, finally, after 21 years I'll read what the characters say simultaneously while the action's going on. I don't give a damn if it's illegal or not. I'm just sick of cheapskates hearings who can't be bothered to includes ESHIs on ALL DVDs for all of us deafs who really loves movies. So there. Bleah! (tongue out, making raspberry noise.) And the funny thing is, the people who made this movie made billions and yet they are too cheap to make DVDs with ESHIs. How cheap can you be? I'm so disappointed with hearing people's lack of consideration, instead they all greedy and don't care about anyone who would like to enjoy a simple movie like this one that just are powerful. Thanks a lot.

P.S. I loves it when the Indians were talking in their funny language, and there it is, English Subtitles showes up to show what they was saying. I wish this could be the same for the English speakers, so their words would show up for the deafs to see and read and understand.

When will you hearings realised that the universe do not revolves around you hearings. So come on, pay up and get the new DVD version with ESHIs on it, OK? Thanks, I would appreciated it a hell of a lot. Hasta la vista, baby!
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