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Tiger Cruise (2004 TV Movie)
Pretty good for a Disney film...
7 August 2004
I think overall this movie was a very good idea. I'm glad that this was a chosen storyline, and pleased with the outcome of this premise based on the events occurring on a Navy ship from September 9 through September 11, 2001. Tiger Cruise does inform the viewer of many aspects of a Navy ship, as well as emotions taking place during the time of 9/11.

There are some pretty cheesy parts, and the scenery continues to bug me as it looks like a cheap backdrop, but the acting is enough to throw me over the edge. Performances are surprisingly filled with emotion that can bring a tear to your eye, from a teenage girl who suddenly realizes it's OK to be called a Navy brat and experience hardships at home and school in sacrifice for the bigger picture, to a father visiting his son (a chef on board, yay for showing that sailors need to eat too and that chefs are crucial below deck!) and the pair of them suffering a loss together as a result of the Pentagon being attacked as well at the World Trade Centers.
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Disappointing for HP fans... confusing for others - some spoilers
6 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'm going to cut to the chase and save all those who know the demographics and story from hearing what they already know.

Now I wasn't impressed with the first 2 films and was a bit annoyed with Chris Columbus as a director, but at least those 2 movies left me satisfied. Prisoner of Azkaban is my favorite book and perhaps that's why I'm taking this movie to heart, but honestly the mistakes made in this film are so annoying that even if I hadn't had high hopes, I'd be let down.

Some good things! I love how the characters have grown and how the actors have begun to mature. There are powerful scenes in this movie and lots of good laughs (added by the way). I even found myself smiling at a couple bits like the budding "relationship" between Ron and Hermoine and a funny scene in which Ron wakes up from a nightmare about spiders. The scenery is very different, but nice. It may be extremely hard to follow where they are and what's going on at time because of different sets. Two main things I am very pleased with are the dementors and the scene with Buckbeak the hippogriff. The dementors do seem to "suck" happiness from you and swarm you when it's least convenient. The scene with Buckbeak was nearly perfect. It was very close to how it's described in the book and it's one of the scenes that just blow you away, maybe because of the visuals.

However, all these fun and beautiful elements hardly surpass the bad. The film felt so rushed and kept jumping from scene to scene so abruptly that if you hadn't read the book you'd be lost. It'd look like these random bits being thrown together. A couple things occur and non-HP readers wouldn't know why. Such as who Moody, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are and why Lupin magically knows how to use the map when Snape doesn't. They would also be confused as to what happened to Trewlawney. The movie never explains what happened or why. It's all just too rushed and confusing. I having read the book countless times even found myself thinking "Ok, now what part is this? What's going on?". Even if one had seen the previous movies and not read the books it's like "Where'd this cat come from?" and you barely have time to register what a Grim is, what it looks like, and connect the dots. The dialogue is so quick that I could barely catch what was being said half the time! In my opinion this was is simply poorly done. I would still watch it though due to the fact that, hey, it's Harry Potter! If you must calm your curiousity then go see it. Otherwise it can wait till DVD.
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It's All In Good Fun
31 May 2004
I'm sure you've heard all sorts of things... rumors about how cheesy the dialogue is, or the idea of "man-eating" wolves running loose in the streets of frozen over Manhattan. These are all true. The wolves don't actually EAT someone though... so that one is blown slightly out of porportion. As with any movie there are many factual errors. The ones in this movie are just in fun, so lighten up! This is a summer popcorn flick, and it does its job of entertaining. Even if there are parts where you want to say "yea right" and roll your eyes to (like when the tornadoes hit LA...), all-in-all if you want to see an icy independence day sans the aliens then you've got it. There's comedy (couple of lines delivered by Dash Mihok and a group of men stranded in Scotland), drama (come on, northern hemisphere ice age!), and of course no movie is complete without the romance (Gyllenhaal and Rossum).
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poor on accuracy, but fun nonetheless
10 April 2004
I will keep this review to a minimum and spare readers the summary of the plot, because a lot will get lost is going back and forth from the movie's summary and the book's. This movie is a fun movie... it has a lot of modern witt and leaves you feeling bubbly at the end. However, I myself have read the book many times over and love it, and those who are die-hard Ella Enchanted (the book) fans will be sadly disappointed with the difference. This movie is hardly anything like the book - sans the names and basic plot that Ella must be obedient. That is a real downer in itself, but somehow doesn't ruin the book for me. This movie was fair. It wasn't horrible, I actually enjoyed sitting through it. Anne's performance was better than expected and in the end you'll love how everyone lives "happily ever after" and the comical death of the bad guy. The only real problem I have is the song sung at the end, and the horribly painful-to-watch dancing of the cast. Overall, I would reccomend seeing it if you want a good break from the real world and feel like being immature for a day, even if you're merely curious. But it may end up being one of those movies you only want to see once.
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I Found It Cute
2 August 2003
Anne Hathway does a very nice job in playing the dorky, invisible Mia, in her sophomore year at school. The whole cast seems to work together quite well and the acting is not that bad in this story of a school nerd who finds out she is a princess of a small country in Europe. This movie seems to stay true enough to the book and it doesn't go too over the top. Even after Mia has gotten her makeover and everyone knows she's a princess, she isn't instantly popular and well-liked, she's still made fun of and that seems realistic, given her previous situations. This film started the whole "unpopular-girl-turns-pretty" theme, and it's still the best!
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Very Powerful
2 August 2003
This movie is a movie both disturbing, but necessary. I wont go into details about the plot and summary, but it teaches everyone a very important lesson and really touches the heart and mind. People should be warned about the extent of violence and images shown though.
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Movie Title Says It All (spoilers)
2 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I actually saw this movie a while ago, but I had forgotten how good it was. It's a very emotional movie, and only people who can stand a lot of sadness and violence should watch it. It's the story of a boy named PK's journey through life. Unfortunately, his life sucks! Everyone he begins to care about, disappears from his life. Either by getting killed or being arrested, etc. However, this movie expresses a lot of depth and thought. It's reality, and how cruel life can be. But in the end, PK survives all the hurting and abuse, and shows everyone the power of one.
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Worth It
22 July 2003
A bit long... but this movie is still excellent and the cast is outstanding! Geoffrey Rush, Johnny Depp, Keira Knightly, and Orlando Bloom do and excellent job at playing pirates and civilians in the mid-18th century. I hadn't expected much, but for a Disney movie it's pretty violent. The plot is pretty good actually and is played out well. It's just a fun time, nothing too in depth. They make a couple errors, but it's not a big deal. And although it may be long, it just makes it more fun... you don't want it to end!
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Different Than Expected (possibly spoilers)
22 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
But still good. Jim Carrey offers a funny yet serious performance as a man who has lost faith in God. After spending a while in God's shoes, he discovers that the job ain't that easy and has trouble figuring out how he's supposed to help so many people who are praying to him every second of every day. Meanwhile, he's having problems with his job and his girlfriend (Aniston).

In the end, this movie completely shocked me. I expected it to be ALL fun and laughs and nothing really serious. As it turns out, Bruce (Carrey) turns out to be a sensitive man only willing to please his girlfriend and make her happy even if that involves him not being in her life. He also learns that the people praying to God, need to have enough faith in themselves to figure things out themselves, and believe in themselves. It holds for a very strong and possibly very emotional ground for those that have extreme faith in God. Some may be offended by some of Carrey's remarks when angry with God; others may find this movie insightful to their own faith and prayer.

If neither, you still have Carrey to give you a couple of laughs along the way!
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Holes (2003)
Very Good
22 July 2003
Unlike most other movies coming out lately, this movie stays very true to the book! Only those who haven't read the book will find it confusing because of the continued flashbacks and different stories. There are 3 different scenarios going on, but they all come together at the end. In the meantime, Shia LaBeouf's performance is so good and hearty. He does a great job as Stanely Yelnats and you grow to like all the D-Tent boys. Depending on how you look at it, the movie will seem either too long, or too short.
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Oh, the horror.
22 July 2003
This movie could have been so much better! I was expecting an awesome movie as a follow-up to the first one. However, this movie was incredibly weak. The plot was pathetic as Drew Barrymore's character is actually named Helen Zaas (yea, funny 5th grade humor) who entered the witness protection program to escape a creepy boyfriend. Shia LaBeouf, though a great person to have in a movie, is in the movie for almost no reason at all, and Bosley doesn't do much except come in every now and then and yell out loud, humorous, lines. Cameron Diaz seems to have become more ditzy as well.

There's even more confusion as the Creepy Thin Man enters again and by the end, the viewer still has no idea where he stands on the good/evil spectrum. Demi Moore's character is even more pathetic as she plays a "fallen angel". Someone who used to work for Charles Townsend. Her plots for revenge are ridiculous and the angels themselves seem to have no spark left. No wit or intelligence they showed in the previous movie, all they seem to be able to do is kick some asses, pull off a nun look, and act even more slutty all at once!
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Doesn't compare to orginal friday!
22 July 2003
this movie is completely ridiculous. It has no point and the little plot it does have is WEAK! It's just one of those movies that should go straight to video if even that, and that dumb teenage boys will need to rent when bored and done playing their playstations. there was maybe only one or two funny parts, other than those, i hardly see the hype.
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Pretty Good if you're in the mood
22 July 2003
This movie's preview made it look a lot better than it actually was. However, the movie was still captivating. It would depend on your age though. I've found that this appeals mostly to teenage girls, and not so much older adults or really young children. About 10-18 was the norm. The fantasy aspect of this is fun though, something fun to think about and the acting is not bad either. The Tuck family can't really decide on an accent though, but that's not a big deal when it comes to the big picture and the movie's questions about life.
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Kim Possible (2002–2007)
not THAT bad.... but still
22 July 2003
Kim Possible looked like the most ridiculous show ever created when i first saw previews for it. But when i actually sat down and watched it, it wasn't that bad. It makes for amusement when there's nothing else on TV, and even a COUPLE episodes are funny! Only because of Ron Stoppable, Kim's friend, voiced by the wonderful Will Freidle from Boy Meets World. He's the only reason the show is worth listening to. But sometimes, even his comic relief is too weak and you just need to turn off the TV for good.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Good Family Movie
22 July 2003
Nemo is the only child of an overprotective father clownfish Marlin. Nemo has a disability with one of his fins, but doesn't let that hold him back from trying to be brave (which ends up getting him captured). However the real story is with Marlin and a comical, forgetful fish, named Dory. Their adventure together helps bond two very different types of people and they meet many different creatures along the way. It shows the love a father and son can have for each other despite arguements. It also goes to show the lives of fish in a dentist's office... they don't like being in the tank.
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One of the better ones
22 July 2003
Out of all the movies I've seen, sports involved, Remember The Titans is one of the best. It was done in a very serious way, and not only uses sports, but racial issues as well. The fact that this was based on a true story adds to the emotion felt while watching it.

The Titans, a football team, has just been given a new head coach. A black one, played by Denzel Washington. This causes conflict, but once the boys on the team have bonded up at camp despite racial lines, they are forced to come back to school and face reality. The issues between the two coaches are interesting and audiences will find things to like and hate about both of them. In the end, this movie shows people's love for all things, not just sports; and how you can move on with new friends.
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Will & Grace (1998–2020)
Very Cute
22 July 2003
I love this show about a homosexual man living with a heterosexual woman. Will and Grace are best friends and are surrounded by comedy while living together. Adding to the wonderful comedy that Will and Grace present, is Grace's employee, Karen, and another friend of theirs, Jack. Karen plays the heartless, truthful, friend with a fast mouth, who always comes through in the end. And Jack is the hilarious friend who always has something comical to say about his sexuality and others. Some episodes also go to show that homosexual relationships are not bad and need to be cherished, because they are friendships nonetheless. Those 4 characters are what bring the show together, and it's great fun!
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Rush Hour (1998)
Pretty Darn Good
22 July 2003
This movie was so funny the very first time i saw it! After a while, it does get incredibly old and you get sick of Tucker's half-bit comedy lines, but it's all in good fun and you'll have a nice feeling at the end as two ends of the spectrum join forces. Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan actually make a pretty good team and help reclaim a kidnapped daughter, spiting the annoying, know-it-all FBI agents.
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Nicely Done
22 July 2003
Baz Luhrmann made a very wise choice in his cast choice, and in his direction! This Shakespearean play, made into current situations has been done to the best extent. By using original lines from the play itself, and current location and dress, this version of Romeo and Juliet should appeal to all audiences. It's not made out to be twisted or too thought provoking. It's merely a beautiful story well crafted into a beautiful movie. The use of a large city, and the way it is separated was a nice way to show the conflict, and a TV anchor as the narrator also added a nice 90's touch.
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Black Beauty (1994)
Beautifully Done
22 July 2003
Black Beauty the film has done an excellent job at being as captivating as the book. The acting is superb and i love the amazing job done at making the viewers have a look at the past. It is a very well-done film, and not for the weak at heart. It gives wonderful insight to the rough life of a horse, and his travels. The end is truly heartfelt.
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Not Half Bad
22 July 2003
I didn't really want to see this movie at first, but once forced into it, it was captivating! The beginning was nice, and definitely the end. The middle was a little hard to get into, however. The scenery and romantic elements are fantastic as well as the musical score. Day-Lewis does an excellent job as Hawk-Eye, but the movie still lacks the books charm.
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