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The same climate lies without a shred of evidence
10 January 2021
When I was in high school, I already had to endure eco-fascist propaganda, except that back then, besides for all the "we are poisoning the planet", the climate propaganda was all about "global cooling" and the imminent new ice age. That was not a "fringe opinion", as they claim now, that was the majority opinion promoted by the UN, the NOAA, Science, Nature, the British Society, The Guardian, the NYT and National Geographic. I have before me an article from 1973 about the "coming food crises" due to the massive global cooling and the climate "new normal" written by the Institute of Atmospheric Science in Colorado and ... the Aspen Institute. Yes, the one that is now promoting global warming. And the "institutional race theory". They were and are Marxists. Yes, they already used the term "new normal". Of course everyone thought that the planet was cooling as it had been getting colder since 1943. Despite rapidly increasing CO2. From 1880 to 1940, there was massive warming. The poles were melting - fast. Amundsen took advantage of an exceptional period of very low ice in the Antarctic. The Artic and Greenland saw massive ice losses. The climate alarmists switched to "global warming" after 1978, as the climate trend changed. There was some warming until 1998. From 1999 until today, there has been almost no warming at all. We've experienced multiple extremely harsh, snow-rich winters. Greenland and Iceland glaciers are advancing again, the US glacier park no longer warns about "disappearing glaciers", because they've also been growing again. Right now, Madrid is under the heaviest snow and cold in 50 years. Again, that's not "climate change", as it was just as snowy and cold 50 years ago. It's just in the usual range of climate events. The fearmongering about "shrinking Arctic ice" is based on the reference year 1979, which saw exceptionally high levels of ice. Mysteriously, they didn't use 1975, which saw very low ice levels. Lots of dire warnings about global warming were promoted since the 1980s. Not one of them ever came true. There is no harmful climate change. The only noticeable change due to slightly increased CO2 is a greening of the planet - Australia got slightly cooler and slightly more humid, cf. their meteorological records. 2019 was exceptional due to an Indian Ocean Dipole event, which occurs every few decades. Most arid regions are now more fertile and greener. The entire Levant, Middle East and Northern Africa - Turkey, Iran, Iraq, even Saudi Arabia - saw snowfall. There has been snow on the Sahara at least 3 times over the last few years. Pacific Islands are not shrinking, they are growing! Species are not going extinct. Polar bears increased from around 8'000 in 1960 to about 36'000 now. We constantly grow more food on less land, so there are no food shortages due to climate change. The number and surface of wildfires is much lower now than it was 100 years ago. When they say that global warming "causes wildfires", they lie. There are not more storms, either. They predicted "no more snow" after 2010, because the planet was supposed to be "too hot". We experience snow record after snow record all over the planet - with extremely low temperatures. At the South Pole, temperatures of -98C were measured in recent years. Absolute cold records. The ice, both on land and sea ice, has been growing massively over Antarctica. The migrations have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the climate. Some are moved by wars, but most are just attracted by handouts by western countries. The climate is always changing, because planet earth is an incredibly complex system and totally unpredictable. Humanity has no influence at all. There is not even a correlation between CO2 and the climate. There have been periods with very high CO2 levels and very low temperatures and vice versa. Even over the last 200 years, there is no correlation. Glaciers started melting at the end of the little ice age when the industrial age had barely started. Right now, glaciers on Greenland and Iceland are advancing, cf. NASA data. This is just abysmal propaganda by warmongers who are looking for ways to control the world. Don't let them control your minds. Look up the actual data!
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One of the worst movies ever!
16 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe they spent money on making this movie!

OK, there were maybe 2 funny scenes that actually made me laugh - but mostly because they were too damn stupid, not really funny.

A sample:

2 cops in a school class: "Statistically speaking, next year, 30 of you won't be alive anymore. If you want to live, try your hardest not to be black or Hispanic". -------------- The all-time worst scene in a movie: Eva Mendes announces to her husband: "I'm pregnant, my love" - "What? Whose baby is this?" --------------

And the real horror is: once you watched it, you cannot unwatch it!

If this movie gets any kind of price, it's only a demonstration of the incredible political bias in Hollywood.
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