17 Reviews
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Gods of Egypt (2016)
Bad CGI decent story.
6 March 2022
Full of famous and half famous actors. The story makes it worth watching once. The CGI (almost every major scene. ) is like most CGI garbage and looks fake. Really this movie could have been a solid 7 or even 8 if they actually put the effort into making it a decent film. But Hollywood is obsessed with CGI, probably because it's cheap, but it ruins more movies than it helps. With that said I gave this film a 6 because the actors were good and the story was unique and entertaining. It's not gonna win any awards, though the costumes were really cool at times, but it's not going to ruin any careers either. Worth a weekday couple of hours to watch once.
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The Marksman (2021)
Worth watching once.
19 February 2022
The reason this movie gets a lower rating is not because of acting, but because of the same reason all horror movies are stupid - the main actor doesn't do what someone with common sense does. There are just too many dumb decisions by the protagonist that makes you cringe. Such as what they did with the money. - but the last fight scene makes it worth watching.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Someone should be punched in the face for making this.
18 February 2022
What a complete and utter waste of time. If you're watching this because you think the movie will have a point or lead up to something climactic or cool you will be sorely mistaken. There are several things in this movie that just don't make sense - the biggest of all is why anyone would make this film in the first place. I don't want to put spoilers in this review because people won't read it, but if I say this is a stupid movie I almost feel like that is a spoiler in itself - because i'm literally telling you the entire movie.
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
Almost perfect.
14 February 2022
Other than their terrible portrayal of Mormons this is one of the best shows i've ever seen. Part of what makes this a 10 is because it actually finishes the story. Unlike a lot of good series that sort of fizzle out or just keep going until they aren't renewed, leaving the viewer left to wonder how it would end, this story actually finishes on a great last season. Well worth watching. Great acting. Great story. Very satisfying.
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Radioactive (2019)
Love pike, but not this
31 January 2022
Sadly they knew their show was boring and instead of making it better content they chose to add a romance story and add unnecessary nudity and such to try and make it better. It's really boring and slow and not worth watching unless you're trying to do a school project or something.
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Tombstone (1993)
Fun, but bad acting at times. Val Kilmer rocks.
26 December 2021
Overall well worth watching. The acting between Kurt Russel and Dana Delany's love story is sometimes cheesy and boring. But when it comes to action scenes this show shines. Val Kilmer is great as Doc. Honestly the entire cast is well cast, even the bad guys. The show loses points simply because a couple of scenes where Kurt Russel is just stiff and doesn't feel authentic and because I think Wyatt Earp is slightly better.
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Wyatt Earp (1994)
Better acting and story than Tombstone
26 December 2021
A lot of people rate this lower because it's compared to Tombstone and Tombstone is more of an action film, this is more of a drama. This film is far better acting throughout. Tombstone is great, but this is more accurate and I personally liked it better.

People now a days have no patience for a good film to develop and so they consider slow to be equivalent to poor quality while those same people would rate movies like sharknado higher than a 2. I highly recommend this movie if you are someone who enjoys a good drama and story line.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
A Nine simply because there needs to be more.
20 August 2021
This was honestly one of my favorite shows in a very long time. It's different, well acted and great story. So much so that I even bought the book - And I don't even read that much. The story finishes in a good spot in case there isn't a second season, but there certainly will be more to come.
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Jolt (2021)
Love Kate hate this.
8 August 2021
I stopped watching after about 10 minutes. This was just full of unnecessary violence and language and it was just a stupid premise, someone electrocuting themselves to stop from violently beating up other people she's irritated with. - love Kate, but this this show's first 10 minutes was so bad I couldn't stick around to see if it got any better.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Couldn't get through more than a few episodes.
5 May 2021
If you don't mind bad acting, pretty cliche story lines and a lot of unnecessary nudity and gore than you might enjoy this. There is really nothing special about it. It is basically a B movie if it were a t.v. Series. Not horrible, but the amount of good stuff out there made me not ever go back to this one.
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A solid movie worth watching once
17 January 2021
There were some interesting things in the movie. Nothing stuck out as terrible. A few decent scenes for entertainment, but as many have said this is a slow to develop film. So if you have adhd and need action non stop you'll struggle with this. It isn't meant to be shocking or unpredictable, just to tell a good story. Which it does. All and all I gave it a 7 because 1. It was well acted and directed. 2. It had very little unnecessary language. 3. It had no sex. 4. It wasn't hard to watch. And 5. I enjoyed it.
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Getting Home (2007)
Great film. Realism & hardship and comedy
4 July 2020
This is one of my very favorite Chinese films. The main actor is fantastic, which is important because he is 90% of the film. This film is about a tragedy that happens to a funny man. So the film is full of real life, and you just can't help but laugh with some of the ways the main character deals with the hand life dealt him. But it for sure is not a comedy, even though you'll laugh several times throughout. (Think Life is Beautiful type film). I would say if you are an intelligent person and enjoy well written films that revolve around a story and characters you will enjoy this film.
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Worthwhile, if you can ignore a couple things.
3 July 2020
Overall worth watching to me:

The good: Donny Yen. The guy knows how to fight and this show doesn't disappoint there. The story. Even though it feels a little anti-American at times you have to understand prior to the 70's America was pretty racists against Chinese. So it's fair. Some people just might not like watching it.

The Bad: The American acting. Not sure if China just has a law that all Americans have to be bad actors or not, but this is pretty standard Chinese move bad acting Americans (think Wolf warrior)

Nuetral: Language Barriers: Some people might dislike the mix of Cantonese, Mandarin and English throughout the film, but it didn't bother me.

The subtitles: The English subtitles weren't exactly correct. There were parts when the Chinese was a little more harsh than what the English said. For instance at one point it is said waiguo Xiaogui or foreign devils, but the movie translated it as "these people".

Rating: why this is rated R is beyond me. This at most should be PG-13 probably just PG. There is no sex, the violence is basic martial arts, nothing so graphic to warrant an R. And there is no vulgar language.
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The Aeronauts (2019)
Entertaining throughout. And family friendly.
24 May 2020
If you're not watching or rating this for historic accuracy and rather just to watch an entertaining movie you'll probably very much enjoy this film. There is no cruelty, sex, or language at all and that makes it very family friendly. It is rated PG-13 simply because of the intensity of some scenes. Really well acted and directed. Maybe a couple of little issues people might have with realism, meaning might be over the top heroism that probably couldn't really happen, but not so much that it ruins the movie. All and all I gave this a 7 or 8. No one who watches this movie will walk away feeling it was a waste of their time.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Slow at first, but entertaining.
24 February 2020
A little hard to get into at first but worth it for most people.

Mormons might not like it totally mischaracterizing their religion, but oh well.

It has a good cast, decent acting, and decent directing. It has a really interesting story line and it gets better with each episode. The universe it creates is very cool.

It does have a lot of curse words; mostly mild, but some F words. It has a few really violent scenes. It also has nudity, but artfully done for the scene's needs usually. Nothing too terrible for most people.

Overall I enjoy it and think most people will too, if the above mentioned issues aren't a dealbreaker. - Note: towards the end of season two the language became much more intense and pervasive and I stopped watching.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Far too much swearing for my taste.
5 September 2018
A decent story it seems, but the unnecessary language and nudity makes this impossible to watch as a family. And I was hoping for a good program.
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Wolf Warrior (2015)
Worth watching for the funny Chinese propaganda.
24 April 2018
Story isn't bad, has a few funny parts. The actors are likable, and the action isn't half bad. It's directing isn't on par with any American stuff, but it's not going to chase anyone away either. It has some hilarious Chinese propaganda sprinkled throughout, all and all it's ok.
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