
2 Reviews
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The Gentlemen (2024)
If this were on the BBC, I'd want a refund on the licence fee
10 March 2024
THere are certain shows that have an overwhelming air of 'aren't we being OUTRAGEOUS'??!!!!' about them, and this is an example. Sat through episode 1 because I'm stubborn, and because I wanted to see if it would improve. By the end I was slightly bored and suggesting better lines for the characters to say - yes, the script was that bad. It's not clever, it's not funny, it's just stupid. There is no reason why I should inflict the remaining episodes on myself. If you enjoy unredeemable, unbelievable characters with exaggerated accents shouting at eachother and cycling through the lexicon of offensive language, you'll love this, but otherwise the one star rating flatters it.
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18 February 2023
I struggle to understand why anyone watching would rate this higher than 1, unless they are rabid Jennifer Lopez fans, and even her fans surely find it tedious. Everyone overacts their heart out to compensate for the script. It's shouty and stupid, the so-called comedy is not funny, the action scenes are pointless. In its defence, a lot of people were given gainful employement making the movie, and you have to admit that it looks like the entire cast had an absolute ball making it, but perhaps they should all given everyone involved a copy for themselves and not inflicted it on the rest of us.
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