
8 Reviews
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Worst Jean Claude Van Damme movie EVER!!!!!
7 July 2020
I have been a fan of Jean Claude Van Damme since I was a teenager and first watched "No Retreat, No Surrender", and I have watched every Jean Claude Van Damme since then. There have been some great movies by him, Bloodsport, Time Cop, Kickboxer, and there have been some horrible movies by him, Double Team, Sudden Death, Welcome to the Jungle, but this movie is his WORST MOVIE EVER. The plot is nonexistent, the special effects are middle school level, and the camera work must have been done by a drunk man. The ONLY good things about this movie are: the women are easy on the eyes and the Techno song at the beginning is pretty good.
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7 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The plot line mistakes in this movie would take 10 pages to type, which is probably longer than the script itself. For starters, the aliens have an enemy that has ALL the keys to defeating them ...... but wait, they were defeating an annihilated by those aliens. Then, the aliens are so powerful that when they send a weapon to protect earthlings, it is shot down and destroyed by said humans. Then, the ONLY thing that survives the crash is the ultimate weapon and Jeff Goldblum's character just happens to realize that it is the ONE piece of wreckage that they have to have. The aliens send down ships that blow up Cheyenne Mountain in a matter of seconds - the most secure place in the United States - but instead of sending those same ships to destroy Area 51, the alien queen decides to personally attack Area 51, instead of staying in her perfectly safe master ship. The alien queen sits a "trap" for the humans in the master ship, but instead of it killing the humans, almost all of them survive. We do not know how they survived because their ships were blown up, but they somehow lived! She is able to control all the ships, but the ones the humans are in! Then, the humans in the aliens ships hit their "warp drives", but somehow avoid crashing even though they are in the middle of literally thousands of alien ships. Then, instead of protecting the queen which is what they were there to do, they let the two humans in to destroy her. The list goes on and on and on. Do not waste your time of this movie.
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Person of Interest: Allegiance (2014)
Season 3, Episode 18
awesome show - terrible episode
12 July 2014
I love this television show and I am a huge fan of Jim Caviezel and Sarah Shahi, but this episode is TERRIBLE. It has huge plot holes that the writers don't normally have. This episode was barely watchable because I kept telling myself that the characters just wouldn't let that happen. This episode provides very little information in the grand scheme of the show other than how Decima got the power to operate Samaritan.

The main characters are fooled like they were beginners and the special guests are not believable in the least and their plight seems dumb. If you are a fan of the show, skip this episode for the sake of your sanity.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Repentance (2001)
Season 7, Episode 12
19 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A terrible episode trying to persuade other individuals to embrace the massive failures in the American judicial system.

This episode tries to make the viewer feel that every criminal that commites a violent crime should be given a second chance because "they have something wrong with them".

People that do terrible acts against others should be dealt with quickly and severely. 80% of people that commit violent crimes in America and are released commit another violent crime. Look the statistic up if you want. I teach Forensic Science and I know this statistic to be correct in the United States. A heinous crime to the victim, if you ask me.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Best show in a decade
28 October 2006
This show may very well be the best TV show produced in a decade. It has everything: suspense, mystery, action, interesting characters, and superheroes. On top of that, every week ends in a cliffhanger to keep you coming back week after week. The characters are interesting and complicated. Each week you try to figure out answers to questions you thought of during the last episode. The cliffhangers at the end are remenescent of "Who shot JR" from "Dallas". Everybody loves superheroes and these characters (and the villains) are superheroes that all of us can relate to. The special effects are good for a TV show as well. I can't miss an episode.
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Nice film for biology teachers
19 June 2004
This is a great film that is also very historically and scientifically correct. Almost everything in the movie REALLY happened to the real Louis Pasteur. I am a high school biology teacher and I show this film every year when we study viruses and bacteria. When I tell the students that it is a black and white film from 1935, I get moans and words of disapproval. But every year after they have viewed the film almost all students come away legitimately liking the film.

Paul Muni's performance is extraordinary and may be the best performance of his entire career. I highly recommend watching this film. It was nominated for BEST PICTURE, Paul Muni won BEST LEAD ACTOR, it won BEST WRITER, and won BEST EDITING that year.
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Runaway Jury (2003)
A huge disappointment
8 June 2004
I had heard that this movie was good. In fact, it came highly recommended. So I started watching it expected a grade "A" movie but what I got was a boring disappointment. They could have told the story in half the time and doubled the amount of excitement and it still would only be a descent movie. It wasn't worth the money to rent it. The storyline is unbelievable and the characters were annoying and dispassionate.

The one bright star in this whole movie was Gene Hackmen's performance.

But once again, it was a predictable role. Gene Hackman again playing the diabolical evil genius and yet again losing in the end.

Rating: 2 stars out of ten
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This young lady shows everyone how they should treat others.
29 July 2003
I prefix my comments by stating that typically I enjoy the real tough guy movies -- movies with action and martial arts. I am a former boxer and martial artist that really likes the action movies like Bloodsport and Gladiator. One summer evening, I found myself babysitting my 11 year old niece, whom I adore. We were trying to find a movie at the local video store and the one movie that she wanted to see more than any other and had never gotten to was "A Little Princess". I finally gave in to her whims and rented it expecting to be bored out of my mind. Surprisingly, I found myself drawn into the movie and into the young lady's indomitable spirit. Throughout the trials and tribulations of her own life, she continued to worry about others and about making THEIR lives better and forgetting about HER own needs. This selfless action is very admirable. This should be everybody's philosophy on life. If there were more people in this world like this young lady, the world would be a MUCH better place.
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