
8 Reviews
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Gratuitous sex
10 March 2014
In the first episode of the show you are exposed to more gratuitous sex than the amount of violence in a Quentin Tarantino movie. It's uncalled for and adds nothing to the plot. Not only is there an over exaggerated amount of required nudity, I guess they do this to compete with HBO but unlike HBO shows they add to the plot. This is trying to show it's edgy and out there.

the characters aren't likable and I'm feeling unsympathetic towards them. With mediocre acting and a main character who's spoiled, rich, entitled, too good for you attitude makes watching this unbearable. Piper acts as if she's too good for prison but did she not commit a crime? The viewers are left with a spoiled brat complaining about how unfair her life is when she brought her troubles upon herself.

The plot is good, only reason I gave it a 4. You're interesting in the lives of the other prison mates, disregard the acting, poorly likable characters and the gratuitous sex and maybe you'll be able to watch this show.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
A new generation of TV shows
10 March 2014
In the past, zombie movies were mostly centered around the zombies and gory details. They never cared much about character development, a story line just a plot that would provide the most gory close up zombie scenes.

This is how the show is different from all the other generations of zombie films, medias, shows etc. In The Walking Dead you immediately feel an attachment to the characters and it's almost less of a TV show centered around zombies but more of a TV show exposing the true human nature. The good and the evil that's within all of us that would get brought out of us in circumstances such as a zombie apocalypse.

The theme of the show much reminds me of Lost, one of my favourite shows, centering around a group of survivors who are forced to work together to survive further. They go through supernatural events that test them and you learn about each character throughout the show. Yes The Walking Dead is gory at times but hey you're watching a zombie show what did you expect?

All in all this is a great show, the first two seasons are amazing after that I feel the plot is being dragged on a bit but I'm curious to see where it ends up!
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The Walking Dead: Still (2014)
Season 4, Episode 12
9 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Sure this episode may show some character development which is the only reason it's getting more than 1 star but now the writers have completely run out of ideas and are copying other TV shows!

In season one of Lost, episode "Outlaws", Sawyer and Kate play the drinking game "I never" which is one of the best scenes of the show. The Walking Dead basically steals that scene, while also stealing the fact that the unknown shady past male opens up about his past and you learn why he was so broken and how tough his childhood is. I'm sorry there could have been better ways to discover more about Daryl's past.

The fact that this showed no movement in the story proves that it is a filler episode and a waste of time since you discover nothing that you couldn't of already guessed about Daryl's past.
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Cute family movie
9 March 2014
A great movie to watch with children 12 and under. Family night and looking for a decent non Disney princess film? This is it. While it may not be extraordinary acting, it does have meaning and different life lessons you can learn.

The movie is centered around a family, a father who recently lost his wife. As well features his two kids whom he moves out to an abandoned zoo. This movie shows overcoming tragedy, adoslescent behaviour and the trials of being apart of a family. Also for kids there's many cute animals. This movie can help anyone suffering from a loss of a family member to someone who forgot about what it's like to pursue their dreams.
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The Walking Dead: Alone (2014)
Season 4, Episode 13
Dragging on
9 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
By this episode I've expected some sort of reunion but nope there's none. By now you can pretty much guess the upcoming scenes. We knew Glenn would obviously find the sanctuary for all cardboard sign since most of the episode was dedicated to Maggie believing that Glenn will go there. Also, the scenes in the church with Beth and Daryl they kept saying that someone was there so you knew someone will appear and since Daryl has a new philosophy that not everyone's bad, you knew that whoever they encounter will prove him wrong and that he was right that everyone was bad. The show has become predictable and it's dragging on. Hopefully the next 3 episodes will pick up and finally get to the point. Also they will hopefully get to the inevitable conclusion of them all meeting up. Just meet up already.
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This year's best!
9 March 2014
I watched this movie some time ago when it first came out and after seeing the performances of the actors I knew they would win it all. Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto's performances are the best of their careers and should be known as the best out of most actors careers as well. Their amazing transformations of their looks and their personalities are unbelievable. Any actor who's willing to take on such a daring and taboo role deserves recognition.

Jared Leto's character is a role most actors wouldn't dare act because he plays a transsexual which is still a choice that is an issue to many people so most would be afraid of the consequences. Jared brought amazing talent's into realizing this character and made their role so powerful yet at some instances his character brought the lighter enjoyable and even happy moments of the movie.

Matthew McConaughey finally went out of his sappy romance movies and showcased his talents which you have not seen since "A Time To Kill", he deserved the Oscar for best actor because he gave it his all to show such character development in his character, to give us a character whom at first we despise and in the end we love is something very difficult yet he did.

Not only do I congratulate the actors for taking on roles on a subject very rarely talked about; the Aids "plague" as some say but I thank the producers for producing this movie and having the guts to put this out there to the public. While some may say this is like "Philadelphia" it is not, this movie while it's about the HIV epidemic of the 80's it's also about the personal journey it's victims go through and in particular how it can change a homophobic close minded character into someone who's really human.

While this may not have any car chases, it brings you through ups and downs in these characters lives, their relationship with each other, their hopes and sorrows. It shows you almost a first hand experience on what it's like to live with Aids and how it effects people. It will make you see others differently, maybe even make you care about those you love more because it shows you the good and the evil people can be subjected to the same disease and disease can happen to anyone. Great meaning, acting and script. This year's best!
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The century's best!
9 March 2014
The Shawshank Redemption in my opinion is the best movie out there. No other movie will show you such a thought provoking, well made, extraordinary acted, brilliant script than this film!

A story of hope and redemption seems cliché and maybe even boring but this tale will never bore you. You'll fall in love with the characters. Morgan Freeman is again at his best, and Tim Robbins gives one of his best performances next to his in Mystic River. You can watch this movie over and over again and you'll still love it and it will feel like your first time seeing it. The movie is filled with passion that it will make you cry (coming from someone who never cries), it's soulful and emotional yet still gives you action. It's a rare gem that you'll fall in love with, I definitely did!
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Beautifully tragic
9 March 2014
Most reviews will either be a 1/10 or a 10/10, those who gave it a 1 never gave it a chance, never opened there mind or saw pass the technicalities of it all. I gave it a 10 because I hate how this movie made me feel, I've never been more disgusted at life than after seeing this movie. When the credits came up, I started crying and stared at the watch next movie sign on the rental screen for a good half an hour. I couldn't bring myself to watch anything or thing of anything but this film. A movie that induces that much thought after the fact deserves a 10. Even those who don't like it because of it's disturbing theme, to admit that it was so powerful to disturb someone is to admit that it is worth the highest rating for being that powerful.

I went in this movie thinking it would be like "The Basketball Diaries" I was really wrong. It's not just another story about drug addicts, it's not trying to shove it's meaning down your throat and it's not meant to scare your children out of taking drugs as we all know doesn't work. This movie is a piece of art. The way it's shot is one of a kind, the music helps every scene to be more powerful and the acting is so down to earth you really believe the struggle they are going through. Jared Leto, playing Harry Goldfarb gives the best performance of his career and in the end you will cry for him because you sympathize so much with him. Ellen Burstyn gave an incredible performance as well and her story is the most haunting because it's her story that makes you realize this can happen to anyone and everyone.

I can't honestly say I'd recommend this to anyone but I can honestly say I could, at the same time. It's a movie so powerful and haunting I could never watch again but I feel as if everyone should see this. It's a story about life and the craving you have. Whether it is sugar, TV, sex or drugs, we all have cravings and they can bring out the worst in us and this movie shows how they can go terribly wrong if we don't realize our addictions.
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